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Don't Tell a Soul

Page 16

by Travis Szablewski

  "Hi, sweetie," Harper said, struggling to fake a smile.

  "Don't you fucking touch her," Elena spat as she darted up from her lounge chair and scooped Rosie into her arms.

  "Mommy, no! Mommy! I want Harper!" Rosie cried as she beat her tiny fists into Elena's shoulders.

  "Don't you ever come near my house or my daughter again. Tell that to your boyfriend. I found out about that, too. I guess you two were plotting together, weren't you?" Elena said as she struggled to contain Rosie in her arms.

  "Elena, please," Harper begged.

  "You'll never work in this town again; you can count on that. Now get out! Get the hell out!" Elena yelled. Harper stormed through the patio door, her sandals sounding off on the hardwood floor beneath her. Harper could feel her legs growing heavier and heavier underneath her. She had to get out of this house. She had to get out of town. She couldn't risk anyone else's life. Whoever was doing this...wasn't going to stop until Harper went away...for good.

  Harper slammed the door of her rental and sped away from the Livingston house. Rosie's cries circled through her head over and over. All of the pain...all of the hurt she has caused. If she had never taken the job...if she had never gotten involved...if she had never tried to uncover just what had happened to Delilah...none of this would have happened. Grayson would be alive; carrying Rosie on his shoulders, watching her walk at graduation, walking her down the aisle. Harper stole that from her. Now, she had to pay the price. She had to start over. She had to get out of town...before Rosie or anyone else got hurt.

  Harper sped up into Nicole's driveway and stepped out of the rental. She turned, eying the squad car parked along the curb a few feet away. For once, they were actually doing their job. She had to talk to Nicole. Maybe she'd let her borrow some clothes until her house was no longer an active crime scene. She'd to Tampa. That's where her Aunt Gale was. She could get a new job. She could have her baby. Make a new life for herself. But what about Patrick? She had to at least tell him the plan. What if he didn't want to go? She did just cost him his job? What if everything that they had...was now ruined? Harper rushed through the front door and entered Nicole's house, slamming the door behind her.

  "Nicole?" Harper called out as she frantically rushed around the corner and into the living room. Harper stopped in her she stared forward, horrified. Nicole's living room was ransacked. The couch, slashed and stabbed; cotton scattered along the floor. The recliner, turned over. The book shelves, toppled over...books and DVDs covering the ground. The pictures that once hung on the wall, now shattered along the rug.

  "Oh, my God! Nicole?" Harper cried out as she stepped around the shards of glass and balls of cotton. She then see a note taped to the TV screen. The bold, black letters stared back at her...


  Harper quickly ripped the note from the screen and snatched the remote from the floor. She turned the TV on and flipped to channel three. Harper's eyes widened in the remote fell from her hand.

  "Oh, my God," Harper cried as she stared back at the sinister scene displayed on the TV screen."LIVE" flashed in the corner of the screen. The camera angle, set on Nicole. Her entire body, wrapped in duct tape. Her body and hands, tightly secured to a wooden chair. Tears streamed down Nicole's face as she struggled to scream under the tape covering her mouth. Harper slowly fell to her she read the horrifying words that began to scroll along the bottom of the screen.






  Road Kill

  Harper's eyes darted down to her vibrating cellphone in her hand. It was Patrick...again. She couldn't answer. She couldn't involve him anymore than she already had. Everyone she knew...everyone she loved was in danger. She had to get to Elena and fast. Her trembling hand wrapped around the remote next to her and aimed it at the screen. She couldn't stare at Nicole any longer; her red cheeks, her tangled hair, and her entire body secured tightly with the tape. Nicole was going to die if she didn't act fast.

  Harper's legs quivered beneath her as she slowly pulled herself up, holding the couch for support. She clutched her keys tightly in her hand as she made her way towards the front door. How was she going to get Elena to confess? Elena probably wouldn't even look at her let alone speak to her. Harper was like a bomb in Elena's eyes; planted and detonated, blasting her picture-perfect family into pieces.

  Harper settled into her car as her phone vibrated in her pocket. Patrick's name flashed brightly across the screen as she closed her eyes tightly, the warm tears trickling down.

  "What do you want, Patrick?" Harper sobbed as she answered.

  "Why have you been ignoring my calls? Are you alright? I haven't seen you since last night," Patrick asked, his voice laced with frustration.

  "Patrick, I can't talk right now. If you care about me at all, you'll just stay away from me. I can't lose anyone else. Please, just stop," Harper said as she stabbed the key into the ignition.

  "I am not just going to abandon you! We're in this together, Harper; you and me! I'm not leaving you and I never will."

  "I really can't talk right now, Patrick. Please, just stop calling. Please."

  "What's going on?" Patrick asked, his voice almost a whisper. "Did something else happen?" he added. She wanted to tell him. She wanted to lean onto him so bad. But she couldn't. She had to find the strength within herself to figure this out. The more she told him, the deeper her was pulled into this deadly game.

  "I have to go," Harper said, jaw tight, as she ended the all. Harper's sweaty hand grabbed the gear shift, threw the car into reverse, and sped down the road and towards Tiger Lily Estates. She dodged through the traffic, swerving through the lanes as she felt her phone vibrating in her lap. Harper's eyes quickly glanced down from the road to see Patrick's name on the screen. Harper kept on hand on the wheel as she yanked open the glove box with the other, threw her phone inside, and slammed it shut. All that kept running through Harper's head was Nicole; her red eyes staring back at her through the TV screen. This was her fault. If she hadn't dug so deep into this. If she had just let this all go, Nicole's life would not be on the line. If Nicole died...if her best friend died...her blood would be on Harper's hands.

  Harper's car slowly inched towards the entry gate of the Tiger Lily Estates. Her headlights beamed through the darkness as she watched a tall, burly man step out of the security box. Elena kept her promise. Patrick was long gone.

  Harper rolled down her window as the man stepped up to the side of her car, his dark eyes staring into hers. She eyed the bold letters of his name tag; Eddie.

  "Can I help you, ma'am?" he asked as he stared into the car through her open window.

  "Yes, my name is Harper. I used to nanny for the Livingston family. I forgot my cellphone and I just needed to get it," Harper lied, picking nervously at the lining of her jeans.

  "Mrs. Livingston gave me strict orders not to let you anywhere near the premises, ma'am. I'm sorry. If that is the case, I can let her know and you can come pick it up tomorrow from me if you'd like," he nodded.

  "I just really need it now. It will only take a few minutes. Can you please just let me through? I promise, I'll be in and out. She won't even know I'm there," Harper begged.

  "Ma'am, I'm sorry. Again, if you'd like me to collect the phone for you..."he began.

  "Please! Just please let me in!" Harper begged, tears forming in her eyes.

  "I'm sorry. I'll contact Mrs. Livingston tomorrow and have her bring me the phone. I'll be here all day tomorrow so you can just pick it up here," he said. Harper knew he was just doing his job...but if she could only tell him the situation. Harper nodded gently as she put her car into reverse. "Have a good night," he said as he made his way back towards the security box.

  Harper turned her car around and drove away. She stared
into the rear-view mirror, the gate slowly disappearing in the darkness. She couldn't give up; not that easy. She pulled her car onto the grass along the side of the road; the dark woods surrounding her. There was no way he could see her...not around the curve lined with the thick trees. She had to get to Elena no matter what it matter what she had to do.

  Harper made her way through the woods, heading back towards Tiger Lily Estates. She just had to be quiet and agile. She couldn't be seen...or else this was all over. She stepped over a fallen tree as she spotted the tall, black iron fence surrounding the private subdivision. She stared through the bars at the back of the Livingston house. Her eyes drifted along the dark back lawn...not a soul in sight. She slowly pulled herself over the iron fence and dropped to the grass below. She tiptoed through the grass, making her way down the side of the Livingston house. Just a few more feet...

  The bright light above the front door blinded Harper as she stepped up to it...and gently knocked three times. Harper glanced around nervously...her hands wrapped tightly around her body as the cool breeze caressed her skin. Harper looked forward as she heard the deadbolt turn. The front door slowly opened as Harper stared inside to see Kyle. Kyle smirked to herself in disbelief as she stared back at Harper shivering at the front door.

  "Are you kidding me? What the fuck are you doing here, Harper?" Kyle snapped.

  "I need to talk to Elena! Please! Just for a minute," Harper cried. Kyle shook her head to herself as stepped through the front door, slamming it shut behind her.

  "You're real fucking sick in the head, aren't you? You have a lot of damn nerve to show up here like this," Kyle growled, her chest inches from Harper's; her fists tight at her sides.

  "Kyle, you don't understand. I know that thing have been crazy..." Harper began.

  "Crazy?" Kyle asked, baffled by the word. "Grayson gets killed and is found in YOUR trunk, Rosie gets kidnapped and YOU somehow magically knew where to find her, Delilah gets turned into road kill and then gets her fucking head chopped off...and you want to just call that "crazy"?" Kyle yelled.

  "I don't expect anyone to have any sympathy for me, Kyle! I don't! I know I got everyone into this mess! I am sorry! I am so sorry that I did! But someone else is going to die if I don't talk to Elena!" Harper sobbed.

  "I'm calling the cops," Kyle said, shaking her head as she opened the front door.

  "Kyle, please!" Harper cried. Kyle stopped in the doorway as she turned to look at Harper.

  "If I ever see you here again, I will kill you. Stay away from my niece. Stay away from my sister. Don't fucking test me, bitch," Kyle begins to shut Harper threw her hands forward, shoving it open. Kyle stumbles back into the house, collapsing onto the floor as Harper ran into the foyer.

  "Elena! Elena, are you here?" Harper cried out, her voice echoing through the foyer. Harper turned to see Kyle stand up from the floor. "Where is she?" Harper demanded.

  "What are you doing here?" a familiar voice asked behind her. Harper spun around to see Elena standing in the kitchen doorway, her body wrapped tightly in a white satin robe and a glass of wine in her hand.

  "Elena, please," Harper cried as rushed to Elena, grabbing her arms. "Please just tell me what happened! What happened to Delilah!"

  "For the love of God, Harper!" Kyle yelled as she marched towards them. "I'm calling security!" Kyle yelled as she stomped into the kitchen.

  "Elena, please! Just tell me what happened! My friend is going to die! Please! Please!" Harper cried as her grip tightened on Elena's arms. Elena rips her arm from Harper's hands as she backed away slowly.

  "If you don't leave in ten seconds, I will have you arrested, Harper," Elena said coldly...her face cold and void of any expression.

  "Elena, please!" Harper cried.

  "Ten...nine...eight..." Elena began. Harper backed away slowly...tears streaming down her face as she spun around and dashed through the front door. Harper ran, faster and faster down the side of the Livingston house and towards the iron gate surrounding the back lawn ahead.

  Her hands curled around the bars as she quickly made her way up to the top and fell to the grass below. If she got arrested, Nicole was done for. She had to get back to her car. She couldn't be found. Harper ran through the woods, taking long strides as she dodged the low tree branches hanging from above. Her shoes crunched along the crisp, dead leaves as she made her way deeper and deeper into the woods and back towards the road. Her hands extended out as she fell through the edge of the woods and onto the grass, her car just a few feet away. Harper picked herself up as she ran to her car and yanked the door open. She quickly got inside and stuck the key into the ignition as headlights beamed through her rear windshield.

  "Fuck!" Harper said, slamming her hands into the steering wheel. She was done for. Nicole was as good as dead. Harper stared into the side mirror as she watched Eddie park his black SUV a short distance behind her. She watched a he slowly stepped out of his car, the engine still running. Harper looked to her window as she rolled it down.

  "Did I not make myself clear?" he asked in a stern voice as he leaned down, staring at her.

  "I'm sorry. Please...please don't call the cops," Harper cried. "I just..." Harper then stopped.

  "I know I don't know you, but I'd have to be dumber than a pile of rocks to know that something else is going on here," Eddie said as his kind eyes narrowed onto her. "Is somebody in danger?" he asked. Harper's lips trembled as she struggled to keep the truth hidden deep within. She couldn't tell him. He'd call the cops. It would all be over for her and for Nicole.

  "Please, just let me go," Harper sobbed.

  "If I do, do you promise I won't see you around here again?" Eddie asked as he stepped back from the car, his large hands on his hips.

  "I promise. Please just don't call the cops," Harper begged.

  "I won't. If you keep your word, I'll keep mine," Eddie said with a nod. Harper wiped her eyes as she stared back at him.

  "Thank you," she said whispered.

  "Are you sure everything is OK?" Eddie asked again. Harper slowly looked towards him. She wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him so badly. She bit her lip, forcing the truth deeper and deeper...

  Harper then saw a pair of headlights quickly spread across Eddie's body. The sound of tires spinning on the pavement filled the air...

  As the front of Eddie's black SUV slammed into him. Blood splattered onto Harper's face as she watched the vehicle speed forward. Eddie's body slammed onto the hood and rolled onto the SUV windshield. The SUV sped forward as his lifeless, mangled body rolled over the roof and slammed onto the road.

  Harper struggled to breathe...her entire body she watched Eddie's black SUV speed down the road and disappear into the darkness. She could feel the air building in her lungs...begging to escape. But she couldn't release it. She was frozen...frozen in that moment of terror...of utter shock. Her wide eyes locked onto Eddie's dead, mangled body lying in the center of the road...his head twisted all the way around, his leg snapped in half.

  Harper's vision slowly she sunk into her seat...and her eyes drifted the darkness took her.

  Cross Your Heart

  Harper picked at her turquoise nail polish as her tired eyes drifted up to meet Officer Brent Warren's. His posture was tight and still. She knew that there was only one thing on his mind; that she was behind all of this.

  "Do you want to tell me what happened again?" Officer Warren asked sternly as he leaned back into his hair, raises his arms above his shoulders and resting his hands onto the back of his head. "Or are we just going to keep going around and around and around?"

  "I told you...I didn't see anyone. I just saw his car...and then..." Harper said, her voice hoarse from crying.

  "You really want me to believe that you've had nothing to do with any of this? How many more people are going to die before you finally tell us what the hell is going on, Harper?" Officer Warren snapped as he rose to his feet. He paced
slowly around the table of the empty interrogation room and towards her side.

  "I'm telling you the truth," Harper sobbed. "I don't know who did this! How many times do I have to say it over and over and over again? I don't know who is doing this!" Harper cried, her hands tightening onto the edge of the table. Her sadness...her terror...slowly begin to brew into a pit of fire burning inside of her. How dare he try to put all of this onto her.

  "You're lying!" Officer Warren screamed, a vein poking from his neck as he slammed his hand onto the table.

  "I am not!" Harper snapped back. Harper wanted to tell him everything. She wanted to. But she wasn't lying. She didn't know who was doing this or why. She couldn't give him the answers he desperately wanted. Partially because she didn't know but also because Nicole's life was hanging above her.

  "We found his SUV down the road; no prints...nothing," Officer Warren said as he plopped back down into the chair across from Harper.

  "I guess that means I'm not under arrest then, doesn't it?" Harper asked, wiping her face.

  "If there's nothing you want to tell me, then I guess you're free to go. But before you do, I want you to really think; I want you to really understand that whatever it is that you're not telling me will come out. I will find out," Officer Warren said as he crossed his arms. Harper leaned forward, crossing her own arms.

  "I have nothing to hide."


  Harper made her way through the exit door of the police department as she dug her keys out of her pockets.

  "Are you alright?" a deep voice asked as she turned to see Patrick rushing up to her along the sidewalk. Harper gently shook her head as she felt the tears stream down her face. Harper threw her arms around Patrick, pulling him close. Patrick wrapped his muscular arms around her as she dug her face into his coat. Harper sobbed into his chest as she squeezed him tighter and tighter. The only time she ever felt safe was his arms. She felt like nothing else in the world could touch her. She felt invincible for once in her entire life. And she never wanted that feeling to end.


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