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Intrigued Out of the Office

Page 26

by Nicole Edwards

  After he placed the headphones over my ears, Sir took my hand and we started walking. I could hear nothing except for my own breathing. It was almost terrifying to be robbed of both sight and sound. It left me feeling incredibly vulnerable, proving to me that I had established a great deal of trust for this man.

  We didn’t go far, so I assumed we were still in his bedroom. When my thighs met the mattress, I knew I was right.

  He turned me around and then urged me to sit down. With care, he laid me out on the bed, then restrained my arms and my legs. I could feel the caress of the air against my flesh, pushed down by the ceiling fan. The soft brush of his fingers over my skin made the fine hairs on my body stand on end. My anticipation grew rapidly. Without sight, sound, or the ability to move, I was completely at his mercy. He would do as he pleased and I wouldn’t rush him.

  Not that I wanted to.

  Sir’s finger moved in a circular motion over my breast. I focused on that, sure he was trying to tell me something. I had no idea what he was planning to do to me. I’d already experienced sensation play, so I assumed that was his intent.

  What happened next shocked me and I sucked in air as heat splashed over the lower curve of my breast. It trickled down and seemed to stop. Then there was more, dripping onto my body in intervals. A little here, a little there. Warmth pooled, then quickly cooled on my skin. It continued over my belly, my breasts, and the juncture where my thigh met my hip. The temperature of the liquid changed. Sometimes warmer than others, but it was deliciously stimulating.

  I could only assume he was using wax. As I waited for the next, I held my breath, attempting to anticipate where it would be. It never landed where I expected, heightening my sense of touch. I was riding a wave of ecstasy when it finally stopped. Several minutes passed and I assumed he was allowing the wax to cool, to harden on my skin.

  When he started peeling away the wax, that was erotic in its own way. Something cool grazed my breasts and I realized he was wiping the rest away. He took his time cleaning every inch of me, teasing me with his gentle touch as he went.

  His hands disappeared and then I felt warm breath between my thighs. Something brushed against my clit and I realized it was his tongue. I inhaled deeply, lifting my hips to meet the welcome sensation. Strong hands landed on my hips, urging me back down to the mattress. They remained there and I was focused solely on the tongue lapping at me and the thumbs brushing over my hip bones.

  Then the cloth returned to my breasts and that was the moment I realized we were not alone. There were two men touching me, teasing me. The knowledge instantly spiked my arousal. I knew who it was without asking.



  They were both here.

  My heart rate sped up, my breaths ramping up to match.

  The mouth on my pussy moved, lips brushing over my skin as the bed shifted around me. Then there were two mouths on my breasts. The sudden sensation shocked me and my body jerked. Teeth nibbled on my skin, then latched on to my nipples, one mouth rough, one gentle. I felt as though I was being tossed in the waves, unable to predict what would happen next.

  While they feasted on my breasts, hands moved between my legs.

  I felt the pressure of two fingers push inside me. Then two more.

  They were fingering me at the same time, filling me up. My pussy gushed with excitement. I moaned, but I could hardly hear my own voice thanks to the headphones covering my ears.

  Then everything stopped.

  I lay there panting, eager. I wanted more, but I didn’t say as much. I wanted them to do what they wanted to my body, to take their own pleasure while giving in return. It was a heady feeling, one I could easily get addicted to.

  My body twitched when a feather brushed over my nipple. Then the pinprick of the Wartenburg wheel ran over the bottom of my foot. My leg instinctively jerked, trying to get away from the sensation. A stinging slap landed on my pussy. It should’ve been painful, but it wasn’t. It was erotic.

  They tormented me for long minutes. The soft brush of the feather, the pinprick of the wheel, the warmth of mouths and hands. I was so close to coming, my brain obliterated by the overstimulation, so when the vibration brushed my clit, I screamed, my orgasm plowing through me, shattering all my senses.

  I rode out the climax as every sensation slowly disappeared one at a time.

  While I lay there panting, the restraints were removed from my ankles, then my wrists. Firm hands massaged my limbs. Then the earphones disappeared, followed by the blindfold.

  It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dim light. I noticed Sir first. He was leaning over me, his eyes scanning my face, a small smile tilting his lips. I touched his face, feeling the gentle scrape of his stubble over my palm.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I whispered.

  “My pleasure, pet.”

  When he moved back, I glanced over at Master. He was watching me intently, his hazel eyes hot enough to scorch me. Then he was on me, his mouth crushing to mine as he flipped me so that I was lying on top of him, his cock nestled against my pussy.

  “We’re gonna fuck you now,” he warned.

  I wanted that more than I wanted air.

  “Are you ready?” Sir asked, his lips grazing my shoulder as he leaned over me.

  I turned my head to meet his mouth, kissing him as roughly as he kissed me.

  I felt his fingers tease my anus. They were lubed for easy entry and he didn’t shy away. I continued to kiss him while he fingered my ass.

  “Answer me,” Sir commanded.

  Right. His question. Was I ready?

  “More than ready, Sir.”

  Master adjusted his hips, then forced his cock into my pussy while Sir pushed the head of his cock against my back hole. He didn’t tease, he simply pushed in. The dual invasion had my breath escaping me in a rush. Pain quickly morphed into pleasure as they began rocking into me. Sir paused and something cool dribbled over my ass when he retreated. I realized he was adding more lube. Then he slammed into me, filling me completely.

  Sir forced me forward, planting one hand in the center of my back, crushing me between them. Then they were fucking me roughly, not holding anything back, pounding my pussy and ass with the force of their thrusts.

  Then I was flying. It was the only way to describe the out-of-body experience. The pleasure was fierce, overwhelming in its intensity. They weren’t gentle, but they knew exactly what I needed. My orgasm raced through me and I didn’t attempt to stop it, riding wave after wave of pure bliss.

  They used my body for their own pleasure, sending me spiraling higher and higher with every passing minute until I thought I would pass out.

  Only then did they both come inside me, groaning their releases in what felt like the most intimate of claimings.

  It was then that I knew, no matter what happened in the future, right here—between them—was the only place I ever wanted to be.

  In the same instance, I feared it was the one place I would never be again.





  I HAD SPENT THE PAST two weeks watching as things changed between Luci and Landon. Also with Langston, too. I knew that man wasn’t far away whenever Landon was with Luci. It was the way they operated. Much like Ben and me.

  However, we had agreed that during the two weeks we had Luci to ourselves, we wouldn’t seek input or keep anyone else informed, so I had no idea exactly what had transpired during their two weeks together. But I knew it was something.

  Luci had changed.

  Not that I was upset with her for it. Nor was I upset with Landon or Langston. I’d known going in that the cards would fall one way or the other. It appeared they’d fallen right at Landon’s and Langston’s feet.

  But I was going to honor my commitment as best I could. As of Monday, I would be Luci’s Dom for two weeks. I wasn’t sure how it was going to
go, but I wasn’t going to back down now. Which was the reason I’d called this meeting.

  Luci and Jordan had left for the weekend and I felt it was necessary to ensure we were all on the same page, so I’d asked Landon, Langston, and Ben to join me in my office.

  Admittedly, there was less tension in the air this time. Perhaps that was because I wasn’t blowing a gasket. I knew I’d been the one to heat things up in the office. I wasn’t perfect, and yes, I’d held out hope that Luci would be the one for me and Ben. However, I accepted the fact that that was no longer the case. It disappointed me, but I would deal.

  “I told her you would let her know who her new master was on Monday afternoon. Since I’ll be out of the office next week, I’ll leave that up to you on how you handle it.”

  “A week-long trip?” Landon hadn’t done that in quite some time.

  He nodded. “Yeah. It’s…necessary.”

  I noticed Langston look at his twin with sympathy in his eyes. I realized then that Landon’s trip had likely been planned and it probably wasn’t necessary for work, more so because he didn’t want to see Luci with me.

  I decided to let it go, moving on. “How did things go with her?”

  “As you know, it started out a little rocky. But…” He shrugged.

  Yeah. I didn’t really need him to fill me in. I knew what Luci wanted. I was actually anticipating her telling me that she couldn’t go forward with this. Then again, Luci was nothing if not obedient. She would do as she promised, and I would have her to myself for two weeks.

  “Just so we’re clear,” I said, addressing Landon directly, “are you planning to make any moves that will alter our agreement?”

  He shook his head. “Not at this time, no.”

  It sounded to me as though he wanted the opposite; however, I could tell by the look on Langston’s face that they’d come to this decision together.

  Now, I just had to figure out what I needed to do to make my time with Luci beneficial for her. I knew she wouldn’t ever belong to me and Ben, but in regards to her submission, there were a few tricks I had up my sleeve.

  If nothing else, she would enjoy her time with me.

  Well, with me and Ben.

  Because there was one thing I knew with absolute certainty. I wasn’t giving up the best damn thing that had ever happened to me. And I damn sure wasn’t going to alienate him either.


  WHEN MONDAY MORNING FINALLY ROLLED around, I was eager to get back to the office. Once I was there, I wondered why I’d been so excited.

  Things were chaotic.

  Ben was dealing with a major issue. One of the new product launches for his second biggest client had flopped. The details had been leaked prior to the official launch and he was busy putting out the fires. Then, of course, Sir had left town and Master was handling everything for both of them until Sir’s plane landed in Florida.

  It was as though everything had purposely exploded at the most inopportune time. Well, technically there wasn’t ever a good time for things to go to shit.

  Because of all the drama, I canceled the Monday meeting at Justin’s request and did my absolute best to stay out of their way.

  By the time lunch rolled around, I hadn’t even had time for a break. Jordan’s call was the only reminder I got that I needed to eat. After making a quick detour to the restroom—the first time that day—I met him at his desk and we headed down to the sandwich shop.

  “So, you ready to spill the beans yet?” he probed when we were in line.

  I blushed. “Maybe.”

  His stern look made me chuckle.

  Jordan leaned in and lowered his voice. “Just so you know, if my submissive were to say that, he’d have a red ass for the rest of the day.”

  I laughed, unable to help myself. “Good thing I’m not your submissive then.”

  His smile was brilliant when he countered with, “Yeah, you’re cute and all, but totally not my type.”

  I certainly felt more carefree with Jordan than I had originally. Simply knowing that he understood what I was going through made it easier to even look at him. So, when we took our seats at an empty table in the corner, I decided I would tell him anything he wanted to know.

  “Ask away,” I told him as I unwrapped my sandwich.

  “Really? You’re ready to share?”

  I nodded. “I’ve been ready for a long time, but it’s been…”

  “Complicated,” he filled in. “I know.”

  “Yes, that’s a good word for it.”

  “It was quite obvious the dynamic on Christmas. Has this been going on for a while?”

  I glanced around, making sure no one was close enough to hear. “I assume you’re referring to me being with Landon and Langston.” It was difficult not to refer to them as Sir and Master because it had become second nature.

  Jordan nodded.

  “No. It’s actually been…complicated.” I laughed. “Sorry, couldn’t come up with a better word.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Tell me more.”

  I proceeded to tell him about the rules that were implemented when they laid out the “job requirements” after I’d been there for a month. I also told him about the upset that took place when Master took the reins and changed everything. How Sir had sort of backed off. How Justin had forced me to make a difficult decision on how things would progress after that. I left out the part about Master informing me that he wasn’t interested in collaring me or taking me on permanently. I’d already come to terms with that and decided it was better left unspoken.

  “I always suspected that Landon and Langston would end up with one submissive.”

  I stared at him closely, hoping he would elaborate.

  “I’m a member of the club also, so I’ve seen their interactions. To be honest, they haven’t been active in quite some time. Not until you came along anyway.”

  That news did make me feel good.

  “What about the secretaries before me?” I liked that I could be straightforward about my interest.

  “I told you about the last few,” he said between bites of his sandwich. “It’s an unconventional request, I know, but it’s been their path for as long as I’ve worked for them. It wasn’t until you that I noticed things started to change.”

  Because I had agreed to be their office play toy, I knew.

  “And who’s your master now?” he questioned.

  “I don’t know,” I told him, keeping my voice down. “I’m supposed to find out this afternoon.”

  “Who do you want it to be?”

  I wanted it to be Master, but only if I could spend more time with both him and Sir, but I didn’t say that. I hated that my heart was now dedicated. So, just to shake things up, I told him I was hoping it would be Justin.

  “Oh, I can guarantee you’ll have fun with him.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “He’s very much into role playing.”

  “Really?” That probably shouldn’t have surprised me considering the encounter we set up on the beach the last night we were on the island. Justin had seemed to morph right into his role. However, if I hadn’t experienced it for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it.

  “Just keep an open mind and you’ll enjoy yourself.”

  I stared down at my sandwich, shifting the paper but not eating.

  “All right, kiddo, cough it up. I can tell something’s on your mind.”

  When I looked up, I could see the concern in his eyes. “I think I’ve done something terrible.”

  His eyes narrowed and his expression sobered.

  I fidgeted with the paper until he put his hand over mine, stopping me.

  Sighing, I decided I would tell him the truth. “I think I’ve fallen in love with Master and Sir.”

  “Landon and Langston, I presume?”


  “That doesn’t surprise me.”

  “It’s just…I know they don’t want that from me and I’m so worried
that I’m going to mess up what we do have by wanting more. It’s not fair to them, but I can’t help how I feel.”

  “Have you talked to them about it?”

  I frowned. “Of course not. That’s not part of the deal.”

  Jordan chuckled. “What? Talking?”

  “No,” I said haughtily. “Falling in love.”

  “And just to play devil’s advocate, how do you know that they aren’t in love with you, too?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t have an answer to that. Well, I did, but it wasn’t one I was ready to divulge.

  “Rules are meant to be broken, gorgeous. It happens all the time. And just because some people set out to handle things a certain way doesn’t mean it’ll always work out. But one thing I know for a fact, without talking to them, nothing will get resolved.”

  “I know.”

  I did know.

  Forcing a smile, I sighed heavily. “I’m going to spend the next two weeks with whomever I belong to and I’m going to give him my all. I’m not ready to admit my feelings for anyone, and I know without a doubt, none of them are ready to hear it.”

  “Or so you think.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means, just because you believe something to be true doesn’t mean something else won’t happen. What happens if you fall in love with Justin? Or Ben? What then? Will you still be in love with Landon and Langston?”

  I dropped my head into my hands. This seemed to be getting so complicated.

  Jordan chuckled, then tucked his finger under my chin and forced me to look at him.

  “Enjoy yourself. Go into this thing with your eyes wide open. And if your new master asks you questions, be honest. He may already know how you feel and it may not bother him. Or he could be trying to win you for himself. You never know until you talk it out.”

  Oddly enough, Jordan had become my best friend in the few short months I’d known him. I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

  A real smile formed on my lips. “You’re so smart, you know that?”

  Jordan sat up straight, lifting his chin high. “And don’t you forget it.”


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