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Prisoner of the Heart

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by Anny Cook

  Prisoner of the Heart

  A Carnal Reunions Tale

  By Anny Cook

  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  P.O. Box 992

  Edgewater, Florida, 32132

  Prisoner of the Heart

  Copyright © 2009, Anny Cook

  Edited by Jessica Berry

  Cover art by Rika Singh

  Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-088-0

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Electronic release: November 2009

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  For my daughter and granddaughters who lived gracefully with the heartbreak only the family of a prison inmate can comprehend. I am so incredibly proud of all of you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  About the Author

  Chapter One



  Hello to all of Gracie’s Girls, class of 1999. Once again, thanks to all of you for the flowers and phone calls after my aunt Gracie’s passing last winter. You all meant so much to her, and to me.

  As I’m sure you all know, our tenth college reunion is coming up this fall. Since I now have Gracie’s big rambling house all to myself, I’d like to extend an invitation. If any of you are coming back for the reunion, you’re more than welcome to stay here, in your old rooms. Gracie quit taking in college students several years back, so there’s no one here but me, and I’d love to have some company while I’m getting the house ready to put on the market. So what do you say? One last time as roommates? It would be great to see all of you again.



  * * * *

  With a wheeze and clank, the car died just as Becky parked at the curb in front of the familiar Victorian house. A cloud of steam billowed from under the hood with a hiss as she pounded on the steering wheel and muttered a curse. “You should go to the reunion. It will do you good to get away,” she parroted her Aunt Mary. “Get away, my ass. Now what the heck am I gonna do?”

  She unfastened the seat belt and climbed out just as the man mowing the lawn across the street turned off the mower and ambled in her direction. Marching to the front of the car, she bent to find the hood latch, barely sparing him a glance until he hooked his thumbs in his pockets and said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you—not unless you want to deal with second degree burns.”

  Becky paused in confusion. “What?”

  “You need to let the car cool down before you pop that hood,” he elaborated. “Right now, all you’ll receive for your trouble is some nasty steam burns.”

  Back peddling in a hurry, she moved away from the car, scowling at the smoky clouds. “So what am I supposed to do now?”

  His dark hair flopped over the bandana tied around his head when he bent over to glance at the hot water dribbling to the pavement. “Well. It could be worse. I recommend something cold to drink. We can sit on my porch and have iced tea while we wait.”

  She shook her head. “Thanks, but this was my destination, anyway.” She pointed over her shoulder. “I’m staying here with my friend, Karen.”

  “I thought I recognized you,” he said with satisfaction. “You’re Becky Iversen.”

  “Becky Belker,” she corrected.

  “So you married good ol’ Tom.”

  “And divorced good ol’ Tom,” she added with faint bitterness.

  He dusted his hand on his jeans before offering it, “Don’t know if you remember me. Joe Harris.”

  Becky took a long second look. Joe Harris had grown up. The shy lanky teenager who was on the verge of manhood the last time she’d seen him had matured and filled out in all the right places. Beneath his sweat-dampened tee shirt, his broad shoulders and wide chest rippled with the kind of muscle you developed from physical labor. Her eyes skimmed over his flat stomach, halted briefly as she speculated about that interesting package his faded jeans cupped so lovingly, and finally came to rest on the battered work boots covering his feet.


  When the odd silence finally penetrated, an embarrassed flush blazed across her cheeks. She realized he was still holding his hand out. Quickly, she slipped her hand in his and gently shook it. “Wow, you’ve changed!” she blurted out.

  Her cheeks turned pink when he subjected her to a slow appraisal of his own. She fidgeted under his gaze, knowing what he saw. Her white blond hair was pulled back in a fancy braid that brushed her butt. Her blue denim shirt and jeans matched her eyes. After two children, a few more pounds padded her curves. “You’re still beautiful,” he said softly.

  Nervously, she tucked her hands in her jeans pockets. “Thank you.” She looked away, frowning when she realized Karen’s driveway was empty. “Well. I’m sure I’ll see you again before I leave. I better go let Karen know I’m here.”

  “Good enough.” Joe loped back across the street to his mower, leaving her standing on the curb by her car.

  With a sigh, she retrieved her purple fake leather hobo bag from the front seat. Her lips curved in a reluctant smile as she hugged the bag against her breasts. It was a birthday gift from her kids. Lizzie had gravely pointed out the bag’s color because she knew it was Becky’s favorite. And Sean had eagerly explained that they were able to buy it because it was on sale. Becky remembered looking up from the crumpled Sunday comics wrapping paper at the smiles on her kids’ faces, and wanting to cry because children shouldn’t have to know about buying presents on sale.

  She thought about the interview she had scheduled at the Heartwood Medical Center this weekend and prayed that she was hired. Life would be so much easier for all of them if she got the new job. And the kids could attend a school where everyone didn’t know their dad was in prison. When the invitation arrived from Karen, it was like an answer to her prayers. With money so tight, a free place to stay was a true blessing.

  Of course, Aunt Mary tartly suggested that she find a hunky man who would take her to bed for some hot sweaty sex. Becky giggled under her breath at the memory of her gaunt spinster aunt standing in the kitchen with her hands buried in hot soapy dishwater, her tall angular body swathed in a snowy white apron while she lectured Becky on the best way to find a man with a hard body and a big penis.

  Trust Aunt Mary to be up front about what she thought.

  Becky shook her head and walked across Karen’s freshly mowed lawn to the front door as she wondered what Aunt Mary would think of Joe. Knowing her Aunt Mary as well as she did, Becky had an idea that her aunt would be busily planning ways to get her in bed with Joe.

  When she reached the front door, a bright yellow sticky note caught her attention: Becky! We’ve run out on some quick errands. If you get here before we get back, go over to the Harris house (across the street). Joe will be happy to entertain you until we get back. Karen

  Softly snorting under her breath, Becky turned to watch Joe mow another row of grass. Evidently, Aunt Mary wasn’t the only one with matchmaking on the mind. With a mental shrug, she headed back across the street, privately admitting that the view was certainly entertaining, even if Joe didn’t choose to follow up on his opportunities.

  He turned at
the edge of the lawn and immediately shut off the lawnmower when he saw her standing on the sidewalk in front of his house. “Change your mind?”

  “No one’s home.”

  “Great! Let’s sit on the porch in the shade.” He wiped his damp palm on his jeans before gently grasping her elbow, herding her up the steps before she changed her mind. “Have a seat. I’ll be right back with iced tea.”

  As soon as Becky settled into the porch rocker, he whisked indoors, catching the screen door before it could slam. Humming under his breath, Joe took a few moments to whip his sweaty tee shirt off and slip on a dry one. He ran a warm washcloth over his face and arms, brushed his hair, and then went into the bright kitchen. While he prepared a tray with two glasses of ice and a pitcher of tea, he wondered if Becky would like the renovations he’d made in the big room. Of course, he conceded, almost anything would be better than the old avocado appliances and counters that were there when he was growing up.

  He carried the tray through the cool dim hallway to the front door, edging the screen open with his shoulder. With one sneaker shod foot tucked under her, Becky lazily nudged the rocker with her other toe. Her eyes closed, she rested her head against the high chair back. Noting the pale smudges under her eyes, Joe thought he would have served her better by offering her a pillow and a bed, but he was pretty sure she would refuse. “You look like you’re ready for a nap. Long drive?”

  Her eyes fluttered open as she stifled a yawn. “No. Just a long day. Lizzie had a soccer game early this morning. Then I took Aunt Mary grocery shopping. Packed my bags. Packed the car. And by that time it was after lunch.”

  “Lizzie’s your daughter?” he asked as he filled her glass and handed it to her.

  “Yep. She’s nine and Sean’s seven. They’re a handful some days, but mostly they’re good kids.” Becky sat up and sipped her tea. “What about you? No woman around?”

  Joe poured his own tea before perching his butt on the porch railing. He took a hearty gulp while he decided how to answer her. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, he thought. “Nope. No woman. I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Delicate color stained her cheeks. Becky peered at him over the edge of her glass as she took another sip. “Trying out a new line, Joe?”

  “Old truth,” he countered. “I’ve wanted you since I was sixteen.”

  “What?” Becky swallowed her tea the wrong way. Coughing, her eyes watering, she glared at him. “What did you just say?”

  Calmly he offered her a paper napkin from the tray. “You heard me. And in case you didn’t notice, I’m not sixteen anymore.”

  She dabbed at her mouth with the napkin. “I noticed,” she admitted dryly.

  “Good. I just wanted to give you a heads up. I plan to have you in my bed by tomorrow. And once you’re there, I’m not going to let you go without a fight.”

  Becky’s mouth opened and closed but no sound came out.

  He nodded with a satisfied smile then leaned closer. “The time wasn’t right ten years ago. I was too young. But I’m a man now, Bec. I’ve waited long enough.”

  “B-but I have kids! And responsibilities!” she protested.

  “I like kids. And it seems to me that it’s time someone lent you a hand with those responsibilities. Obviously Tom’s not around to pull his weight.”

  “Tom’s still in prison. He won’t be up for parole again for another five years.”

  “Even better. I wasn’t sure how long he was in for. This way, I won’t have to wonder if he’s going to be around to interfere.” Joe stood up and moved closer. Setting his glass on the tray, he bent over so he could plant his hands on the arms of the rocker, hemming her in. “You’re my woman, Becky. I want to take care of you, body and soul.” His lips brushed hers gently, giving her time to protest before settling on her mouth with tenderness.

  Madly scrabbling for some rebuttal, Becky’s mind completely shut down when Joe kissed her. She had no idea there could be so much pleasure from the simple pressure of a man’s lips on hers. And then he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue inside, exploring her mouth with an alluring mix of tender persuasion and control. When he straightened and backed away, she carefully set her tea glass on the tray, stood and walked across the porch, brushing past him.

  “Running away, Bec?”

  Her mind raced with possibilities. “I’m going for a walk to think about things,” she finally replied with gentle dignity. “I screwed up my life and my children’s lives once by leaping before I looked. I won’t do that again, regardless of your agenda. I can deal with whatever consequences my actions reap, but I won’t place my children in that position ever again.”

  She couldn’t decipher his thoughts as he stared at her for a long moment. Then he said, “I can understand and respect that. All I ask is that you don’t automatically reject the idea. I would never hurt your children or you. In the meantime, if you’ll give me your car keys, I’ll take a look under the hood.”

  Fishing the keys from her jeans pocket, she tossed them across the narrow space that separated them. He snatched them from the air and shoved them in his pants pocket. “Don’t get lost.”

  With a small smile, she turned and went down the steps. “I won’t.” Without a backward look, she walked away leaving him on the cool shaded porch.

  When she returned from her walk a little over an hour later, she still didn’t have any idea how to deal with Joe. It was one thing to fantasize about a hot sexy night with him, but he’d hinted at a more long-term relationship. She wasn’t sure she wanted to add to the upheaval in her life.

  The last few feet seemed to take forever as she watched Joe work on her car. She sure hoped he knew what he was doing. There always seemed to be plenty of men who were willing to help her out when things went wrong. Unfortunately, she later found out most of them had no idea what they were doing. And fixing their repairs was more expensive than if she’d taken the car directly to a garage.

  She moved closer and leaned over the fender. “What’s the damage?”

  “A couple of hoses and some antifreeze,” he replied. “I taped the hoses for now and added some water to the radiator. Tomorrow morning I’ll move it over to the garage so I can drain it without leaving a mess on the street.”

  Becky sighed as she mentally checked her non-existent bank balance. “How much will that cost?”

  “Oh, about twenty bucks.” Joe shot her a grin. “Cheap fix.”

  Sparing him a frank look of disbelief, she shook her head. “I’ve paid for a lot of repairs and not one of them as been that inexpensive. Maybe I should just take it to a garage.”

  He backed away from the car, wiping his hands on a stained blue rag he pulled from his back pocket. “That was my intent. I have a garage over on Hill Street

  . Harris Motors.”

  “You mean you really work on cars?”

  “Yep. I’m a Master Mechanic.” He tucked the rag back in his pocket and slammed the hood. “I’ll have it back by noon tomorrow. Karen came home while you were on your walk so I carried your stuff up to your room. Check the car to make sure I got everything.”

  “Karen’s home?” She walked to the back of the car, only then noticing that the trunk was open. A fast glance was all she needed to confirm that Joe had indeed taken everything into the house. She shut the trunk and went to the passenger side of her car, poking her head through the open window for a quick check. “Wow, you’re good. Thanks for taking my stuff inside.”

  “You’re more than welcome. I figured you were tired enough without having to haul suitcases when you got back. Found your cookie stash in the trunk. I was tempted to steal a few but Karen said y’all are going to have a girl’s night in tonight.”

  “You found Aunt Mary’s disappearing brownies, eh? Well, since you fixed the car, I’ll make sure I save some of those for you before the girls scarf ‘em down.”

  He grinned. “Really? They looked delicious. Say…Karen gave me an invitation to the cocktail party tomorro
w night. I wondered if you would be my date.”

  Planting both hands on her hips, Becky bit her lips to keep from laughing. His dark eyes begged soulfully, and he had such a puppy dog expression on his face it was hard to resist. Finally, she chuckled. “Sure. That would be great. I love getting together with the girls but going to the party with a handsome hunk would be a real treat.”

  His eyes turned hot, and he moved until his body was brushing against hers. “I’m going to kiss you now.”


  “Yeah.” He bent his head, capturing her lips with a gentle touch that rapidly changed to a steamy melding of tongues and nipping teeth. She burrowed closer, pressing her breasts against his firm muscled chest as she wrapped her arms around his broad back. Joe planted his big hands on her butt, positioning her so their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces.

  It had been years since she had enjoyed a man’s touch. The feel of his hard body, nestled close, rubbing in all the right places sent unfamiliar sensual heat roaring through her. She squirmed, rocking her hips in rhythm with Joe’s movements, whimpering and kissing with wild abandon, totally unaware of their surroundings. Just one thing impinged on her mind. That was her desperate necessity to get naked with Joe. Now!

  “Yeow! Maybe you guys should get a room!”

  Reluctantly, Becky lifted her head, focusing on the woman standing in the driveway. Karen.

  “I have to go,” she whispered shakily, stunned at how out of control she felt.

  “Yeah.” Joe released her slowly. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Picking up her purple bag from the grass where she’d dropped it, Becky went to embrace her friend. “Karen! I’m so glad to be here!”


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