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Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1)

Page 23

by Siobhan Davis

  Try telling that to my pounding head.

  “I’m watching you, bitch,” Peyton hisses when we’re back out in the now-empty corridor. “And that’s the only warning you’re getting from me.” She struts off down the corridor as if she’s parading in front of a celebrity crowd on the runway.

  “Do I have some sort of invisible brand on my head that attracts bitches?” I ask Brad, as I walk back toward my locker.

  He swings his backpack over one shoulder. “You’re on everyone’s radar because you’re new blood. Plus”—he sends me an apologetic look—“Peyton is Addison’s cousin, and she goes out with Lance, Memorial’s quarterback. They have this place sewn up tight. I’m not sure there was anything you could’ve done to avoid this. She was always going to target you.”

  “Cheer me up, why don’t ya.” I grab my books, stuffing them quickly into my bag. “I never thought I’d miss Sister Mary, but if she miraculously appeared in front of me right now, I’d take a vow of chastity if it meant returning to my old school.”

  “Hang on here, now, let’s not be too hasty.” He winks, and I roll my eyes. He slings his arm over my shoulder. “You’ll get used to it. And I’ve got your back.”

  He walks me toward my math class. “How do you know these kids anyway? Don’t the posh snobs turn their noses up at the commoners?”

  He sniggers. “That’s not far off the mark, but our teams regularly face one another on the sports field, and a lot of the parties are mixed.”

  I stop at the door to my math class, discreetly peeking inside. Everyone is seated and the teacher is already talking at the top of the class.



  “This is me. Wish me luck.”

  “You don’t need it,” he says, smiling. “You’ll be fine. Wanna meet for lunch?”

  “That’d be great.”

  “Awesome. Give ‘em hell.” He winks before taking off in the opposite direction.

  Drawing a large breath, I curl my fingers around the handle and step into the room.

  The morning goes by quite quickly, and I’m grateful. Almost every teacher makes me stand in front of the room and introduce myself. By the fourth class, I could recite it in my sleep. Rose is in my English class, and Brad sits beside me in Science, so it’s not as bad as I feared. Most of the other students give me a wide berth, and I’m A-okay with that.

  Brad and I walk into the cafeteria together at lunchtime, and virtually every head turns in our direction. “I feel like I’m under a microscope,” I say, adding a few things to my tray.

  “It comes with the territory when you’re a Kennedy.” He tries to pay for my lunch, but I won’t hear of it.

  Rose lifts her hand and waves us over. She’s at a table in the far corner with a couple of other girls. Brad and I claim seats across from her as she makes brief introductions. Most of the girls seem to know Brad, and the few who don’t look him over with obvious appreciation. The girls are polite but distant toward me.

  When Lana and Zoe approach, I wave them over and force Brad to move down a few seats. He sends me an amused grin. “What?” I mouth.

  “You’re messing with the social hierarchy.”

  I snort. “As if I give two shits about that.”

  He laughs before leaning into me. “Keep this up and you’ll have every guy in the place falling at your feet.”

  I scowl at him. “I don’t want any guys falling at my feet.”

  He arches a brow. “You sure about that?” I fix him with a funny look.

  Lana drops into the seat beside me, staring at me through vacant, red-rimmed eyes. “Hey.” I place my hand on her wrist. “Is everything okay?”

  Zoe leans forward, pinning me with a scathing expression that I’m beginning to suspect is just her usual look. “Why did you call us over? What are you playing at?”

  I level her with a vicious look all of my own. “I’m not playing any game. I saw you two and wanted to invite you to join us. Shoot me if that’s a crime.”

  “You cannot be this naïve,” Zoe scoffs.

  “Peyton is going to string you up for this,” Lana warns. “I had a few run-ins with her in first year, and she’s definitely one to bear a grudge. You don’t want to make an enemy of her on your first day.”

  A strangled laugh slips from my mouth. “I think it’s a little late for that, and I don’t care. Peyton doesn’t scare me. She can go fuck herself.”

  A shocked silence spreads over our table at my words. I may have stated that a bit louder than intended, but so what.

  Rose cracks up laughing, helping to break the tension. “You’re exactly what this school needs to break Peyton’s hold.”

  “I don’t want to break Peyton’s hold. I want to have nothing to do with her. But I’m not going to bow down to that cow either.”

  “You can’t say stuff like that,” a girl says at the end of the table. “Even if you are a Kennedy.” Her tone carries an awed, reverential quality.

  “Why is everyone so obsessed with my cousins? With”—I make little air quotes—“the Kennedys. You’d swear they were actual royalty.” I shake my head in consternation.

  Now all the girls stare at me as if I’ve just snorted fire out my nostrils. The girl beside Rose speaks up first. “They basically are around here. The Kennedys epitomize everything we aspire to be. They can make or break you. If you have their support, the world is your oyster.”

  I almost choke on my salad. “That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. They’re only human, same as you and me. And from what I’ve seen of Wellesley, even their affluence isn’t that unusual. I really don’t get it.”

  Brad can’t contain the smile on his face. “I’m so glad I transferred to this school. Senior year just got a whole lot more interesting.”

  I stick out my tongue, and he laughs.

  “You’re frigging insane,” the girl continues. “And stupid not to take advantage of the position you find yourself in. Most girls in this town would kill to be in your shoes.”

  Her words rub me up the wrong way. “What? Most girls would love to be orphaned, have to ID the mangled bodies of their parents, and move halfway around the world to live in fucking La-La land with you bunch of crazy ass-worshipers?” I stand up, clutching my tray against my chest. “Yeah, I’m sure they would.” I doubt I’ve made any friends with my impassioned speech, but I couldn’t care less.

  “Nice one, Hayley.” Rose glares at her friend as I stride away from the table. Every head in the vicinity swings in my direction, and it’s obvious that plenty of people overheard our conversation. Hostile looks come at me from all quarters, but I ignore them as I dump my tray and head outside.

  My heart is thudding against my ribcage and my palms are sweaty as I rest against a small stone wall off the main entrance. Brad chuckles as he drops down beside me. “Way to make a first impression.”

  I spin my head around to face him. “Do you believe all that crap too? You’d swear my cousins were freaking immortal or shit gold out their asses the way everyone goes on.”

  He roars laughing. “I know them better than most. And, no, I don’t have them on a pedestal.” His laughter fades away.

  “What happened, Brad? Did you really hook up with Addison behind Ky’s back because I can’t see it.”

  His shoulders sag, and his Adam’s apple lurches in his throat. “I’m guilty as charged, Faye. I betrayed my best friend, and I’ve lost everything, but I deserve it.”

  “Everyone makes mistakes at some point in their lives. But it’s how they deal with the fallout that matters. And whether they’ve learned from the experience enough not to repeat the same mistakes.”

  Brad looks at me with sad eyes. “I would never do that again, and I want to make it up to him, but he’s shut me out. And I don’t blame him for that. Like I said, I deserve it.”

  Before I can question him further, the bell rings, and we have to head back to class.

  The afternoon passes by in a similar fashion, and before I know it, the bell is hollering, signaling the end of the day.

  I made it through my first day of American high school. I’d like to say unscathed, but my head is still throbbing so that’d be an outright lie.

  Brad is waiting for me by my locker. “Do you need a ride home?”

  “Max is picking me up, but thanks anyway.”

  “I don’t mind picking you up every day if you need a lift.”

  I shut my locker and start walking. Brad trails alongside me. “You don’t need to do that.”

  “I know, but I don’t mind.”

  I stop, pulling him aside. “Look, I know I kissed you, and I shouldn’t have done that, but I meant what I said before that. I’m not looking for anything, so if that’s why you’re offering …”

  He goes rigidly stiff. “Seriously?” Hurt glimmers in his gaze. “You’re really starting to insult me now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Crappers. I run after him, skipping down the steps until I’ve caught up with him. “Wait, Brad. I’m sorry. You’ve been nothing but nice to me, and that was totally uncalled for. I’d like to be friends, once we’re both on the same page.”

  He inspects my face and his shoulders relax. “We are. Don’t get me wrong; under different circumstances, I’d be all over you.” He sends me a meaningful look. “But I hear you loud and clear, and I want to be your friend. In case you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have too many of those anymore, so I’m not being entirely selfless here.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I like you, and—”

  “Do you have a death wish?” a menacing voice asks from behind me, and I shriek.

  “Jeez, Ky. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I glare at him but his harsh gaze is fixed on Brad. A crowd starts to form around us as everyone picks up on the obvious friction.

  “It’s not what you think, Ky. We’re friends. That’s it.” Brad holds up his hands in offering.

  “You forget that I know exactly how you operate.” Ky adopts a protective stance, pulling me behind him.

  “I’m not the same person you knew.” Brad squares up to him confidently, but there’s no aggression or malice in how he carries himself. “Things have changed. I’ve changed.”

  Ky harrumphs. “Save it for someone who gives a shit. I won’t tell you again, McConaughey. Stay away from Faye.”

  “Ignore him,” I tell Brad, stepping out from Ky’s shadow. “I make my own decisions. But I think it’s best if you leave.” I gesture subtly toward the mob forming a circle around us. “Let’s not give them another show.”

  “Yeah, let’s not,” Ky interjects before Brad can even respond. “Because half the town is still enjoying the first one.” He grinds down on his teeth.


  Ky thrusts his cell in my hand. “Take a look for yourself.”

  I press the play button and cringe. Someone posted the earlier incident at my locker online, and it already has several thousand views. I’m sprawled over Brad, both of us laid out on the ground, as if I’ve jumped him in plain view. Great. So much for fading into the background.

  Brad curses as he watches over my shoulder. I hand the phone back to Kyler in silence.

  “Please tell me you’re here to control that slut?” Peyton demands, advancing toward us as the crowd parts to let her through. She stands in front of Kyler with a stupid pout on her mouth. “Someone needs to explain to her how things work around here. If you won’t sort it, I will.”

  Kyler puts the scary mask on and leans into her face. Naked aggression rolls off him in waves. “If you lay a finger on Faye, you’ll have me to deal with. Don’t try any of your usual bullshit, Peyton. I’ll only warn you this once.”

  Her eyes narrow to slits as a red flush spreads over her chest. The crowd surrounding us waits with bated breath. Bloody brilliant. Ky’s called her out in front of the entire school, and she’s not going to take that lying down. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she stares him down. “You’re forgetting your place, Ky-ler.” She enunciates his name slowly, her tone dripping with condescension. “You don’t run this joint. I do.”

  “Pey, back off.” A huge guy, with planks for shoulders, strides toward us. “Kennedy.” He nods at Kyler.

  Ky returns the gesture. “Keep your girl in check, Fielding. Faye’s a Kennedy, and she’ll be given the respect she deserves, or I won’t hesitate to step in.”

  This is so stupid, and I open my mouth to intervene, when Brad silences me with a subtle nod of his head.

  “Message received, Kyler, but you better explain how things work around here, because she needs to respect the way we handle things.”

  “She understands.”

  I open my mouth again, but Ky levels a warning glare my way. Dropping keys into my hand, he says, “Get in the car and wait for me.” I narrow my eyes as I prepare to give him a piece of my mind.

  Brad moves to my side, taking my elbow. “Come on, Faye. I’ll go with.” I’m sure Ky would love to object, but he’s in no position to. Jerking out of Brad’s hold, I twist around and walk away. He keeps step alongside me. “He’s trying to fix this.”

  “I don’t need or want his help. I can take care of myself.” We stop at Ky’s SUV, and I slip my bag off my back.

  Brad opens the car, placing my bag on the floor. “I know that, and I’m sure Ky does, too, but his public support can’t hurt. You don’t know these girls like I do. They can make your life hell.”

  “Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.”

  “And you’re still not going to explain that, are you?” Ky asks, materializing beside me.

  “Are you going to quit with Addison?”

  Ky sighs. “You sound like a broken record. Please, just get in.” He tosses a mean look at Brad as he rounds the driver side.

  I show Ky the middle finger, and it feels great. Leaning over, I kiss Brad sweetly on the cheek. “Thanks for today, and if that offer’s still open, you can pick me up at seven thirty in the morning.”

  He nods. “Sure thing. See you then.” With a quick glance at a sullen Ky, he closes the door. I wiggle my fingers at him as I buckle my seat.

  “I know what you’re doing.” Ky thrusts the car in gear and floors it.

  I bounce around in my seat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I look idly out the window.

  “You’re trying to make me jealous, but it won’t work.”

  I look at him through hooded eyes. “So you coming to collect me from school had nothing to do with that video? Nothing to do with Brad at all?”

  He grinds his teeth, as he pushes his foot down on the accelerator. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He casts a quick glance at me. His eyes are brooding, and I know I’ve touched a nerve.

  “Touching, but I don’t believe you.” I lift my legs onto the dashboard as I lean back in my seat.

  “I’m not jealous,” Kyler grinds out.

  “Of course, you aren’t,” I say sweetly, pinning him with a smug look. “You’re not jealous in the slightest.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The rest of the week follows a predictable pattern. Brad drives Lana and me to and from school each day. Peyton shoots me daggers in the hallway but keeps her distance. I eat lunch with Brad, Rose, Lana, and Zoe, while most everyone else steers clear of me. Lana is even quieter than usual, while Zoe is more acerbic than ever. My classes are fine, and I’ve no trouble picking up the curriculum.

  Work is almost boring.

  Alex is still out of the country, and James has made himself scarce. I hang with Keaton. Kalvin is obviously avoiding me, as I haven’t managed to snatch more than the odd few minutes with him, and my questions regarding the exact nature of
his relationship with Addison are still unanswered. Kyler has been polite but distant all week.

  So, yeah, things are settling into a regular pattern.

  The normality is refreshing.

  Should’ve known I’d spoken too soon.

  On Friday, Brad drops us off in front of the house and we wave goodbye to him. An unfamiliar sporty blue number is parked in the driveway, sparking my curiosity. I chat to Lana for a bit before she heads home.

  Stepping into the hall, I drop my bag on the ground. Someone hisses at me, and I jerk around. Kyler is lurking in the shadows under the stairs, gesturing me forward. He puts a finger to his lips and then points upstairs. The study door is ajar and soft female laughter wafts through the air. Icicles form a line down my back as I recognize Courtney’s sultry tone. I tiptoe toward Kyler. “Listen,” he mouths as I draw near. He pulls me into his side, and I’m immediately waylaid by the warm, hard lines of his body. Concentrating on eavesdropping becomes a mammoth task. My fingers twitch with the craving to touch him, as if a thousand volts of electricity are coursing through my body. I stare at the back of Kyler’s head with pathetic longing. The sides and back of his head are newly shorn, and the thin layer of velvety hair begs to be touched. My eyes trail down his broad shoulders, over his tapered, slim waist, and the taut curves of his ass.

  Must. Stop. Drooling.

  Except it’s no good—I can’t resist his charms. Moving closer, I deliberately brush my body against his. His breath falters, and you could hear a pin drop in the space. Courtney’s laughter rings out from above as Ky’s fingers graze mine, igniting my skin on contact.

  “Will you be able to get away this weekend?” Courtney purrs, her voice sounding closer. Ky’s fingers entwine fully with mine.

  “I’ll find a way,” James replies. Then it’s quiet, and all I hear is the rampant thudding of my heart. Courtney emits a needy moan, and Ky squeezes my hand to the point of pain. His body is rigid with tension. I circle my arms around his waist and rest my head against his back. “We shouldn’t be listening,” I whisper.


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