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Road To Whatever (Perfect For Me Book 1)

Page 6

by Blue Saffire

  “Come on baby, time for bed. You got to your wish,” I crooned to Kitty. Crush was passed out on the couch.

  “Where am I going to sle-ep,” she slurred. “I don’t haf anything to sle-ep in.”

  “You’ll sleep in my room, I’ll give you a shirt or something,” I murmured against her temple as I held her up walking her to my room.

  “Did I tell you how good you smell Nolan,” Kitty purred. “You haf on that new smell.” She giggled. “I want a shirt with that smell.”

  “You can have whatever you want, baby.” I sat her on the bed and went to get her a shirt.

  “This thing is so tight. Ugh, I’m glad to have it off,” I heard her fussing. I turned to see her holding up the corset she was wearing frowning at it in disgust.

  My mouth fell open. Kitty was standing by my bed in just her mini skirt. She blew out a puff of air blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face, then dropped the corset to the floor. I was frozen in place with my jeans suddenly so tight they hurt. Her tits are fucking perfect, with chocolate tipped nipples made for sucking.

  “You’re taking me for breakfast in the morning,” she grumbled as she wiggled out of her skirt revealing a pair of lacey boy short panties. “Boy I’m tired.” With that she turned and flopped face down on my bed.

  I snapped out of shock and went to the bed to cover her. There was no way I was touching her to put my shirt on her. I sat it beside the bed in case she got up looking for one. I was in no state to look at the body resting under that sheet let alone try to be a martyr and dress her. I stripped to my boxers and climbed in bed on the other side on top of the covers.

  Oh God, the body on me is Kitty. My mind clears and I am suddenly aware of every part of each of our bodies. Kitty’s bare chest is on my bare chest, I have a hand firmly planted on her plump ass and she has her leg wrapped around my waist. We are tangled together like it is the most natural thing in the world to us. I can feel her breathing against my chest and my palm is itching to let my hand explore her curves.

  I can feel the inferno building inside now that I am aware of with who and where I am. I do not want this moment to end. Kitty starts to stir and her breasts rub against my chest with the movement. This is heaven and torture all in one. My arousal is stabbing her in the thigh. I know the moment she becomes aware of it. Her leg moves to test the boundary and I hiss out a breath with the contact.

  I lift my head to look down at her. Kitty’s head pops up off my chest and she blinks away her confusion. She pulls her hand from my hair and looks at it like it’s offended her. I don’t move an inch, for one not wanting to break this contact and secondly not wanting to scare her off.

  “Oh no,” she groans, putting her hand over her face. I think that’s when it dawns on her she is naked except for her underwear. Quickly she reaches for the covers to cover up her chest. “Oh no!”

  “Wait Kitty, nothing happened. You undressed for bed and passed out before I could give you something to put on. I covered you up and slept on top the covers. They must have fallen off or you kicked them off in the middle of the night,” I rush to explain.

  “Okay, but why is your hand still on my ass,” she narrows her eyes and presses her lips at me.

  “Oh sorry,” I chuckle as I remove the offending hand. “Felt like home.”

  Kitty’s mouth falls open and I take her moment of shock to my advantage. I peck her on the cheek and roll to put my feet on the floor. I sit with my back to her as I stretch and give her time to put on the dress shirt I left for her last night. I had worn it yesterday to a meeting with my dad.

  “Did you… did you see me,” Kitty says in a whisper.

  “Yeah baby, I did. You’re fucking perfect,” I say without thinking.

  I turned to see her with her head in her hands. I rush around the bed to stand before her. I cautiously put my arms around her and slowly pull her into me. She is hesitant at first then gives in wrapping her arms around me and placing her face in my chest.

  “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “How soon we forget. The day after I met you for the first time I saw you in a t-shirt and pink panties,” I tease.

  “You remember the color of my underwear?” She gasps.

  “Kitty, I will not forget that view for the rest of my life.”

  “Ugh, you must think I’m some type of slut. I’m always half naked around you. I swear it was early and I just wanted the banging on the door to stop. Last night… I.”

  “Kitty, I don’t think you are a slut. A little exhibitionist maybe,” I chuckle.

  “Ha, ha, very funny,” she mumbles.

  “Hey, I remember you demanding I take you to breakfast before you passed out. I’m sure it is more like lunch now but I would love to still take you,” I smile down at her.

  “Now that you officially know me better than Linc or any other man in my life for that matter, why not.”

  “Wait,” I arched an eyebrow at her. “Are you saying that…you’re a … well you’ve never…really Kitty?” I stammer. I am stunned. With Kitty’s killer body and her being twenty now, I was sure Linc had maybe. I mean the way they are not talking.

  “No, Rage I’ve never,” she shakes her head. “This is officially the most embarrassing day of my life. I’m going to go get ready.”

  She pulls from my arms and turns to gather her things. I sit on the edge of the bed in shock. Yeah, everything about Kitty screams innocent, protect, defend, but she also screams sexy, want me, vixen. I push my hand in my hair like that will clear my thoughts. I snort to myself with one thought; I’m going to be her first.


  Someone please put me out of my misery. I step out of Rage’s bedroom of embarrassment to find Mitch, Sleep and Chris sitting on the couch playing video games. All eyes look up at me and go wide. I almost scurry back into the room with Rage.

  “Hey Kitten,” Chris is the first to clear his throat and speak. “I thought you went home when I didn’t see you guys this morning.”

  “No…Um…Rage let me sleep in his bed,” I explain.

  “I bet he did,” Mitch bites out a little more harshly than I expected.

  “We’re going for something to eat, you guys want to come?”

  “Uh, yeah that sounds cool. Happy Birthday by the way,” Sleep answers.

  “I’m just going to get ready,” I say and run off to the bathroom.

  I run in the bathroom and shut the door behind me. This just got awkward for the whole band, didn’t it? I hit my head against the door and groan. Memories from last night flood my mind and I remember being jealous of the girl at the bar, but Rage insisted on leaving with me. I remember we almost kissed last night. Maybe there could be more between us. He was really tender with me this morning. He said I’m perfect.

  I beam and do a little happy dance in the middle of the bathroom. I remember my birthday wish I made when we got to the bottom of the bottle and suddenly walking out of that room wasn’t so bad after all.


  I step out of the room and can hear the shower going in the bathroom where I know Kitty is. Three pairs of eyes are narrowed on me. It doesn’t help that I am shirtless, wearing just my boxers and a pair of jeans. I blowout a deep breath, I know what this looks like to everyone. It looks like what Kitty thought when she woke up. Oh God, if I had tried something like that with her last night while she was totally wasted I would have been the jerk to end all jerks.

  I can’t lie to any of the guys sitting before me and say that I didn’t want to put my hands all over Kitty last night. I came pretty close to having my mouth on her, but things didn’t go the way I would have liked. Technically, I haven’t broken any rules.

  “Dude, please tell me you didn’t,” Mitch almost growls at me. I am really shocked. Mitch never gets upset; at least he never shows it.

  “No, we didn’t. She passed out first and I passed out right after she did. Crush close your mouth, bro, you were here with us all night. You should know better,”
I hiss.

  “Yeah, well I thought you would sleep out here and give her your bed, not sleep with her,” Crush says and narrows his eyes at me. “She’s not a groupie, Rage. I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “I’m not looking to hurt her,” I growl back.

  “Well what are you looking to do,” Mitch asks with a raised brow. “Last time I checked she was off limits to everyone, including you.”

  I sigh in frustration and run a hand through my hair before answering. Sleep drops the controller in his hand and puffs out a breath of air, shaking his head. “This is not good, Rage,” Sleep mutters.

  “We agreed that for the band we would not go there, but all you do is spend time with her. Dude, I haven’t seen you bag a chick in weeks because you’re always following Kitty around like a sick puppy. Yeah, Kitty is gorgeous, we all can see that and for you she is different. Something exotic. I get that, but dude don’t do this to us. Don’t experiment with our future,” Mitch pleads.

  My body is humming with frustration. Kitty is not an experiment to me, but how do I tell that to these guys without sounding like a girl. However, I do know this is my band, my brothers. They know all my secrets and have been through so much with me. Things we haven’t yet shared with Kitty because she has to put in her band dues. My head starts to hurt as I think of my dad and his ultimatum. If there were no Kitty there would still be True Life. We would never give up on each other.

  I feel my stomach roll because I know this is going to hurt me. I never knew what was missing until Kitty walked into my life. Now, I don’t think my world will be right if I have to give up what we have. She was responding to me last night and this morning things were just so easy between us given the circumstances.

  “Listen Nolan,” oh great, Mitch is using my real name.

  Kitty and I are done. He means business and as my second in command in the band I’m toast. “No more, she is off limits. The alone time you two have been having has to end. The flirting stops, no more taking her home unless we’re in a group. You get to rehearsal when everyone else is there and you leave with everyone else. As of right now Kitty is one of the guys.”

  “What if we want to write a song together,” I ask smugly.

  “You two will not be writing anything together until we can be sure things are back under control,” Mitch hisses.

  “Fine, but I just need one more day. Dude, you know me. I haven’t wanted to do anything for a chick ever. I have something I want to do for her and it’s her birthday. Give me this,” I plead with my band.

  “I really don’t think that’s a good idea,” Sleep says. “If she likes you Rage this is going to get worse not better when you back away.”

  “I need to do this. I will consider what you are asking me to do. I won’t hurt her,” I demand shaking my head. “I can’t hurt her.”

  “We’ll give you today,” Mitch murmurs. “This is for the band Rage, remember that.”

  “I need to get out of here,” I speak through clutched teeth. I want to hit something. I rush back in my room for a shirt and slam my feet into my boots. I grab my keys and start for the door. I hear the shower cutoff and remember I am taking Kitty out. I need sometime I don’t want to ruin our last day together.

  “Let her know I needed to go do something. I’ll meet you all at the diner. After you all eat give us room alright,” I call over my shoulder.

  “Sure man,” Crush answers.


  I am toweling off when I hear the front door slam shut. It startles me and makes me jump. I wrap in the towel and push my ear to the door. I can barely hear the guys murmuring on the other side. I pull Rage’s shirt and my skirt from last night back on. Opening the door I try to hear a little better before stepping out of the bathroom.

  “It was the right thing to do,” Mitch sighs.

  “I don’t know. I know my brother, this is different for him. I think we just made this a problem.”

  “We’re ready this time. Kitty is just what we needed. We’re so close to this deal, man. If he screws it up its all over … I don’t even want to think about it. We just have to make sure he sticks to his word,” I hear Sleep say.

  “This should be fun,” Chris snorts.

  I am not making much out of their conversation so I start to make more noise, pushing the door to the bathroom open wider to make it squeak. I round the corner from the bathroom and everyone is staring at me again.

  “Rage had to run an errand he’s going to meet us there,” Chris offers.

  “Oh, okay,” I say disappointedly. I thought he would wait for me. “I’m ready if you are. Can we stop at my place so I can change my clothes?”

  “At thy wish m’ lady,” Chris grins.

  Everyone starts to get to their feet and heads for the door. I notice Mitch wince as he glances back at me. I didn’t think I looked that bad this morning. I know I probably am not hiding my disappointment that Rage has left very well but I don’t get why Mitch would wince at the sight of me.

  I nervously run my fingers through my hair to see if it feels like a mess. I look down at Rage’s too big shirt and straightened my belt that I put over it. I don’t look that bad, do I?

  An hour later we are at the diner and I am feeling a lot better. Mandy is already here bouncing at a table with Mitch and Sleep. Chris had taken me home and given me time to get ready.

  I was able to curl my hair and cover the Mohawk for today. I put on a pink pair of skinny jeans and grey t-shirt that bares my midsection. A pair of grey ankle boots finished the look perfectly. My happiness fades for a moment when I don’t see a sign of Rage at the table. I feel the smile slip from my face.

  “Happy birthday, beautiful,” Rage whispers from behind me. My whole body lights up as his hand touches the side of my stomach that isn’t covered by my t-shirt. “Ready for some more fun, babe?”

  I turn around and fling my arms around his neck as I stand on my tiptoes. He lifts me into the hug burrowing his face into my neck like it will be the last hug he’ll ever give me. His arms tighten around me and unless I am dreaming I would swear his lips whispered across my neck.

  “Kitty, there are more birthday hugs waiting for you over here,” Mitch chuckles nervously.

  I quickly pull away from Rage feeling a little silly. Mitch, Sleep, and Mandy come to hug me before Mitch and Sleep pull a chair to have me sit between the two of them. I notice an irritated look on Rage’s face as he looks at the seating arrangements. I didn’t have time to focus on that because Mandy goes right into planning a night out tonight.

  “There is this new club we have to hit,” Mandy chimes.

  “I don’t stand a chance of getting out of this one, do I,” I laugh.

  “No,” Mandy pouts.

  “Actually,” Rage clears his throat. “I was hoping I could steal you for a few hours first.”

  “Oh really,” I breathe and bite my lip nervously. “What do you have in mind because I don’t think I can make it to the bottom of another bottle today?”

  Rage chuckles. “No more drinking I promise,” Rage gives me a sexy smile and holds up a hand in an oath.

  “Okay Chaney, I’ve trusted you this far,” I smile.

  “So we’ll meet you guys at the club, right,” Mitch asks looking between Rage and me.

  Rage frowns and narrows his eyes at Mitch. I am missing something with these guys and I have a feeling it has something to do with me. I try to remember what it was they said back at the house but Mandy is chirping away again and the waitress shows up to take our order. I shrug it off as I feel Rage’s eyes on me.

  If I ever thought I was safe from the Chaney brothers I was mistaken. I want Nolan Chaney and I’m pretty sure he wants me back. I was done for when I woke up in his arms feeling like it was my new home. Seeing those grey eyes looking back at me and laying against that rock hard chest, the embarrassment has long faded and I want what I have been telling myself I shouldn’t and couldn’t have, Rage.


/>   This is killing me; I can see something has changed with me and Kitty. She hasn’t taken her eyes off of me since the waitress took our order. The hug she gave me when I got here almost made me give everything up. Despite promising one more day the guys are doing their best to interfere. I will be getting her out of here as soon as she finishes her food though.

  Kitty once told me she wanted to get ink and some piercings but she was just too scared to go by herself and she never got the courage up to ask Linc to go with her. I have a few surprises for her I know she will like. If this is our last day to be together I want it to be perfect, something she will remember.

  Everyone is laughing and talking around us but we are having our own moment as I watch her and she watches me. Crush elbows me under the table and I frown at him. He gives me a light shake of his head and my frown deepens.

  “Don’t make this harder on her,” Crush leans in to whisper.

  “Kitty, you ready,” I ask as I stand.

  “Rage,” Crush groans.

  “Yeah,” Kitty chimes and bounces out of her seat.

  I walk around the table and place my hand on the small of her back. Mitch gives me a warning look that I ignore as I walk Kitty out of the diner. I’ll deal with them all tomorrow when I have to give my girl up.

  “What are we doing here,” Kitty beams when I park the car in the parking lot of Slash tattoo parlor.

  “You’ll see, but first I have something for you,” I reply as I reach over and open the glove compartment to pull out the gift bag I had stashed in there. I place the bag on her lap and watch as her face lights up.

  “What is it,” she squeals.

  “Open it,” I encourage.

  Kitty tears the tissue paper from the bag and peeks in, inside of the bag sits two jewelry boxes. She reaches for them and pushes the bag from her lap. The two jewelry boxes sit in her lap and she looks between the two deciding which to open first.

  “The big one first,” I offer.

  “Okay,” she laughs, picking the larger box up and opening the lid. Inside sits a charm bracelet. I’d had the charm on it made just for her. It is a microphone covered in Amethyst stones.


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