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An Exceptional Twist

Page 18

by Kimi Flores

  “Now if I could just find another exceptional guy here in Santa Barbara for Leah before her heart is stolen by the football quarterback, then my life would be complete.” She grinned and batted her eyes in a silly way. “And don’t worry. I’m not referring to you. She told me about what went down, and there will be no repeating that.”

  Stefen winced. “What exactly did she tell you?” He was curious about Leah’s exact words, certain that she’d painted a not so pretty picture.

  Abby placed her palm on the covers. “You were there. You know what happened. I will say this. You’ve got charm, and I can’t bring myself to hate you, but…” She pointed her finger at him. “If you even think about messing with her again, you’ll deal with me and my crazy prego hormones. Understand?”

  He tried not to laugh at her serious stance. She was so sweet. There was no way Stefen could be afraid of her. What did frighten him was disappointing her again. Abby was one of those people that just brought the best out in a person, and he couldn’t fathom hurting her again.

  “Got it.” He nodded once.

  “I’m letting you off easy because I know Caleb’s still planning on talking to you.” She brought her chin to her shoulder and smirked.

  Well, that happy little thought doesn’t make me smile. “Yeah, I figured.”

  She stood up. “Enough of all of this seriousness. I'm about to make dinner. I'll bring it in when I'm done, unless you feel up to joining us at the table. Caleb should be back from the store with Madison soon. In the meantime, relax.” She lovingly patted his blanket-covered leg.

  How is it that Abby can show me tender motherly love like this and my own mother has never even hugged me?

  “I'll probably just read for a while. I haven't finished Caleb's last book yet. Do you mind handing me my tablet?” He pointed to the chair where it was sitting.

  “It’s so good,” Abby gushed. “I think it's my favorite so far. He finished writing it after we started dating.” She handed the e-reader over.

  Reaching, he took it from her hand. “I noticed this one has a little more romance than his others. I'm sure you inspired that.”

  “Well let’s hope so, at least. Okay, see you in a bit.” She beamed, spinning around to start dinner.

  Stefen tapped on his social media app. He’d been cyber-stalking Leah somewhat since her profile was open to the public. If they ever spoke again, he’d have to tell her how important it was to change the privacy settings on her page.

  She wasn’t big on updating her status, but other people in her life were and seemed to enjoy tagging her in their posts. ‘Dani’ had tagged her in a post that said they were out to dinner at a restaurant in Alhambra.

  Dani looked like a woman, though, so he opened up her page, feeling suddenly stupid when he realized it was Leah’s sister. Why he still couldn’t seem to remember her name was beyond him.

  Going back to Leah’s page, he noticed a new comment under the ‘check-in’. It was from a ‘Ben McKendrick’. The message read, ‘Great running into you tonight’.

  Stefen grunted. Do I really want to know who this guy is?

  Too curious, he clicked on Ben's page next. Again, it was public.

  What is it with these people not marking their profiles as private?

  Stefen couldn't complain. Stalking her was so much easier this way. He noted that Ben had also checked into the same restaurant. Then Stefen scanned through the photo albums.

  There were plenty of self-portraits taken in front of a mirror—or ‘selfies’, as they were currently being called—a few pictures of him from high school in a football uniform, and more recently added pictures of him in scrubs.

  Damn. The guy’s a doctor?

  Stefen sighed, setting down his electronic tablet. He really wanted to throw it across the room, but then what the hell would he do with his time?

  Sinking down, he muttered under his breath. Leah’s going on a date with Dr. McDreamy tomorrow, and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.

  He cursed his injuries and the fact that he was stuck in this god-forsaken bed. Most of all, though, he scolded himself for hurting her in the first place. He had a chance, and he blew it.

  Not that it would’ve worked out, but he just couldn't shake her from his system. Stefen had never met anyone like Leah before, and no matter how hard he tried to resist, she was forever embedded in his heart.

  There was that damn ache in his chest. Lying here, helpless, was driving him crazy. Agitated, he shifted under the covers, but nothing worked to make him more comfortable. Under the current circumstances, he may never even see her again. Unless he logged in.

  Ben had picked Leah up just after her mom and Dani left for work, and she was bummed she didn’t get a chance to show him off. She was a bit surprised when he showed up in a button-down shirt, jeans and tennis shoes, but she figured not all guys were into the whole slacks and a jacket look.

  She’d dreamt about this night so many times and went all out. Her hair and nails were done, and she even bought a new outfit, chonies and all. Maybe it was just a girl thing.

  Her mind couldn’t help but roam back to the night of dinner and dancing with Stefen. Now that was a man who knew how to wear a suit. Realizing what she was doing, she had to mentally slap herself away from his image.

  Finished with dinner, she and Ben walked hand in hand down the busy sidewalk. Dinner was a bit awkward, with plenty of silence in-between topics. Regardless of how slow and dry their conversation was, Leah still couldn't believe she was on a date with Benjamin McKendrick.

  Since they’d grown up in the same schools, they shared plenty of childhood memories. It was almost as if they’d known each other forever, yet just barely met.

  Looking down at their interlaced fingers, Ben inquired, “I keep meaning to ask you what the name of your flower shop is.”

  Leah bit her lip and smiled. “It’s kind of silly, but when I was running down possible names, my best friend had to incorporate my sassiness. That reminded me of a nickname I had in high school.”

  Ben pulled her along a storefront. He chuckled softly to himself. “Leah, did you name your store sassy stems?”

  She jerked her head back. “How do you know?”

  A huge smile broke out on his face. “I have a confession to make.” Shyly, he gazed into her bewildered eyes. “I came up with that nickname. You had stunning legs, and I thought that calling you ‘legs’ was a bit rude.” He gave a breathy chuckle. “The guys on the team overheard me and ran with it. I had such a huge crush on you and really wanted to ask you out, but because of lame ass peer pressure, I never had the nerve. Plus, I figured you might turn me down.”

  Creasing her forehead, Leah asked the obvious questions, “What? Why would I have turned you down?” She bashfully dropped her gaze. “I really liked you. I assumed you knew because everyone teased me about it.” Did I just admit that out loud?

  Ben furrowed his brows. “I didn't know. Why would they tease you?”

  “Because you were the captain of the football team with the perfect girlfriend, and I was a big goofy dork.” She looked up at him through her long eyelashes.

  His expression was soft. “You were far from dorky, Leah.” He moved in closer and brushed her cheek with his knuckles. Leah blinked quickly. “I always watched you when the dance team performed. I remember this one time I was sitting next to David Forks, and I told him how hot you looked when you moved. Then he told me to shut the hell up before my girlfriend kicked my ass.” His face reddened, surprised at his own admission, but Leah was too busy trying to process what he’d just said.

  “Are you kidding me? You were with the head cheerleader. Why would you be looking at me?” Plus your girlfriend was gorgeous and got her boobs and ass before any of the rest of us did.

  He snorted loudly. “Honestly, Charlotte and I were friends. We'd known each other most of our lives and only started dating to get everyone, including our parents, off our backs. It was all a façade. We
never even made out once. We made a pretty picture though. Head cheerleader, starting quarterback.” He shrugged his shoulders, then breathed out a laugh. “She was in love with Scott Braden, and I liked…you. I really wanted to ask you out that day at the movies, but you said you were going away for college. I knew my hands would be full at school too, so I chickened out.” He rubbed his bottom lip with his index finger. “And now you’re here. I get a second chance.”

  Leah's heart beat so hard, she thought Ben might be able to hear it. He leaned in, and she knew it then and there, he was about to kiss her and make her teenage fantasies come true.

  He wrapped her in his strong arms, softly pressing his lips to hers, and she could hear his heart pounding as well. His lips were nice. They weren’t Stefen’s, but they were warm and gentle and…nice.

  He didn’t push for more. Just simple tingly kisses. Ben was exactly what she was looking for—safe. And she could grow to appreciate his less than passionate kisses. He was a good catch, a great guy, and they shared a lot of childhood memories. This could totally work.

  People milled around them, on Colorado Boulevard, as they shared this moment. Leah pulled away first, noticing the disappointment on his face.

  “We should move out of the way.” She looked down and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “Why don’t I get you home?” Turning to walk toward the car, he rested an arm on top of her shoulders before she wrapped hers around his lower back. She felt giddy, unable to hide her smile.

  Could this be her dream come true?

  She hadn't given it too much thought before Abby brought it up, but maybe Leah was going to have to reconsider staying closer to her hometown.

  In the parking lot, Ben snuck another quick kiss. His lips were tender and sweet. She could get used to this for sure.

  On the drive back to her mom's house, they continued to catch up on the last couple of years. They sat in the driveway, in the quiet car, for a good hour while they finished their conversation.

  “So where do you see yourself in five years?” Ben’s question threw her for a loop. No guy had ever asked her about the future before.

  “Uh, well, I’d love to open at least one more flower shop. My goal is to use what I’ve learned to help someone else open their own business. Who knows, maybe we can co-own the next shop.” That thought brought a smile to her lips.

  “What about marriage? Is that something you’re looking for?” The curiosity on his face was refreshing. He genuinely wanted to know.

  “Yeah, of course. Marriage, kids. What girl doesn’t dream of that?” She moved her crossed legs to the side since they were starting to fall asleep. “How about you?” She settled further into her seat, waiting to hear his answer.

  He looked out of the window, taking a moment to think. Leah found herself staring like a lovesick puppy, until he turned and opened his mouth. “Like most overzealous med students, my original plan was to make as much money as possible while helping people, but now that I’ve been in the trenches, the money part isn’t as important. Thinking about going into pediatrics. I love children. As far as marriage goes, of course I want to find the right person, start a family.”

  She couldn’t believe it. Ben was giving her all the right answers. Maybe this was fate. She’d been dealt a crappy couple of weeks, but it may have all been to prepare her for this.

  Noticing that the windows were fogged up, Leah told him, “I should probably get inside.”

  Ben took that as his cue to make his move.

  He leaned further in and practically smothered her in her seat. His strong lips took over as his tongue entered her mouth. Leah stiffened with his sloppy, wet kiss. No, it can’t be like this. This is not the kiss I dreamed about.

  Feeling her hesitation, Ben pulled away, regretful. “I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. It’s just that, I’ve wanted to really kiss you for a long time, but I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” His mouth stretched into a thin line as he wiped his lips. “Not my best kiss.”

  He was just caught in the moment. That was all.

  Leah smiled graciously. “It’s fine. Just unexpected.” It was nice to know that he did have a more passionate side. But that could wait for another time. She wasn’t about to jump from bed to bed, one guy to another.

  Ben lightly tapped the steering wheel. “I know this is a little forward because we haven't seen each other in years, but I’d really like to see you again. To be honest, my life is crazy busy right now. I haven't dated anyone in a long time and can't do a serious relationship yet, because my schedule is all-consuming. I hardly even get to sleep. But, like I said,” he held her hand, rubbing his thumb along her knuckles, “I don't want to miss this opportunity. Can we hang out again?”

  Leah tried not to let her confusion show. “I'm not up on dating terms, so I'm not sure what that means, exactly.”

  He grinned. “Well, it means that I really want to spend time with you, but I don't have a lot of that right now. If you’re willing, then I'd love to go on dates whenever we can make it happen. I don't want you to feel like I'm stringing you along, but I have to concentrate on my residency to build a solid future.”

  She bit her lip, trying to contain her excitement. He’s perfect. Exactly the kind of guy I need right now.

  But even in the middle of her great moment, her mind wandered once again to a certain handsome dark-haired, hazel-eyed jackass. “Um, I just got out of a situation with another guy, so moving slowly works best.”

  “Hmm. Good to know.” He contemplated a little too long, leaving them in awkward silence.

  Bringing them back to the topic at hand, Leah admitted, “I’m extremely busy myself. My flower shop is picking up, and I've had so many weddings this summer. The only free time I have, I spend with my best friend.”

  Well, used to spend with her.

  “Is she the one that just got married?”

  “Yes, she’s the best. I don't know what I would do without her.” Leah couldn’t help but smile.

  For a few days, she’d been toying with the idea of moving closer to her hometown, but it just hit Leah that she couldn't live this far from Abby. She needed her as much as Abby said she needed Leah.

  Ben sighed regretfully. “I better let you get inside. I need to go in for an early shift tomorrow and I can see someone waiting at the window for you. I wouldn't want to give you a bad reputation sitting in a car with some guy outside your mother's house.” He chuckled.

  “Yeah, sure,” she laughed along with him, thinking, what are we fifteen? My mom knows me better than that. Then again, she’d be mortified if she found out what I did with Stefen.

  As he helped her out of the car, Leah said, “Call me when you have time. I’m leaving after lunch on Friday.”

  They walked hand in hand up to the front porch. She’d dreamed about him walking her to her door so many times when she was younger. It was weird, that dream becoming a reality. Not exactly as she pictured, but, hey, what fantasies turn out exactly as expected?

  Leah watched the curtains ruffle, barely catching a peak of Dani’s face. Huy, nosey ass.

  Following a quick peck on the lips, Ben walked back to his car. “I'll call you before you leave,” he called out as he got in his car and drove away.

  The front door flew open as a cozy pj-wearing Dani nearly attacked her. It felt like she was a teenager coming home from her first date ever. “Tell me, tell me. How was it? Is he a good kisser? Don’t lie, I saw the steamy windows in the car.” Dani stood wide eyed, practically jumping up and down, clapping her hands.

  Leah leaned up against the closed front door. “It wasn’t exactly like I pictured, but I think he might be a keeper. He’s the kind of guy I can see having a future with. It’s going to take a lot of time and patience, but I think it will be worth it in the end.”

  Her face was frozen with an unending smile. Her sister looked confused, so Leah gave a quick explanation of their conversation in the car as she took her heels off and
started for her room. “I still don't fully understand the whole ‘dating, seeing each other, hanging out’ idea, but I'll take what I can get from him.”

  Dani stopped and fisted her curvy hip, raising her eyebrow. “It means that he doesn't want serious, but he won’t mind if you drop your chonies for him.”

  Leah frowned, snapping out of La-La Land. “What? He isn't like that Dani. He was a total gentleman. We kissed, he didn’t push, end of story.”

  Even if the kiss sucked, he still backed off when it was time.

  “Whatever you say, chica. Please, just be careful. You don’t want to make Ben your rebound guy. I'm heading to bed now. Glad you had a great night. See you mañana.” Dani bopped her sister on the behind before walking into her own room.

  Alone in the hallway, Leah mumbled, “This one is different. He has to be.”

  The drive back home seemed to take forever. A middle-aged man in the next lane kept trying to flirt with her. The waggling of his eyebrows and licking of his chapped lips was bad enough, but then she watched him pick his nose and flick the prize somewhere in his car. And the dumbass still had the nerve to wink at her afterward.

  What a disgusting pig!

  She couldn’t help but look at him and stick her finger down her throat like she was gagging. He finally got the hint and left her alone.

  Another guy that kept cutting her off, drove her absolutely insane when he wouldn’t turn off his damn blinker. After that torturous drive, Leah couldn’t wait to take a shower and go straight to bed.

  Flipping on her lights, she dropped her things by the front door, noticing the dead flowers all over her apartment.


  She’d forgotten to throw them away before she left. Of all people, she should knew better. Now the stench of nasty, moldy water overpowered the small space, reminding her of that nauseating smell from Abby’s fridge a few weeks ago. That thought alone sent an unwelcome shiver down her spine, and she almost gagged again.


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