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The Exile

Page 83

by Adrian Levy

  pressure on Iran to turn over Al Qaeda fighters to U.S., here, here, here

  response to Axis of Evil speech, here, here

  attempted “Grand Bargain” with Iran, here

  Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali, here, here, here

  Khan, Abdul Qadeer, here

  Khan, Ahmad, here. See also Ahmed, Ibrahim Saeed

  Khan, Javed Alam, here

  advising ISI DG on how to talk to U.S. about 9/11, here

  background, here, here

  as Pakistani counterterrorism tsar, here

  on Pashtun villages and Pakistan’s western frontier, here

  reassignment to Indian front, here

  and Robert Grenier, here, here

  Khan, Kashmir, here

  Khan, Shamraiz, here, here, here

  Khartoum, Sudan, here, here

  Khatami, Mohammad, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Khawaja, Khalid, here

  Khayr, Abu al-, here, here, here. See also Masri, Abu al-Khayr al-

  Khost, Afghanistan, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Killing bin Laden (film), here

  Kiriakou, John, here

  “Knowledge Is for Acting Upon” (Zawahiri and Gadahn), here

  Kohat, Pakistan, here, here

  Kohat Tunnel, Pakistan, here, here

  Kutkey, Shangla, Pakistan, here, here, here, here

  Kuwaiti, Abu Ahmad al-. See Ahmed, Ibrahim Saeed

  Kuwaiti brothers. See Ahmed, Abrar Saeed; Ahmed, Ibrahim Saeed

  Lahore, Pakistan, here

  Lal Masjid (Red Mosque), Islamabad, here, here, here

  Lashkar-e-Taiba (ISI-sponsored jihad group)

  overview, here, here

  and Mokhtar’s Al Qaeda in Karachi, here

  and Mumbai siege, here, here

  OBL blaming for Zubaydah’s capture, here

  operatives killed by an American, here

  and Pearl, here

  and Al Qaeda refugees in Pakistan, here, here

  and Saeed, Hafiz, here

  and Zubaydah, here

  Libi, Abdullah Saeed al- (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group member), here, here

  Libi, Abu Anas al-

  death, here

  early activity in Al Qaeda, here

  extradition to New York, here

  return to Libya, here

  in Tourist Complex, here

  trial in New York, here, here

  Libi, Abu Faraj al- (Libyan mujahid)

  and Abbottabad location, here

  alerting Kuwaiti brothers to land available in Abbottabad, here

  background, here

  in Bucharest detention center, here

  capture of, here

  interrogation and torture of, here

  and Musharraf assassination attempts, here

  relocating to Abbottabad, here

  reward offered for capture, gone to ground, here

  transfer to Guantánamo, here

  Libi, Abu Laith al- (paramilitary commander), here, here

  Libi, Abu Yahya al- (scholar from Tripoli), here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Libi, Ibn Sheikh al- (Libyan commander), here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Libi, Urwah al-, here, here

  Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, here, here, here

  Lion’s Den base, Afghanistan, here

  Logar Province, Afghanistan, here

  London transport bombings (2005), here

  Mahfouz. See Ibn El Waleed, Mahfouz (Abu Hafs the Mauritanian)

  Mahfouz, Khadija (Mahfouz’s daughter), here, here

  Mahmood, Mir Zubair, here

  Majeed, Maulana Abdul, here

  Malik, Rehman, here

  Management of Savagery (Al Qaeda), here

  Manchester Manual, here

  Mansour, Mullah, here

  map of the Middle East, here

  Maqdisi, Abu Muhammad al-

  attempts to mediate between Al Qaeda and IS, here, here

  condemnation of Zarqawi, here

  mentor to Zarqawi, here, here

  negotiation to release Peter Kassig, here

  offered money to endorse IS, here

  opposition to IS, here, here

  teacher of Turki al-Bin’ali, here

  Maqdisi, Salahuddin al-, here

  Margulies, Joseph, here

  Martin, Marty, here, here

  Martinez, “Deuce,” here, here

  Maryam. See Ahmed, Maryam

  Mashhad, Iran, here, here, here

  Masri, Abu al-Khayr al-, here, here, here, here, here

  Masri, Abu Ayyub al- (Abu Hamza), here, here, here

  Masri, Abu Hafs al- (Mohammed Atef) “the Commander,” here, here, here, here, here, here

  Masri, Abu Mohammed al- (aka Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah), here, here, here

  Masri, Abu Walid al-, here, here, here, here

  Masri, Sheikh Saeed al-, here, here, here, here

  Massoud, Ahmad Shah, here

  Matthews, Jennifer, here

  Mauritani, Younis al-, here, here, here

  Mauritania, here

  Mauritanian, the. See Ibn El Waleed, Mahfouz (Abu Hafs the Mauritanian)

  McRaven, William, here, here, here, here

  Medeni, Khanum, here


  crime scene photos of Abbottabad raid, here, here

  OBL interview announcing attack on U.S., here

  OBL’s enchantment with, here

  OBL’s instructions for 9/11 anniversary, here

  journalists kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan, here, here

  U.S. journalists kidnapped and murdered by IS, here

  Mehsud, Baitullah, here

  Mehsud, Hakimullah, here

  Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), Iran, here, here

  Mir, Hamid, here, here

  Mitchell, James

  background, here

  claiming success for torture techniques, here, here

  financial reward for managing the CIA’s Enhanced Interrogation Program, here

  torture techniques used on Zubaydah, here, here

  on waterboarding technique, here

  Mitchell Jessen and Associates, here

  “mock executions” torture technique, here, here, here, here

  Mohammad, Faqir, here, here

  Mohammad, Khalid Shaikh (also Mokhtar; KSM)

  on 9/11, here

  and Abu Hafs, here

  background, here

  in Bucharest detention center, here

  CIA capture and interrogation, here

  at CIA’s Bucharest detention center, Romania, here

  computer upgrade for Al Qaeda, here

  hiding out in Ghazni post-9/11, here

  informing CIA about Aafia Siddiqui, here

  interrogation at Rawalpindi safe house, here

  interview with Fouda of Al Jazeera, here, here, here

  ISI/CIA raid acquires his two young sons and documents, here, here, here, here

  letter about sending Al Qaeda operatives to U.S. or U.K., here

  and OBL in Karachi, here

  and Pearl, here, here, here

  and Planes Operation idea, here, here, here

  as Al Qaeda authority in Karachi, here

  and Al Qaeda members in Kandahar during bombing, here

  and Qatar, here

  Riyadh tells CIA his name, here

  Saif al-Adel’s concerns about, here

  sons in U.S. detention, here, here, here

  statement about Ghaith’s role in Al Qaeda, here

  tortured in CIA black camps, here

  transfer to Guantánamo, here

  on trial for 9/11 attacks, here

  U.S. attempts to identify, here, here

  visiting OBL in Shangla, Pakistan, here

  Zaidan receives tape eulogizing Mokhtar, here

  and Zubaydah, here, here

  Mohammad, Nazar, here

  Mokhtar. See Moh
ammad, Khalid Shaikh

  Morell, Mike, here, here, here

  Mottaki, Manouchehr, here

  Mujahedin-e-KIhalq, here

  mujahideen fighters

  Abu Hafs’s admiration for, here

  Khaldan training camp, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Lashkar-e-Taiba, here

  Maqdisi orders not to join Zarqawi, here

  and OBL, here

  Qatada raising funds for, in U.K., here

  at Tora Bora, here, here

  training camps set up with CIA money, here

  Mullen, Mike, here, here

  Munir, Asad, here, here

  Munter, Cameron, here, here, here, here, here

  Musharraf, Pervez

  on 9/11, here

  approval of U.S. drone campaign, here, here

  assassination attempts, here

  background, here, here

  ban of homegrown militant groups, here, here

  and battle of police and Taliban at Lal Masjid, here, here

  and Bhutto, here

  Bush, G.W., hosts at Camp David, here

  and Bush, G.W., here

  concealing CIA use of drones, here

  forced from office, here, here, here

  and Hussein’s capture, here

  and photograph of “bin Laden” in an open-top jeep, here

  in political abyss, here

  Powell’s post-9/11 call to, here

  putsch in Pakistan, here

  takeover of Pakistan government, here

  trying to resolve chaos in Pakistan, here

  at U.N. General Assembly, here

  and U.S. demands for support post-9/11, here, here, here

  in Washington, D.C., here

  Muslim Brotherhood, here, here

  Najm al-Jihad (the Star of the Holy War/Star Wars camp), Jalalabad, Afghanistan, here, here, here, here

  Nasar, Mustafa Setmariam “the Syrian” (Abu Musab al-Suri), here, here, here, here, here

  Nashiri, Abd al-Rahim al-, here

  Nasseri, Mr. (block guard, Iran), here

  Nawar, Nizar, here

  New York Times, here

  9/11. See September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

  No Easy Day (Owen [Bissonnette]), here, here, here, here

  No Hero (Owen [Bissonnette]), here

  Northern Alliance, here, here, here, here, here

  North Korea and Bush’s 2002 Axis of Evil speech, here

  Nouakchott, Mauritania, here

  NSA, here, here, here, here

  nuclear weapons, here, here

  Obama, Barack

  and Abbottabad raid, here, here

  announcing OBL’s death, here

  closing down prison system, here

  inauguration, here

  and search for OBL, here, here, here, here

  Situation Room with live feed of Abbottabad raid, here

  See also Abbottabad raid

  Omar, Mullah

  background, here

  and Ahmed, here

  anger about not being forewarned of Planes Operation, here

  approval of mission to seize OBL, here

  on attacking Israel and/or U.S., here

  death and cover-up, here, here

  and Prince Turki al-Faisal mission for U.S., here

  and Fazlur Rehman Khalil, here

  letter to OBL, here

  and OBL, here, here

  plea for assistance and sanctuary in Iran, here

  Al Qaeda offered sanctuary by, here, here, here

  and solution to OBL problem, here

  U.S. drone attempt against, here

  warning about Pakistanis, here

  See also Taliban

  O’Neill, Robert, here, here, here, here. See also Abbottabad raid; Red Squadron, SEAL Team Six

  Operation Geronimo (Qadir), here

  Operation Iraqi Freedom. See Iraq War

  “Osama bin Laden, A Lion in Winter” (Ignatius), here, here


  overview, here, here

  blood money tradition, here

  civil war potential, here

  counterterrorism czar position, here

  decision to allow U.S. staging in, here

  earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005, here, here

  Haqqani, Husain, here, here, here, here

  politics in, here

  and Al Qaeda, here

  Al Qaeda evacuation from Kandahar to Pakistan, here

  resistance to U.S. and Musharraf, here, here

  security crackdown in response to TTP attacks, here

  silence on day after OBL’s death, here, here

  and Taliban, here

  U.S. demands for support post-9/11, here

  See also ISI

  Pakistan Army

  aid from U.S. post-9/11, here, here, here, here, here

  alliance with extremist groups, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  assassination attempts against Musharraf, here

  capture of al-Libi, here

  capture of KSM, here

  criticized for harboring OBL, here

  demands made by U.S. post-9/11, here

  Hamid Gul’s alliance with OBL, here

  joining U.S. forces against Al Qaeda, here, here, here, here, here

  nuclear program scandal, here

  peace efforts with tribal leaders, here, here, here, here, here

  Punjab Regiment Centre bombing, here

  raid that captured Ramzi bin al-Shibh, here

  repelling Jaish-e-Mohammed in India, here

  response to Abbottabad raid, here, here, here, here, here

  Siege of Lal Masjid mosque, here

  Special Services Group, here, here, here

  tension with U.S., here, here, here, here

  See also Haq, Ehsan ul-; Ahmed, Mahmud; Musharraf, Pervez; Pasha, Ahmed Shuja; Abbottabad Commission

  Pakistan Naval Air Station, Mehran, Karachi, terrorist attack, here

  Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), here

  Pakistan Taliban (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan), here, here, here, here, here, here

  Panetta, Leon

  on Abbottabad, here, here

  and Abbottabad compound, here

  background, here

  decision about Abbottabad compound, here

  and The Hurt Locker (film), here

  meeting in Washington, D.C., with Pasha, here

  and Pasha, here

  search for OBL, here

  Panjwai Bridge massacre, Afghanistan, here, here

  Pasha, Ahmed Shuja

  Abbottabad Commission testimony, here

  and Attarzadeh kidnapping, here, here

  background, here, here

  challenges as ISI chief, here

  and CIA, here, here, here

  and Clinton, here

  and Raymond Davis, here, here, here, here

  and Lashkar operatives killed by an American, here

  leaving ISI, here

  meeting in Washington, D.C. with Panetta, here

  opinion of U.S., here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here, here

  silence on day after OBL’s death, here, here

  statement on Abbottabad raid, here

  on U.S. negotiating with Al Qaeda, here

  Patek, Umar, here

  Pearl, Daniel, here, here, here, here

  Peshawar Group (Pashtun exiles), here

  Petraeus, David, here, here

  Planes Operation (9/11; Holy Tuesday Operation)

  funding and recruitment stage, here, here

  idea for, here, here, here, here

  Mahfouz’s stand against, here, here, here, here, here

  messages to and from hijackers, here

  OBL on historic result, here

  OBL’s message to the United States, here

  OBL’s ruling in shura meeting, here

  Mullah Omar’s anger about not be forewarned, here

  plans for second attack, here

>   political jockeying among jihad groups, here

  Al Qaeda shura meeting on, here

  See also September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

  Political Security Organization (PSO) Prison Facility, Sana’a, Yemen, here

  Powell, Colin, here, here

  Predator drones. See drones

  Pregent, Michael, here

  “Probable Identification of Suspected Bin Laden Facilitator Abu Ahmad al-Kuwaiti” (CIA), here

  Qadir, Shaukat,

  Operation Geronimo, here

  briefed by ISI about Abbottabad raid, here

  claimed OBL left Pakistan post-9/11, here

  claimed al-Kuwaiti brothers colluded with ISI, here

  claimed Khairiah gave up OBL’s location, here

  claimed ISI tracked OBL post-9/11, here

  Al Qaeda

  overview, here, here

  Abu Musab al-Suri on, here, here, here, here, here, here

  assets frozen or stolen, here

  and battle of police and Taliban at Lal Masjid, here, here

  computer update, here

  confusion over bloodshed in Iraq, here

  and death of Zarqawi, here

  evacuation from Kandahar to Pakistan, here

  exodus to Iran, here, here

  exodus to Pakistan, here

  founding of, here, here

  franchises establishing caliphates, here

  fundraising, here, here, here, here, here

  and Hamzah emerging from five years of training, here, here

  headquarters at Shakai base, Pakistan, here

  information captured by U.S., here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Iranian animosity, here, here

  Iran’s detention of members, here, here, here, here

  ISIL expelled from, here

  and Islamic State of/in Iraq, here

  and living quarters in Karachi, here

  Manchester Manual, here

  and Mahfouz, here, here

  Melawa garrison at foot of Tora Bora, here

  member awareness of Planes Operation, here

  members captured in Islamabad, here

  merger with Egyptian Islamic Jihad, here

  and Mumbai siege, here, here

  Pakistan Naval Air Station, Mehran, Karachi, terrorist attack, here

  As Sahab, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Saif al-Adel’s concern about security protocols, here

  Shakai base, Pakistan, here, here

  shoe bombers’ failure, here

  and Siddiqui verdict, here

  special operations committee, here

  support post-U.S. embassy attacks, here

  survivors hiding in Pakistan, here

  Taliban offer of sanctuary, here, here, here

  Taliban vs., here, here

  and Al Wafa Foundation, here

  and Zarqawi, here, here, here, here

  See also Planes Operation

  Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), here, here

  Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), here, here


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