My Dates With The Dom
Page 3
As calmly as I could I made my way to the exit and stood panty-less in the cool early September night awaiting the man who no doubt had more in store for me.
With barely enough time to catch my breath, he was there beside me. I wanted to throw my arms around him, hug him, kiss him, and thank him for one of the most erotic experiences of my life. Instead, I stood there mute, and to be honest I can't remember the words he spoke. I only know we ended up walking toward my car and he sat in the passenger side. I leaned back and smiled at him, forgetting that he wasn't my date, but my Dom. His hand slid under my skirt and he quickly found my center.
"You're dripping.” The words were said with the pride of a man who knew what he was doing and enjoyed the task.
Once again his fingers made music with my body, only this time they plunged into me and flicked across my clit. “Spread your legs more."
I heeded his command and the intensity built. I looked out the window trying to see if anyone was walking by.
"Don't worry. I can see if anyone approaches."
I leaned back into the seat as he brought me once again to the precipice of nirvana. “That's it. You didn't believe I had the power to do this to you again and again, did you?"
"No,” I admitted honestly and then wondered if it would have been better to lie.
"No, what?"
"No, Sir,” I remembered as the flicking increased in pace. This time there was no holding back the sounds I made. I flew over the edge and my moans reverberated throughout the car. I twitched and spasmed and shook while one hand fiddled my pussy and the other released a breast from my shirt. His mouth came down on it and sucked. As my orgasm hit he bit down like an animal mauling prey. I yelled out and exploded into shards of pleasure.
When my breathing regulated I managed to center on the man who focused on me. “Feel my cock.” He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. My hand eagerly took possession of the tool I wanted buried inside me. “Suck it."
Without a thought, my head dropped down not caring if anyone did walk by. My only thought was surrounding his cock with my lips and sucking the life out of him.
It had been awhile since I'd given a blow job and I knew from our conversations that he liked it deep. More nervous than my first time, I eased my mouth as low as it would go on his penis without my gag reflex kicking in.
His hand gripped the back of my hair and he wound its length around his hand. He pushed my head down and his cock filled the back of my throat. He pulled up and pushed down and my nostrils flared as I tried to breathe and keep my throat relaxed. Shame flooded through me. How would I ever be able to please him?
"Get up, someone is coming."
I sat up and watched as a man entered a car close to us and started the engine. A few moments later it was gone and I expected to put my mouth back on his cock.
"Turn and pretend you're getting something out of the back seat."
Fear gripped me. Spanking was one of his things, not mine. And for the life of me I didn't think I would take to it well. I turned and placed both hands down on the back seat. His hand lifted my skirt and my naked ass was exposed. For a moment I hoped he was only going to look. His hand came down hard. The slap startled me and tingled. His hand came down on the other cheek, once again biting into my skin. At first the tingling felt good. He slapped one side and then the other, rubbing along the skin to soothe it after.
His hand came down again, this time harder. I cried out.
"I know that hurts,” he said, “but it's a good pain. Your pussy is smoking with heat.” He slid a finger inside me. “Look at that drip."
Then the hand started again, the slaps stinging more and more. Why didn't I try to move? Try to make it stop. Where was the light-hearted man from the week before? Then it dawned on me, this was his fantasy.
"You are tough, aren't you?” He sounded surprised, amazed that I hadn't tried to stop what he was doing.
I couldn't answer. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't remember the safe word. There was something I was supposed to say when I'd had enough. I'd die here because I couldn't remember. Sobs escaped and his hand halted. I wasn't sure I could turn, could move, could ever sit down again, but I did.
"Victoria, are you all right?” he asked, the tone of his voice more his own.
"It hurt,” I whined.
His Dom voice came back in force. “Of course it hurt. It's supposed to hurt. A pain that brings pleasure. Your pussy is leaking like a faucet."
The tears came and I blinked as I knew mascara muddied my face. “Can you open the glove compartment and get me a tissue?"
He opened it and searched until he found a few and handed them to me. I wiped my eyes and my nose and tried to fix my face as I looked in the rear view mirror.
"Why didn't you say chocolate?"
Chocolate. The friggin’ safe word was chocolate. Of all the stupid things. No wonder I couldn't remember it. He seemed angry. Angry I was crying. Angry I hadn't used the word when I'd had enough. I shrugged and didn't answer.
He didn't like that either. “Compose yourself.” We were silent for a minute or two and I wasn't sure if I should speak. I was about to say something, anything, when he broke the silence. “Do you mind driving me over to the home goods store? I need a few things and if we go now, I won't have to drive back up here tomorrow."
He'd switched gears so fast I had whiplash, but I wasn't going to argue. I looked like shit and we were going into a large store. My eyes were black with mascara and I was sans underwear, but what the fuck? At least he wasn't sending me packing. Before we went inside, he spit on a tissue and cleaned the streaks of black marring my face.
He changed from Dom to regular guy and we began to converse like any couple on a regular date. He made his purchases and I drove back to the bookstore where he directed me to park next to his car. I was severely disappointed the night was over. I had wanted him to fuck me, wanted the night to end on a high note so there'd be another one. “Are you going to give me back my underwear?"
"When I'm done with your pussy.” His hand slid up my skirt and his finger found my clit once again. My juices allowed his finger to slide easily over the tiny bud until I held on to the side of the car to keep from screaming. My orgasm had me leaping out of the seat, but he didn't let up. I'd just come and rather than him stopping, he flicked his finger over my clit even faster.
I needed to rest. Pleasure turned almost to pain in its intensity, and then rolled into another orgasm more powerful than the last. I screamed and clenched my legs together. The corners of his mouth turned up and I knew he was pleased.
"Now suck my cock.” He eased open his pants and his rod pointed north.
I bent to honor him with my mouth and sucked like my life depended on it. I knew I wasn't the most talented in this area and became even more nervous when he didn't achieve orgasm, but he quickly eased my mind. We were in a parking lot. The angle was bad, et cetera. I wasn't sure if I believed him, but he seemed content with the evening and I'd come more than once so I had nothing to complain about.
He handed me my underwear and unhooked the collar from my neck. The role play was over for the evening. “Second time in a row I didn't get to play with you as much as I would have liked. Next time no matter what I get you naked. Understand?"
Worked for me. I wanted him fucking me over and over until I passed out or died. I nodded. He nodded back and left the vehicle.
I sat there a few minutes before starting the engine. He'd fingered me and I'd blown him in a car like teenagers. What the fuck were we doing? And how soon would the week pass so we could do it again?
[Back to Table of Contents]
Chapter Three
That week I accomplished a great deal. Since he'd come back for a second encounter, I believed he'd stick to the contract for the remainder of the time. This set me free. It allowed me to focus entirely on the things I had to do with the knowledge that there would be a reward at the end of the week. No emotional entanglement to me
ss with my head, just mind-blowing sex.
We'd exchanged cell numbers and rather than emailing, he called Thursday night to give me directions to his house. There was something about going to his residence that made the situation even more real than the others. I could hear the excitement in his voice. It tingled in my ears and surged through my body right to my core. I was glad he called late. After hearing him it was hard to concentrate on anything else. My thoughts kept drifting back to him and the activities we would be engaging in the following night. Though I didn't have a cold, I took a capful of a cold remedy that guaranteed you could sleep through anything. It was the only way I'd ever get any rest.
Knowing I would see him that night made any nightmare of a Friday bearable. Not knowing an answer when called on would have sent me into a tailspin on any other day, but when it happened on Friday I just shrugged it off.
I found his house easier than I thought I would, and it took only fifteen minutes. I parked my car across the street per his instructions, and stared for a moment at his house. I whistled. Definitely not destitute. It put the home I had with my ex to shame. I wondered what his bedroom would be like. That made my heart rate increase and my pussy ache with need.
As I reached the door, I saw that it was open slightly and I walked in to a little alcove. A second door was shut and hanging on the door hook was my gold chain. Locking the front door behind me, I lifted my role play collar and adjusted it around my neck. He had instructed me to hang my coat in the closet and then to enter when I was ready.
The second I opened the inside door and stepped inside, I heard his voice. “Stay where you are and kneel for your master."
It was the Dom voice, the one that must be obeyed. I dropped to the floor and looked to the left, to the living room, where the sound of his voice had come from.
"Eyes down and chin to your chest,” he said as he approached.
I followed instructions, but couldn't help but grin. He'd be touching me soon and the thought made me giddy.
"Is something funny?” His voice was slightly raised and he didn't seem amused in the slightest.
I hadn't meant to anger him. My only thoughts were of pleasure. I looked up at him, wanting him to see how the mere sight of him filled me with lust. “No."
"Eyes down. And no, Sir."
Confusion settled over me like a cloud and my brows furrowed. My body stiffened, and I kneeled stoically, almost afraid to take a breath. I wanted so much to please him. Not in the traditional way like when you first start dating someone and you hope it'll turn into something more, but sexually. It didn't make a lot of sense to me since I knew my role was submissive, yet the more I pleased him the more empowered I became.
He must have sensed how nervous and unsettled his behavior made me because his voice momentarily became soft. “I'm just playing,” he said without the edge. The words were barely out of his mouth when his hand wrapped around my hair and he tugged on it. “Get up,” he said, voice once again raised as if in anger.
I stood and he took my arm by the elbow and pulled me down a hallway to his bedroom at the back of the house. It's amazing how much you can notice in just a few short seconds. First, as he tugged me into the room I noticed the bed, a four poster. One bureau sat flush against the wall on the right, and the other, the one with the mirror, was kitty-corner on the left, so that from the bed all could be watched in living color.
"Stand in the corner,” he said as he placed me up against the wall.
I wasn't going to argue the point that the bureau was actually in the corner and I was standing to the left side of it. If he wanted to call it a corner, who was I to spoil the game?
"Put your hands by your side and stop fidgeting.” The end of the sentence trailed off as I heard his footsteps leave the room. My eyes glanced to the bureau. White rope still in the package sat in the center. My eyes glanced to the mirror and took in the four poster bed. All the better to tie you to, I heard the wolf say to Little Red Riding Hood. Bondage was part of the fantasies, but not part of the first four. I'd put the bondage fantasies in the second pile. I shivered. Then I heard a real sound, not one in my head. The sound of water running. What the hell was he doing? And why was he leaving me there just standing like an idiot? I shifted my weight and tugged on the edge of my blouse.
"I told you not to move,” he yelled from the other room.
I sighed and waited. I sensed when he stood in the doorway before I even heard him step into the room. He stood there watching me, his eyes inspecting every inch of me.
"Lift the back of your skirt so I can see your panties."
I lifted the bottom of my skirt up to the center of my back so that he had a clear view of my black silky underwear with the pink bow at the top. A pink and black garter belt held up my black stockings.
"Very nice. Take off the skirt."
I unzipped it and let it fall to the ground so I could step out of it. I picked it up, folded it, and placed it on the edge of the bureau.
"Now the top."
I shed my top in one fluid moment, folded it, and placed it with the skirt. His footsteps signaled his approach. His fingertip started at the center of my back and worked its way down to the cloth of my panties, down the crack in my ass, all the way to my pussy. “Very nice."
I wasn't sure if he was referring to the panties, or the fact that I was already dripping wet. He walked away from me and settled himself on the bed.
"Turn around."
I turned slowly to give him the full effect and looked for his approval.
"Eyes down. Now come closer to the bed. That's it, stop there,” he said as I was about a foot and a half in front of it.
This was crazy. If I couldn't look at him how could I possibly know how things were going and if I was doing things right?
"Dance for me."
I'd been quiet because I knew he didn't expect me to speak. And I knew at some point I'd have to seduce him with an erotic dance, but I expected he would have made it a little easier on me. I looked up then, unsure of myself, and not knowing how to start. “Um, what about music?” I looked around the room to see if there was a stereo to turn on. There were speakers on the wall, but I couldn't see where he had the main unit hidden.
"You don't need music. I said dance. Entice me with your movements."
Dance? Who the hell did a sexy dance without music? I tried to sway back and forth, but knew my movements were awkward.
"Turn around so I can watch your ass. Bend and touch your ankles while you move."
I did as he asked and placed music in my head so I'd have something to move to.
"Turn back to me and take off your bra."
I swayed around keeping the music in my head and the swing in my hips while I unhooked my bra. Flinging it behind me, I didn't care if it hit the chair or not. My dance wouldn't stop until he told me to. I snuck a glance at him. The corners of his mouth were turned up in a smile. I looked away before he caught me, and encouraged by his expression, somehow felt I danced sexier.
I'm sure if I saw it on video I would have cringed in embarrassment. But between the music in my head, and his enjoyment of the dance, my mind had me transformed into a professional. This is what I needed more than anything, what I'd lacked in the last few years of my marriage, feeling sexy.
"Take off the panties."
Now this was a trick. Not used to this type of attire, it hadn't dawned on me to put the panties over the garter belt, so when I went to pull them down, they couldn't get past the stockings. He saw my dilemma and before it could dash my confidence, he found a solution.
"Come up to the bed and let me take them off."
Three short steps and his fingers reached for the garter and unhooked the stockings. He pulled the panties down to my ankles and re-hooked the garters. I stepped out of the panties, and he turned me around and slapped my ass. “Dance. Use your ass as a lure."
The dance was easy to fall back into. In nothing but my garter belt, stockings, and black st
ilettos, I used my wiles to get him hot, which made me even hotter.
"Now get on the bed and present yourself to me."
I stared at him clueless.
"That means on the bed on your knees, head down, arms spread, back arched, legs apart, ass in the air. Go."
I hustled up onto the bed and followed instructions. There was something amazingly erotic about having my ass and pussy waiting and available to him. I heard the foil rip and a trickle of wet slid slowly down my leg like a tear of joy.
We hadn't had intercourse the last time, and I ached to have his cock buried inside me. He stood behind me and mounted me like an animal. My vaginal walls clenched around his cock as he immersed himself inside me.
He grunted. “What a nice tight little snapper. Now I've got to pump. Don't you move and don't you speak."
Now normally, I like to participate. But I can't even explain the sweet torment, the delicious agony of not being able to move or groan as sensation after sensation built until my body soundlessly shook and my vagina clenched down like a vise and sucked the cum out of him.
His ragged breathing betrayed his Dom voice. “Turn the other way and move over. I need to lie down."
I moved lengthwise on the bed and he collapsed on to it. My body inched up against his, skin to skin. We spooned until our breathing rose and fell with the same rhythm and for a good fifteen to twenty minutes we basked as one.
He turned my head and began nibbling on my ear. His tongue lapped along the edge and his breath caused my body to shiver. “I'm going to introduce you to your new best friend."
My body went rigid as he got up from the bed. What the fuck was he talking about? I wasn't into threesomes, and if he brought anyone else into the room I'd leave. Screw the contract. What he returned with was a smirk and a box. He opened it and took out the mother of all vibrators. He ripped off the plastic and plugged in the cord which was at least six feet in length. It had more speeds than a blender.