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A Tablespoon of Temptation (A Recipe for Love Novel Book 1)

Page 11

by Kelly Collins

  “Me too.” She leaned back and closed her eyes. “You’d think it would be marital debt and be split, which would have been a lesser travesty since I don’t believe in credit, but we had a judge that decided since we weren’t married long, we’d each take the debt in our names and split the debt that wasn’t. Lucky for me, Chris has been making the payment on his car by himself.”

  “Let me guess, it’s in both of your names?” He had the urge to rush down to where the asshole hung out and take him to the lake and drown him. Problem was, the guy had such an inflated ego there was no doubt he’d float to the top. “Do you have a house? If so, who got that?”

  She raised her hand. “I did. He was happy to sign it over since the debt-to-equity ratio wasn’t in our favor.”

  “That was a good thing. Do you like the house?”

  The tenseness in her shoulders released. “I love the house. It’s a craftsman style bungalow that has a great cottage feel.” It was obvious by her smile that her home brought comfort. “In truth, I picked it out and decorated it. As long as it had a recliner and a television, he was happy. With the house that is.”

  “He’s an idiot.”

  “Something we can agree on.” She pulled out a notepad and rose from her chair. “I need to take a walk around the site. See you later?”

  He stood and waited for her to leave her office then walked her to the elevator. “I’ll pick you up right here for dinner at six.”

  “I can’t.”

  He frowned. “Can’t or won’t?”

  The bell to the elevator dinged, and the doors opened. “There’s not much difference at this point.”

  As the doors closed, he said. “I’ll be waiting here for you.”

  An hour later, he was in the basement checking out the upgrades when he heard voices.

  “How’s the new job?”

  He peeked around the corner to see Willetta and Danielle.

  “It’s good. In truth, not much different from the old job except this one comes with a better office and a few other perks. I came down to see if there was anything I could do to help make your job easier.”

  “My job is easy. You know why?”

  “No idea, but I’d love to hear.”

  From his vantage point, he saw Willetta lean against the wall. She looked his way, and he pulled back far enough to be out of sight but not out of hearing range.

  “I make good choices. I hire people who work hard. Like you, they take pride in what they do.”

  “Thank you for noticing,” Danielle said.

  “I do notice. I also notice that handsome construction worker following you around. I think he’s got a crush on you.”

  James wanted to laugh, but that would give up his position. Is he that obvious about his attraction to Danielle?

  “James is a good man. He’s been very helpful to me since I took the position.”

  “I’m going to give you a good piece of advice. Helpful is another word for sexy. So is kind and considerate. It doesn’t hurt that he’s handsome, but that’s the least appealing part of him. If you think there’s magic there, then do something about it. Magic isn’t all that common.”

  “You’re right. I could use a little magic in my life.”

  James could hear the smile in her voice.

  “I know I’m right. I’ve got twenty years of experience on you.”

  “You don’t look a day over twenty-five, Willetta.”

  He loved the way Dani interacted with others. They always seemed at ease in her presence. Everyone but Chris and he didn’t count. Willetta was in late fifties, and while she was youthful looking, she didn’t look twenty-five. “Well, that bit of magic is sunscreen and wrinkle cream. Start now, and you won’t regret it later.”

  “Thanks for the advice.”

  “Anytime. I wouldn’t call it advice. It’s more of a regurgitation of my thoughts.”

  “Fair enough. Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do for you?”

  It impressed him that despite her overwhelming schedule, she reached out to others to make their lives easier.

  “I could use higher quality linen. When things go wrong there, housekeeping is always the fall guy.”

  “Allie is working on that. It’s their policy to try to work with existing vendors.”

  Willetta pfffted. “Time to take out the trash with this one. You get what you pay for, and we aren’t getting much.”

  Afraid of being caught eavesdropping, he exited into the stairwell and went back to work. Six o’clock couldn’t get there soon enough.

  When the end of the day arrived, James went home to change and hurried back so he was waiting by the elevator as promised. He leaned against the far wall and tapped his shoe on the marble flooring. He glanced at his watch several times. At five after six, he almost gave up. His heart felt as heavy as a five-pound bag of sugar. Then the elevator door opened, and she bounded out, pulling her hair from the messy bun she’d worn all day.

  “Sorry I’m late. I got caught up visiting most of the department heads and lost track of time.”

  “You came.” He was elated and surprised.

  “I’d never leave you waiting. That would be plain rude.” She headed for her office at a quick clip—almost a run. “Where are we going?”

  “Black Diamond Steakhouse.” He’d been there several times and liked the ambiance. It was dark, and the booths were high and secluded, which would give them space away from others to get to know one another.

  She moved around the office like a tightly wound toy. “Perfect, I get to pay this time.”

  He knew her financial situation, and there was no way he’d let her pay for their dinner at one of the most expensive places in town.

  “I got it. I like to pay.”

  She shouldered her purse and walked out the door. “We can argue later. I didn’t have time to eat earlier, and I’m hangry.”

  He chased after her to the elevator. “Do I have to bring you lunch too?”

  “Maybe. Let’s see how dinner goes.”

  The restaurant wasn’t within walking distance. It sat on the edge of the lake, two miles north of Luxe.

  It tempted him to sneak a kiss when he helped her into his truck, but he didn’t dare ruin the moment. A kiss might make her nervous. Instead, he leaned over her and helped buckle her in.

  As soon as he opened his door, the flash from her phone’s camera went off, nearly blinding him.

  “You taking my picture?”

  She moved her fingers across the screen. “I promised my best friend Trish. Now that she has your picture, she’ll know who to hunt down if I come up missing.”

  “I’m not going to tie you up and kidnap you.” He backed out of his parking spot and started their short drive to the lake. “I don’t bring the bondage stuff out until the second date.” He risked a glance at her and saw she was laughing. “What?”

  “It is our second date.”

  “You’re right.” He looked behind him to the bed of his truck. “I’ve got rope if you’re really into that.”

  “I’m not, but I like to see you’re prepared for anything.”

  He raised three fingers. “Like a boy scout.”

  Their table was waiting when they arrived. He rested his hand on her lower back to guide her to the booth.

  Before she could open the menu, he said, “It’s my treat. Please don’t argue.”

  He loved it when her frown turned into a pout. Those lips puckered out and begged to be nipped. “I think your hard hat has given you a brain callus. This place is expensive. Why don’t we split the bill?”

  He shook his head. “Nope, but I promise not to order the 2001 Screaming Eagle from Napa.”

  She reached for the wine list and scanned it quickly. “That’s crazy. Three thousand dollars for wine?”

  He shrugged. “Some things are worth whatever they cost.”

  The sommelier stopped by before she could respond.

  “I’ll have a glass of th
e house cab,” Dani told him.

  “No, she won’t. Bring us a bottle of the Pride Reserve Cabernet.”

  The man left, and James scooted close enough for their knees to touch. “This is a special night. It deserves a good wine.”

  She trailed her finger down the wine list. “But it’s two hundred dollars.”

  He pushed the wine list away and covered her hand with his. “Dani, I do okay. You don’t have to worry about my bank account.” He loved that she was there with him because of him, not his net worth.

  “You called me Dani. My grandfather used to call me that. He sang “Danny Boy” to me but changed it to Dani girl.”

  “I hope it’s okay.” He reached up and brushed her hair from her face. “You seem like a Dani to me.”

  She leaned into his hand. “Yes, it’s okay. I like it.”

  “I like you.” He was just about to kiss her when the wine showed up.

  The sommelier poured a splash into a glass, and James swirled it around and took a sip. When he nodded his head in approval, they were each poured a serving.

  When the waiter left, he picked up his glass. “To Dani, who said yes when she wanted to say no.”

  She picked up hers. “To James, who makes it hard to say no.”

  They touched glasses and took their first sip.

  Her eyes grew wide. “Oh my. This is good. It’s so smooth and velvety on my tongue.”

  He laughed. “If you like this, you’d love the Screaming Eagle. Shall I call him back and order a bottle?”

  She gasped. “No. Have you really tasted it?”

  He didn’t like to bring up his past on a date, but he knew a lot about her, and she had very little information about him.

  He took a deeper drink before he began. “I was married once. We had a bottle for our wedding.” He didn’t want to tell her they served the wine to all their guests that day.

  “Very nice gift.” She ran her finger around the rim of her glass. “Sorry your marriage didn’t work out.”

  “I’d say the same for you, but I’m glad it didn’t, or you wouldn’t be sitting here with me.”

  She picked up her glass and raised it. “Here’s to despicable partners.” Once the words were out, she cringed. “Sorry, was she despicable?”

  He was falling for her. He loved her independence, and innocence, and her wit and wisdom. “The worst kind ever. She had an affair.”

  Dani held his hand. “I’m so sorry. That’s the worst betrayal ever. Chris did the same. To make matters worse, it was with a hotel guest.”

  His whole body turned to stone.

  “How did you find out?” Chris had to go. He was bad for business and bad for Dani.

  “There was a noise complaint on the third floor. I knocked, but no one answered. I entered with my key to make sure everyone was okay.” She covered her eyes with her hand. “No one should have to see that. The rest is history.”

  He knew Dani had to deal with Chris herself, and he’d let her until it became too much, and then he’d step in.

  “You are worth so much more than he gave you.”

  “That’s what my friend Trish says.”

  “I already like her.”

  She pulled out her phone. “She thinks you’re,” she traced her finger down her screen. “Here it is. You’re ‘a tablespoon of temptation.’”

  “Is that so? Is that all she said?” He knew there was more because, from his seat, he could see the text, and it went on and on.

  “No.” She turned red like the wine. “But that’s all I’m telling you.”

  He looked toward her phone. “I can see from here it says my lips look like kissable pillows. My arms look strong enough to hold you while I swing my hammer for hours. Care to explain?”

  “No.” She flagged the waiter over to order dinner. “I told you I’m famished.”

  “You told me you were hangry.”

  “You’ve been warned.”

  “I can take it. Don’t forget …” He flexed his arm. “I got these and a hammer to defend myself.”

  She wiped her brow as if she’d broken into a sweat. “I need more wine.”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  “So, how are the Broncos doing?”

  He laughed at her not-so-subtle change of subject.

  “Not really a sports fan.”

  “Did you grow up here?”

  He shook his head. “I grew up in a lot of places, here being one of them, but moved to the opposite coast to study architecture at Cornell. After I graduated, I did four years in the army, and the rest is history.”

  “Cornell? You must owe a bundle in student loans.” She touched the bottle of wine. “Are we going to dine and dash? I have heels on which might slow me down.”

  The laugh rose up from deep inside him until he couldn’t contain it. “Dine and dash? Not my style. I told you, I do okay.”

  “Are your parents rich?”

  Rich was an understatement. “They’re comfortable.”

  When their meals came, they ate and talked throughout dinner. She didn’t pump him for more information about his family, which was refreshing. She asked if he had siblings, and he said one but didn’t elaborate, and she didn’t press.

  He asked about her family and found out she was the oldest of three daughters and the only one that failed at marriage. Her parents lived in Florida and recently celebrated their fortieth anniversary with a cruise to the Caribbean.

  When the bill came, she reached for it, but he was faster.

  “How about a walk near the lake?”

  “Sounds fabulous.” She held on to his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. “This might be the best date of my life.”

  “You’ve had a dull life, Dani. How about we put a little excitement in it?”

  He paid the bill, and they left.

  “What do you do for fun?”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her toward the end of a nearby dock.

  “This is fun.”

  “So, you date a lot?” She turned her face to look at him, and all he could see were unanswered questions in her eyes. “Do you bring many women here?”

  He recognized the look. It was one that begged him not to hurt her.

  “No one but you. I promise you’re the only one.” That rang true in his heart. How was it possible to fall for a woman he hadn’t so much as kissed? All night her lips called to him.

  When they reached the end, he turned her around to face him. His hands slid up her arms to her shoulders. He held her there for a moment and looked into her eyes. The moon danced in her irises.

  One hand left her shoulder to cup her jaw, and the pad of his thumb traced her lower lip. Even in the moonlight, he could see it quiver as if she were struggling to hold something back.

  “I’ve dreamed of kissing your lips. Fantasized about how soft they were.”

  She stepped closer, the tips of her breasts grazing his chest. The hitch of her breath making restraint almost impossible.

  “What will your mouth taste like Dani? Will it be tart like the wine you drank or sweet like the sugar you pour into your coffee?” His hand moved from her jawline to the nape of her neck. “Are you a taker, or will you give in equal measure?” He leaned in until he was a breath away. The heat of her exhale warmed his lips. “Those lips have been torturing me for weeks.”

  He bent over and pressed his mouth to hers. It was an innocent first kiss until he moved closer, crushing his chest to hers. He angled his head, and when she opened her lips for him, it got real, extremely fast.

  Every fantasy he had paled in comparison to the reality. She tasted like everything from wine and sugar to passion.

  Her arms wrapped around his waist and held him tight. He wasn’t going anywhere. He wanted more—so much more from her. He nipped her lower lip, and she squeaked but continued to kiss him with wild abandon. She gave as much as she took. He nipped. She nibbled. He pushed. She pressed. He moved. She moaned. For every one o
f his actions, she had an equally passionate reaction.

  The kiss deepened. As his tongue stroked hers, he felt the connection deep inside. It was as if Dani Morgan held a string, and with one pull, she could unravel the knots in his heart.

  He hoped that this kiss, their first kiss, was the one she’d been waiting for her whole life.

  When she collapsed into him, trusting that he’d catch her and keep her safe, he knew he’d accomplished what the kiss set out to do. He had weakened her knees and her resolve.

  When he pulled away, she glowed under the moonlight. There was a light in her eyes and blush to her cheeks he’d never seen.

  “Wow, that was …” She dropped her forehead to his chest.

  “That was perfect, Dani. Just perfect.”

  She sighed. “It was a perfect way to end the evening.”

  He knew she was right. They needed to go, but he didn’t want to. “I should get you back since we both have work tomorrow.”

  She pulled away and took her phone from her pocket. “How did it get so late?”

  “Good wine, good food, and an amazing date. Add a fifteen-minute kiss at the end, and I’d say we had a great night.”

  He led her to the truck and helped her inside. When he climbed behind the wheel, he asked, “What about the weekend? I can take you anywhere you want to go.”

  She reached for his hand and held it while he drove out of the parking lot. “How about a night in? Pizza and a movie at my place?”

  “Are you cooking?”

  “No, I’ll order delivery.”

  “Then I’ll come.”

  She let go and gave him a gentle punch to the arm. “You’re awful.”

  “Dani, I’m good.” He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. “Really good.”

  Chapter 15


  The feel of his kiss never left her lips. No matter where she was in the hotel, whether it was in the kitchen tasting the new specials or in the bowels of the hotel looking at the updated electrical panels, he was there with her.

  “Danielle, did you hear me?” Todd asked.

  “What?” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. You were saying the new equipment was a godsend, and the back-up generator was long overdue.”


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