Book Read Free

Sports Gods

Page 15

by J J Loraine

  Her body trembles underneath my power. I don’t plan on being gentle. I’m too ravished for that. Every bite I take of her makes me want more.

  I start to thrust, slowly at first, but I quickly pick up enough speed to fill the tiny library cove with the sound of our smacking skin.

  Our sweaty flesh sticks together before I pull it apart and then push back in. I cover Hailey’s cries of pleasure with my palm. The hot breath from her whimpers only powers me more. I don’t slow down. I’m sore from my big game earlier, but Hailey’s hot body squirming beneath me has revitalized me past any point of return.

  I hold her tight as I pound her hard. I nibble on her ear, and when I let my hand fall from her mouth, I feel her teeth fall onto my neck. Pleasure rings through my body.

  I need more.

  I grunt and lift myself onto my fists. I cage Hailey underneath my straightened arms. Her eyes roll into the back of her head while I pound away. I take one of her big tits in my palm. The tender warmth of her skin shoots through my tingling tendons. I grunt, low and loud. Hailey grabs my forearm.

  “You can finish inside of me...” she pants, through shuttered breath.

  I snarl. I’m not done yet, baby...

  Before I can finish that thought, though, Hailey starts swaying her hips. I’m bent inside of her and I suddenly lose all control. My toes curl and my muscles clench.

  I explode inside of her.

  “Oh, Caden!” Hailey gasps as I fill her up. Her hips continue to sway and I completely unload into her. I feel endless against her insides.

  Finally, I’m done.

  I loom over the panting beauty, completely exhausted; completely satisfied. When I can’t hold myself any longer, I collapse by her side.

  We lie next to each other, alone in the lonely library cove, gazing up at the ceiling, trying to catch our breaths. Soon enough, we’re blanketed in silence again. Hailey shuffles closer to me and buries her head in my chest. I take her hand and we interlock our fingers.

  “That was amazing...” she finally whispers.

  I smile. “Damn, right it was.”

  What else can I say? I’m proud of myself. All that holding back has finally paid off. I pounded the spirit out of the girl of my dreams and now we’re one.

  I don’t care a single ounce that I won’t get any studying done tonight. Screw parties, screw lacrosse, screw school. I’ll only ever truly be happy if I get to screw Hailey.

  Chapter 76


  I couldn’t tell you how long we lay there.

  It felt like forever, and when we finally got up, it didn’t feel like nearly long enough.

  “We should probably get dressed, in case anyone comes in,” I suggest, almost against my instincts.

  Really, I just want to stay naked with Caden for the rest of my life, but I know what kind of scandal it would be if we were found here like this, so I make an executive decision.

  “You’re probably right,” he sighs.

  We get dressed in satisfied silence, and when we’re re-attired my stomach growls so loudly that neither of us can help but fill the little room with our big laughter.

  “I guess we just worked up quite the appetite,” Caden chuckles. He rubs his washboard abs before pulling his muscle shirt back on.

  I sigh at the sight. I wish he could just walk around shirtless forever.

  “Want to get something to eat?” he asks.

  “Always,” I admit, not quite as sheepishly as past Hailey might have been.

  Truth is, I love eating. It’s amazing that I already feel comfortable enough around Caden to admit it. He really is special. He feels like the one.

  We grab our stuff and talk about where to go. He likes pizza and so do I. There’s a great pizza place on the other side of main street. Neither of us really want to wade through all the chaos of the bar district, though, so we capitulate and decide to go get some shawarma at a place a little closer by.

  We sneak out of the library like thieves. I can’t help but giggle at our caution, no one gives two shits about us. Every other nerd here still has their faces buries in their book and computers.

  If only they knew what we just did...

  When we finally step out into the soft night air, I feel like a brand-new Hailey. I feel clean and dirty, smart and stupid, hungry and completely satisfied. Caden takes my hand we walk into the direction of our hard earned, late-night snack.

  “... I just have to say. I’ve never done anything like that before,” I mention, without any hint of shame. I don’t feel any judgment coming from Caden, but I still feel the need to assure him that I don’t let just anybody finish inside of me.

  He chuckles. His big fingers squeeze my little hand. “Neither have I. It’s nuts. I’m finally feeling like a college kid. It’s been long enough.”

  I giggle. “I feel the exact same way! I figure lots of nerds do... but you don’t exactly look like a nerd.”

  Caden’s eyes flash. I can’t take my eyes off his smirk. His lips are to die for. I consider every second I’m able to keep myself from jumping into his arms and shoving my face against his a small victory. My stomach’s already tingling again for his intimate touch. Flowers are in full bloom in my otherwise empty belly.

  “It’s complicated. I’m sort of a nerd, but I also play full-scholarship lacrosse, so I’m a pretty serious athlete. I don’t know how much longer I’ll do that for, though. My marks are getting good enough that I can seriously apply for an academic scholarship, finally. I might have had a chance straight out of high school, but I went through so much shit in those four years that I could hardly spare the time to look at a book.”

  I rub my thumb along the inside of the giant man’s hand. What has he gone through?

  “Being young isn’t easy, huh?” I sigh. We both look up at the night sky. A handful of stars sparkle above us.

  “You don’t play any sports?” asks Caden, sizing me up with his beautiful blue eyes.

  I shake my head. “Don’t even watch them. Crazy, right? What the hell am I doing at this school if I don’t like sports!? I went through my own shit before I got here, believe me...”

  I lean my head on Caden’s broad shoulder. We share a moment of silence before he clears his throat.

  “You know what?” he asks, finally.


  “I may not have been happy to be at this school before, but now that I know it’s all led to this, I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I hadn’t gone through all that shit in my childhood; if I had gotten an academic scholarship to a ‘better’ school, then I would never have met you...”

  “Aw, Caden,” I feel like crying. I’m having the exact same thoughts.

  We stop in our tracks. The street’s empty. A half dozen pale stars twinkle above us. The glow of the fiery college campus burns through the night like a great bonfire.

  I kiss the man of my dreams, and I know for sure.

  I’m in love.

  Chapter 77



  The peaceful bliss of our kiss is interrupted by some boneheads shouting from just down the street.

  I hesitantly pull away from Hailey. Her soft, sweet lips are sad to see me go, but her taste lingers in my mouth.

  I gaze out into the night. A group of burly frat-looking dudes are stumbling towards us.

  When they get close enough, I realize exactly what they are.

  Football players.


  “THIS IS A NO KISS-ZONE, BUDDY!” one of them yell, completely hammered out of his mind. He lunges towards us and swats his arm between our bodies. We jump out of the way. His friends laugh.

  “How dare you show signs of PDA when so many are all alone!” another football bro slurs. “How insensitive!”

  “Aw, I’ll kiss you, bro!” his buddy jokes.

  They all laugh as the two muscle-bound jocks playfully wrestle each other in front of us.

  “I’d rat
her have her,” one of them finally says, pointing at Hailey.

  That does it. I’m not tolerating any threats.

  I take a big step so I’m standing directly in front of my girl. There are four football players. They’re big and athletic, but they’re also drunk and slightly out of shape. Their season has been over for months, while I’m in peak condition. I clench my fists.

  “Move along, guys. This isn’t the place to get your kicks.”

  I get a bunch of chuckles out of that. I’m the tallest of the five of us, but two of the guys are clearly some sort of linebackers. If they get their hands on me then I’m done for. I’ll have to be quick.

  “Hey, you look familiar...” one of them says, squinting his eyes at me. “Do you play soccer... no, lacrosse!”

  The four of them let out amused gasps and point at me like I’m a freakshow.

  “Yeah, you play lacrosse! A bunch of you guys jumped some of our teammates last year! We’ve got to get our revenge!”

  “Bullshit,” I spit. “I know what you’re talking about. You goons were the ones who jumped my guys. Just because you lost the fight doesn’t mean we were in the wrong. Stop looking for trouble, go study or something!”

  They get a kick out of that.

  “Studying’s for nerds!” one of them howls into the night.

  Everybody laughs.

  A linebacker’s eyes fall on Hailey. “Hey, I kind of like nerds. I think they’re hot.”

  He steps towards her and I step forward, ready to swing. The air is tense between us. He sways back and forth before considering his next step.

  “Hey, maybe if you lend us the girl, we’ll leave you alone. We can go beat up the soccer team, or something, as long as we get a little loving first.”

  They all purse their lips and blow disgusting kisses to Hailey. I can feel her trembling hands on my back. Her warm body presses up against me.

  A hot rage rushes through my heart.

  “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” I yell. I point back behind them, but they don’t budge.

  One of them cracks his knuckles.

  “Damn, I miss playing games...” he says.

  “I miss hitting people,” says another one of them.

  “Let’s get a little offseason workout in.”

  Chapter 78


  Caden pushes me back and springs forward like a flash of lightning.

  I don’t have any time to be afraid. I stumble away as Caden weaves through the drunken football players like a leaf in the wind. He’s almost supernaturally quick for someone so big. The four jocks swing at him over and over but they can’t land a single blow.

  Caden dodges them for long enough, but when one of them spots me, there’s no more holding back.

  One of the bigger guys starts to stumble away from the fight. I shuffle backwards until I hit a storefront window.

  I’m trapped.

  An evil grin crosses the burly jock’s face. He lurches towards me like a bad dream. I look past him to see Caden still swarmed by the other three football players. I desperately scan my surroundings for something to defend myself with. There’s nothing. I panic.

  “Don’t be scared, little darling,” slurs the brute. He crawls closer and closer. I can hardly look.

  Before he can step on the sidewalk, though, his legs are taken out from under him. He’s thrown to the ground as one of his buddy’s is rolled up against the curb. The two of them lay there, panting in confusion as I look behind them to see Caden marching towards me. His lip is bleeding and he looks furious, but his muscles are flexed and ready for more. Steam floats from his exposed skin.

  I almost forget about the danger; I’m so turned on.

  “Run!” he yells at me.

  I don’t move. I want to obey him, but my legs are frozen still. I feel like I weight a thousand pounds – a far cry from the weightlessness I had felt being in his grip earlier.

  “I SAID RUN!!!” he yells, just before he’s tackled from behind by the third and fourth football player. He falls to the ground and I’m suddenly jolted out of my stoned-daze.

  I try to run, but my legs are weak, whether from fear or fucking I don’t know. I stumble over the sidewalk like I’m in a bad dream. I run for what feels like forever, but when I look back, I’m barely any further away from the chaos than I was when I left.

  What the fuck is happening!?

  This isn’t the kind of excitement I was looking forward to when Caden and I first met.

  “LEAVE HIM ALONE!” I shout into the empty air. My scared voice echoes around the empty street. The only other sounds are the grunts from the men scuffling in the middle of the road. The two guys lying against the curb still haven’t gotten up, but the two that tackled Caden are still going strong.

  My words fall flat on their ears. Nothing changes. I feel so helpless. A lot of good all my studying has done for me. I wish I did play sports, then maybe I’d at least have my legs under me enough to go find some help. For now, though, all I can do is watch.

  “CADEN!” I yell at my embattled hero. “I LOVE YOU!”

  It’s all I can think to say.

  I don’t know if he heard me, but suddenly, the tide of the fight seems to change.

  Caden throws one of the linebackers off him with one arm and grabs the other by the collar. The jock in his grip spits at Caden, but my man doges his hatred and lands a deciding blow right in his temple. The drunken bro collapses to the ground like a pile of hay.

  Before either of us can bask in that little victory, though, the final drunken football player has jumped on Caden’s back again. The two beasts wrestle to the ground.

  I’m suddenly sick of being helpless.

  My legs stop feeling so weak and my heartbeat slows.

  I sneer in the direction of the fight.

  I LOVE that man. I can’t let anything happen to him.

  I’m coming, baby.

  Chapter 79


  This guy’s an absolute animal. Even drunk I can feel just how strong he really is.

  A regular person might be scared, hell, I might be scared, if I hadn’t dealt with far worse growing up.

  You see, I was raised in a brutal foster home. For years I was the youngest and smallest in a group of delinquents, neglected and violent boys. When you’re that young, a teenager might as well be a literal giant. So, I was used to slaying Goliaths.

  These four aren’t bigger than me, and even if they were, I wasn’t going down without a fight.

  I was dragged through the mud by my older foster siblings and I’d be damned if all that was for nothing.

  Eventually, my foster brothers and I all caught up in size. They became adults, and I became jealous of their freedom -- one by one, though, they started to fall.

  I went through high school while all these invisible giants I once fought to the bitter end started disappearing forever. Some died, some went to jail, but by the time I was in my last year, I was truly all alone... and I was angry about it.

  That fury has helped me succeed in the lacrosse world. It’s helped get a scholarship and focus on school. I’ve been able to get my rage under control for so long, but right now, I’m cracking at the seams.

  I’m all alone against a pack of wild beasts. Flashbacks to my terrifying childhood blind me as I swing wildly.

  A monster gnaws at me from above. My back twists against the cold concrete.

  Suddenly, though, I’m free.

  The weight on my chest rolls to the side.

  I pause for a moment. What’s that...? An angel...?

  My eyes focus and I see Hailey staring down at me. Her voice is muffled. I try to concentrate.

  “Caden!? Are you alright!?”

  I blink myself awake.


  Was I imagining things, or had she yelled that she loved me?

  “Hailey... I love you...”

  Before I can finish my thought, though, our moment is interrupted by a roar from
feet away.

  “YOU BITCH!” yells the linebacker who had just been on top of me. “DID YOU JUST BURST MY FUCKING APPENDIX!” His voice is filled with pain. Hailey must have kicked him in the side. She saved me... in more ways than one.

  I climb to my feet just as the wounded linebacker is doing the same. His eyes are red with blood. He snarls and lunges towards us.

  I put everything into my punch. All the pain and suffering and loneliness and uncertainty, it all empties out through my fist.

  The linebacker collapses under my power. He hits the concrete like a rag-doll.

  I look over at the other three goons. They’re strewn across the street like litter.

  That’s it. We’re done.

  “Oh, Caden!” Hailey cries. She jumps onto me and I flinch at her touch. I’m so bruised and battered and exhausted I could fall over if someone just yelled timber.

  Still, she doesn’t let go, and the longer she hangs onto me, the better I feel. Her soft body ease my hard tension. I sigh and let myself give into her. I wrap my heavy arm around her shoulders and I hug her tight.

  “I love you,” I whisper into her ear. I need to make sure she heard me.

  “I love you too,” she responds.

  I squeeze her tighter and search myself for any signs of my old anger, but it all seems to be gone, vanished with my final punch.

  I’m slowly refilled by pure, unadulterated love.

  Chapter 80


  Cop sirens ring out in the distance; Caden’s strong grip relaxes around me.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he says.

  Before I can respond, he has my hand and we’re limping from the scene.

  “Shouldn’t we stay and wait for the police?” I ask, naively. “It wasn’t our fault. We won’t be in any trouble.”

  Caden just shakes his head. “There’s a zero-tolerance policy for fighting at this school. Doesn’t matter if you’re defending yourself or not. It’s stupid, but if anyone catches a whiff of this fight, I could be suspended... or worse. I really can’t afford that. Let’s go back to the library.”


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