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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

Page 36

by Finian Blake

  “You have to be the dumbest bitches on the face of the earth,” the guests roared with laughter. “You can be assured that we will educate you tonight. This is the trick part of ‘trick or treat’.” Ludmilla took Petra by the chin and forcefully ripped the tape off. “We need to lose the muffler. I want to hear you scream. It lets me know that I am doing my job right. While I am doing that your little pet can milk the cows for the last time. Tina, start in back and stop when you get to Alice. I want to supervise her milking personally.” Ludmilla took a riding crop out of the rack and went to work giving Petra a thorough beating. The guests cheered wildly as she displayed her talents. When she was through she kissed Petra’s welts lapping up the blood from her welts leaving bright red lip prints over her face and body. Lori and Connie were screaming to be released. Ludmilla gave both of them ten good strokes each. “I promised that you could spend the night with Petra and so you shall. You are our treat and that is your trick.”

  Victor stood up and pointed to the stage.

  “This is what happens to traitors. Our darling Petra was going to release these two delectable women and turn the whole party over to the cops.” Victor did not know that was in fact the truth, but Valentina, Margarita and Ludmilla convinced him that was what Petra was planning. Victor pointed to the guests. “She was going to turn you in too.” Petra was on her knees sobbing uncontrollably unable to speak after the beating she had just received. Other than the ten lashes that Ludmilla gave Lori and Constance they were in good shape, since she did not want to ruin their auction value.

  Victor smiled at the young girl, “Tina, go over there to Alice and bring ‘Cow thirty-three’ with you.” Victor stood the young woman expecting quadruplets in front of Alice motioning Tina to hook up the breast pump. When it was properly set Victor switched the suction to maximum, causing Alice to double over and sink to her knees. He picked her up by the hair and made her face number thirty-three. “In a few months you will look exactly like this cow. You will look like this until the day that you die.” Anna started to rise from her seat, but Victor put his foot on her shoulder to hold her down. “We have a few rapists here that will pay serious money to rape a virgin especially if it is in front of her mother. After that you and Nadia will go up for auction too.” Victor was about to strike Anna when a young girl was propelled into the room with a note pinned to her blazer. Victor helped her to her feet using one of her pig tails. He yanked the note off her blazer and read it aloud.

  “This young lady was fighting over a bicycle in the alley with her companions. She is a real fighter. I sent you the winner and Dennis and I are entertaining the loser. Consider this my contribution to your party. We should be available tomorrow afternoon.” Victor dragged Suki and Tina up on stage.

  “We will start our auction with the youngest first. Tina just turned thirteen and is certified a virgin. She is Petra’s personal pet.”

  “No…” Petra howled as Victor reveled.

  “Tina needs to earn her keep. There are no free rides here.” Victor indicated Suki. “Next we have this thirteen-year-old girl, also a virgin.” He pointed to Lori and Connie. “I do not know if they are virgins but they are very fresh. Next we have Nadia, she is a talented whore. I see my short friend, ‘Napoleon’ back there. He likes to beat large women. We never could break her, but maybe you can. I am sure that you will have fun with this offering. We have a certified twenty-five-year-old virgin and her mother. After Alice has been raped, I will allow my men to satisfy themselves with Anna and Margarita.” Victor looked up at Ludmilla and she pounced on Margarita, with handcuffs. The surprised woman was subdued in seconds. Valentina leaned over to Margarita. She took the silenced 38 that Ivan removed from Anna’s purse off the seat of her chair. “Sorry, Sarah is worth so much more to the operation than you are and we need to cut our expenses. Sarah can have your operation. The men will enjoy you and then we will sell your snuff, so you will be making a contribution to your last breath.”

  “We have been with you for years.” Valentina kissed her and put a piece of tape over her mouth. She slapped Margarita across the face hard.

  “That reminds me I am tired of your whining. I would rather hear you scream. Ludmilla, take the tape off her mouth when the men start with her. I want you to make her scream for the whole evening. I will enjoy strangling her myself to shut her up.”

  Victor continued to address the group.

  “We will sell the snuff rights separately. We will have Margarita, Anna, Nadia, Lori, Connie and our traitor Petra will be a group project. The most inventive snuff will get their money back. We are going to auction off this fine female flesh and record you doing your finest work. You may inspect the merchandise now, but you must not grope them. That privilege is for the winner of each bid.” The guests roamed the room examining the auction items. “Think about your bids. We have never offered this kind of selection before. The winner of a bid may go solo or share their prize as they choose. We will share the rights to the video and split the profits, so you may be able to recoup some of your investment.”

  The first bid was for Tina. The bidding stalled at fifteen thousand, and Sarah jumped in with a bid for thirty thousand effectively killing the competition. Victor motioned Tina over to Sarah.

  Sarah whispered in her ear, “Go get the three purses over there.” Victor leaned over, toward Sarah.

  “Why do you need your purse?” His eyes lit up when Tina returned. Sarah produced a fist full of bills. Sarah counted out three hundred, one hundred dollar bills and handed them to Victor.

  “I pay as I go, so Tina belongs to me now. The other purse has the same amount of money in it.” The greed in Victor’s eyes was evident.

  “Why don’t you mix us some drinks. Valentina’s signature drink is a ‘Momma Martini’. That’s breast milk and vodka. Use the container on the counter that Tina collected earlier. Valentina and I will have Bloody Marys be sure and use Margarita for the blood.” Sarah poured one ‘Momma Martini’ and put it to the side. She poured three vials of knock out drops in the vodka slipping the vials back in her hair. She poured the vodka in the pitcher of milk and poured thirty cocktail glasses full. Sarah made a small cut on Margarita’s arm for the blood looking her straight in the eye as she was pouring. Tina started to deliver the martinis.

  In between trips Tina had to ask, “You paid thirty thousand dollars for me. What are you going do to me?” Sarah patted her on the shoulder.

  “Right now, I want you to deliver these drinks. Be sure that Ludmilla, Victor and Valentina each get a Bloody Mary. When she was done pouring Sarah took a small sip from her glass and put it on the tray. She spun the tray around so that her glass was closest to Tina. Tina looked at the eight glasses on the tray. “Which one is yours?” Sarah caressed her cheek. “I look for the lipstick on the rim.”

  “Just bring the tray to me first.” Sarah walked back to her seat. Tina finished loading the drinks on the tray bringing it to Sarah. Sarah absently grabbed a glass with Tina passing the rest of the drinks around. Sarah lifted her glass and wrapped her arm around Tina’s waist and hoisted her glass.

  “Here is to fun with our toys, bottoms up.”

  “Why did you bid so much for Tina?” Victor put his hand on her arm as everybody drained their glasses.

  “I wanted to set the mood. They will have to outbid me to get their toy. You want them to pay don’t you? I might as well spend the money on some fun since you will take it from me later.” Victor nodded silently at the truth of her statement.

  Suki sat on the stage crying. The hem of her skirt was tucked under her arm pits and her shredded tights were pulled down around her knees. Victor was staring at her ruffled hot pink panties being tempted to bid himself but he wanted the money more. Valentina would secure something like this for him when she hit the streets. He thought about Dennis and Tanya. The pigs were having play time with one just like her, so he thought about replacing them too. He was doing all of the work anyway and they skipped the
party in order to entertain themselves. It was too late for this auction but the idea was in his head. The help was all from his old group so he was not concerned about mixed loyalties. Ludmilla brought her face an inch from Margarita’s face. She hoisted the Bloody Mary.

  “The vodka spoils the taste.” She made a small cut on Margarita’s neck and started to suck. “I will have every drop before the night is over.”

  “How much am I bid on this little girl?” Victor started the bidding low. Every time the bidding slowed down Sarah would bump the bid. Finally, a woman on the left side of the stage won the bid because Victor ignored Sarah’s next bid. The winner was Mistress Pain. She wore a Rhinestone studded leather bikini, panty hose and Rhinestone shoes being a true sadist her whip matched her bikini. There was a young man standing next to her. He had a pattern of cuts on his chest that matched the pattern of Rhinestones on her Bikini.

  Ludmilla dragged Suki over by her hair forcing her to kneel in front of the woman.

  “This is Mistress Pain kneel here until she tells you what to do.” Suki’s back pack rested on her ankles. Mistress Pain slipped the toe of her shoe between Suki’s legs wiggling her foot. Suki started to pull away from the probe. The woman slapped her hard across the face. She did not have to fake her tears. “Victor I want to buy the snuff for this little bitch.” It took all of Suki’s will power not to act. She played bondage games with Susan before, but this woman was not playing.

  “We will handle that later.” Victor thought for a moment. Lady Pain was a sitting judge that had done many favors for him. “With the price that you paid I will throw that in as a gift.” The woman leaned forward caressing Suki’s face removing the tape. I will collect your last breath, and the last drop of your blood.

  “In the meantime I want to hear you scream.” She prodded Suki briefly with her toe. Suki did not need to fake the loud cry.

  “We need to finish the auction,” Victor said sternly. I am going to ask you to wait a little longer for your pleasure. I cannot hear the bids. The woman removed her foot and smiled wickedly at Suki. “You will entertain me later and we will record your screams.”

  The next bid was for Lori and Connie. The bid went to the ‘Rapist’. He wanted both of the twins. The pair went for premium dollars. The auction was proceeding beyond Victor’s dreams with Anna and Alice next. Victor refused to accept any of Sarah’s bids and the bid went low. Sarah leaned back to Valentina.

  “I could have doubled that price if I were in the bidding. Are you trying to make a profit or is this a charity?”

  “Victor does not want you buying your friends.”

  “They sold me to you, for Alice! They are not my friends! If I am going to be a partner, I want max profit.” Nadia went to the client they called ‘Napoleon’. He was five foot two and loved to bull whip tall women. He started to move toward Nadia, but Victor stopped him.

  “We need to finish the auction before we start playing. Otherwise the others will have to wait for their pleasure. I promise to be quick.” ‘Napoleon’ nodded and sat down again.

  Margarita came up for bid. Sarah jumped in on the first bid.

  “I will pay sixty thousand, if the snuff rights go with her.” Valentina just stared at Sarah.

  “The money was for ‘Hermes’’ expenses. I will find out when he will deliver the product, your men can kill him and take the goods. He will not need the money anyway.” She pointed over at Victors men. “Who knows, they will probably be able to knock off some of Tony’s crew. That will give you a big head start on your take over.” Victor stared at Sarah. She could be colder than Valentina.

  “How do you know I want to take over,” Victor asked.

  “Either you take over his operation, or he takes over yours. I used to work for you remember.”

  Victor was wondering if he would be safe with Sarah in the operation, “I should have made better use of your talents at the school.” The expression on Sarah’s face hardened.

  “I want all ten of your men to have her as many times as they can get it up. I will, of course want the snuff with Ludmilla’s assistance. I want Ludmilla to bleed her out slowly while I whip her.” Sarah looked at Ludmilla holding a handful of Margarita’s hair.

  “I would love to help you send this bitch to hell. We can make some Bloody Margaritas to drink.”

  Victor put his hand on Sarah’s arm. “You a blood thirsty bitch tonight.”

  Sarah could not hide the bitterness in her voice, “Yes and I will drink her blood to the last drop tonight.” Victor waved his arm in the direction of his men. He had never seen this side of Sarah before, at the base Victor preferred the youngest recruits ignoring her. This solved the problem of what recreation he was going to give his men. Anna was well used. She was thirty-nine and far too old for his clients. He could toss her in too. The snuff would be extra of course or maybe he would take Anna’s snuff as his personal little pleasure. Ludmilla grabbed Margarita by the hair at the back of her head dragging her over to Victor’s men. Ludmilla was staggering as she walked. They went right to work with the two video cameras following Margarita over to the waiting men. They ripped the clothes off of Margarita without ceremony not bothering with scissors. When they went to rape her, it seemed that they could not get it up. Sarah knew that the knockout drops were working. Victor’s attention was fully on his men’s inability to perform. The rapist was moving over to Connie and Lori and the other bidders were trying unsuccessfully to claim their purchases. She could wait no longer.

  Sarah kicked the back of Anna’s chair and then Nadia’s chair. When both women flexed their wrists the cuffs fell off. The cuffs were magician’s handcuffs, dropping off with a clatter. Sarah tossed their purses over their shoulders. Suki pushed her hands inside of her back pack and flexed her wrists. The cuffs came off and her hand came out of the bag with a Makarov pistol. Nobody had thought to check the bag of a thirteen-year-old for weapons. The woman in front of her screamed when she saw the gun. Mistress Pain’s boy toy launched himself at Suki. She fired two quick shots into his head splattering Lady Pain with the blood of her toy. Suki placed the barrel of the gun between the woman’s legs melting the pantyhose burning her inner thigh.

  “Are you going to get my gun off? You will have plenty of time to scream later.” The woman instantly stopped her protest. “Remove those shoes now.”

  The rapist was approaching Connie and Lori. Nadia slipped the straight razor from her boot opening it in one smooth motion. She caught the man from behind using his momentum to ram his face into the wall. Nadia spun him around and held the razor between his legs.

  “If you fight me you will be a woman.” The man understood her threat instantly stopping his struggles. A woman jumped up to help the ‘Rapist’ and Nadia swung the razor in her direction catching her hand. The rest were affected differently by the knockout drops, since they had all consumed different amounts, so the effects were different with each person, but they were all impaired to some degree. Valentina pulled the 38 off her chair pointing it at Anna. She started pulling the trigger and nothing happened since Tom had loaded it with the false bullets earlier.

  Anna grabbed the gun hitting Valentina on the ear with her Makarov pistol. “Anybody not on their knees in three seconds is going to die, move now.” Nadia walked up to Ivan with her pistol leveled. She had been at the receiving end of his lash a few times. Ivan had no idea of what she was planning. Nadia pointed to Petra.

  “See to your friend. I believe that she could use some help.” Nadia knew that he was not a threat by the casual way that he searched her. Ludmilla came storming at Anna in the center of the room. Her high heel slippers shifted as she made her move causing her to stumble. Anna put a bullet in her right knee cap and she fell down screaming in pain. Ivan unlocked the twins first to get room to move around behind Petra. Frank raced into the room. He saw Ivan working on Petra.

  “Frank stop…,” was all Nadia could get out. He checked his aim shooting into the wall when he saw no weap
on. Rich threw the equipment bag on the stage. Grace removed the hand cuffs, and leg irons from the bag and didn’t waste time in starting to cuff her way methodically through the room. Most of the people were feeling the effects of the knockout drops so even when they tried to resist they presented no problem. She cuffed their hands behind their backs and ran the chain for the leg irons behind them. When she finished four people she looped a cuff around the four chains that ran from the cuffs to the leg irons. After everybody was secure, Nadia, Sarah, and Anna changed into fatigues in the middle of the room with Suki stripping out of her little girl costume dressing in fatigues. Alice and Anna went into the dormitory to make sure the room was clear. They fired up their infrared detectors and went through the dorm finding one girl hiding under a bed.

  “I thought they were going to kill us all. I heard them while I was serving their lunch.” She looked at Alice. “I know you.”

  “I was held here with you,” Alice reassured her. “This is a rescue and we are going to get everyone out of here. You will be moved to a safe location and cared for. Please come with us, now.” The girl followed Anna and Alice into the party room. Brent abandoned his post in the garage to get the duffel that had the sweat suits to the basement. They passed out the bright Kelly green sweat suits cutting the confining platform shoes off the girl’s feet as Alice passed out shower clogs. Many of the girls ripped off their lingerie that they were wearing in disgust replacing it with the bright green sweat suits. Anna looked at the restrained villains and guests. She needed them all to be naked when they went out of the plane. She looked at the girls and decided to give them their moment.

  “Pluck them naked. I do not want even the smallest thread on their bodies, and cut their hair too.” The generals kept a healthy supply of sheers available to strip their victims. Grace made her claim on Victor since he was responsible for this whole mess.


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