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The Exile

Page 84

by Adrian Levy

  Al Qaeda shura (leadership council)

  on building a force in Iraq pre-Iraq War, here, here

  escape from Kandahar post-9/11, here

  in Iran, here, here

  in Iranian prison with OBL’s family, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Mokhtar’s offshoot in Karachi, here, here

  OBL rules in favor of Planes Operation, here

  opposition to Planes Operation, here, here

  and Planes Operation, here, here, here, here, here, here

  plans for leaving Iranian prison, here

  plotting suicide operations, here

  resentment toward OBL and KSM post-9/11, here, here

  safeguarding bin Laden family, here, here

  Qahtani, Mohammed al-, here

  Qatada, Abu, here, here, here, here

  Qatar, here, here

  Qazi, Ashraf Jehangir, here, here, here

  Qom, Iran, here

  Quds Force, Iran, here, here

  and Mahfouz, here, here

  and OBL’s family, here

  and prison riot, here

  refugee camp for Al Qaeda families, here

  and Zarqawi fighters, here

  Quds Force Training Facility, Tehran, Iran, here. See also Tourist Complex; Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran

  Quetta, Pakistan

  base of transport operations, here

  Mullah Omar in, here, here, here

  Mahfouz’s journey from Quetta to Taftan, here,

  Abu Musab al-Suri captured in, here

  as Al Qaeda refuge post-9/11, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here,

  Younis al-Mauritani captured in, here, here

  Rabbani, Abdul, here, here, here, here, here

  Rabbani, Ahmad, here, here, here

  Rabia, Abu Hamza, here

  Rahman, Atiyah Abd al- (aka Sheikh Mahmud), here, here

  arranging travel for Khairiah and Hamzah, here, here, here

  background, here

  and Baghdadi, here, here

  and Balawi, here

  criticizing OBL and asking to be replaced, here

  death of, here

  duties as Al Qaeda Number Three, here, here, here, here, here, here

  finding replacements for himself and Kuwaiti brothers, here, here, here

  as Hamzah’s guardian, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  OBL appoints as Number Three in Al Qaeda, here

  OBL’s rebuke to Iranians, here

  on Pakistan’s security measures, here

  on Al Qaeda shura members in Iranian prison, here

  responsible for Iran relations, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Saad bin Laden’s death, here

  and Zarqawi, here

  Rahman, Gul, here, here, here

  Rahman, Sheikh Abd al-, here

  Raja Shahr prison, Karaj, Iran, here

  Ramzi. See Shibh, Ramzi bin al-

  “rectal-rehydration” torture technique, here, here, here

  Red Squadron, SEAL Team Six

  Abbottabad raid approved by Obama, here

  briefing for Abbottabad raid, here

  delivering body bag with OBL, here

  and production of Killing bin Laden, here, here, here

  See also Abbottabad raid

  Reid, Richard, here

  Riedel, Bruce, here

  Rishawi, Ali al’, here

  Rishawi, Sajida al-, here, here

  Riyadh the Facilitator, here, here, here

  Rodriguez, Jose, here, here, here, here

  Rumsfeld, Donald, here, here, here, here

  Russia, Suleimani luring into Syrian war, here

  Sadeh, Zakariya al- (brother of Amal bin Laden), here, here, here

  Saeed, Ahmad, here

  Saeed, Bushra, here, here, here

  Saeed, Habib Ahmad, here. See also Ahmed, Ibrahim Saeed (Abu Ahmad al-Kuwaiti)

  Saeed, Hafiz, here, here

  Saeed, Sheikh, here, here, here

  Saif. See Adel, Saif al-

  Salahuddin (Al Qaeda courier), here, here

  Saudi Arabia

  embassy in Tehran, Iran, here, here

  OBL’s rebuke for not supporting mujahideen, here

  Omar bin Laden living in, here

  Al Qaeda terrorist attacks in, here

  U.S. sends SA intelligence chief to Kandahar, here

  Save the Children vaccination scheme by CIA, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) booklet for Abbottabad compound, here

  Senusi, Abdullah al-, here

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

  Fouda’s documentary, here, here

  as fundraiser for Al Qaeda, here

  Mir watching news in Islamabad, here

  OBL preparing for tenth anniversary, here, here

  origin of idea, here

  See also Planes Operation

  Sethi, Najam, here, here

  Al Shabaab, Somalia, here, here, here, here, here

  Shahikot, Afghanistan, here

  Shahzad, Syed Saleem

  on ISI-CIA collusion in bin Laden raid, here

  murder, here

  on Al Qaeda-ISI alliance, here

  on Waziristan Accord, here

  Shakai Al Qaeda base, Pakistan, here, here, here

  Shangla, Pakistan, here

  Sharif, Nawaz, here, here

  Shehzad, Tahir, here

  Sheikh, Omar, here, here, here, here, here

  Sheikh, Zafar, here

  Sheikh Mahmud. See Rahman, Atiyah Abd al- (aka Sheikh Mahmud)


  bin Laden family sheltered in Iran, here

  Hezbollah, here, here

  and Jaish-e-Mohammed, here

  pogroms in Afghanistan, here, here

  terror attacks against, here, here, here

  Al Qaeda collaboration with, here, here

  Al Qaeda members sheltered in Iran, here, here, here

  Al Qaeda–Quds Force alliance, here

  Al Qaeda resistance to Shia attacks, here, here, here, here

  Qassem Suleimani, here

  and Quds Force, here

  Zarqawi campaigns against, here, here, here, here

  Shibh, Ramzi bin al-

  as 9/11 plot coordinator, here

  background, here

  caught in ISI raid in Karachi, here

  delivering Mahfouz’s warning about Iran, here

  in Hamburg communicating with hijackers, here

  interview with Fouda of Al Jazeera, here, here, here

  recruiting suicide team for Heathrow mission, here

  transfer to Guantánamo, here

  Siddiqui, Aafia, here, here, here, here

  sentence and jihadists’ outcry, here

  testimony at trial in New York, here

  Siddiqui, Ahmed, here

  Sindi, Abdullah al-, here

  Sipah-e-Sahaba, here

  Slahi, Mohamedou Ould, here, here, here, here

  Soufan, Ali, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, here, here

  Stallone, Sylvester, here

  Star Wars camp (Najm al-Jihad), Jalalabad, Afghanistan, here, here, here, here

  “subjection to deafening noise” torture technique, here

  Sudan, here, here

  Sufi shrines desecrated by Ansar ul-Islam, here

  suicide bombers

  Balawi, at Camp Chapman, here, here, here

  Bali, Indonesia, backpack followed by car bomb, here

  car bomb at Hillah, here

  convincing of, here

  husband and wife Ali and Sajida al-Rishawi, here

  Islamabad Marriott truck bombing, here

  in Islamabad’s diplomatic zone, here

  Jarrad, Yassin, here

  in Pakistan, here, here, here

  recruiter Ramzi bin al-Shibh, here

Suleimani, Qassem, here, here, here

  background, here

  Eid with OBL’s sons, here

  expanding Iran’s axis of resistance, here

  and OBL’s family in Iran, here

  and Al Qaeda refugees in Iran, here

  and Al Qaeda shura in his prison, here

  Suri, Abu Khalid al-, here

  death of, here

  Suri, Abu Musab al- (Nasar, Mustafa Setmariam; the Syrian)

  background, here, here, here

  Call for Global Islamic Resistance, The, here, here

  captured and imprisoned, here, here

  influence on Abu Mohammad al-Julani, here

  opposed to attack on U.S./Israel, here, here

  plan for declaration of caliphate, here, here

  plan for global jihad, here, here

  Al Qaeda leadership escape from Kandahar, here

  resentment toward OBL, here

  Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) program, U.S. Air Force, here, here, here. See also Mitchell, James.

  S-Wing branch of ISI

  and Ahmed Shuja Pasha, here, here, here

  assassination attempts on Musharraf, here, here, here, here, here

  extremist groups alleged connection to 9/11, here, here

  and Ilyas Kashmiri, here

  and Mumbai siege, here, here

  Musharraf’s crackdown on extremists, here

  response to Abbottabad raid, here, here, here

  support for extremist groups, here, here, here, here, here

  support for Hamid Gul, here

  and Umar Patek, here, here

  warned Al Qaeda of Shakai raid, here

  See also Ahmed, Mahmud; Gul, Hamid; Pasha, Ahmed Shuja; Lashkar-e-Taiba


  al-Baghdadi recruits for IS, here

  Hamzah bin Laden pledges Al Qaeda support for Syrian revolution, here

  IS losing strength, here

  formation of Nusra Front, here

  Iran support for Assad, here, here

  Julani’s goal of overthrowing Assad, here, here

  Najwa bin Laden in, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Nusra Front and ISIL at war, here

  Al Qaeda military council relocated to, here, here

  Al Qaeda outpost during Iraq war, here

  Sednaya military prison, here, here, here

  Suleimani gains Russian support, here

  See also Assad, Bashar al-; IS; Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-; Nusra Front; Islamic State

  Syrian, the. See Nasar, Mustafa Setmariam

  Tabani, Yaqoob, here

  Tabarak, Abdullah, here

  Taftan, Pakistan, here

  Taj, Nadeem, here


  and 9/11, here

  abandoning Kabul and Kandahar, here

  and Ahmed, here

  battle with police at Lal Masjid, Pakistan, here, here

  death of Omar, here

  declaration of an Islamic emirate, here, here

  decree that they would not fight the Pakistan Army, here

  and federally administered tribal areas of Pakistan, here

  guarding refugee camp for Al Qaeda members, here

  and Gul, Hamid, here

  Haqqani, Jalaluddin, here, here, here

  Iranian animosity, here

  and ISI, here, here

  and Mahfouz, here

  media center, Kandahar, here

  in Pakistan, here

  Al Qaeda vs., here, here

  response to Pakistanis in shorts, here

  Siddiqui, Aafia’s faith in, here

  and strategy for U.S. war in Afghanistan, here, here, here

  See also Omar, Mullah; Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan

  Tarnak Qila, Afghanistan, here, here, here

  Task Force 145 (secret military unit after Zarqawi), here, here, here

  Tawhid al-Jihad, here, here, here, here. See also Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-

  Tayyib, Agha al-, here

  Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), here, here, here, here, here, here

  Tenet, George, here, here, here

  terrorist attacks

  Ahmadi sect mosque attack, Lahore, here

  Bali bombing of 2002, here

  Bhutto’s cavalcade blown up in Karachi, here

  bombing of Mashhad in 1994, here

  El Ghriba Synagogue hit by gas truck, Djerba, Tunisia, here, here, here

  Haqqani network attack on U.S. embassy in Kabul, here

  hotel bombings in Amman, here, here

  Islamic State post-Abbottabad, here

  London transport bombings (2005), here

  Mumbai siege by Al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba, here, here

  OBL and Mokhtar’s plans for, here

  OBL’s plans for, here

  Pakistan Naval Air Station, Mehran, Karachi, here

  of Quds Force, against Israelis, here

  in Saudi Arabia, here

  shoe bombers’ failure, here

  Western housing compound, 2003, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, here

  Zarqawi’s, here, here, here, here

  Zawahiri’s offensive against NATO forces in Afghanistan, here

  terrorists, here, here, here, here. See also suicide bombers; specific terrorist groups

  Tora Bora, Afghanistan

  overview, here

  development of, here, here

  OBL brings his family to, here

  Zarqawi’s forces assigned to, here, here

  Tora Bora, United States attack on

  overview, here

  attack on Melawa garrison, here

  Cheney announcement to troops, here

  field reports and missile attacks, here

  OBL’s escape, here

  and Pakistan’s western frontier, here, here, here

  Al Qaeda members at, here

  U.S. possession of Al Qaeda radio, here

  Zarqawi at, here


  CIA confirms approval of, here

  CIA destroying records and permanently incarcerating victims of, here, here

  CIA interrogators requests new working model for techniques, here

  CIA report on interrogations, here

  claims about success of, here

  interrogation techniques lists, here, here

  Mitchell and Jessen’s claim that torture worked, here, here

  portrayed in Zero Dark Thirty, here

  report of escapee Abu Yahya al-Libi, here

  See also Mitchell, James; Zubaydah, Abu; SERE; waterboarding

  tortured in CIA black camps/detention facilities

  Baheer, Ghairat, here, here, here

  Faraj, here

  Ghul, Hassan, here

  Libi, Abu Yahya al-, here

  Mokhtar (Khalid Shaikh Mohammad), here, here

  Mokhtar’s young sons, here

  Rahman, Gul, here, here, here

  Siddiqui’s claims of, here

  Zubaydah, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Toubasi, Iyad al-, here, here, here, here

  Tourist Complex

  Abu Ghaith’s departure, here

  Hamzah bin Laden departure, here

  Iman bin Laden’s escape from, here

  Ladin bin Laden removed from, here

  Mahfouz’s departure, here

  morale of Al Qaeda party, here

  Al Qaeda party detained at, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Trump, Donald, here

  Twenty Guidelines on the Path to Jihad (Ghaith), here, here

  United Nations, here, here

  United Nations Security Council, here

  United States

  and Ahmed, here

  Bush’s 2002 Axis of Evil speech, here

  and Iran, here

  ISI headquarters rebuilt by, here

  leaflets promising rewards, here

  meeting with Mahfouz, here

  Musharraf’s interest in financial opportunity of war on terror, herer />
  and Pakistan choosing violent extremism as policy, here

  Powell’s speech to U.N. about war on Iraq, here

  U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), here

  U.S. embassy, Dar-es-Salaam, 1998 terrorist attack, here, here

  U.S. embassy, Nairobi, 1998 terrorist attack, here, here

  U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), here, here

  USS Cole 2000 terrorist attack, Aden, Yemen, here, here, here

  Uthman, Abu, here, here, here

  “verge of death and back again” torture technique, here

  Vickers, Michael, here, here

  Wafa Foundation, Al, here

  “walling” torture technique, here, here, here, here, here

  war in Afghanistan

  Afghani preparations for, here

  attacking Taliban as strategy for catching OBL, here, here

  bombing of Kandahar meeting of shura, here

  CIA covert operatives on the ground, here

  first strikes, here

  fliers and leaflets distributed by U.S., here, here

  Logar Province, here

  OBL moving his family as Northern Alliance advances, here

  Pakistan supplies men and arms for, here

  Panjwai Bridge massacre, here, here

  Al Qaeda evacuates from Kandahar to Pakistan, here

  Al Qaeda sending families to Pakistan, here

  See also Tora Bora, United States attack on

  war on terror, here, here, here, here, here, here, here. See also CIA’s Enhanced Interrogation Program; torture

  “waterboarding” torture technique

  championed by Donald Trump, here

  determined lawful by Bush administration, here, here

  developed by James Mitchell, here, here

  revealed by John Kiriakou, here

  used on KSM, here, here

  used on Zubaydah, here, here, here, here

  in Zero Dark Thirty, here, here

  Wazir, Nek Muhammad, here, here, here, here, here

  Waziristan peace agreements, Pakistan, here, here, here

  weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq, here, here

  wedding day massacre, Amman, Jordan, here

  Western housing compound 2003 terrorist attack, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, here

  White House correspondents’ dinner, Washington, D.C., here

  World Trade Center 1993 terrorist attack, here, here, here

  Wuhayshi, Nasir al-, here, here

  Yemen, here, here, here

  Abu Jandal’s mission to, here

  OBL choosing a wife from, here

  Younis, Mohammed, here, here

  Younsei, Ali, here, here, here, here, here

  Yousef, Ramzi, here, here, here, here

  Zabol fort, Iran, here

  Zahar, Masood, here

  Zahidan, Pakistan, here

  Zaidan, Ahmad, here

  Zai-ul Uloom Taleemal Qu’ran Seminary, FATA, here

  Zakaria, Fareed, here

  Zameer, Etesham, here

  Zardari, Asif Ali, here, here, here, here, here


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