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Don't Tell a Soul

Page 15

by Travis Szablewski

  It was Vera.

  "Oh, my God," Harper said to herself, her trembling hand covering her mouth in shock. Patrick walked to her side as he stared at the screen with her.

  "Isn't that Vera?" Patrick asked as Harper's wide eyes looked to his. Harper nearly jumped as her phone vibrated fiercely in her pocket. Harper quickly pulled her cellphone out of her blue see Elena's name flashing on her screen.

  "Hello?" Harper answered, still staring in shock at the screen.

  "Please come to the house! Please!" Elaine sobbed on the other end.

  "I'll be right there..."


  Harper slowly walked through the front door of the Livingston house and shut it behind her. The smell of cigarette smoke filled her nostrils as she moved her way through the foyer and towards the kitchen ahead.

  "Elena? Elena, where are you?" Harper called out as she stepped into the kitchen. There she was. Elena sat at the bar. A cigarette between her fingers and a glass of wine in the other hand. Harper slowly inched closer as Elena's red, mascara blotched eyes darted to her. Harper eyed the nearly empty wine bottle sitting in front of Elena on the bar as she sat her purse down beside it.

  "Have you heard?" Elena asked, her voice hoarse from crying.

  "I saw it on the news. Do you know where she is?" Harper asked as she leaned onto the bar across from Elena.

  "The last time I talked to her was yesterday. Kyle brought her here from the hospital. She stayed for dinner and then she left," Elena said, closing her eyes as she took a long drag from her cigarette.

  "Have they searched her apartment? Have they tried to track her phone?" Harper asked, struggling to grasp at any possible solution. Harper felt so twisted as she slowly thought to herself; if Vera was gone, then her secret was safe. No one would ever know she pushed her that day. She was in the clear. Harper pushed the terrible thoughts from her mind. How could she think like that? Vera could be dead. This was about more than Harper and possible jail time. This was about the possibility that Vera's life might be in danger.

  "I don't know. If I asked, it'd just raise flags. They'd find out about..." Elena stopped as she slowly looked away. Harper watched as the tears slowly trickled down her cheeks. "She wouldn't just leave. She wouldn't. Something happened, Harper. First...first I lose Grayson and now..." Elena said as she sobbed. Harper walked around the bar and to Elena, hugging her tightly.

  "They'll find her. Don't do this to yourself," Harper said as Elena sobbed into her shoulder.

  "I have no idea where Kyle is. I'm so sorry I called you. I didn't know what else to do. I just needed someone here with me; someone who knew the situation," Elena said, running her hand under her runny nose as Harper sat beside her.

  "I'm here for you. I'm always here for you and Rosie. Where is she, anyway?" Harper asked, glancing around the kitchen.

  "She's napping. You have no idea how hard it was for me to not break down in front of her. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I couldn't do that to her. She's already going through so much; Grayson and the kidnapping. The police still have no idea who did this. I can't help but think that all of this is because of something I did," Elena said as she took a drag of her cigarette and flicked the ash onto the counter top.

  "What do you mean?" Harper asked. Was Elena going to confess to killing Delilah? Harper shifted on the bar stool, her foot bouncing up and down impatiently for answers.

  "I've been a horrible person; a horrible mother. I feel like this is God's way of punishing me. I was unfaithful to Grayson. I've neglected Rosie. It's like I've built this card house of lies and now they're all just tumbling down around me," Elena said as she took the last remaining sips of wine directly from the bottle.

  "You can't blame yourself for what has happened, Elena," Harper said, patting her back gently. "The police are going to find whoever did this; whoever took Rosie and took Grayson away from you. They'll find Vera. It may take time, but everything will be alright. I promise," Harper said as Elena wiped her eyes.

  "Thank you," Elena said, smiling.

  "For what?" Harper asked.

  "Staying around. Good God, anyone else would have left by now," Elena said, shaking her head.

  "I don't run when things get tough," Harper smiled.

  "You have no idea how much I appreciate you, Harper. Not just as a nanny, but as a friend. I trust you with...with my life," Elena said. "I don't know where I'd be if you weren't here," she added, her swollen eyes staring into Harper's. Harper slowly wrapped her arms around Elena, holding her tight.

  If only she knew about the secrets and lies that Harper was hiding. If only she knew that Grayson's baby was growing inside of her at this very moment...


  Harper stared forward through the windshield of her rental car as she drove home from the Livingston's. After she had made dinner, tucked Rosie in, and made Elena a hot bath, she knew that she had done all she could do. There was still no sign of Vera anywhere. They watched the news at Elena's for hours, but nothing...not a trace of Vera.

  Harper slowly pulled into the driveway of her home as she glanced across the see a squad car. Harper had forgotten about Officer Warren telling her that they'd be keeping an eye on her house. As much as she hated the invasion of privacy, it made her feel Harper slowly stepped out of her car and slammed the door as she made her way towards the mailbox standing along the curb in front of her house.

  Harper adjusted her purse on her shoulder as she glanced up...just a few feet away from the mailbox. The tiny red flag...stuck high in the air. Harper sighed as she moved closer, thinking of all the wonderful bills that awaited from her inside.

  And that's when she saw it...

  Tiny trickles of blood slowly ran down the wooden post of the mailbox; the red streams seeping through the sides and onto the grass below. Harper's eyes slowly widened as she inched closer to the mailbox...

  Harper swallowed hard as her trembling hand slowly reached out...and grabbed the tiny handle. Harper yanked the mailbox open...and screamed in terror.

  Harper fell back and onto the ground, tears streaming down her face as she backed away from the horrific, bloody scene.

  The decapitated head inside of the mailbox stared back at Harper; the long, brown hair...the silky, olive skin...the wide, dead eyes. It was her...

  It was Vera.

  The Secrets We Keep

  Harper wrapped her arms tightly around her shivering body as she watched a group of officers slowly wrap the entire perimeter of her home in yellow crime scene tape. Her only sanctuary, now a hideous nightmare. She squinted in the bright, swirling red and blue lights radiating from the four squad cars surrounding her street.

  She never wanted Vera dead. Sure, Vera held Harper's life in the palm of her hands with what had really happened that day at the cafe...but Harper would never in a million years wish this brutality on her. Harper saw the cryptic scene play out in her head. Vera was probably defenseless; with her mangled leg and crutches. She was an easy target. Harper trembled as she envisioned someone placing a knife to Vera's tender throat; slicing through her tinder neck and sawing through bone.

  "Are you alright?" a soft, hysterical voice rang out behind Harper. Harper quickly turned to see Nicole rushing towards her. Nicole threw her arms around Harper, holding her tightly. "What the hell happened?" Nicole asked, her voice shaky.

  "Vera...Vera's dead," Harper sobbed. "The mailbox...she..." Harper struggled to breathe as she glanced back to see two crime scene investigators snap pictures of the bloody mailbox behind the yellow tape.

  "Oh, my God," Nicole said, hugging Harper once more. "I'm so sorry," she added.

  "Who's your friend?" Officer Brent Warren asked as he slowly stepped up beside the squad car where Harper and Nicole stood.

  "How the fuck did this happen? I thought you guys were going to be watching the house? I thought you guys were going to keep her safe?" Nicole snapped, her face turning red.

e officer we had out here saw that you weren't home. He went down the street to get a quick bite to eat. We think that's when this incident occurred," Officer Warren said to Harper.

  "What kind of Barney Fife rejects do you have working for you? Is this a joke? That could have been Harper," Nicole yelled, shaking her head in disgust.

  "Trust me, I'm just as pissed off as you are; probably more," Officer Warren said, his jaw tight as he glanced around the chaotic street. "Harper, I really am sorry. I know this is awful timing..." he began.

  "I already know what you're going to ask. No, I didn't see anyone. No, I don't know who did this," Harper sighed.

  "Can I ask why the hell it seems like death is following you? Mr. Livingston? Hunter? Vera? If there is something I need to know, you better tell me now. I am not losing any more people, Miss. Van Der Bell," Office Warren said.

  "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't know who is doing this! I don't know why they're doing this! I don't know how many different ways you want me to say that! I don't know! I don't know! Do you think I enjoy this? Do you think I enjoy watching everyone around me die? If I knew something, I would tell you!" Harper sobbed, louder and louder. No matter what she said. No matter what she did. She knew that the odds were not in her favor. If she was in his shoes, she'd be asking the same questions.

  "If there is anyone you need to talk to about all of this, it's Elena Livingston!" Nicole piped in.

  "Nicole!" Harper snapped, glancing to Nicole beside her.

  "Elena Livingston? Grayson's wife?" Officer Warren asked, his eyebrows arched.

  "Nicole, please," Harper cried.

  "Do you really want to add obstruction to justice to your record? Because right now, you better start helping yourself and tell me what the hell she has to do with all of this," Officer Warren said to Harper, every word laced with rage and frustration.

  "You know that missing nanny? That Delilah girl? Her and Elena were having an affair. Harper found a bunch of old sex tapes of them. I think this has to with Delilah; with her disappearance. And now...Vera's dead. Elena was messing around with her, too," Nicole said.

  "Why did you not tell me any of this?" Officer Warren asked, looking to Harper.

  "I tried! You didn't believe me about the blood stain in the basement! I came to you! You just shot me down! Why would I tell you anymore? It wasn't going to do any good," Harper yelled. She felt her face burning. Her temper...boiling over.

  "Yeah, well now three people are dead! Three people that you had connections with. This doesn't look good right now, Harper," Officer Warren said as his tired eyes scanned the house.

  "Believe what you want. I don't care. But I am telling you that I had nothing to do with this," Harper cried.

  "Then why not tell me about Delilah and Elena?" he asked.

  "Elena was already going through so much; with Grayson and with Rosie being kidnapped. I didn't want to make it worse. I don't think she's involved," Harper said, shaking her head.

  "Well, I'll be the judge of that. Get in the car. I'll take you to a hotel," Officer Warren said as he stepped around Harper and Nicole.

  "No, she can stay with me. Trust me; she's probably safer with me than with one of your men," Nicole snarled.

  "Fine. I'll have an officer post up outside your place," Officer Warren said as Nicole and Harper shuffled towards her car. Nicole sat into the driver's seat of her car as Harper settled into the passenger seat, slamming the door.

  "What the fuck was that? What the fuck, Nicole?" Harper screamed, glaring at Nicole beside her.

  "Are you kidding me right now?" Nicole asked, smirking at Harper in shock.

  "That was not your place! You had no right to tell him about Elena and Delilah!" Harper growled.

  "This isn't about keeping some stupid job anymore, Harper! There is a killer out there! Three fucking people are dead! I'm protecting you! You act like Elena is this fucking heavenly angel or something? Did you forget about Delilah? Did you forget why you stuck around in the first place?" Nicole snapped, turning the ignition.

  "I know Elena had nothing to do with it! He is just going to waste his time on her when he could be finding out who really is responsible," Harper cried. "I can't abandon them," Harper added.

  "Are you serious right now? You don't even know Elena, Harper! She is your employer! You mean nothing to her!" Nicole screamed.

  "It's not just about her! It's about Rosie. I can't leave her. They tried killing Rosie once. I can't let anything else happen to her. I can't leave her behind," Harper cried, wiping her eyes.

  "OK, do whatever the hell you want. Clearly nothing I say matters. Go ahead. Get yourself killed," Nicole snapped back, throwing the car into drive and speeding down the road.

  Harper stared out of the window as she watched the flashing red and blue lights dance along the front of her house. Maybe Nicole was right. Maybe she should just give up. But she couldn't leave Rosie. She couldn't live with anymore blood on her hands. Harper stared into the side mirror as the flashing lights slowly faded in the distance and into the darkness.


  Harper stared up at the ceiling of Nicole's bedroom. She looked to her see Nicole sleeping soundly beside her. Harper's eyes drifted to the clock on the side table. "3:13" stared back at her in bright neon numbers. Harper slowly sat up and sat on the edge of the bed.

  No matter how many positions. No matter how many sheep she counted. She couldn't sleep. She just kept seeing Vera's empty, dead eyes staring back at her from inside the mailbox. Harper stood up and inched towards the window in the corner. She slowly peeked through the silk see the squad car sitting right out front.


  Harper jumped in fright as she spun hear her cellphone ringing. Harper inched to the side table where her phone sat and eyed the screen; it was Elena. Harper slowly answered and brought the phone to her ear with a trembling hand.

  "Hello?" Harper asked, her voice hoarse from screaming.

  "Be here tomorrow at eight. We have to talk..."


  Harper knocked three times before she finally let herself into the Livingston house. Harper glanced around the dark, deserted foyer.

  "Elena? Are you here?" Harper asked as she walked forward, looking into the empty kitchen. She glanced forward. The sliding glass door that lead out to the back patio...was open. Harper swallowed hard as she breathed and and out. If Officer Warren had talked to Elena...she knew just what this conversation was going to be about...

  Harper slowly stepped through the open patio door to see Elena...sprawled out in a lounge chair. The summer sun beamed down from above; the hot rays burning into Harper's fair skin.

  "I didn't hear you come in," Elena said sternly as she lifted a glass of champagne to her pink lips.

  "I tried knocking but..." Harper began as she sat down onto the lounge chair beside Elena's.

  "I'm going to ask this once...and only once. Just what the hell did you tell Officer Warren?" Elena asked as she glanced to Harper, her eyes hidden behind a pair of matte black Ray-Bans.

  "Elena, I didn't tell him anything. I swear," Harper said softly.

  "Then how the fuck did he know about Delilah? How the hell did he know about me and Vera, huh?" Elena snapped, cutting Harper off.

  "Elena, I'm so sorry! My friend...she..." Harper stopped as she stared at Elena.

  "So everything that we've talked about; everything that you know...this friend of yours knows, too?" Elena asked, sitting up and facing Harper.

  "Elena, I am so sorry," Harper cried. She felt her heart sank. She could feel the secure walls around Harper and Elena's relationship slowly crumbling down. There was nowhere for her to hide. She had to fess up. No more lying. No more games. It was all out there, now.

  "Everything you've ever said to me has been a lie, Harper! Every damn thing! I trusted you! I trusted you so much; with my daughter, with my house, with my life! What else should I know about
, huh?" Elena asked as she ripped her sunglasses off, revealing her heavy, red, tired eyes.

  "No, Elena; I promise," Harper cried, shaking her head.

  "Another lie," Elena smirked sarcastically as she dragged out a large white envelope from under her lounge chair. Elena tossed the envelope to Harper as she fumbled with it in her hands.

  "What is this?" Harper asked, confused.

  "You. Tell. Me." Elena said, her eyes locked on Harper. Elena took a long sip from her glass as Harper opened the envelope. Harper reached inside and pulled out the piece of paper inside.

  It was her sonogram from the hospital.

  "Oh, my God," Harper said as tears slowly streamed down her face.

  "It's Grayson's, isn't it?" Elena asked sharply.

  "How did you get this?" Harper asked as she glanced up from the sonogram to Elena.

  "It was in my mailbox this morning. I sat and thought about it for a long time, and then hit me. Ever since you got here, my life has gone to complete shit. My husband is murdered. My daughter gets kidnapped. And now..." Elena stopped as she looked away. Elena's lips quivered as she struggled to hold back the tears forming in her eyes. "I know I've never been a perfect mother or a wife. But I have never felt more betrayed in my entire life than I do right now. How could you do this, Harper? To me? Was this all just so you could sleep with Grayson? Did you want me out of the picture?" Elena asked, struggling to understand just what Harper's intentions were.

  "No! It was never like that! It was a mistake! It was a stupid, dumb, drunken mistake and I regret it every single day, Elena! I care about you! I care about Rosie! I would never do anything to hurt any of you," Harper sobbed.

  "Yeah, well you have a funny fucking way of showing it," Elena snapped back. "Now the police think I had something to do with all of this. They think I killed Delilah! They think I killed Grayson! They think I killed my own fucking husband! Do you see what you've done? You've taken everything from me," Elena cried.


  Harper quickly looked to the patio door to see Rosie rushing towards her. Harper smiled through her tears as she stood up, arms open.


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