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Intrigued Out of the Office

Page 25

by Nicole Edwards


  I DON’T REMEMBER THE LAST time I went to a movie. It wasn’t something I tended to indulge in, choosing rather to watch Netflix at home or rent movies through Apple or Amazon.

  However, I was excited about the possibilities.

  Sir had taken me to a very nice restaurant where we dined on seafood and wine. He shared some stories about him and Langston when they were rambunctious teenagers. I’d learned that they had become members of their first BDSM club at the ripe old age of twenty-two while they were still in college. That hadn’t surprised me in the least, considering what I knew of their parents. Although not directly, they’d been introduced to the lifestyle at a young age. For two alpha men, exploring the BDSM world seemed the natural next step.

  When I’d asked what had gotten them interested in public relations, Sir had informed me that it had been a fluke. A friend of theirs knew someone who knew someone else who was publishing a book. They were curious as to how to market that and, according to Sir, the rest was history. They’d helped that person get the word out about their book and their names began circulating, especially when that person hit the New York Times best-seller list. So I guess the rest really was history; they’d only gone up from there.

  When we arrived at the theater, Sir retrieved our tickets from a woman standing behind a long counter at the front of the place. I instantly realized that this wasn’t a normal movie theater. Rather than a popcorn stand, there was a bar. Instead of dozens of people standing around, kids running amok, there were pool tables and tall tables where adults sat enjoying drinks and laughing.

  “I heard there was some riffraff in the place tonight,” a deep, booming voice said, causing Sir to turn around.

  There was an older man, probably in his mid-fifties, standing there, a wide smile on his face.

  “That’s because like attracts like, Bill,” Sir said with a huge grin. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “Likewise, kid.” Bill’s voice boomed through the room.

  The men shared one of those bro-hugs that consisted of rough pats on the back before they pulled apart and Sir placed his arm around me, pulling me close.

  “Bill, I’d like you to meet Luci.”

  Bill turned warm brown eyes on me and his smile widened even more.

  “I’ve heard so much about you, young lady. Welcome to my establishment.”

  When I went to shake his hand, Bill pulled me in for a hug, making me giggle.

  “I’m glad you could finally stop in, check the place out.”

  “Thanks for accommodating us tonight,” Sir replied.

  “My pleasure. Even if it is a Friday night.” Bill chuckled. “Well, you kids have fun now. I’ve got to go say hello to some more riffraff.”

  Sir guided me away after saying good-bye to Bill. I turned my head up to look at him, hoping for a little more information on who that man was and how he knew him.

  “Bill’s a good friend of my father’s,” Sir explained. “He’s also a member of the club.”

  Ahh. So he was that sort of friend. The Dom type. It made me wonder what Sir meant when he mentioned accommodating us tonight.

  Sir kissed my temple and steered me toward the back. We ended up going into a theater and were required to climb a set of stairs. When I reached the top, I noticed rows of recliners that stairstepped down toward the big screen.

  “We’re back here,” Sir informed me, tugging on my hand to keep me from walking too far down.

  We took our seats near the top and a few seconds later a waiter came by, asking for our drink order. I opted for another glass of wine and Sir went with Glenlivet, which I was surprised to learn they did have.

  Once the drinks were delivered, Sir whispered something to the waiter, then turned toward the front. Oddly enough, no one else came into the theater. More minutes passed and I was getting confused.

  “Are we the only ones here?” And okay, maybe I hadn’t heard of the movie Sir had suggested we see, but surely someone besides us was going to see it. Like Bill said, it was Friday night.


  “No one else is coming?”

  “No one else is coming,” he echoed.

  “Really?” That seemed strange.

  “I rented out this particular screening.”


  I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. I knew without a doubt that Sir had something planned if he had rented the entire place out.

  A short time later, the lights dimmed and the screen came to life. While I thought we were going to watch a rom-com, I realized rather quickly that I was wrong. What appeared on the screen certainly wasn’t a romantic comedy. In fact, it looked more like a XXX movie.

  Holy shit.

  It was a XXX movie.

  “You rented out the theater to watch porn?” I giggled because I couldn’t help it.

  “Thought it would be something different.”

  That it was.

  “You have an issue with porn?”

  “No. Not at all.” I was merely surprised he enjoyed it. I don’t know why that was. Perhaps because his life resembled one. Only with normal people who merely enjoyed kink of all varieties.

  “Remove your clothes, Luci,” Sir instructed just as the movie started to heat up.

  I tried to peer around, to ensure no one else was there, but Sir stopped me, placing his finger beneath my chin and turning my face toward his.

  “Don’t worry about anything else except what I tell you to do. You have to trust me, Luci. That’s how this works. I’m responsible for taking care of you and you have to let me do that. Do you trust me?”

  Swallowing hard, I nodded.

  It wasn’t that I was worried that someone would see me. Well, I was. However, not for the way Sir thought. I simply didn’t want to go to jail for indecent exposure. We were in a public place, after all.


  I hesitated momentarily and the next thing I knew, Sir was pulling me over his lap.

  Instinct had me trying to move away. “Sir? What are you doing?”

  “I asked you to do something and you didn’t. You didn’t think you’d get away with it, did you?”

  Actually, I hadn’t realized I’d hesitated that long.

  “How many do you think you’ve earned?” he asked as he pulled my skirt up to my waist, baring my ass.

  “I…uh…I don’t know.”

  “Twenty,” he said quickly.


  The idea of Sir spanking me both terrified and thrilled me. I knew it wasn’t the same as when Master had done it because Sir wasn’t angry. Not the way Master had been.

  “Are you ready, pet?”

  I shook my head but said, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. And when I’m done punishing you, I want you to take off your clothes and kneel in front of me. You will suck my cock until I tell you to stop. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Rather than count how many times Sir spanked me, I got lost in the sensation. It overtook my mind, my arousal spiking while my brain seemed to disconnect from my body, bringing a sense of peace to me. It wasn’t nearly as painful as I’d thought it would be, although I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. It did. However, the sting was a good one. I felt as though I was flying, my body humming with my arousal.

  “What did I instruct you to do?”

  Realizing he was finished, I instantly got to my feet.

  “Turn around. Let me help with the corset.”

  I turned so he could deal with the laces. When I was free from the binding, I immediately removed my boots, then my skirt before turning to face him. I dropped to my knees on the carpeted floor as Sir was freeing his cock. Just when I leaned forward to take him into my mouth, I noticed light streaming in, as though someone had opened a door. A few seconds later, Master appeared.

  “Suck me,” Sir grumbled. “Do not make me tell you again.”

  Anticipation rose inside of me, warring with the
desire to please Sir. I could hear the movie playing, heard the woman moaning and grunting as the man on the screen did something to her. I hadn’t been paying attention to what was going on, so I had no idea what was happening.

  Not that I cared. I had my own XXX scene taking place in front of me and I was the star of this one.

  Sir’s cock twitched and grew in my mouth, spurring me on. I sucked him deep, relishing his moans and the way his fingers twined in my hair.

  “Do you like when Langston watches you suck my cock?”

  I nodded but didn’t release Sir’s dick from my mouth. I wanted to focus my attention on him because that was where it was supposed to be. I didn’t belong to Master right now, I belonged to Sir. And it was important that I showed him that I understood that.

  “Good.” His eyes were locked with mine. “Because this is what we want, Luci. We want you. Between us.”

  I fought back the tears that threatened. It sounded an awful lot like he was offering me something more. I didn’t want to think too hard on that because I doubted that was the case. We were here to enjoy ourselves. Sir was my Dom for two weeks, that was all. At that point, I would belong to someone else. And my time with him would be over for a while.

  “God, I love your mouth,” he groaned, pulling my hair and letting his cock fall from between my lips. “But it’s a wicked mouth and I’m not ready to come just yet. Stand up.”

  As I was getting to my feet, Master moved around and took the seat I’d been in. The one right beside Sir.

  “Now, I want you to lie across us, on your back. We want to watch the movie while we tease you.” Sir pulled me forward so that my face was almost level with his. “However, there’s one condition.”

  “Anything, Sir.”

  “You are not allowed to come.”

  I could tell by the way he said the words that he was going to do everything in his power to make me come. I could also tell that I was going to fail.

  “If you come, I will punish you. Twenty licks for every orgasm.”


  This was going to be a long night.


  IT WAS HARD TO BELIEVE, but my two weeks with Sir was coming to an end. Tomorrow would be the last day I spent with him. Not only that but he was getting ready to go on a week-long trip, which meant I wouldn’t see him for several days.

  I had been informed that I would learn who my new master would be on Monday afternoon, once the four of them had time to talk. Honestly, I wasn’t sure I was ready to belong to anyone else just yet. My time with Sir had been intense, and not always in a good way. I felt as though I needed some time to get my head on straight. Then again, I had the weekend, so there was that. Too much more time to think would likely make it worse. And although I wasn’t necessarily looking forward to the change, I was trying not to concern myself with it at the moment. I was focused on spending as much time with Sir as I could before our time was up.

  All this week, Sir had forced me to work naked. I didn’t mind anymore. It was almost natural. Plus, I looked forward to what Sir had in store for me. While we’d spent the remainder of last week exploring my limits after our mutual meltdowns, it was good for both of us. The man had some wickedly creative ways to make me come and every day I looked forward to what he wanted from me.

  And this week, he’d proven that he certainly hadn’t run out of ideas. Sir had come up with some pretty incredible things that had honestly tested my limits in ways I hadn’t expected.

  On Monday, Sir had left me a note informing me that I was to go into Justin’s office at exactly two o’clock. I did as he instructed and found Sir sitting on the couch. He then proceeded to watch as Justin teased me with his tongue and his fingers. According to Sir, intercourse wasn’t allowed, but that hadn’t stopped Justin from making me come at least half a dozen times. It had been quite the experience to have him simply touch me, gently coaxing one orgasm after another. But the best part had been the fact that Sir was there to watch.

  Then, on Tuesday, Sir had called me into his office. I’d then been instructed to slip beneath his desk and pleasure him with my mouth while he tended to a conference call that took over an hour. I had to admit, the man’s stamina was awe-inspiring. Try as I might, he hadn’t come during the conversation. And when he hung up the phone, he had fucked my mouth ruthlessly, coming down my throat.

  On Wednesday, Sir had insisted that I wear the butt plug and the Venus Butterfly for the entire day. I spent most of my time on edge because he had amused himself with the remote control. I wasn’t allowed to come, which had frustrated me to no end. However, he had relieved all the pent-up pressure by fucking me against the windows overlooking the building next door while my other three bosses and a room full of accountants had watched.

  Today had been relatively quiet. When Sir and I arrived this morning, I learned that Jordan had requested the day off to take care of some personal business. I spent most of the day dealing with the phones. During the rare times they weren’t ringing, I focused my attention on seeking input for the next quarterly meeting that would take place in March. It was still a ways off, but I figured it was best to get started early. I liked the idea of having a larger project to work on.

  I felt as though I’d proven myself in the months that I’d been there. And I wasn’t referring to the extracurricular activities. I was far more than a sex toy for these men to enjoy. Not once since I had arrived had they made me feel as though I wasn’t a contributing part of the company. Perhaps that was why I continued to enjoy working there. Well, that and the sex. I certainly enjoyed the sex.

  However, I had to wonder what it would be like if we were no longer enjoying each other’s company the way that we were. Would I still be able to look them in the eye? What would happen if they moved on to another submissive?

  The thought made my stomach turn.

  Thinking about Master and Sir with someone else made my stomach bottom out. As for Ben and Justin…no, I wouldn’t like it per se, but I could get used to it. Although I cared about them immensely, I wasn’t in love with them.

  I stared at Sir’s door, then over at Master’s.

  I was in love with my bosses.

  No matter how hard I had tried to keep this on a sexual level, I had failed. It was more than sex for me. And now that I’d come to the realization, I couldn’t simply drop it.

  Oh, I could pretend with the best of them and I would. No way was I going to let Master and Sir know that my heart had gone and caused a huge mess of this. They didn’t need to know that.

  Hell, no one needed to know that.

  Thankfully, the phone rang.

  I needed the distraction in a bad, bad way.


  That night, Sir cooked for me, and afterward, I cleaned the kitchen before joining him in the living room. I curled up next to him while we watched some gangster movie and he teased my naked body relentlessly. By the time the movie was over, I was on the verge of implosion and he seemed to notice.

  “I’ll be right back,” he told me, then disappeared in the direction of his bedroom. I listened, trying to hear what he was doing, while my body trembled with excitement.

  When he returned, he wasn’t wearing a shirt and the button on his jeans had been unfastened.

  He leaned over and kissed me gently, then pulled back and looked into my eyes. “You ready for our last night together?”

  I smiled, holding back the emotions that filled me. The thought of it really being our last night together broke my heart. I wasn’t ready to leave him, but I knew that was the agreement.

  “No, Sir,” I admitted softly. “However, I look forward to whatever you have in store for me.”

  His eyes softened and he brushed his knuckles over my cheek.

  When he stood to his full height, he held out his hand to me. I followed him into the bedroom, noticing that there were several candles burning around the room. Plus, the restraints he had on his bed were lying on the mattress, practicall
y calling my name.

  “Not yet, pet,” he said, leading me into the bathroom.

  The bathtub was full, steam drifting up from the heated water. Sir helped me in, then stripped out of his jeans while I watched. The man was ridiculously sexy. I wanted to spend the rest of the night memorizing every inch of his delectable body.

  When he joined me in the oversized tub, he eased in behind me, then pulled me down to him. He used a sponge to caress my breasts and my belly, wringing out the sponge over my nipples, the warmth and attention causing them to harden.

  Neither of us spoke while he kissed my neck, breathing me in. I was lost to the romanticism of the act, wishing this night never had to end. But the water eventually cooled, and when I shivered, we got out and he dried us both.

  “Tonight is all about you, pet,” he whispered.

  He said it as though every night hadn’t been about me. Although he commanded me to do things, the pleasure this man brought me was something I would forever treasure.

  Sir placed a blindfold over my eyes, tying it at the back of my head. As the darkness consumed me, I gave myself over to him, knowing that he would care for me tonight. I’d come to trust him during the time we’d spent together and I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. Not physically, anyway. My heart was an entirely different story, but that wasn’t his fault. It was mine. I’d fallen in love with this man in the short time I’d known him.

  I knew I couldn’t admit that to him, so I held it inside and let it build, bringing me pleasure only he was capable of providing.

  I felt something go over my head, settling just above my ears. “I want you to only focus on your sense of touch tonight. I’m putting noise-canceling headphones on you.”

  I nodded, curious as to what this would be like.

  “Before I do, I want you to tell me what your safeword is.”

  “Red, Sir.”

  “At any point, should you feel it necessary, use your safeword. I will stop. And should you need a moment to collect yourself, yellow is the word. I’ll give you a break at that point.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  I hadn’t needed to use my safeword up to this point, but I was grateful for the reminder. I knew that Sir had to trust me to know my own limits.


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