Book Read Free

Don't Tell a Soul

Page 17

by Travis Szablewski


  Harper tilted her head back as the hot water rained down from the shower head above. Steam surrounded her as she breathed in and out slowly, the steam circling through her chest and up through her throat. Her eyes slowly opened as Patrick gently wrapped his arms around her from behind; the hot, steamy water trickling over their drenched bodies. His lips gently pressed against the side of her neck as he squeezed her tighter and tighter. His hands glided down her waist as she turned towards him, placing her hands tightly against his cheeks as she pulled him in. Their wet, tender lips met as she ran her hands down his tight, chiseled back. She drew back slowly...staring into his eyes.

  "I shouldn't have come here tonight," Harper whispered.

  "Why?" Patrick asked as stared down at the water circling around the drain below.

  "I can't lose you, Patrick," Harper said as she clawed softly at his bare back.

  "Well, I can't lose you, either," Patrick whispered as he ran his finger down her chest and stopped it at her stomach. "Or her," he added with a giggle. Harper smiled softly as she shook her head to herself. She then pulled her hands from his back and turned the shower faucet off. Harper slid the curtain open and grabbed a towel from the hook. She wrapped it tightly around her body as she stepped out into Patrick's hot, steamy bathroom.

  "What's wrong?" Patrick asked as he grabbed the other towel from the hook and wrapped it around his waist. Harper wiped the steam from the mirror as she stared at her soaked reflection; her long brown hair hanging down her face like vines.

  "It's Nicole," Harper finally said. She felt an invisible weight slowly lift from her chest as she turned to Patrick as he stepped out of the shower and towards her.

  "What? Your friend? What do you mean?" Patrick asked.

  "They got her, Patrick. They have her. I have to...I have to get Elena to tell me what happened to your sister...or else," Harper then stopped; the words too painful to speak aloud.

  "That's why you were there, wasn't it," Patrick nodded.

  "And now Elena has a restraining order against me. I can't get to her. I can't even be within thirty feet of her. I only have so much time, Patrick. If Nicole dies then it's on me," Harper cried.

  "Well maybe you're not allowed to talk to her...but I am..."

  Hope to Die

  Patrick slowly pulled his car to the curb in front of Shirley Claire's boutique. Harper stared out through the passenger side window as she watched Elena in the distance. Her black pumps clicked along the sidewalk as she struggled with the many shopping bags in her hands. Elena had been stress shopping all day in downtown Briar Grove...and Harper knew that she'd end up here. Harper slumped down into her seat and out of sight as Elena passed Patrick's car and made her way into the tiny upscale boutique.

  "It's now or never," Patrick said as he unbuckled his seat belt.

  "Patrick, you don't have to do this. I'll figure something out," Harper said as she grabbed his arm.

  "No. I'm not letting you lose anyone else. This has all gone far enough," Patrick said as he shoved his door open and slammed it behind him. Harper's leg bounced up and down nervously as she watched Patrick step into the shop. He was right. This was their last chance; their final shot at catching whoever was behind all of this and saving Nicole's life. They had no other choice.

  Patrick made his way around a rack of summer dresses as he spotted Elena in the corner of the shop. Her eyes were focused on a bright yellow blouse. She ran her hand along the sleeves, running the thin, soft fabric between her fingers. This was his chance. He had to catch her off guard to get the honest truth. Patrick inched towards Elena...just a few more feet.

  "You both must think I am one dumb, little bitch," Elena said sharply as she turned to Patrick, yanking her thick sunglasses from her face.

  "Elena, you have got to talk to Harper," Patrick said as he glanced nervously around the store. He prayed she wouldn't make a scene. This was his one chance to get her get the truth.

  "I have nothing left to say to that crazy, psychotic bitch...or to you for that matter," Elena snapped. "Do you both not think I've been through enough? I just want you to both leave me alone," she said as she began to move around him. Patrick stepped to his right, blocking her way.

  "What if I told you that someone's life was in danger?" Patrick asked, his voice firm.

  "Are you threatening me?" Elena gasped.

  "If I was then you would know it. I'm just trying to get you to understand the gravity of the situation," Patrick said.

  "The gravity of the situation? Do you both not think I don't know the gravity of the situation? Are you both that fucking stupid? My life is over, Patrick! My entire life has been crumbling down ever since that stupid bitch stepped into my house!" Elena yelled. Patrick glanced around the shop as two women in the opposite corner began to stare with wide eyes.

  "What about Delilah? Huh? Do you not want the truth? Do you not care about what happened to her? I mean, come on! You are one cold hearted, deceitful, egotistical bitch but I don't think you're that cold," Patrick said. "Or maybe you are? Maybe my sister got too close for comfort. Maybe you had to get rid of her to save your precious fucking reputation."

  "How dare you. I loved her, Patrick. I loved her more than anyone else in this world," Elena snapped under her breath. "Don't even talk about Delilah. You call yourself a brother? I knew more about that woman than you ever did. She was my fucking life. When she left, a piece of me left, too."

  "Oh, don't even give me that bullshit," Patrick smirked.

  "Yeah, well if you ask me, you two are grilling the wrong fucking sister," Elena said as she shoved past Patrick. Patrick's eyes widened as he spun around and grabbed Elena by the arm, pulling her back to him.

  "What? What did you say?" Patrick asked, his face inches from hers. Elena swallowed hard as her teary eye drifted to the floor. Patrick released her arm as he stepped back, his mouth wide open. "Kyle...Kyle killed Delilah?"

  "I didn't say that," Elena said, her voice filled with panic. "No, no, no." Patrick rushes around Elena as he dodged a clothes rack and ran towards the entrance of the boutique.

  "Patrick! Patrick! That's not what I meant!" Elena screamed as she rushed through the shop and after Patrick as the glass door slammed behind him. Harper's eyes darted up from her lap as she watched Patrick rush to the driver’s side and leaped into the car.

  “What the hell happened?" Harper asked as he looked from him to the boutique as Elena ran out from inside.

  "It's Kyle! Kyle killed Delilah!" Patrick said as he turned the key in the ignition. Harper's mouth dropped open as she looked to see Elena running towards the car.

  "What the hell is she doing?" Harper asked quickly as she watched Elena yank the backseat door open and crawl into Patrick's car.

  "Is my sister in danger?" Elena asked as tears streamed down her face and she slammed her door shut. Harper slowly nodded as Patrick put the car into drive.

  "We all are..."

  Tick Tock

  Patrick’s car came to a hard stop as Harper stared out at the Livingston house through the windshield; dark, ominous clouds danced across the full moon high above the rooftop. It was now or never. If Kyle really did kill Delilah, did that mean that she was responsible for everything that had happened since Harper stepped into that house? Did she kill Grayson…Vera…and all the others? Did she take Rosie from her warm bed that night? A million questions raced through Harper’s mind as she exited the car and followed Patrick. Elena made her way around him as he charged towards the house, his fists clenched at his sides. She stood in front of him, blocking the walkway.

  “Patrick, just listen to me for a second!” Elena snapped as she held her hands out in front of her.

  “I’ve listened to enough,” Patrick snapped as he shoved past Elena and towards the front door. Harper quickly rushed to Patrick’s side as he grabbed the handle of the front door…and turned.

  Harper’s eyes scanned the dark, deserted foyer as they stepped
into the silent home.

  “Kyle? Kyle, where are you?” Patrick yelled, his voice booming with rage.

  “Patrick, please! Just stop for a second!” Elena begged as she rushed to his side, grabbing his arm tightly. Patrick ripped his arm from Elena’s grasp as he made his way towards the dark kitchen. Harper turned to Elena, grabbing her by the arms, turning Elena towards her.

  “Where is Rosie?” Harper asked nervously.

  “She’s with my mother. She took Rosie to their beach house for the weekend,” Elena said, her voice quivering.

  “Good. The farther she is away, the better,” Harper nodded.

  “What in the hell is going on?” a high-pitched voice rang out. Harper spun around to see Kyle making her way down the stairs.

  Patrick darted into the foyer as Kyle stepped off the stairs. He charged towards her, his eyes locked onto her.

  “You killed Delilah, didn’t you? You killed my sister,” Patrick said, his face inches from Kyle.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Kyle growled. “I didn’t kill anybody!”

  “That’s not what your sister said,” Patrick said as he motioned towards Elena.

  “What?” Kyle gasped as Elena rushed to their sides.

  “No, I didn’t say that, Patrick! I said that maybe you should talk to Kyle,” Elena said.

  “Have anything to say?” Patrick asked as his eyes scanned Kyle up and down.

  “Sure, I wasn’t the biggest fan of your sister…but I didn’t kill her!” Kyle yelled.

  “Then who did?” Patrick snapped back.

  “I don’t know! We don’t even know if she is dead, Patrick! As fucking crazy as you are, maybe she just got sick of your shit and bounced! I know I’d wish I was dead if I was related to a crazy psycho like you!” Kyle snapped.

  “I’m fucking done with you bitches,” Patrick said as he shook his head and made his way towards the front door. Harper watched as Patrick stormed out of the house, defeated. Patrick slammed the door shut behind him as she turned to Elena and Kyle beside her.

  “I’m calling the police,” Elena said as she dug at her coat pocket for her phone.

  “No, you can’t!” Harper cried. “If you do then Nicole will die!”

  “God, think about this for a second! It’s either Nicole dies or all of us; it’s either one life, or four!” Kyle said as she made her way between Elena and Harper. “Do you really want Rosie to grow up without her mom?”

  “Of course not! But we need to work together! We need to stick together. Clearly, we’re all on this bastard’s chopping block. I can’t lose Nicole. I can’t lose anyone else,” Harper sobbed. The front door then swung open as they all looked to see Patrick standing in the doorway.

  “Get out here…now,” Patrick said, his tone deep and stern. Elena, Kyle, and Harper made their way through the front door, following Patrick as he walked towards his car parked in front of the house.

  Harper’s eyes widened as she stared at the large photograph tucked beneath one of Patrick’s windshield wipers. It was a photograph of the Livingston lake house. Harper slowly grabbed the photograph from the windshield as Kyle, Harper, and Patrick surrounded her.

  She flipped the photograph over to see the cryptic message written on the back. The sharp, black, bold writing staring back at them.





  Patrick’s hands tightened around the steering wheel as his car sped down the country road and the Livingston lake house. The last time they had been there was when they caught Vera and Elena together. That cabin held secret…secrets that they were about to uncover.

  “Get the gun from the glove box,” Patrick demanded as he looked to Harper in the passenger seat.

  “What? You’ve got a gun?” Harper asked, shocked.

  “Just get it,” Patrick snapped.

  Harper swallowed hard as she pulled the glove box in front of her open and reached inside. She slowly pulled a small hand gun from inside and handed it to Patrick as he took it in his free hand.

  “Something we actually agree on,” Elena said from the backset. Harper looked back at Elena and Kyle in the backseat as Elena slowly pulled a handgun from her purse in her lap.

  “A girl like you carrying? That’s funny,” Patrick smirked sarcastically as he shook his head.

  “I got it after Grayson was killed. I couldn’t take any chances,” Elena said as she turned the gun over in her hand.

  “I’m going to ask you both one more time before we get there; did you two have anything to do with this?” Patrick asked as his eyes drifted to the rear-view mirror.

  “How many times do we have to tell you, Patrick? We know just as much as you do. I want to find out what happened to Delilah jut as much as you do. Probably even more,” Elena said as she looked down to her lap. Harper stared out through the windshield as Patrick’s car whipped around a sharp curve. The woods surrounding the road grew thicker and thicker. They were getting close. Butterflies fluttered in Harper’s stomach as Patrick’s car turned down the dirt road that lead to the small lake house.

  “I’m not going inside,” Kyle said sternly.

  “Are you kidding me?” Patrick asked in disbelief.

  “I’m not risking my life for some chick I didn’t give two shits about. This isn’t about me,” Kyle snapped.

  “God, you’re worse than your sister,” Patrick smirked angrily. “We need a plan. We have two guns. So, I say me and Harper go inside. Elena, you stay outside and keep watch. We have to work together we want to survive this…whatever this is,” Patrick added. Elena nodded in agreement as Patrick’s car turned down the dirt road leading through the woods.

  Harper stared out through the windshield as the headlights illuminated through the woods. The lake house stood ahead, draped in the darkness. Patrick’s car came to a stop…the lake house just beside them.

  “Are you ready?” Patrick asked as he looked to Harper beside him.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Harper said, her voice quivering. Harper’s hand trembled as she grabbed the door handle and stepped out of the car with Patrick.

  “Remember the plan,” Patrick said as Elena stepped out of the car, holding her gun tightly in her hand, ready to fire.

  “I’m good. I know what I’m doing,” Elena said as she rolled her eyes. Harper’s stomach twisted inside of her as she stared at the lake house in front of them. Not a single light was on inside. It was quiet…almost too quiet. The crickets chirped through the trees surrounding the house as Patrick lead the way towards the front door of the cabin.

  “Try to stay close,” Patrick said to Harper as they stopped at the front door. Harper nodded, her heartbeat racing, as Patrick grabbed the door handle and turned.

  Patrick stepped into the cabin as Harper followed closely behind. Their eyes scanned the deserted cabin. Nothing had changed since they were last here. Patrick stepped into the kitchen, the gun in front of him…ready to fire.

  “Where the hell is she?” Harper asked as a tear trickled down her cheek. Patrick stopped and turned to her.

  “We will find her. I promise, Harper. We will find her. She’ll be just fine. I promise,” Patrick said as he cupped her face. Harper sniffed and nodded as he turned, scanning the dark, deserted kitchen. Red and blue lights then spun through the dark cabin as Harper’s eyes widened.

  “What the fuck?” Harper said as she turned and rushed toward the front door. Harper peeked out through the small window of the front door…to see a squad car pulled up behind Patrick’s car.

  “Are you fucking kidding me,” Patrick growled as he stared outside at the squad car.

  “Oh, my God. One of them called the cops. Oh, my God. They’re gonna kill her, Patrick! Nicole is as good as dead!” Harper sobbed.

  “No, she isn’t! Calm down! Just stay here,” Patrick said as he handed Harper the gun.

  “What?” Harper gasped.

�I’m going to try and get rid of him. Just stay here and take the gun…just in case,” Patrick said with a nod. Harper gulped as her trembling hand wrapped around the gun.

  “I’m so sorry for all of this,” Harper cried.

  “Don’t be. Without you, I wouldn’t have ever had the drive to find her. I never would have been able to know what happened to her without you, Harper,” Patrick said softly. He then kissed her, soft and slow. Harper wrapped her arms around him tightly…squeezing him harder than she ever had before.

  “Be careful,” Harper said as she released him. Patrick nodded as he stepped out of the cabin…and shut the door behind him. Harper released the breath she was holding in as she eyed the dark cabin. The silence rang in her ears as she moved from the door, moving around the couch. And that’s when she heard it…

  The gently sobs…the breathless sound of a muffled cry.

  “Nicole?” Harper yelped as her eyes scanned the dark cabin. She moved into the kitchen…the muffled cries growing louder and louder. Harper rounded the corner to see…a door in the corner beside the refrigerator. Harper rushed towards the door and placed her ear against it. The cries…coming from inside. “Nicole, I’m coming!” Harper yelled as she turned the door handle and pulled it open.

  Harper’s eyes squinted in the darkness as stared down a set of dark and dusty steps. It was the basement. Harper grabbed the banister as she slowly made her way down the stairs, the gun tight in her other hand. Harper felt along the wall of the stairwell. Her fingers settled on a light switch. Harper flipped the switch as the basement below flooded with a soft light.

  “Nicole! I’m coming!” Harper cried out as she heard the muffled screams growing louder and louder as she descended the stairs. Harper quickly stepped down into the messy basement. Boxes covered the floor and old furniture was scattered throughout the room. Her eyes then drifted to the right to see…


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