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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

Page 37

by Finian Blake

“I have business with Victor.” She walked up to Victor and pulled out his leather jock strap dropping the small cactus plant that she had brought with her in his jock. Even in his drugged state the pain registered with Victor issuing an instant howl of pain. Grace kissed him. “Get used to it. You are going to hell like this.”

  Anna looked at the party goers. They all had beautiful hairdos to go with their fine clothes. “Remove their hair too.” The girls went to work with a vengeance. Anna allowed twenty minutes for the girls to do their work. The screams and pleas were heard all over the room. Various body parts were clipped in the haste causing numerous screams. The more that they screamed the more inspired the girls became. Suki introduced Mistress Pain to her own handiwork raking her randomly with the shredder shoes. Alice bent over Margarita holding her nose closed watching her thrash around on the floor.

  “Remember it is better to give than receive.” Margarita instantly regretted her words as she started to pass out. All of a sudden Alice heard Anna’s voice coming over her shoulder.

  “You can take your revenge or help the victims.” Anna pointed to the victims who appeared to be in desperate straits and were now wearing their green sweat suits.

  Alice released Margarita’s nose looking down at her tormentor, “She’s not worth it, what would you like me to do?”

  “Ride with them to the safe house and start their care. We have a good selection of medicines and first aid gear.”

  Alice kicked Margarita in the chest, “What about her?”

  “You will have to trust Alex and me if you go with them.”

  Alice looked at the other victims, “I can live with that.” Anna smiled when Alice voluntarily gave up her revenge in favor of helping the victims. She did not want her daughter sinking to the same level as her tormentors.

  Finally, when things were starting to get out of control Anna called a halt to the proceedings. There were shreds of clothing and hair all over the room. All of the restrained people were huddled in the corner of the room naked and bleeding from small cuts. There were blood smears and cuts all over them. This would have to serve the girls as a small sense of revenge. Rich stacked the shredded clothing and identification next to the gas main where the heat would be greatest. They left all of the Russian weapons stacked in the basement placing a block of explosive on them.

  “Grace, take the girls up stairs. Their transportation is due to be here.” When they were prepared, Grace and Alice led all of the girls to the garage.

  Asshole number one pulled in front of the garage door. The women were loaded on the bus as quickly as possible with the bus leaving the second the last one was on board. Petra and Ivan were the last two loaded on the bus. The girls did not want to travel with Petra or Ivan until they were reminded of the beating she took to help them. Within three minutes Lori, Connie, Petra and all of the women used as whores were out of the building, and on their way to Wanda’s place. Alice started their treatment as soon as they left for Wanda’s place moving from woman to woman assessing their state.

  Suki and Anna set to work interrogating Victor, Valentina, Ludmilla and Margarita, while the others swept the building with the infrared detectors. Brent, Ryan, and Tom started placing the charges with Mark. The job went much quicker this time since they had the experience of the first building to guide them. Margarita tried to work her own deal.

  “They turned on me. We have been doing business since Vladimir was made a general. I shot him and they turned on me, since you are letting Petra go, why don’t you give me the same deal?”

  Anna screamed in her face, “You kidnapped and tortured my daughter! You caused this whole mess! There is only one reason that I don’t kill you now, and that is I don’t want to carry your sorry ass up those stairs leaking blood. Now I have some questions to ask you and I hope that you will force me to make you talk.” Anna was panting with rage. Anna had to check her anger, if she lost control the whole operation would be in jeopardy.

  “What are we going to do, talk or torture?” Margarita knew if Anna started, she would not stop when she did talk.

  “I’ll talk.” It took Anna ten minutes to extract all of the information she needed. Anna only went after the information that was required.

  Suki and Nadia started with Valentina. Suki let Nadia do the talking.

  “‘Hermes’ paid you for us in Pakistan. You were paid well beyond what you could have made. Why did you do this Valentina?”

  “You were not for sale. Nobody steals from us.”

  Nadia flared, “We were not yours to sell!”

  Valentina countered, “You came with us.”

  “That does not give you the right! You sold us. We had no choice just like the girls you kidnapped.”

  “Victor bought you from Gregory.” Nadia knew that she would never convince her that she was wrong. “Valentina, Suki is going to ask some questions. You can talk or we can torture.” Suki fired up the propane torch that ignited with a loud pop and a hiss. Valentina’s eyes went wide as Suki removed her remaining body hair with the torch.

  “I will talk!” Nadia looked disappointed. “If you promise not to kill me, I will tell you everything.” Suki shut the torch down. She held it up to Valentina’s face letting the heat emphasize her point. “When we are finished, we will put you on a plane and take you to Dennis and Tanya. If you cooperate nobody will raise a hand against you. If you lie to us I will fire up this torch again and not shut it down until the tank runs out of gas.” Valentina gave up the location of all of the stashes in the house the Swiss account numbers, the European accounts and the pass words. The whole process took only fifteen minutes. When Valentina gave the location of the blackmail evidence, Alex instantly retrieved anything that was supposed to be in the house finding twenty file storage boxes which he moved to the garage, for his special plan.

  Nadia, Suki, Sarah and Anna brought Victor in the room. They gave Nadia the first conversation with Victor since she suffered most at his hands. Victor was still suffering from Grace’s cactus.

  Nadia started, “Tell me why you think that you had the right to sell us.”

  “I bought you and the others from Gregory. You are mine, so I own you!”

  “We were not his to sell.”

  Victor was adamant, “Yes, you are his daughter so he had the right.” Anna’s jaw dropped. The generals knew that all of her sisters were Gregory’s daughters and committed their crimes against them anyway. All four women let out a prolonged scream. Angela stepped up kicking Victor solidly in the knee cap dropping him to the floor with a scream.

  “I do not feel like looking up to you.” She looked at Victor on the floor. “You have a real problem with women. Do you know what it is like to be a woman?”

  Victor looked at the four women standing over him. “I am a man. I do not care what women think.” Nadia held the straight razor under his nose cutting the tip of his nose off to make her point clearly understood.

  “You are about to go to hell as a woman!” She held the open blade of the razor between his legs threateningly. Victor panicked, since there was no doubt of what she intended to do.

  “I will talk!” Nadia smiled at Victor sweetly.

  “We have not asked you anything yet.”

  “I have three personal stashes, one in our room, one down here in the basement and a run bag under the work bench in the garage.” Suki looked at the others and they all nodded their heads.

  “All right, you can have the same deal as Valentina. You will be loaded on a plane and we will drop you off by Dennis, and none of our people will raise a hand against you.”

  “What about the cactus?” Victor was losing his mind with the pain.

  “First you talk, and then I will think about the cactus.” Victor nodded and started to talk. He used blackmail to get people to work for him, so the twenty-five boxes that Rich had moved to the garage became critically important.

  They regarded the naked people in chains. They would never be found, but just in
case everything that would identify them had been removed. There was a short debate over whether or not to kill the guests. All of them were attending the party to see the women killed or kill them. The woman that tormented Suki with her shoe made her intentions perfectly clear. After less than a minute it was decided that they were all guilty of murder in the past and they would be disposed of in the same manner as the generals and their cronies.

  Rich insisted on removing them from the building to keep his promise to Troy. With the exception of Suki, nobody on their team was even scratched. None of the victims were scratched by the operation. On the other side only one was killed at Dennis’s building with nobody wounded. In Victor’s building the sniper and Lady Pain’s boy toy were killed and Ludmilla was wounded with Nadia ramming a cork from a wine bottle in Ludmilla’s leg securing it with some of the shredded clothing producing a horrible scream. Only ten shots total were fired by either side. There was only one body to haul out of the basement and they pitched the sniper down the stairs. The operation was a huge success. Nadia was still suffering from blood lust.

  “We should kill them right here.” Rich put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Do you want to carry their bodies out of the basement leaking blood all over you?” Nadia shook her head no and continued with the plan.

  Asshole number two stopped and picked up the six targets from the first building with a small bus. When he moved to the second building to pick up Victors ten Hench men and three of the clients Frank and Brent started to pump the diesel fuel up to the third floor so that it could drain down through the building by way of the utility stacks. Nineteen would be a full load for the first Otter. They drove the bus into the hangar and loaded the trash in one of the Twin Otters. As they were loaded everybody was attached to the 300-pound weight using the heavy chain that was preloaded in the aircraft. The first load of trash was on its way to a preselected spot in Lake Michigan. The first building was clear and there were seventeen people left in the second building. Frank and Angela elected to stay with the first building.

  Rich had made prior arrangements to junk all of the rolling stock for both buildings. That crew was on the way. What Rich had not anticipated was the guest’s cars that were parked in the food store’s parking lot, so he called Tony.

  “Tony, I would like to add ten cars to the crush. We want them moved within a few hours. Can you put something together quickly?”

  “What kind of cars are we talking about?” Rich checked the keys. “It looks like three Mercedes, two Audis, four Cadillacs, and a Volvo.”

  “I have the drivers but those are fancy ignition systems. I don’t have anyone that can hot wire them.”

  “I have the keys. The price will be one thousand a car.”

  “I can’t pay you that much. It would not be worth it.”

  “I was going to pay you a thousand a car, to junk them.”

  “I will have a full crew there in forty-five minutes. Are they hot?”

  “No, they probably will never be reported, but I need them crushed without being stripped. They will be associated with missing persons in a few days and they could be evidence of another crime. Don’t forget to check them out for run kits if you find anything it’s yours.” Rich wanted to let Tony know exactly what he was dealing with.

  Roger took off with Mark in the Twin Otter with asshole number two changing the plates on the van and removing the false signs that were taped to the sides. The target for the flight was one hundred sixty miles North-north east. There was still a viable commercial fishery on Lake Michigan and they found a site that had a concentration of wrecks in it, so the fishermen avoided this area like the plague since the wrecks always snagged their nets and lines. The chain was attached to a 300-pound weight that was secured in the doorway. When they reached the magic spot Mark opened the door freeing the tie downs on the weight stepping well clear of the door. The Otter climbed hard and made an extreme left bank. There was a second worth of screaming followed by silence. When Roger looked back in the cabin, it was empty. Mark waived to Roger and the plane took a heading to fly on to Milwaukee. When they landed he made a call just in case another run was needed.

  Sarah and Nadia did a roundup of all the assets stashed in the house while Alex removed the charges from the garage moving them back to the house. He wanted to leave the evidence in the garage where it would be discovered by whoever investigated the fire. Suki took information to the other building and started clearing the rest of Denis’s building. Asshole number two picked up the remaining targets and headed for the hangar. Rich and Brent went with the remaining targets. Mark moved the van in the garage running a hose up to the third floor. When the call came over the TAC radio they threw the switch on the pumps in both vans at the same time. The hundred gallon tanks of diesel were both pumped dry in minutes. Frank allowed the fuel in the hose to run back into the garage of the first house and Mark ran the hose in the second house to drain into the back door of the house after they pulled the vans clear leaving the hoses to burn with the structures. The fuses were only three minutes long since they did not want to risk anyone stumbling onto the set up. Sarah remembered the stash in the garage. She found a large black purse and looked inside seeing several stacks of hundred dollar bills. Sarah closed the bag and jumped in the van.

  Mark made the call to Frank, “Building two is clear and ready.”

  “Building one is clear and ready.” Frank made the call.

  “Blow them now.” Both men triggered the fuses driving off in their vans with the crews. The explosions would be contained by the building’s thick brick walls.

  At ten PM everything on the street was quiet. The vans drove to a parking lot near an on ramp to the Kennedy Expressway and parked. They studied the overcast sky. The low hanging clouds were suddenly lit up by two orange fire balls. The diesel fuel in both buildings dripped down the stairs and down the utility stacks in each building. The detonator cord blew the interior sides out of the utility stacks with the blast opening the doors in every room so that the fire had no barriers to overcome. There was a clear path for the fire from the basement to the roof thru the two utility stacks and the stairway. They wrapped the gas main with detonator cord to insure fuel in the basement. The extra structure from the soundproofing allowed most of the blast to go upward through the building instead of going out the windows. The charges on the roof blew open two huge holes in the roof of each building allowing a clear path from the roof to the basement allowing the energy from the explosion at the top of the building to blow down, compress and bounce back up so that the echo would blow out the top of the entire building. The thick brick walls of the old building prevented the energy of the blast from going to the side and damaging the surrounding buildings. The fire spread instantly throughout the building in just a few minutes. All floors were instantly involved. Between the diesel fuel and the natural gas, the heat was so intense that some of the metal items inside the structure melted. All of the floors collapsed into the basements as the supports failed destroying all of the evidence left behind by the crew. The garage in building number two did not catch fire since Mark removed the charges.

  Troy was running a full dress practice drill at the fire house when the alarm came in at ten-ten PM with all of the men complaining about doing a drill that late at night. Every man in the station was a veteran and knew their jobs having responded to many fires of all types in the past. Why in the hell was Troy running drills? Before the alarm bell sounded everybody was dressed with the trucks ready to roll. Troy took the address of the fire and they were on the street in less than a minute. He climbed into the cab of the fire truck and read the address to the driver.

  “That’s where those Russians have their little empire!” The driver was no rookie. He knew that this was a ‘Chicago coincidence’. They would be there in a few minutes.

  When they arrived it was obvious that this was arson since the smell of diesel fuel and nitrates were unmistakable. The two fires were acro
ss the street from one another and they were set to burn in the same manner. Troy had called in three extra alarms when he left the fire house, and when they arrived he set the trucks to hosing down the surrounding buildings to prevent the fire from spreading to other structures. Troy had researched the area days before and had each response directed to the area with pin point accuracy. The wind was in a favorable direction which blew the main load of heat toward the alley on the side of each six flat. The fire department put more water on the neighbor’s houses than they did the buildings that were on fire and the ladder companies extended their booms so that they could shoot water down through the collapsed roof to the center of the building. All of these efforts did nothing to save either building however none of the neighbor’s houses were severly damaged in the process. It was plain to see the two buildings on fire would be a complete loss. Flames were leaping thirty feet above the roofs. Only one garage was on fire and the other one did not even start to burn. The only thing that could be done was to keep the surrounding buildings from burning. Troy had the gas mains to the area shut down and the evacuation of the neighbors was quick. Troy called in for an arson investigator when trucks stopped in front of Victor’s building. His main duty now was to contain the fire and make sure that nobody was injured. The lead arson investigator walked up to Troy after arriving on the scene.

  “If this isn’t arson, nothing is. It has been only three hours and the whole building is almost consumed. I can smell diesel fuel and explosives. Whoever did this was a pro. Only the windows in the other buildings were broken. Hell, there should not even be much smoke damage in the neighbor’s buildings. There are no cars parked in front of the building how often do you see that in a neighborhood like this. Even the trees in front of them only singed a few branches. Your boys did a hell of a job protecting the neighborhood. Have you checked out the other garage?”

  “No not yet since it was not involved I thought that we would wait for you

  “Good lad, let’s check it out together.” Just then a supply of ammunition went off in the basement. Easily two hundred rounds cooked off, but since they were in the basement covered by debris no one was injured. As the fire died down the firemen flooded the basements of both buildings. The inspector shouted in Troy’s ear. “Keep your men out of there. Just flood the shit out of both buildings and we will send in a special team when everything is cold. I will have the police setup a crime scene and we will wait for the police to show up before we crack the garage. Do you think anyone was in there?”


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