Infectious Greed
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Glisan, Ben
Global Capital Investment LLC
Global Crossing
Global Derivatives Study Group of the Group of Thirty
Goekjian, Chris
Goldman Sachs
Gonzales, Henry
“Good Derivatives Do, The”
Goodwill, accounting for
Gorton, James
Grabbe, J. Orlin
Gramm, Phil
Gramm, Wendy
Grant, James
Grass, Martin L.
Greenbaum, Michael D.
Greenberg, Maurice “Ace”
Greenspan, Alan
on anti-fraud rules
credit derivatives and
“infectious greed” testimony about
“irrational exuberance” speech
Long-Term Capital Management bailout and
See also Federal Reserve Board
Gross, Bill
Groves, Ray J.
Grubman, Jack
Global Crossing and
WorldCom and
Grubman, Richard
Grundfest, Joseph
Grunwald, Michael
“Guinness Case”
Gutfreund, John
lack of control over aggressive employees
Haghani, Victor
Hamanaka, Yasuo
Hammersmith & Fulham
Harrison, Alfred
Harrison, Ken L.
Harvard Business School
Hawkins, Gregory
Hayes, Samuel
Health Management
Hedge funds
See also specific funds
Hedging versus speculation
Heisler, Ethan M.
Heller, Warren
Heterogeneous expectations theory
Heyman, William
HFS International
Hilibrand, Lawrence
Hills, Roderick
Hindery, Leo, Jr.
Home Theater Products International
Hostile takeovers
Houston Natural Gas
“How Bankers Trust Lied About $80 Million”
How to Make Your Money Make Money (Levitt)
Hu, Henry T. C.
Hudson, Kevin
Huizenga, Peter
Huizenga, Wayne
IBM, structured notes and
Icahn, Carl
Ideon Group, Inc.
Iguchi, Toshihide
Implied volatilities
In Search of Excess (Crystal)
Indah Kiat
Indefeasible Rights of Use swaps (IRUs) swaps
Indocement Tunggal Prakasa
Initial Public Offerings. See IPOs (Initial Public Offerings)
Insider trading
Institutional Investor
Insurance companies
credit derivatives and
shifting risks to
Interest-rate swaps
“plain vanilla”
Interest rates
betting on the direction of
raising of short-term
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
International financial crises
cross-border risks
derivatives and
lack of regulation and
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Nederlanden Groep (ING)
International Swap Dealers Association (ISDA)
Brickell and
securities analysts and
See also IPOs (Initial Public Offerings)
Interwoven, Inc.
Investment banks
conflicts of interest
derivative subsidiaries
Glass-Steagall Act and
insulation from private lawsuits
IPOs and undisclosed kickbacks to
subsidiaries of commercial banks
See also individual banks; Securities analysts
Investment Dealers’ Digest
Investor recommendations
IPOs (Initial Public Offerings)
client fees for
lock up restrictions
pricing of
undisclosed kickbacks to investment banks
IRUs (Indefeasible Rights of Use swaps)
ISDA (International Swap Dealers Association)
J. P. Morgan
J. P. Morgan Chase
Jackson, Peter
Jaedicke, Robert K.
Japanese banks, swaps used by
Japanese convertible bond market
Japanese insurance companies
Japanese regulators
JEDI (Joint Energy Development-Investments Limited Partnership)
Jefferson Smurfit
Jett, Orlando Joseph
Johnsen, Jim
Johnson, Edward C.
Jonas, Stan
Junk bonds
Collateralized Bond Obligations (CBOs)
Justice Department, U.S.
Kahneman, Daniel
Kaplan, Clifford
Kashima Oil
Keker, John W.
Kennedy, Justice Anthony
Keynes, John Maynard
Kharmala group
Kickbacks to investment banks, IPOs and
Kidder Peabody
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs) sold by
Jett and
money-market funds
Kindleberger, Charles P.
Kingdon, Bruce J.
Kitchen, Louise
Kleinwort Benson
Knight, Phil
Knock-out option
Kopper, Michael
Korea, Republic of
Korus, David
Kozlowski. Dennis
Kramer, Howard
Krieger, Andy
at Bankers Trust
misdirection strategy
Krugman, Paul
LaFalce, John
Lane Drug
Lavin, Jack
Lavorato, John
Law of One Price
Lawler, Edward
Lay, Kenneth
Leach, Jim
Leeson, Nick
Legere, John J.
Lehman Brothers
Lerach, Bill
Lernout & Hauspie
Leval, Judge Pierre
Leveraged buyouts
Levin, Carl
Levitt, Arthur, Jr.
accounting for stock options, position on
background of
confirmation hearings
nomination as SEC chairman
SEC and
“The Numbers Game” speech
Levy, Leon
Lewis, Michael
Lieberman, Joseph
Liebowitz, Michael
Lindsey, Richard
LJM and LJM2 (Enron partnerships)
Long, Perrin
Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM)
bailout of
collapse of
convergence trades
directional trades
emerging markets and
relative-value trades
takeovers, betting of
Value-at-Risk computer models
Loomis, Carol
Los Angeles Business Journal
Los Angeles Times
Lowenstein, Roger
Lux, Hal
Lynch, Gary
Lynch, Peter
MacArthur Foundation, John D. and Catherine T.
Macey, Jonathan
Mack, Connie
Mack, John
Mackay, Charles
Madoff, Bernard L.
Mahoney, James M.
Mains, Raymond
Malkiel, Burton
Marcos family
Margin calls
Mark, Rebecca
Markey, Edward
Markham, Jerry W.
Marking to market
FASB proposal for derivative contracts
Martignoni, James
Mastroeni, Thomas
Max Phillips & Son
Mayer, Martin
McAuliffe, Terry
McConnell, Mike
McGrath, Matt
McGraw-Hill Companies
MCI Communications
McKesson HBOC
McLucas, William
McMahon, Jeffrey
MCN Energy Group Inc.
MCN Financing III
McTeer, Robert
Mead Corporation
Meeker, Mary
Mello, Antonio
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Mackay)
Mendelsohn, John
Mercury Asset Management
Mergers and acquisitions
merger reserves, manipulation of expense for
Meriwether, John
Arbitrage Group
Long-Term Capital Management and
Mozer’s trading activities and
Merrill Lynch
mortgage bond losses
securities analysts at
structured notes sold to Orange County
Merton, Robert
Mexican peso
Michels, Antony
Microsoft Excel
MicroStrategy Inc.
Milberg Weiss
Milken, Michael
Miller, Merton
Missner, Gary
Money-market funds
Moody, John
Moody’s Investment Services
See also Credit-rating agencies
Moorlach, John
Moral hazard
Mordaunt, Kristina
Morgan Guaranty Trust
Morgan Stanley
Morgenson, Gretchen
Mortgage bonds
interest-rate risk of
negative convexity of
See also Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs)
Mozer, Paul
bonuses at Salomon Brothers and
tax-avoidance trades for Salomon Brothers
Treasury-bond auctions and
Muehlemann, Lukas
Mullin, Melvin
Mullins, David W.
Mullins, David W., Jr.
Murphy, Kevin J.
Mutual funds
compensation of fund managers
derivatives investments
East Asian markets, investment in
financial sophistication of managers of
investing and
Orange County, California bonds and
peso-linked derivatives and
See also specific funds
Myers, David
Nacchio, Joseph
Nacional Financiera
Nash, Jack
National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)
National Westminster Bank
NationsSecurities, Term Trusts and
Negative tips
New-deal profit
New York Federal Reserve Bank
New York magazine
New York Mercantile Exchange
New York Review of Books
New York Stock Exchange
New York Times
New Yorker, The
New Zealand
Newman, Frank N.
NewPower Holdings
Nicholas, Nicholas J., Jr.
Niederhoffer, Victor
Nitec Paper Corporation
Nixon, Richard M.
Non-recourse financing
Noonan, Timothy
North, Oliver
Notational value
Nuclear waste (Wall Street term)
Nutrition 21, Inc.
O’Conner, William
O’Conner & Associates
Off-balance sheet transactions
1992 speech expressing concern about
Enron and
Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) and
Offshore activities, corporate
Ohio Pharmacy Board
Olofson, Roy
Omega Partners
On-the-run/off-the-run Treasury bond trade
O’Neill, Paul
Ong, Belita
Optics of a trade
basic explanation of
long-term stock-index
Meriwether’s Arbitrage Group and
put options
See also Currency options
Orange County, California
Over-the-counter markets for currency options
Overseas Chinese Bank
Ovitz, Michael
Owens Corning
Oxford Health Plans
Pacific Asset Holdings
Pacific Gas & Electric
Pai, Lou
Pappas, Jay
Parity (put-call parity)
Parker, Dane
Parsons, John
PCG Telecom
Peat Marwick
Pereira, Paulo V. Ferraz
Perella, Joseph
Perelman, Ronald
Perrone, Joseph P.
Phillips Petroleum
Pickens, T. Boone
Piper, Tad
Piper Jaffray
Institutional Government Income-Portfolio
Pitt, Harvey
PNC Financial
Pomrenze, Jay
Powers, William, Jr.
Preferred stock
novel types of
Preiskel, Barbara Scott
Prepaid swaps
Prepayment risk
President’s Working Group on Financial Markets
Price/earnings ratios
Private placements
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble v. Bankers Trust
Proxy basket of currencies
Prudential plc
PT Adimitra Rayapratama
PT Dharmala Sakti Sejahtera
Pulliam, Susan
Put options
Putnam Management
Quantum Fund
Quattrone, Frank
Qwest Communications
Raabe, Matthew
Ramius Capital
Random Walk Down Wall Street, A (Malkiel)
Random walk hypothesis
Ranieri, Lewis
Reagan, Ronald
Receivables, transferring. See Structured finance
Rector, William
Reg FD (fair-disclosure rule)
Regulation and regulators
credit ratings’ importance to
criminal prosecutions and
exemption of over-the-counter
derivatives from federal regulation
failure to punish financial malfeasance
foreign companies, prosecution of
loss-of-control daisy chain
prosecuting fraud
recommendations for
shifting from rules to standards
See also Deregulation; specific agencies
Regulatory arbitrage
Rekenthaler, John
Related Party transactions
Enron and
Reliant Energy
Restricted stock
Rhythms NetConnections
Rigas family
Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC)
Risk arbitrage
Risk models
Value-at-Risk (VAR)
Rite Aid
RJR Nabisco
Robertson, Julian
Rogue Trader
Rohrbach, Clayton J.
Roll Call
Rooney, Pace
Rooney, Phillip
Rose, Charlie
Rosenfeld, Eric
Rubin, Howard
Rubin, Robert
Rusnak, John M.
S. G. Warburg & Co.
Sallie Mae
Salomon Brothers
Arbitrage Group
bonuses at
DECS and
derivatives subsidiary (Salomon Swapco)
Krieger at
Meriwether at
mortgage bonds and
risk management at
WorldCom and
See also Grubman, Jack; Mozer, Paul
Salomon Swapco
Samuelson, Paul
Sandoz Corp.
Sanford, Charles S., Jr.
Sarbanes, Paul
Saunders, Ernest
Savings-and-loan crisis
Saylor, Michael Jerry
Scanlon, Jack
Schmidt, John
Scholes, Myron
Schultz, Paul
Scott Paper
Securities analysts
conflicts of interest
Enron collapse and
Internet securities and
rating of stocks by
See also names of individuals
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Arthur Andersen and
Bankers Trust and
Bruntjen and
disclosure of derivative risks in financial reports and
enforcement powers
Enron and
Howard Rubin and
IPO schemes and
jurisdiction of
Kidder Peabody and
Levitt and
NationsSecurities and
Orange County and
Piper Jaffray and
Pitt and
private placements and
Regulation FD
revenue recognition practices and
Rite Aid and
simple fraud cases, tendency to prosecute
Sunbeam and
three percent rule and
treatment of traders in complex-financial instruments
WorldCom and
Collateralized Bond Obligations (CBOs)
mortgage bonds
Self-regulatory approach to the markets
Sellers, Patricia