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A Tablespoon of Temptation (A Recipe for Love Novel Book 1)

Page 12

by Kelly Collins

  He chuckled. “That was two minutes ago. I was just saying the new owners are great, and I can’t wait to see what will happen with the place.” He tapped another piece of equipment. “This bad boy will ensure the guests have hot water for years to come.”

  “I’m glad you’re pleased. Allie assures me every department will get what they need.” She looked down at the clipboard in her hand. She wouldn’t ask everyone this question, because in her mind only two people besides her could run the resort. “Are you disappointed you didn’t get the job as general manager? You would have made a great one.”

  He shook his head. “No, you’re perfect for the position. I’m not a people person, which is why engineering suits me well. I’m more analytical than social. Had they chosen me, I would have questioned their intelligence.”

  “Don’t think I haven’t. I’m not sure I’m the right choice either, but I’ll make sure I do my best, and that means everyone will be taken care of.”

  He walked her to the door. “That’s why they chose you.”

  She smiled and took the elevator up. It stopped one floor up, and James walked in.

  Every cell in her body woke up. “Are you stalking me?” he asked.

  “What? Of course not.”

  At the next floor, the elevator stopped again, and one of his crew members got on. James moved closer to her. His hand skimmed hers until the next stop when his man left, and another entered.

  “Got the tiles laid today,” the man said. “Love that granite Allie picked out.”

  “Beautiful,” James replied, but something told her he wasn’t talking to the worker. As they made their way up to another floor, he moved his hand to her back, where he drew circles up and down her spine. Every cell in her being tingled.

  “Where are you headed?” he whispered.

  “Fifth floor to see Willetta. What about you?” Although there was a man standing in front of them, they were alone. Just the two of them sharing a private bubble.

  “I’m heading to ten unless you need me for anything?”

  She leaned into him. “Nope, I’m good.”

  The door opened, and the other man left. She waited for someone else to enter, but no one did. When the door closed, he moved fast, pressing her against the wall and kissing her. The air left her lungs. The man made her breathless.

  When he pulled away. He smiled. “I’ve been craving that kiss all day.”

  “Me too.” She giggled like a schoolgirl.

  “Any chance you can get away for lunch? I know this great little studio apartment behind your office.”

  “I wish, but I’ve got lots of work to finish before my hot date tonight. I don’t want to be late.”

  “Hot huh?”

  The elevator door opened, and she stepped out. “Sizzling,” she said before it closed again.

  She walked down the hallway with a canyon wide smile pasted to her face.

  Willetta exited an empty room. “Look at that smile,” she said. “You better be here to tell me you had a date with James.”

  “I did, and it was amazing.”

  “Kisses like a god, huh?”

  She touched her mouth, certain the evidence of their last kiss was on her lips. “No.” She looked around to make sure no one was listening. “He kisses like a porn star.”

  Willetta gave her a pat on the back. “You deserve good things.”

  That was something she’d been hearing a lot lately and was finally believing. She did deserve good things, and James was one of them.

  They talked about linen and new spa products going into the rooms before she continued her rounds.

  Next was security. Paul sat behind a desk of cameras drinking a diet soda. “I heard you were making the rounds.” Each time he talked his chin wobbled. “The new system is amazing. I don’t have to leave my seat to figure out what’s happening anywhere in the hotel.”

  She leaned against the table. “You may not have to leave your station for your job, but you should for your health.”

  He kicked his chair back and struggled to stand. “Now you sound like my doctor.”

  Paul had been around long before she was. It was hard to tell his age, but she’d put him somewhere near his late fifties. “I care about your health.”

  He gathered his things and set them on the end of the table. “Then you’ll be happy to know I’ve started walking to work. It’s only a mile, but it’s a start.” He patted his belly. “Time to lose the tire.”

  That surprised her. “Wow, that’s awesome. Was that a suggestion from your doctor?”

  He laughed, and his jowls shook. “He’s been suggesting exercise for a decade, but I figured if the resort was getting an upgrade, I needed to do the same for myself. Besides, there’s a cutie working the gift shop that I’d like to ask on a date when I drop ten pounds.”

  “Good for you.” At the mention of a date, she panicked. How did the time get away from her? She had a date at her house with James in less than an hour. She hadn’t had a man in her house since she booted Chris out. She’d cleaned and dusted that morning, but who knew how much had settled again. First impressions were important.

  “I’ve got to go. Have a good weekend.” She rushed to her office to grab her purse.

  “Do you have a minute?” Allie called from the conference room. On the large table were towels and sheets and tablecloths and napkins.

  Danielle didn’t have a minute, but how could she say no to her boss? “Sure.”

  Allie picked up a towel and tossed it to Danielle. “Would you want to dry off with that?”

  She ran her hands on what should have been cotton-soft and plush. It was more like rough sandpaper. “If I wanted to exfoliate.”

  “Exactly.” She pushed the sheet across the table. “Sleeping on this would be like going to a summer camp where they use two hundred thread count sheets.” She threw her hands in the air. “This is Luxe, and there’s nothing luxurious about these.”

  “Do you want me to call the distributor?”

  She cackled like a madwoman. “Oh no, it’s useless. He’s in Europe for the next three weeks, and his assistant is incompetent. He’s probably vacationing with the produce guy because he’s unreachable too.”

  Time was moving too quickly. Another fifteen minutes were gone, and she needed to go. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. I’d be happy to step in and take care of it.”

  “No, I’ve got this one. It might be time to pull out my black suit.”

  “While you prepare for battle, I’ve got to go.” She held up her cell phone. “I’m a phone call away if you need me.”

  Before Allie could say anything else, she took off to the elevator at a near sprint. As she entered her car, her phone rang.

  It was Trish. “Are you excited?” Her friend shouted into the phone.

  “Yes, and deaf. What do you want?” She backed out and nearly hit another car.

  She could hear the whir of a mixer and knew Trish was at the bagel shop waiting for Rob. “Just to wish you luck and make sure you shaved and trimmed in case … you know.”

  Her legs were as smooth as a baby’s butt, and she’d made sure the lady bits were nicely groomed too. She had no idea where the night would lead them. If it led to bed, at least her sheets were nicer than Luxe’s. There were few things she splurged on, but sheets and wrinkle cream were two of them.

  “How was your week? Did you sneak off to private places to touch and feel with your construction stud? Get it? Construction … stud … nailed you. I’m full of wit and wisdom today.”

  “You’re full of something.”

  “So … I need details.”

  She sighed. “Not much to tell. The week was busy. I hardly saw him at all except for a kiss I stole in the studio apartment behind my office.” She dragged him in on the guise that the coffee maker didn’t work. After another electrical kiss, she raced to meet Allie downstairs in the lobby to talk about hiring someone for her old job. “And the one h
e stole in the elevator this afternoon.”

  “That’s not good. You’ll have to up your game to make sure he stays into you.”

  “He hasn’t been in me.” She turned at the light and pushed the speed limit to her house. “We snuck a kiss in the stairwell, too, but it was quick because there were some teenagers sucking face on the landing above us.”

  “How’d that make you feel?”

  “Downright naughty. It was like I was a kid again.” The excitement of new love had that effect on most people. Even Paul was willing to walk to work to get a date with Marla. She never saw her as the cutie he did, but the notion that love was alive at Luxe warmed her.

  “Are you making the cake?”

  She pulled into her driveway and rushed to her door. “No way, I don’t want to kill the man.”

  “It’s getting better each time you bake one.”

  “How would you know? You didn’t stick around to taste it.”

  “No, but I came by today and dropped off a gift, and the half-eaten cake was still on your counter.”

  Danielle dropped her keys and her purse on the entry table and rushed to the kitchen, where she found a jar of body chocolate. “I should take your key away.”

  “Or use my gift. You decide which appeals to you more.”

  “I’ve got to go. He’ll be here in less than ten minutes.” She hung up and looked around the kitchen. With one swipe, the cake went into the trash can. She picked up the body chocolate and tucked it inside the cupboard. There was no time to fantasize about chocolate and James’ body.

  She stripped off her clothes as she moved down the hallway and shoved them into the hamper. Wearing her sexiest bra and panties, she stood in front of her closet, pondering the perfect outfit. Did she go casual and wear yoga pants and a T-shirt, or did she fancy it up and wear a maxi-dress and sandals?

  When the doorbell rang, she was out of time. She put on the multicolored dress and slid into her sandals.

  On her way to the door, she yanked her elastic tie out and combed through her hair with her fingers. She stopped at the door to take a big breath and put on a smile. Just the thought of him made her grin like a fool.

  She swung open the door and standing before her was perfection in jeans carrying a six-pack of beer, a pizza, and a DVD.

  “Come on in.” She moved to the side so he could enter. Her heart galloped in her chest. She felt like an octogenarian at high altitude without her oxygen tank.

  He leaned in to kiss her. It was short and sweet but wonderful. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the last one.”

  “Me too, only I thought it would last longer. Given our marathon first kiss, we set the bar high.”

  He followed her into the kitchen and put their dinner and entertainment down. Before she could take her next breath, his mouth was on hers.

  The kiss was slow and sensual. His lips pressed against hers as if he had all the time in the world.

  When she opened for him, the gentle sweep of his tongue tasted like peppermint and passion. His hands moved up her back to her neck. It was a gentle grip that kept her exactly where he wanted her.

  As he stepped closer, pinning her between the counter and him, she could feel the heat radiate from his body. He was hot and sexy, and for at least that moment, hers.

  She melted into him the same way she had at the lake. Only this time, there was no risk of her sinking to the tile floor of her kitchen because she had no room to move. She was good and trapped, and for the first time in a very long time, happy.

  How a man could kiss for minutes and not step away a slobbery mess, was a mystery, but James was an oral master. Is his skill all-inclusive of everything oral? A giggle bubbled up inside of her that she did her best to hold back.

  He broke the kiss and raised a sexy brow. “What’s so funny?”

  She wanted to slap herself upside the head for ruining the moment. Their kiss had ended because her mind floated to places she hadn’t been for well over a year.

  “Nothing, I’m just giddy with happiness.”

  “You’re easy to please.”

  She turned around to face the island. Her back pressed against him; his arousal pressing into her back side. If she’d had time to eat lunch, she would have skipped the pizza and went back to the kisses to see where they would end.

  Skipping pizza didn’t seem like such a bad idea until her stomach grumbled. It wasn’t the soft rumbling of a tummy that needed a little something. It was more like the roar of a gut that hadn’t been fed in days.

  “Skip lunch again?”

  She leaned back and rested her head against his shoulder. “I lost track of time.” The sound started again, which made James step to her side and open the pizza box. “Meat lovers with extra mushrooms.”

  “How did you know I loved mushrooms?”

  “You ordered a side of them at the steakhouse.” He pulled a beer from the cardboard holder. “I know you prefer wine, but this comes from a local brewer, and it pairs well with what we’re having.”

  Her eyes went to the plain DVD case which didn’t divulge the secrets inside.

  “You brought a movie?” She moved around the island to get two plates.

  “It’s a date. I figured dinner and a movie. That is if you have a DVD player. If not, then we’ll figure something else out.” He put a slice of pizza on each plate and pulled cheese and red pepper packets from his pockets.

  She laughed. “Those are some magical jeans. There’s always a big surprise waiting inside.”

  He lifted a brow. “Have you been peeking?” he teased.

  The heat of embarrassment rose to her cheeks. While she’d felt the big surprise pressing against her only minutes ago, she hadn’t meant her statement to come out sounding sexual.

  She couldn’t help looking down. When she saw the outline of his endowment, the heat dropped from her face to throb in her core.

  “Stop teasing me, and let’s eat.” She picked up her plate and the beer he’d opened for her and moved toward the living room. “Bring the movie. I have a DVD player and running water.”

  “Imagine that.” He chuckled as he followed her. “Your place is great. I love how homey it feels.”

  They sat on her overstuffed sofa and put their plates on the coffee table.

  Homey was a safe word to use when describing someone’s house. Did he really like it, or was he just being nice?

  “What are we watching?” She reached for the movie, but he pulled it away and hid it behind his back.


  She could name at least a dozen movies that a guy would watch. “Terminator.”

  He shook his head. “On a date night? Not likely. Although, I like the movie.”

  “Can I have a hint?”

  He picked up his beer and took a long leisurely drink. Everything he did was measured and unhurried.

  Her mind went back to the gutter. Was he a long, leisurely lover as well?

  “It’s an oldie but a goodie. A cult classic.”

  It baffled her. Oldies brought movies like Casablanca or Gone with the Wind to her mind. “The Princess Bride?”

  He pulled the case from behind his back. “I want this to be a perfect date night. You, me, pizza, beer, and Sixteen Candles.”

  If he hadn’t penetrated her fortress protected heart by then, he’d have full access now.

  She threw herself into his arms and kissed him. It was quick but thorough because they had pizza to eat and a movie to watch.

  “I can’t believe you brought this movie. It’s … my favorite.”

  He set his hands on her hips. “Glad I chose wisely. It was that or Alien.”

  She moved off his lap. “This will get you another kiss, but Alien … that wouldn’t have been pretty.”

  She took the movie and put it in the player then came back to sit beside him. They ate their pizza, drank their beer, and watched Molly Ringwald fall in love. When the movie ended, James helped her tidy up the kitchen.

bsp; They were back where the night began. She was in his arms, and he was kissing the life out of her. Or maybe putting it back in her since she’d felt dead inside for so long.

  Just as she considered taking the body chocolate from the cupboard, he pulled away.

  “I hate for tonight to end, but I have to be at the site early in the morning.”

  Disappointment weighed about a thousand pounds and sat heavily on her heart. “That’s okay. I understand.” Work was work, and since eating a good meal and sleeping inside were two things she enjoyed, a paycheck was necessary.

  She walked him to the door.

  “How about a repeat tomorrow night, only I’ll cook for you,” he said.

  “You brought the pizza, why don’t I cook for you?”

  He gave her a look that said you-can’t-be-serious.

  “Okay, you cook for me,” she amended. “At your place?”

  “Can we do it here? I’m in a temporary situation.”

  She wondered what that meant. He made enough to afford a place. Maybe he had a roommate. “Sure, my place is perfect.”

  He looked around her. “It really is perfect.” He leaned in and brushed his lips across hers. “I think you’re perfect too.”

  She held the door open while he climbed inside his truck and left. She watched until the glow of his taillights disappeared.

  Chapter 16


  “Did you stay here all night?” he asked Allie when she opened the door to room 1215.

  “I did. This is cozier than Dad’s house and closer to work.” She marched over to the spare queen bed, picked up a towel, and held it in front of her face. “Do you see me? I can see you.” She rolled it into a ball and tossed it into the trash can. “That’s the crap they’re using.”

  “For now. Everything is changing for the better.” How true that statement rang in his heart and head. He wanted to stay longer with Dani the night before, but because of her ex’s appalling behavior, it was important for her to know that he was there because he wanted to be with her more than he wanted sex. If the sex was as good as the kisses, then he’d hit the mother lode.

  “How was the date?”


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