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Sports Gods

Page 14

by J J Loraine

  “Oh, shit...” she gasps. She reaches back up to her face, covering the beauty there. “I feel a bump!”

  While she’s distracted, I let my eyes wander down her body. I can’t help but clench my fists at the pure sexiness standing in front of me. She’s only wearing a loose t-shirt and some leggings but she’s so thick that her curves are nearly spilling out of her clothes.

  I bite my lip and snarl, before catching myself.

  I step forward and reach out to touch the spot where she feels the bump. To my surprise, she lets me. My fingers land on her soft skin and a current of electric passion shoots through my veins.

  “Very hot,” I note, referring to the spot of her injury. I suddenly realize how that must have sounded, but I have no time to be embarrassed.

  “Thank you,” she whispers, taking the fall for me.

  “I meant the bump,” I chuckle. I let my hand fall from her face and I take a step back. I make a show of looking her up and down. “But you’re not bad either.”

  Her pink cheeks turn a darker shade of red and I can’t help but fall in love then and there.

  I need to have this woman... but I don’t even know her name.

  Chapter 70


  “I’m Caden,” says the handsome stranger.

  He reaches out his hand to me. I take it.

  His fingers are big and rough and callous, but there’s a care in his touch that makes me quiver.

  “Hailey,” I respond, suddenly too distracted to be embarrassed anymore.

  Did he actually just say I was hot? This stud!?

  “I’m sorry about the door,” he offers, without taking his eyes off me. Our hands linger together, like neither one of us want to let go.

  I let my fingers slowly slide down his, until we’re finally apart again. I suddenly feel so cold and alone. I just want to touch him again.

  “It’s my fault,” I try to smile. “I had my eyes closed.”

  Caden chuckles and his arrowhead sharp jaw clenches. The muscles on the side of his thick, juicy lips protrude and make me want to melt. His shimmering blue eyes sparkle in the fluorescent lights of the stairwell.

  “Why did you have your eyes closed?” he asks, amused.

  I can’t help but let a real smile come over my face. “I was... well, I guess I was sort of dancing. It was so peaceful and quiet...”

  “Until I came along,” he booms. His deep voice fills the stairwell and we both share a laugh. “I’m sorry to have interrupted, though I would have loved to see it.”

  “See me dance?” I ask, a little confused. Who would want to see me do anything? I’m so clumsy. It’s just my luck that I got bonked on the head while trying to be graceful. Though, it’s a strange twist of fate that I’m meeting such a hot guy as a result.

  The charming grin that crosses Caden’s handsome faces makes me want to do anything he says, but even with that, what he asks next is not something I could ever see myself doing for anyone, let alone a stranger I just met.

  “Can I see?” he asks. His eyes cut a Caden-shaped place into my soul. I seriously consider indulging him, but I can’t. I’d be too embarrassed.

  “I... I can’t. I’m not a good dancer or anything. I was just feeling good.”

  “Oh no, are you not feeling good anymore?” he asks. His voice is filled with passion. I feel like he actually cares for me. This is so weird, we only just met and I feel like I could imagine spending the rest of my life with this guy. What is wrong with me?

  If I drank, I could blame it on the booze, but I’m as dry as a desert... well, I’m sober... I can’t say I’m not getting a little wet between the legs.

  I shake my head, trying to be as discreet as possible while sneaking my peaks at Caden’s hunky body. “No... It’s not... I’m fine. I’m actually feeling a lot better.”

  I stare up at his looming body like a worshiper. Caden almost looks like a god, standing before me. He’s tall and hard and the contours of his muscles stand out against the fluorescent light like expertly carved granite. He’s wearing a muscle shirt that shows off his mouth watering arms. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was an athlete... but he just seems too kind to be one. Some of the jocks at this school can be real assholes. Plus, none of them seem to take school that seriously. Why would a jock be at the library on a Friday night?

  “Were you studying at the cove?” asks Caden, looking past me and up the stairwell.

  I nod. “Yeah, it’s amazing up there. I didn’t know anyone else knew about it...”

  He smiles. God, I could die for that smile. “I won’t tell anyone,” he says, bringing a girthy finger up to his perfect lips. “It’ll be our little secret.”

  I can’t help but bite my lip. That sounded more sexually charged than he might have meant.

  Chapter 71


  I meant every word, and I think she got it.

  I swear I see her subtly bite her lip. Good. If she’s interested then I’m happy, because it’s taking me every single ounce of will power that I have to keep my pants from tightening like a boa-constrictor. I just want to make a move. Usually, if I like a girl, I try to play it cool, but there’s something about Hailey that’s just driving me wild. Her body is awakening some primal lust inside of me.

  I swallow my passion... it’s not time for that... not yet, at least.

  “Mind if I join you up there?” I ask.

  Hailey begins to nod even before I can finish my question.

  I smile.

  She smiles back.

  There’s a sly mischievous look in her eyes. She’s dressed like a good girl; she sounds like a good girl, but she’s looking at me like the baddest bitch I’ve ever met.

  She’s got dirty intentions; I can just tell. It’s going to be up to me to find them, though. A girl like this isn’t just going to lay herself bare for any jock in a muscle shirt.

  “You go ahead. You’ll see my laptop under one of the foot tables. I was just going to the bathroom.”

  Hailey steps around me and I lean over just enough that our shoulders brush. The brief moment of contact sends an animalistic warmth reeling through me. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I turn around and watch her go.

  “I’ll see you up there,” I say, as the stairwell door swings shut. I watch Hailey go; her big, meaty ass sways through the doorway like a dream. I swallow and watch until she’s completely out of sight. Only then do I turn around and race up the stairs.

  She’s letting me be alone with her. I’m going to have to make my move. She clearly wants me as much as I want her, but if I play this too coyly, I’m going to blow my chance. Screw studying, screw a career in medicine, screw money, all I want is her. All I want is Hailey.

  I burst into the study cove and smile. It’s even more private than I could have hoped. The corners are filled with single seat couches, while the walls are lined with longer, lounging couches. I can hardly believe my luck. This place is perfect.

  Is tonight the night when I finally feel like I’m getting the most out of my college experience? I’ve been so occupied with studying and athletics that I haven’t felt like I’ve truly been able to enjoy my time here. Even going to parties with my teammates feels like more of a social obligation than a fun time. If I could have skipped out entirely on going to the club tonight, then I would have, but I’m supposed to be a leader to my guys, and I couldn’t leave them hanging, especially with the football team out there, looking for a fight.

  I’ve even taken it easy on girls so far. Sure, I’ve had my hook-ups here and there, but you find out quickly enough there’s no way to avoid those who you’ve gone to bed with on a college campus. I’m not looking for a relationship – they’re too distracting, and I’m too focused -- so I’ve been keeping away from the ladies. It’s hard, I get hit on so much I’ve lost track of all the girls I’ve already had to turn down. Some of them must hate me, but it’s better than them loving me.

  Hate can keep its
distance, but love never wants to be apart. I need my alone time to study, so love is out of the question... or, at least, it was out of the question...

  Now that I’ve met Hailey, I don’t what I’m going to do.

  Wait, scratch that... I know exactly what I’m going to do...


  Chapter 72


  I study my reflection in the mirror.

  God, I wish I had made myself up more before I left my dorm earlier.

  Who would have thought I would run into such a hunky stud, though... and even more, who would have thought he would be so clearly interested in me?

  I run my trembling fingers through my hair and try to frame my chubby face. Maybe I should hide these big cheeks of mine, actually? I try both ways. Nothing looks good. I suddenly feel so hopeless.

  All this time in college and this is the first moment where I feel like I’m on the cusp of something ‘fun’. Sure, I have fun with my geeky friends every now and then, but even that’s not your typical college fun. You never see groups of misfits playing board games in college movies, but you do see hunks and girls hooking up in the library. Could I be the girl that this hunk gets?

  I quiver to think about Caden wanting me like that. He clearly does, but even the thought of someone so gorgeous having a thing for me fills me with insecurity.

  I’m not good enough for someone like that... or am I?

  He knows better than me.

  I stare in the mirror and realize I’m never going to be happy with the way I look, at least not until I hear it from someone else. I know that’s a poor mindset to have, but when you grow up plus-sized, it gets engrained in you from an early age.

  I have to take advantage of this night, but that’s going to be a tough line to walk. If I throw myself at Caden too quickly, he might think I’m a desperate slut and want nothing to do with me, but if I’m too prudish he might lose interest and I might lose my chance.

  I start to hyperventilate from nervousness. I splash some water on my face. I was having such a peaceful night. Why did something so wonderful have to happen? Now it’s up to me not to blow it. I already live with so much regret, it’s due course for being so awkward and clumsy, but I don’t know how I’m going to live with myself if I blow this.

  It’s not just that Caden’s hot. There’s something else there. He makes me feel something I’ve never felt for anyone before... and it just might be love. I’m going to have to find out.

  I take a deep breath and have one last look in the mirror.

  You’re not so bad, Hailey... at least you’ve got big tits and a thick ass. Guys like that, right?

  I’m no cheerleader, but I’ve never wanted to be one anyway. Right now, the only thing I want to be is Caden’s.

  I straighten my shirt and shake my head and head out of the bathroom. Everybody in the main study hall has their face buried in a book...

  I’m looking to bury myself in something a little hotter.

  Chapter 73


  I pull two couches together so they form a kind of makeshift bed. I don’t want to be too forward, but I can’t help myself. Just the memory of Hailey is making my manhood grow to unmistaken proportions. I’ve tucked it up under my pants for now, but I don’t know what I’m going to do when she comes back.

  I hope she doesn’t notice the bed I’ve set up, at least not right away.

  Ah, who am I kidding. I hope she runs right into my arms and buries her face in my chest, first thing. I don’t want to wait another second for her.

  I pull the last couch into position then turn around...

  Haley’s watching me from the stairwell doorway. She looks like a sexy angel come down from heaven for punishment. Well, I’ll give it to her.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, curiously. Her gaze is past me and on my makeshift bed.

  I point back at it and think for a second. “In case we want to lie down,” I say, finally. “It IS getting late.”

  “Oh, you think I’m that kind of girl,” says Hailey. She’s too far away to see the expression on her face, but I sense a hint of mischievous playfulness in her voice.

  I play along.

  “Maybe I’m just that type of guy.” I take a step towards her; she does the same.

  We’re like two dancers in the dim lighting of the library cove. We take our hard steps pridefully towards each other. My desire for her grows with every inch.

  “It does look comfy,” she admits.

  “Me or the couch?” I tease.

  “Can I have both?”

  That’s it. That’s my signal in. I take a long final stride and I’m suddenly right in front of her. For such a thick girl, she’s not very big. She barely goes up past my chest. Hailey looks up at me with doe-eyes and bad intentions. I press my waist against her. My hardness falls out of its tucked position. I don’t care. Let her feel me in my entirety.

  She gasps at the sudden reveal of my throbbing bulge. I wrap my arm around her waist and hold her close.

  “You’re so big...” she whispers up at me.

  She bites her lip.

  I’ve had enough waiting. I close my eyes and lean down. Our lips meet and I shake with meaning.

  I suddenly couldn’t care less about any goal I’ve ever had in my life. There will be time for all that after Hailey and I spend eternity together.

  Our soft kiss ends and we stare into each other’s souls like caged animals, about to be released.

  “Do you want to fuck me?” she asks, as purely as freshly fallen snow.

  I snarl in hunger. My response contains no words. I lean back down and kiss her with all the fire I’ve had pent up in me. There’s no more holding back. Our tongues lash out at each other like dragons, free at last.

  It’s time to fuck.

  Chapter 74


  Caden’s rock hard arms pick me up like I’m a weightless feather.

  Every insecurity I’ve ever had is washed away in the wet sighs he forces from my mouth. I wrap my legs around his chiseled waist and hold on for dear life as his rough hands sink into my soft, thick ass.

  His huge bulge pushes up against me and I squeeze tighter and tighter. I want to pop him out of his clothes.

  He whisks me through the quiet cove until we hit a wall. He flips us around and presses my back against the wall as he starts kissing down my neck. His teeth gently graze my tender skin. I whimper out and run my fingers through his hair.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this.

  Caden smells like fresh aftershave; a glacial river; earthy manliness and pure sex. I sniff in his pheromones and begin to sway into his throbbing desire. He thrusts against me until he gets to the top of my shirt, then we turn around and he throws me from his grip.

  I fly, weightlessly through the air, until I feel the soft cushions of his makeshift couch-bed hit my back. I’m already ripping off my clothes before I land; so is he.

  Before I know it, Caden’s beastly manhood is swinging free between his legs. I drool with desire and sit up on my ass. He steps forward and kneels on the couch and I dive in head first.

  I open as wide as I can, but it still doesn’t quite feel wide enough. His girth stretches my lips out to their limit, I squint and open my throat. Caden slides into me until there’s nowhere left to go.

  I lay my tongue flat, I want to choke, but now that he’s already in, we feel like a perfect fit. I let him hold me still as he slowly slides back out. Before he gets too far, though, he slides back in.

  He uses my mouth and waterfalls of drool leak from what little space remains.

  My chin is soaked by the time I’ve had my fill.

  I take the deepest breath of my life when Caden finally pulls out from me.

  “You’re so gorgeous,” he growls.

  I know he means it. I can feel the tears running down my cheeks and the salvia running down my chin. My hair is all up in a bunch from his grip. If he thinks I’m hot now, then there
’s nothing I can do to convince him otherwise.

  I feel sexier than I’ve ever felt before in my entire life.

  I’m suddenly ravenous. I go back to have more of his meat, but Caden’s hand tightens around my hair and he keeps me away.

  “No,” he commands, powerfully. “It’s my turn.”

  I obey.

  Caden pushes my shoulder down and I fall onto the cushions below.

  I stare up at the high ceiling above as Caden’s kisses work their way up the inside of my thighs. I shake and flail and hold onto his hair with all my strength as his tongue slowly reaches my gate. “Oh, Caden!” I cry out into the empty cove.

  Neither of us care if we’re heard -- we’re already too far gone; lost in our lustful haze.

  I wrap my legs around Caden’s face and push him deeper into me. His tongue swirls like a magician’s wand and I flail like a maniac.

  It doesn’t take long for my world to explode into fairy dust of pure carnal pleasure. Wave after wave of climax overcomes my body. I arch my back and take it all in. My tensed legs relax and Caden comes up for air. I look down at him. His eyes are filled with fire.

  He’s not done with me yet.

  Chapter 75


  I let her taste herself in my mouth.

  Our lips press softly as I wrap myself around her heaving body. Her big, soft breasts press against my hard chest and I sink into her tingling warmth.

  Her legs are spread. Her hand reaches down and guides me in. The hot breath from her sigh fills me with raw sexual energy as I slide deeper and deeper inside of her.


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