My Dates With The Dom
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It was the night I became me. The real me. Not the one that had only existed for the past umpteenth thousand years.
I met Michael in front of the club and his eyes perused me and seemed to like what he saw. He looked handsome and all I could think of was, before the night was over, this man would be inside me.
A soft breeze lifted the bottom of my dress and my hands quickly held it down. Michael's eyes twinkled with amusement. He knew as well as I did that had it gone up an entire line of people would have had a birds eye view of my ass.
His hand went around my side and rested on the small of my back. He paid for us to get in and we found a small table next to the wall. Nestled in the darkest corner, it provided the most privacy.
Michael pulled a necklace from his pocket, a thick wide width of gold that would fit around my neck like a collar. “I'm going to put this on you at the start of each of our adventures and take it off at the end of the fantasy. It's a reminder that the role play is on."
I leaned in to him and he clasped it around my neck, running his finger along the length of it. “Now you're mine.” He smiled with the excitement of a child who just received a puppy for Christmas, and I wondered if he thought of me as a pet? “How are we going to manage this?” I asked thinking of what was to come.
"Relax. We haven't even ordered drinks yet."
A waitress came over and we did just that. Michael started a conversation about the traffic earlier and the accident that caused it. As we talked of mundane things and the situation started feeling more like a date, I saw him slip a small package out of his jacket, open it, and bring the balls under the table. “Scoot closer to me,” he said.
I moved closer and reached for the balls thinking maybe I'd stick them in my purse and go to the rest room.
He tapped my hand with his and shook his head. His hand started a slow trek up my leg under my dress. He leaned in to me. “Bring your ass to the edge of the chair and spread your legs wide."
Holy shit, he was going to insert the balls right here at the table! Not that anyone could really see. It was dark and all the action was taking place under the table. But I knew what he planned.
"This is just the first of many things I will command you to do. It's not a question, Victoria. You must obey."
I laughed nervously. “Must? There are still the safe words."
"Those words are only to be used if you're afraid or need more clarification. They're not words for you to lightly throw around."
I hated the disappointment I saw in his eyes. More than anything I wanted to please him and that gave me courage. “I understand. Remember, this is my first voyage."
He nodded briefly, but didn't postpone the inevitable. “Give me your pussy now."
My hands clasped the sides of the chair to stop shaking as I slid my butt down to the edge of the seat. The wider I opened my legs, the faster my heart pounded. The feather-light touch of Michael's hand inched its ascent until it reached my lips. The tip of his finger slid slightly into my slit, coaxing. It circled around my clit and cajoled until my juices flowed like honey.
As soon as I was wet enough he inserted the Ben Wa balls and removed his fingers from my pussy. “Now clench the walls shut. This is important when you get up and while we're dancing you must clamp them tight together to keep them in."
I clamped down on them, jailing them inside me as the waitress approached with our drinks. We sat there, sipping and chatting, as if we were no more than a run-of-the-mill couple. I was just an average female there on a simple date.
Yeah, right. How many of them had no underwear on and two one inch weighted balls stuffed inside them. I'd be willing to bet none.
A slow song came on and Michael stood. “Time to start the dance. As carefully as I could, I stood, gritting down on my vaginal walls for all they were worth. His hand held mine, gentle yet secure, and he led me to the dance floor.
Michael pulled me close. The clean fresh aroma of his clothes mixed with his own masculine scent would from that moment on remind me of lust and yearning. Our bodies swayed, and the weight of the balls rotated inside me. He'd tucked one up next to the G zone and it was sending some serious sensations.
The slow number switched to a fast one, and the anxiety must have shown in my face.
"Don't worry. Just clench and stay close to me.” He kept his hand on the small of my back and we were close enough that our dance was more of a grind, very much like many other couples on the dance floor.
His hand squeezed my ass and pulled me flat up against his erection letting me know what I'd get later. The pressure as it moved against my clit under just a thin layer of cloth increased my arousal until my breath became more labored.
The tightening in my crotch increased until my body stiffened and a moan escaped. His mouth descended upon mine to catch the next one. As my pussy convulsed and orgasm tore through me, the taste of whiskey on his tongue tantalized my mouth. I shuddered and quaked in his arms and melted against him.
"Beautiful. My sweet, sweet girl. I'm so pleased with you,” he murmured into my ear.
The words were barely out of his mouth when there was a soft clunk, and I groaned. My eyes glanced down to the floor and his followed mine.
There in the middle of the dance floor, rolling away from us, were the sticky Ben Wa balls that had only a moment before brought me to orgasm.
I can't imagine the expression of horror on my face, but Michael leaned in and whispered. “Well, we won't be using that set again. Looks like I'll have to buy you another. Please be a little more careful next time, darling.” And then, hard as he tried to contain it, he started laughing. After the initial shock, I found the amusement in it and joined him as he pulled me toward the front door.
We couldn't get out fast enough. Once outside we leaned against the building and laughed for what seemed like an eternity. I couldn't ever remember being so lighthearted, so happy.
We stood grinning at each other, two kids in adult bodies. His mouth met mine sending shivers through my body. The taste, the scent of him assailed my senses until he was all there was.
His hand reached my breast and rubbed the nipple through the cloth. “I won't break with this first one, especially since it's your fantasy, but next time I think we should base the night loosely on the fantasy. We don't have to follow the exact order as long as we complete the deeds. Come on, time for the encore."
I knew what he meant. It was time for him to fuck me and my pussy throbbed with want. We walked quietly to the back of the parking lot and found his car.
Since it was in the middle of the evening, there was no movement in the lot. Too late for people to be arriving and too early for them to be leaving.
The moon wasn't full like it was in my fantasy, but it was close enough. The sky was dark and Michael had parked his car as far away from any of the lights as possible.
He pressed me up against his car, and stood behind me, kissing my neck. The sound of my dress unzipping seemed to echo through the night, a prelude to his hands sliding from my shoulders down to my breasts. “Just because it wasn't spelled out in the fantasy doesn't mean I can't touch. I've wanted to feel them all night.” My nipples hardened at his touch. “Good girl. They ache for me, don't they?"
I wasn't sure if it was rhetorical or not, so I answered just in case. “Yes."
A little rumble of a bit back laugh escaped him. One hand slid down beneath my dress and toyed with my pussy, stroking and flaming the fire. When his hands abandoned my half-clad body, the cool night air dotted it with goose bumps until I heard the foil rip and the movement of him sheathing his cock.
"Spread your legs more, that's my good Victoria. Bend a bit, yes.” The tip of his cock nudged my opening so that just the head entered me. I groaned and wiggled trying to impale myself. It was real. My cock less days were over. The slow journey to my core was maddening. I wanted to scream with joy and plead with him to move a bit more quickly.
Finally, he filled me completely. �
��Now you're mine, Victoria. Completely mine. Only my cock will fill you and I will fill you once a week for the next eight weeks. When I'm not having sex with you, you will not have sex of any kind. You will not masturbate unless you do so in front of me at my command."
He pumped into me slowly, deliberately, mastering my body, claiming it as his own. “I am your Master now. Say it for me. Tell me who I am.” He thrust into me hard to show his command must be met.
"I belong to you, Michael. You are my master."
I groaned for as soon as the words left my lips, I knew they were true. As if a load had been lightened from my shoulders, a sense of freedom enveloped me, a freedom to be who I was meant to be. He would give me orgasms, allow me to have them the way I had never allowed myself. He had taken the choice away from me, taken away the guilt and the fear. My pussy spasmed and I groaned.
"Open your mouth, Victoria. Let the sound out."
I did and my orgasm hit harder. “That's it baby, no holding back. Not ever with me.” His voice tightened and I could feel the jerk of his cock as his orgasm hit.
He kept his arms around me and kissed along my neck and shoulder. Then I heard the zip of his pants and the zip of my dress. He placed my hand in his. “Let me walk you to your car."
Once again goose bumps arose on my arms and I shivered. What if it was all a lie and he never meant to see me again? What if the whole thing had been just a ploy to get laid?
We reached my car and I looked down to the pavement afraid of what I might see in his eyes. He reached around my neck and unclasped the necklace. My eyes welled up and I whimpered.
He kissed the top of my head. “Taking off the necklace just means the role play has ended for the night. It doesn't mean we have. You are still mine. Don't think for a moment I'd give you up so easily."
The tears came for real then and humiliation followed. I'd fucked some man I hardly knew and was getting upset that he might leave me. Leave me, like my ex. Leave me, when I barely knew him to begin with and had no hold on him.
He kissed at my tears, licking them off my face. “Let me take your sorrow, Victoria. Let me take it all away from you and give you pleasure instead.
I sighed. “Michael. . . . “ I couldn't formulate a sentence. Had no idea what I even wanted to say.
"Do you enjoy being mine, Victoria?"
"Yes. I want to be yours. I'm grateful I'm yours."
He kissed me then, hard and breathless. “I'll email you tomorrow and then no communication until Thursday night when I open the envelope.” He kissed the tip of my nose, turned and walked away.
I drove home in a fog trying to make sense of the night. I'd fucked a man I'd only met once, believed he somehow had possession of me in some intangible way, and had two raging orgasms. Most importantly, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the glory I basked in would return in exactly one week. But what would my next date with the Dom require of me? I smiled with anticipation.
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Chapter Two
The week after I had sex with Michael was the oddest week I've ever experienced. I knew we had set up this deal for a sex only, and believe me it was great sex. But I didn't know him well and part of me wondered if he was really going to train me, or, if since he'd been laid, he wouldn't need to see me again. So rather than the week flying by and me being able to focus entirely on law school, I spent a great deal of time focusing on him, and fretting over whether he'd call with the instructions on Thursday night.
Considering I was forty and had been out of school for a thousand years, I really couldn't afford to be daydreaming. I had more work than I could handle for one night and instead of getting the job done, my eyes kept glancing over to the phone. The quiet phone. Nine o'clock and no phone call. What if that was it? I couldn't force him to call me any more than I could force him to fuck me. And I wanted him to fuck me again. The space between my legs longed for it.
I read through about another twenty pages or so of the driest material ever written and wondered how I'd ever retain a word when the phone finally rang. I jumped for it but tried to keep the edge from my voice. “Hello."
"Miss Victoria.” His voice covered me like maple syrup, a sweet tasty treat. “I trust you're having a good week."
If I hadn't been, I knew I would be now as he explained the contents of the envelope.
It'd be an easy one. This was one of his. It should have been the first one since it had the least sex involved. But I wondered if he'd add to it. I hoped so because I wanted him inside me again.
I arrived at the bookstore fifteen minutes early. Nothing like being over eager. I told myself it was because I wasn't sure of how the traffic would be and I didn't dare be late. Not for him. Yeah, right. I just couldn't wait. So I stood in the romance section where he had told me to be and examined one book after another. The minutes seem to drag on for hours, and at one point I was sure he wouldn't show.
When I didn't think I could stand another second in the stilettos I wore, my phone shrilled. I tossed the book I was looking at back on the shelf and my hands shook as I opened my purse and flipped up the phone. “Hello?” Even I could hear the raw edge to my voice and I wondered how it would affect him?
"Where are you?"
At the sound of his voice my entire body quivered. “On the left outer edge of the romance section. . . . “
"Remember don't say a word until I give you permission to speak."
The click on the other end of the phone made my pussy flood. Hastily, I tossed my phone back into my purse and picked up a novel. I glanced at the back cover blurb and tried to focus on what was written there.
My shaky hands were making it even more difficult to keep the book steady when I felt his presence behind me. Close behind me. He didn't say a word, but I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. The feel of his fingers clasping the chain around my neck signaled the start of the game. The cool of the metal on my skin made me shiver. Who was I kidding? His presence did that. He stepped back and his hand grazed my ass as he walked by.
I knew the drill. Stand there reading back cover blurbs and wait for him to come back. Don't move except to pick up a new book to look at.
Within seconds he was back, this time his hand lightly crept up my leg massaging it. Someone walked by and he was gone like a specter.
When he returned I felt his breath in my ear. “Follow me."
I turned, eager to do anything he said. I followed like a lemming, mesmerized by his power, his voice. He stopped in another section that was clear of other shoppers. “Pick up a book."
I grabbed the nearest thing, turned it over, and pretended to read the back. At that point it was impossible to see the words that were written there. All I knew was the closeness of his body, the feel of his hands, and the timber of his voice. His hands rubbed along my hips, along my sides and up to my shoulders, as if holding me in place.
I gasped as they slid down to my breasts, cupping and squeezing them both, kneading them right there for anyone to see. His hands gripped hard and he leaned into me turning me slightly to the left. “You have three minutes to go to the ladies room and bring me back your panties."
At first I wasn't sure I'd heard correctly. We'd talked about public touching and how erotic it could be and he'd inserted the Ben Wa balls in the club, but this was a brightly lit bookstore. And he was improvising.
"Go,” he growled.
Was it a test? Was he attempting to see if I'd continue to comply? I couldn't fail him. As if my entire life depended on me making the three minute deadline, my heeled shoes flew across first the carpet and then the tiled floor of the bathroom.
Inside the stall, my hands shook while mindlessly I obeyed the command of my master. I shoved the panties into my purse and then careened toward the spot where I'd left him. In my haste, I went down the wrong aisle and panicked, my heart beating double time as I thought he might have changed his mind and left the premises. The time was running out. What if he examin
ed his watch before I could reach him?
Legs moving on their own accord, I went to the next aisle and saw him. My hands shook as I opened my purse, took out the panties, and balled them into my fist. I passed them to him and he shoved them into his pocket.
I looked up to him. “Eyes down and follow me."
Falling in place, like a good little soldier, I never questioned where we went. Like a duck, I followed behind him. He stopped in the home improvement section. “Stand in front of me."
At this point I could barely breathe, but I stepped in front of him and picked up a book. My chest heaved as his hand slid up the back of my skirt over my naked ass. My legs shook as I wondered if the entire event would be immortalized on the security camera. I must have moaned as his hand moved around to my pussy because he made a shushing sound.
How the hell was I going to keep my mouth shut? Footsteps approached and his hand dropped. When the person was out of sight, without warning he pulled my head back and licked from my shoulder up to my ear. My body shivered as uncontrollably as if I was coming down with the flu.
His fingers, this time on the outside of my skirt, magically found my clit and he began strumming the way one would a guitar. I whimpered. Touching was one thing, but was he going to continue? Damn, the man didn't slow down a bit. I'm not sure if it was his nimble fingers, or the fact that we were in the middle of a bookstore, but my body readied for flight in record time.
My left hand gripped the bookshelf, while my right tightened on the book I'd been perusing. Moans escaped and he continued to shush me while the orgasm took root. My knees buckled, and his other hand went around my waist to hold me in place while waves of pleasure racked my body.
He moved his magic fingers up to my waist and both hands held my body until it steadied enough for me to stand without his help.
Son of a bitch, I'd just had a raging orgasm in the middle of a major bookstore. “Meet me outside,” he whispered.
Then he was gone as if he'd never been there and I had imagined the entire thing. For a second, I held on to the bookshelf, thanking the powers that be that I hadn't screamed out my release, or taken down the entire display when my legs gave way. My hand went to the thick chunk of gold around my neck. No, I hadn't imagined it.