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An Exceptional Twist

Page 17

by Kimi Flores

  Dani came home after work and suggested they head out for dinner, while their mom went on a date with her fiancé, Sal. They decided on Charlie's Trio, an Italian restaurant on the other end of town that bordered Los Angeles. As high schoolers, they’d eaten there too many times to count.

  Back then, they went in for the pizza. Tonight, they were sitting at the wooden table, enjoying pasta, garlic bread, as well as some specialty wine.

  Inevitably, Stefen’s name came up.

  Dani took a sip of her wine. “So I talked to Abby yesterday and she gave me the low-down.” She picked up a piece of bread and took a bite.

  “Yeah? About what?” Leah took a bite of the delectable spinach parmesan garlic cream-covered chicken and pasta she’d ordered. There was more than one piece of news that Dani could’ve been referring to, so Leah waited to see which she was talking about.

  Placing her garlic bread back on the plate, Dani’s brown eyes widened, and she leaned in. “You’re well aware of what I’m talking about. You know, the five foot, eleven inch, hundred and seventy pounds or so, drop dead gorgeous, yet asinine man that is staying in her guest room? Oh, and she told me about the baby, too.” Dani grinned, scrunching up her nose.

  Son of a bitch. I can’t believe Abby told her. I thought she wouldn’t tell anyone what we talk about. Tightening her eyes, Leah probed, “Why did she call to tell you about him?”

  “She didn’t. I called her after your text. She wouldn’t tell me much, just that Stefen was back in town, and she was taking care of him after he got hurt. I’m sure there’s a lot you haven’t told me. What happened, hermana? Did you guys ever talk after you flipped out on him?”

  Still sucks that she said anything, but at least Abby didn’t tell Dani everything.

  Taking a deep breath, Leah gave in. “Yes we talked…and then some.” She mumbled the last bit, looking around the restaurant to avoid her sister’s glare.

  “Are you telling me you had a little something something with Mistah Playah?” Dani dabbed the garlic butter off of her full lips with a napkin.

  Leah covered her face with her hands as she embarrassingly admitted, “Yes.”

  Shocked, Dani gasped. “Are you serious? Even I know that’s one man toy intended for much more experienced players. What the hell were you thinking?”

  Irritated that her sister had to throw the obvious at her, Leah slapped her palms on the table, ignoring the patrons sneering at her. “Don’t you think I know that? I thought he was different. He was actually very sensitive and real with me before he became a pendejo.”

  Concern draped across Dani’s face, and she placed her hand on top of Leah’s. “Oh, mujer, that’s how they get you. They find your weakness and use it to their advantage. Believe me. I know what I’m talking about.”

  Leah took a swig of her wine, then sat back in her chair. “I don’t know, Dani. I’m sure he felt it, too. The first time we made love was amazing, and then something changed. He just…shut himself off. I saw it.” She leaned against the table, exhausted and sad. “I know I should’ve made him stop, but it was like he was trying to correct his mistake. By the end of the night, I felt like another one of his cheap whores.”

  Horrified, Dani asked, “Did he force you to keep going?”

  Leah frowned. “What? No.” Strangely, even though he hurt her, he’d made her feel safe. Even if just for a little while. She shook her head, eyes on her lap. “Nothing like that.”

  Dani smirked, nodding in understanding. “I’ve thought the same thing. ‘Maybe this is the one, maybe he really cares, he’s so sweet and attentive’. But in the end, they all come for one thing and one thing only. Once they get it, they’re gone for good. Oh, there are those that try to call a few weeks later, thinking you’re stupid and forgot what they did to you, but most of the time it’s too late for a second go around.”

  Leah wondered what Dani meant by ‘most of the time’. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head, “Bottom line is that he’s back in town. I’ll have to deal with this later, but for tonight,” Leah picked up her drink as Dani followed, both clinking glasses, “Here’s to an asshole-free evening.”

  After taking a sip and another bite of food, Leah glanced across the room. A bunch of men sat in a booth on the other end of the restaurant, eating pizza and laughing loudly. She didn’t think much of it, until her gaze locked with familiar blue eyes, and everything else around her became a blur.

  Benjamin McKendrick, her high school crush. And man, did she have a crush on him. She wrote his name over and over on her school folders. I Benjamin McKendrick, Mrs. Benjamin McKendrick, Leah McKendrick, Mrs. Leah McKendrick. She’d drawn too many hearts to count around that boy’s name, and scribbled it as many different ways as she could think of. When they were teens, she mentally planned their wedding, down to every detail. Damn, she’d been pathetic when it came to him.

  Resting his jawbone on the crook of his thumb and index finger, his beautiful blues narrowed, taking her in.

  Dani followed Leah’s entranced gaze. “Hermana, isn't that Benjamin McKendrick?” Dani moved her head side to side, pursing her lips. “That boy is checking you out like he’d rather have you for dinner than that big ass pizza.”

  Leah’s pulse started to race as she bit her bottom lip under his scrutiny. She couldn’t stop staring. “Uh huh,” was all she said.

  He got up from the table, excusing himself, and she watched him approach. The sandy blonde locks he had in high school still framed his face and made her want to run her hands through them. Even after all these years, his good looks and charming smile had an instant effect on her.

  “Leah Valdez?” He asked with a huge grin.

  He remembers me. My whole name, she thought dreamily. It was odd because they’d traveled in different social circles.

  Completely lost in his baby blues, she attempted to keep her cool. Somehow she still felt the same nervous flutter in her belly that she’d felt in high school. “Yes. Oh hey, Benjamin. How’ve you been?” She was going for casual but felt like a giggling teenage dork.

  Dani was trying to contain her smile, and Leah shot a look her way.

  “I'm fantastic. Wow, it’s so good to see you. Been a long time, huh? Do you mind if I join you ladies for a bit?” He extended his hand. “Daniella, right?”

  Dani shook his hand, and Leah wondered if they were soft like Stefen’s.

  Wait, what?

  “Yeah, well I go by Dani now.” Dani motioned to an empty chair between them. “Please, have a seat. I was just heading to the bathroom, so I'll be right back.” Dani got up, completely avoiding Leah’s stare down.

  Leah was well aware of this trick. Before they were even dating, she’d done the same thing to Abby when Caleb came over to their table, while out to dinner one evening.

  Scooting his chair closer toward her, Benjamin asked, “What’ve you been up to, Leah? I haven't seen you since that one time at the movies the summer after graduation. Did you ever open that flower shop you talked about?”

  Dumbfounded, she couldn't believe he remembered. One scalding hot day that summer, she, Dani, and her friend Rosa, sat a couple of rows behind him and his friends in the theater.

  Leah remembered giggling nervously during the entire movie, catching his attention and smiling a few times. He’d caught up to her afterward and said that he was staying in Alhambra to go to UCLA, which was only about fifteen minutes south. That’s when she told him about her plans to go to Berkley to get her business degree, and then open a flower shop one day. It sounded like a faraway dream at the time.

  She’d made it a reality, she realized. She made her own dreams come true. Huh…

  “Uh, yeah. Good memory.” She smiled at him, running a hand through her wavy hair. “I did open my flower shop. I live in a loft above my store in Santa Barbara, close to my best friend.” Anytime she talked about her business, she felt herself beaming proudly.

  “That’s so awesome, Leah. How long are you in town?” He res
ted his elbows on the arms of the chair, showing off his large biceps. Wow, he didn’t have those in high school.

  Disappointed now, Leah tightened her mouth. “Just this week. I have to prepare for a wedding I’m working on Saturday.”

  The guy who starred in her teenage dreams finally asked the question she’d hoped to hear all those years ago, and she wasn’t even going to be here that long.

  He grinned and clapped his hands together. “Perfect timing, then. I'd love to see you before you go back. Can I get your number and maybe take you out tomorrow night?”

  “I’d like that.” She was a bundle of nerves as she rambled off her cell number.

  He programmed it into his phone, shaking his head as he slipped it back in his pocket. “I can’t believe I finally got your number.”

  Finally? As in he’d wanted it before now?

  She wanted to ask what he meant, but his stocky, dark-haired friend approached the table. “Hey, buddy, I’m about to head out. Do you still want a lift into work?”

  Benjamin’s face fell a little. “Yeah, thanks,” he told his friend. “I just need a minute. I’ll meet you out front.”

  His friend walked away, and Ben sighed as he looked back at Leah. “Sorry I have to go so soon. I'm doing my residency at UCLA Medical Center and start in an hour.” He began to get up, then seemed to realize something. “Oh, and I go by Ben now.”

  Unable to hide her girlish smile, Leah held in her giggle, then suddenly remembered how much fun she’d made of Abby when she was first around Caleb.

  Could Ben be my Caleb? Hello, just seeing him for the first time in years, Leah. Tone it down.

  “Okay. Ben,” she said smoothly. “I look forward to hearing from you.”

  Giving her a mischievous grin, he pulled his cell out of his pocket. A second later, she heard her own phone ringing, and she knew it was him. Was that something that all guys did to make sure you didn't give them a fake number? Or is Stefen the only guy that did it for that reason?

  The moment his smile faded, she realized her irritation was showing.

  “Too soon?” he asked, unsure.

  “No, it’s fine.” She smiled in an effort to fix it.

  His party started to head toward the front door, which caught his attention. “I'll call you tomorrow afternoon, then. It was great seeing you. Really great.” Ben got up, winked, then strolled out of the restaurant.

  Dani magically appeared out of nowhere. “Whew. Sorry, there was this huge line,” she lied, taking a giant sip of what was left of her wine.

  “I can't believe you left like that.” Leah stuck her chin out and forced a laugh. Obvious much?

  Dani rested her bent elbows on the table and tapped her fingertips together. “What-ever. I saw you guys staring into each other's eyes, and then you gave him your number.” Dani fluttered her eyelashes in an overdramatic way.

  Reaching over the table, Leah laughed and smacked Dani’s shoulder.

  “I can't believe it.” Leah shook her head in disbelief. “Not only did he remember me, but he also brought up that time we ran into each other at the movies eight years ago. Asked about my flower shop and everything. He’s going to call tomorrow, so we can go out. Can you imagine? The guy I crushed on almost all four years of high school asked me out. He’s even hotter now, all grown up.” She rested her cheek on her intertwined hands, looking off into space.

  “Agreed, he was a good looking boy, but sure grew up to be a supa fine man.” Dani’s loud tone would have been embarrassing if Leah wasn’t in her own dreamy state. Smirking, Dani took a bite of what was probably now cold food. “So I take it you’ve already forgotten all about Stefen?”

  “Stefen who?”

  They both snickered, tapping their wine glasses together once more.

  In spite of his physical pain, Stefen was extremely grateful to be in a bed at Caleb and Abby's house. It’d been a rough day of traveling and getting settled in, but he’d do it all over again to get away from his parents. Not that he’d actually spent any time with them.

  Abby strolled into the bedroom. “Time for your medication.” She wiggled a bottle of pills in her hand. “How are you feeling?”

  “I think I over did it the last couple of days. Everything is sore.” Wincing, he tried to push himself up with his uninjured arm.

  “Well, hopefully this will help.” She handed him a glass of water and his prescribed meds, then in an instant she was covering her mouth. Quickly turning on her heels, she flew out of the room.

  She'd been getting sick to her stomach since he got here earlier, and he felt bad adding the extra burden of taking care of him. Despite the fact that he couldn't believe they were having a child so soon, Stefen was happy for them.

  Abby reappeared looking a little green and apologized.

  “Why are you sorry?” He frowned. “I feel awful that you’re stuck with me while you’re feeling bad yourself.” He focused on the blanket that lay on top of him and pulled on a loose string.

  She placed her hand on top of his. “Stefen, we’re happy you’re here and safe. Don't feel bad. This stage will pass. I’ll be fine before we know it.” Just then, her cell phone rang. She looked down to read the display. “Sorry, I need to take this. I haven't talked to Leah since she left town.”

  “No problem.” His frown deepened once she turned away.

  Leah had been on his mind non-stop, but he didn’t dare ask about her or where she’d gone. A lecture from Caleb was still around the corner. He was postponing it as long as possible.

  “Hey, how are you doing?” Abby seemed relieved. “You’re kidding me. You better not stay out there.” She disappeared into the hall. Stefen hoped she wouldn't go far, though. He wanted to hear what was going on.

  “Oh, Leah, that’s awesome,” he heard from the hallway. “Isn't he the one you were in love with in high school?”

  In love? Stefen practically fell out of bed as he stretched to hear Abby's whispered voice.

  “Where are you guys going? Oh, you love that place. That's the one in Pasadena, right? That sounds like so much fun. You have to call me tomorrow night and tell me every detail.”

  Stefen’s heart hammered. This was bad. Shitty, awful news. Leah was going out with an old crush? He had no right to care, but he couldn’t help it. In his eyes, nobody would ever be good enough for her. Especially not me, he reminded himself.

  “I'm serious, Leah. I know Alhambra was your home, but you can't stay there. Doesn’t matter if you are reconnecting with an old flame. You have to come back to me, here. This is your home now. I don't care if it sounds selfish. I need my best friend.”

  He narrowed his eyes, feeling every bit the eavesdropping old lady that he was acting like.

  So that's where she went. Back home. Back to where her family and high school love were.

  Great. Just fucking great.

  “Okay. Sweetie, don’t forget. Call me tomorrow and let me know how your date went. I miss you. Bye.” The deep sorrow in Abby's voice was obvious and, admittedly when he heard the word ‘date’, he too was a bit dejected.

  The door opened, and pain shot through him as he scrambled back onto the bed.

  “Sorry about that,” Abby said.

  “Don't worry about it. Everything okay?” He tried his damnedest to fake disinterest.

  Furrowing her brow, Abby seemed unsure about what she should share. “Yeah. I’m just worried about her. She needed some time away, so she went to her mom's house. Says she’ll be back at the end of the week, but…I don’t know. I noticed that she started withdrawing when we came back from our honeymoon, and I feel like she’s staying away. A lot.”

  The poignant look she gave Stefen made him feel like crap. He should’ve fought his feelings from the beginning. He never should’ve let it go as far as it did. Because of his careless actions, he’d hurt others as well.

  “Anyway,” Abby swallowed, “now she might have more than one reason to stay out there for good.”

good? Surely, she couldn’t leave her store behind. She had a business here. A life here.

  Breathing in a sharp breath, he tried to hide his own panic. There was a big part of him that wanted to make things up to her. “But she has her shop. Who’s running it?”

  Looking down at her hands, she whispered, “That's part of what scares me.” Abby looked up. “She just hired a new employee and has practically made it so she doesn't even need to go in anymore.”

  He was getting more flustered by the second. “And the kids she teaches?”

  Shit, did he say too much?

  “Knowing her, she’d probably drive once a week for the classes.” She smiled. “By the way, that was an amazing thing you did. She adores those kids, and they love spending time with her.”

  Oh good, she accepted the offer that nasty cougar gave her. He’d wondered about it since he agreed to pay, whether Leah took the proposal or not.

  “It was an honor to help out. It’s only money.” He shrugged.

  Abby chewed on her lip, her face pensive. Stefen was starting to feel like the biggest piece of shit. This was all his fault.

  He tried to show her he identified. “I know what it’s like to not live close to your best friend. It hasn’t been easy for me to be so far from Caleb all these years.” He couldn’t believe he was about to say this. “I’m actually considering moving here permanently to be close to you guys.”

  Abby’s eyes got watery. “Really?” she asked, excited. “That would be so great. I know Caleb misses you and Bri terribly. We would love it.” A few tears leaked down her cheeks. Not the reaction he thought he’d get.

  “I'm sorry, Abby. I didn't mean to make you cry.”

  “Don't worry about it.” She chuckled, sniffling. “It's these damn hormones. If I'm not throwing up, I'm bawling.”

  Gross. But he smiled. “You know, Caleb is really lucky to have you.”

  “No.” Abby’s face was tender as she sat down at the edge of the bed. “I'm the lucky one. I never thought I'd find a man as wonderful as him. He amazes me every day.”

  The intimate but loving way she spoke about Caleb gave Stefen a longing he’d never felt before. Maybe, someday, he could possibly see himself having that…someday.


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