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Sad Love

Page 20

by Mj Fields

  They told them that each holiday or birthday they put money into an account for Luke since his birth; they were doing the same for Sydney.

  “You should go get their statements out of the glove box; I haven’t opened them this month.”

  Lucas came in and handed them to Jade and was smiling.

  “No way,” Jade gasped and started to cry, “This isn’t alright.”

  Lucas had put two grand into Riley’s when she was born and did the same to Luke’s. Tessa shook her head and kissed his cheek. Lucas had a different idea of holidays than Tessa. He and she both put a couple hundred dollars in for birthdays Easter, and Christmas. But Lucas put money in for Valentine day, Presidents day Columbus Day the fourth of July and many others. Luke had eight thousand dollars, and Riley had twenty five hundred.

  “Do you know how proud Tommy would be of you Lucas, not just because of this but because of who you have become?” Jade asked through tears.

  “Momma we don’t cry when we talk about my father,” Lukie said, “We are happy like he is.”

  “You’re right buddy,” Ryan said. “But sometimes girls cry when they’re happy, look at Aunt Tessa.”

  “That’s just wrong” Lukie said, and they all laughed. “Boys too?” he asked looking at Lucas.

  “Sometimes, buddy,” Lucas said, and Tessa hugged him."Oh man, you’re right-- this is wrong,” he laughed. “But I miss your father. Aside from Tessa, he believed in me more than anyone else in the whole world. You’re so lucky Luke, you have a father watching you from way up there and a Daddy who will make sure you are happy forever, right here.”

  “And an uncle who cries happy tears like a girl,” Lukie said excited and hugged him.

  They all laughed.

  ”When did you start talking all the time?” Lucas laughed and picked him up and swung him around in a circle.

  Before they left Jade and Ryan agreed to consider the deal.


  Tessa and Lucas walked out to his SUV.

  “Do you want to stop at the cemetery?”

  “Which one?” he asked quietly.

  “Both,” she said. “Share your news with Tommy and David.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course Lucas. I ‘m going to drive.”

  They stopped at both cemeteries after buying flowers to leave at each. Lucas didn’t say much. But they spent at least thirty minutes at each stop before heading back to Syracuse.

  They pulled into their driveway, and Lucas woke up.

  "I fell asleep," he laughed. “Wow-- what an emotional day, do you think I am getting my period?”

  “No, Lucas, but I know I fall more deeply in love with you every day,” she looked down.

  “And that makes you sad?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I love you.”

  “I love you, can we do something fun? Little Luke kind of destroyed my manhood today,” he laughed and got out.

  "Oh Lucas, there is nothing lacking in that department," she looked down at him and smiled.

  “Perfect,” he said and ran upstairs.


  "I just don't like any of them," Lucas said

  She laughed, “Do you realize in two days we’re going to be homeless?”

  “Fine, let’s go for a drive and check some of them out,” he pouted.

  They spent the next five hours driving from house to house, none of which either of them liked.

  They drove into town, “What are we doing here?”

  “Do you trust me?”


  “Good close your eyes,” he grinned, “And no peeking!”

  They pulled onto a bumpy road.

  “Are you taking me out to the middle of the woods again?” she laughed.

  “Sort of,” he said with a smile in his voice.

  He stopped and turned off the SUV.

  “Okay keep them closed. So you know that training camp is here, but the Meadowlands are in New Jersey right?’

  “Yes,” she said.

  “I thought about it, and maybe we shouldn’t buy a big house yet until we see what happens with the Jets. You know trying to think like you do,” he laughed, “Well I thought it would be nice to have a place here, and we could always build something bigger if this is where we decided to stay but this could be our start. Could you open your eyes please, baby?”

  She opened her eyes and looked around, “This is my families land.”

  “It’s ours now, your Dad gave me a pretty sweet deal on ten acres,” he laughed and jumped out of the SUV and ran around and helped her out.

  “When did the garage get built?” she asked.

  “It was finished last week, Tessa, do you like it?” he asked.

  “Yes but a three bay garage… I am so confused,” she laughed.

  “Alright come on,” he lead her around back, “this is pretty plain, but I know you can make it perfect. Check this out” he said and turned the corner.

  She smiled when she saw the wall of glass facing the west, it was beautiful. He opened the glass doors, and she walked into the very open area. The floors were wood and tile, everything was open. The kitchen the dinning room and the living room. It was almost as big as the garage. Stairs lead up to an open area which had two small bedrooms and a large master suite.

  “Lucas, this is breathtaking,” she said, and she cried. “How did you do this?”

  “With lots of help” he laughed. “But I designed it for you. I didn’t pick colors, I thought you would want to, but our furniture should be here in an hour. And I thought,” she kissed him passionately.

  “Does that mean you like it?”

  “No, Lucas, I love it,” she kissed him again.

  She walked upstairs and leaned over the railing and looked down at him. She took her shirt off and threw it at him. He smiled and ran up the stairs.


  She came out of the bathroom,

  “You look amazing,” he said. “I think we should have a no clothes policy.”

  Lucas stood up, and she looked at him and smiled. He was beautiful and sweet and as much as he drove her insane she loved him.

  “I think we could do that,” she hugged him.

  They heard cars pulling in, and he grabbed his pants and got dressed. She laughed and looked down at her clothes. She started running towards the stairs, and Alex and Phoebe walked in,

  “I got it,” laughing he ran down and grabbed her clothes.

  Alex and Phoebe walked in as he was grabbing her bra.

  “You’ve only been here an hour man,” Alex closed his eyes.

  “She likes the house,” Lucas laughed, ran upstairs, and helped her dress.

  They walked downstairs just as the rest of the family walked in.

  “So does she like it?” John asked.

  "Apparently, she loves it," Alex walked out.

  They had moved everything in, and Maggie had brought dinner. Jade pulled in with the kids Tessa ran out to meet her.

  “Do you love it?”

  “Yes, I just worry about the way he spends money,” Tessa laughed.

  “He sold the house, Tessa.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Yeah and Ryan’s been here every night for a month and on weekends. He gave us an amazing deal Tessa he is such a good guy, most of the time,” Jade laughed. “We can afford the house of our dreams and this one well it is amazing, and on the land you love so much.”


  They lay in bed and watched the sunset entangled in each other’s arms.

  “Are you happy, baby?”

  “Beyond happy,” she yawned and fell asleep in his arms.

  He woke up, and she was sitting on the edge of the bed naked with his breakfast.

  “Good morning Baby,” his eyes moved over her body.

  “Good morning,” she said beaming, “I made you breakfast, naked.”

  "Perfect," he laughed.

  She pulled down the blankets and smiled when
she saw him getting hard. She sat on top of him and fed him bites of eggs. He looked down as he chewed and his fingers spread her as his thumb rubbed her clit. His swallowed hard and his jaw clenched as he watched his fingers rubbing her now wet pussy.

  “Fuck you’re gorgeous Baby,” Lucas started to sit.

  “Oh no not yet, I’m going to feed you.”

  Lucas pulled his had away and licked his fingers, “Exactly what I was thinking.”

  Tessa sat forward and put the fork full of eggs up to his mouth, “Open up Lucas.”

  He reached between them and rubbed his cock against her opening as he chewed the eggs and watched her eyes close momentarily.

  “Are you finished with the eggs?” she moaned.

  “Fuck the eggs Baby,” Lucas tossed the plate on the floor and flipped her on her back.

  “So is that a yes?”

  “Not yet.”

  She laughed, and laid back and enjoyed herself.

  “Breakfast of champs,” he said and watched her try to gain control again.

  She rolled over and sat on him.

  “Mmm” he groaned as she moved slowly up and down on him until he finished with her.


  “How did you do all this without me even knowing?” she asked as she walked around.

  “I like to surprise you,” he kissing her neck.

  “I love your surprises but could they ever be like, ‘hey we are going out to dinner or look I picked you flowers’?” she laughed.

  “Probably not,” he smiled at her, “So I need to go to practice in the morning, what are you going to do?”

  "Landscaping," she looked outside. “Look Lucas, you can almost see camp. I bet when the leaves fall you will be able to see it.”

  He kissed her, “Uh Huh.”

  His hands gently moved down her back.

  “Again Lucas?”

  “All day Tessa,” he groaned against her neck.

  “Perfect,” she said and knelt down.

  He laughed, “Damn, I love you.”


  Lucas’s first week at training camp was harder than he expected. He would come home and eat and go to sleep. It was a remarkably hot July, and he was happy he had central air installed. Lucas was taking two classes online, and he spent most of his weekend doing school work. He hated it but knew if he didn’t stick with it he may not go back.

  She had been asked to do a two week performing arts program at the school helping the kids with dance. It was a lot of fun. She wasn’t taking classes this summer, and after next semester she would only have clinical’s and she would graduate from nursing school.

  Tessa had done landscaping and painted when she wasn’t in Syracuse teaching her class or taking piano. She had stopped the voice lessons for now. Adam wasn’t pleased but usually her hour class lasted an hour and a half and they would work on voice.

  When Lucas sat at the desk and did homework and looked frustrated she would climb under the desk just to make him happy. They were busy, and seldom had time to do enjoy each other. Tessa sometimes woke at night to his touch, and she never said no. Morning showers were a thing of the past.

  The summer neared its end, and she prepared to go back to school. She managed to get all her course load in on Tuesday and Thursday, and she taught her class those evenings. She did a class on Monday and Wednesday in her home town and although it was much smaller, it helped her pay the utilities-- which she still insisted on doing. She made sure to clean, cook, and shop on Monday and Wednesday’s and get all her studying in so that on Friday she could spend the whole weekend with him.

  The fall football schedule came out, and they sat with a calendar to figure out their schedules.

  “I know you have some crazy need to work Tessa, but I’d prefer you be with me, please consider it.” He said.

  “Alright I will,” she conceded.

  “And piano Tessa I am not trying to be rude but is that more important than spending time with me?”

  “Of course not.”

  "Alright then.”

  She was feeling a little bitter, and he could tell.

  “Baby don’t be mad this could last a season or ten years you never know.”

  “It’s alright, Lucas.”


  She went to all their scrimmages and watched the other wives and girlfriends with their perfectly manicured hands and perfect hair, chat and she knew she didn’t fit in. Lucas however was fitting in with the guys perfectly. He looked happy, and she loved to see him that way. He was working on the offensive side, but sometimes practiced defense as well.

  Chapter 21

  There was a party at the end of the training season and Lucas and Tessa attended. It was at Hope Lake lodge. They had gone shopping, and he had picked out her dress.

  “How are you going to feel if my boobs fall out of this thing at dinner?” she asked as they got out of the SUV.

  “Probably hard,” he laughed taking her hand she smiled up at him and laughed.

  They walked in, and she immediately felt like a freshman walking into a new school on the first day of school.

  “You look amazing,” he wrapped his arm around her.

  “And you look as hot as always,” she sounding annoyed.

  He laughed, “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Yeah, could you try to be ugly once in a while, then the cougars wouldn’t be checking out my man,” she grabbed his butt.

  They sat and had dinner listening as the guys talked about the teams they would be up against in the next few weeks and there different strengths and weakness.

  The women talked about being stuck in this God forsaken area, and Lucas rubbed her back when he saw her getting annoyed. She looked at him and gave him her best fake smile, and he laughed.

  “You’re from here, right Links?” one of them asked.

  “Yes, about forty five minutes away,” he smiled.

  “Do you come from a farm?” one of the wives asked and the others laughed.

  “No, I don’t,” he politely smiled.

  Tessa grabbed another glass of wine and drank it down.

  “I do,” Tessa smiled.

  Lucas looked at her and then looked down.

  “Oh,” one of the blonde laughed.

  “So do you have cows and pigs and chickens?” She asked amused.

  “No,” Tessa said, “Do you?”

  The guys chuckled.

  "No, I grew up in New York City," she said.

  “I see,” Tessa said shaking her head and looking down, “So do you steal hubcaps, live in a box, and do crack?”

  She looked at Tessa like she was crazy, and the guys all laughed.

  The wives all excused themselves and walked away. The guys all laughed more.

  “You gotta problem with the city, lady Links?” one of them asked.

  “Do you have a problem with upstate and farms?”

  “No,” he said.

  “Well then I have no problem with you.”

  “Baby, shhh” he whispered in her ear.

  “You do know almost half our team comes from the middle of nowhere right?” One of them snickered.

  “Got a little sidetracked on your way to the top, I see,” she threw it back at him and they roared in laughter.

  “She has a problem controlling her mouth when she drinks,” Lucas smiled at her as his eyebrow crept up.

  “You usually have no problem with my uncontrollable mouth,” she said looking at him.

  “You want to take a walk?” he asked softly.

  “Sure if I can ditch these shoes.”

  “Walk with me,” the only wife that didn’t leave said and smiled at Tessa.

  “Okay,” Tessa stood and Lucas looked away, she grabbed another glass of wine and kissed him before she walked away.

  He sat back and took a deep breath, they all laughed.

  Tessa and Jessie walked outside, and Jessie laughed.

  “You’re pretty funny.”

  “I wasn’
t trying to be. I just get sick of fake boobied opportunistic snobs,” she said, “But I think it annoyed Lucas.”

  “No honey, he didn’t look annoyed he looked amused,” she laughed.

  “How long have you two been married?” Tessa asked.

  “Oh we aren’t married, but we’ve been together for ten years,” she laughed.

  “Why aren’t you married?”

  “I keep telling him no,” she shrugged, and Tessa smiled, “he wants me more because of it,” she whispered. “You’re right about those women just don’t push them, some of them are actually alright, but in a pack they can be bitches. I grew up in the city by the way. I never stole hubcaps or any of those other things, and I take no offense to what you said. We are going to be friends Tessa. My name is Jessie.”

  They walked in smiling, and Jessie grabbed two glasses of wine and handed one to Tessa, the DJ was set up and playing,

  “You dance Tessa?”

  “A little,” Tessa laughed.

  She saw Lucas talking with some of his team mates, and he didn’t notice her. Jessie and Tessa went to the dance floor. They were joined by the wives. They all danced together, and Tessa and Jessie laughed and drank.

  Lucas saw her playing nice with the girls and sighed. She was dancing and having a great time. A slow song came on, and he walked up to her.

  “Dance with me?”

  “Hmm,” she smiled as she reached under his jacket and wrapped her arms around him.

  “You’re having fun?”

  “I am now,” she pulled him closer and kissed him.

  “Can we behave here for a little longer?”

  “Probably not,” she laughed.

  “Please?” he asked sticking his bottom lip out.

  “Fine,” she stomped her foot.

  A song she knew came on, and he laughed, it was one she had taught him before he made her do a Zumba class for his old teammates.

  “I miss Jose.”

  He smiled, “What made you think about him?”

  “He danced to this song with us remember?” she laughed. “You know this song, Lucas.”

  “No, I don’t,” he started walking away she grabbed him.


  "Not here, do you want them to think I’m insane?” he laughed. “You go ahead, I’ll watch.”

  Jessie knew the song and the moves, she was already doing them. Tessa joined her, and the others tried to keep up. All the guys watched Jessie’s boyfriend and Lucas both stood smiling at them.


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