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Prisoner of the Heart

Page 2

by Anny Cook

  “I can see why,” Karen replied with a grin. “If some hot hunk was kissing the stuffing out of me, I’d be glad to be here, too.”

  Chapter Two

  As Becky prepared for the cocktail party on Friday evening, she mulled over the time since she’d left Joe standing in front of Karen’s house. So much had happened in the past twenty-four hours that she was still breathless with the changes in her life. Early that morning Karen had offered her car for Becky’s use since Joe had hers in his garage.

  Her interview at the Heartwood Medical Center had gone very well. She smiled as she recalled the generous job offer she’d received, complete with medical benefits and her own office. The trick would be finding an apartment and moving before the new job started. Already, she’d called Aunt Mary with the good news. Becky laughed aloud at the memory of Aunt Mary’s tart questions, “Wonderful news, no doubt, but have you found a hot man to take to bed?”

  “Possibly. I’ll let you know tomorrow.”

  “Hmph.” Clearly Aunt Mary thought Becky was taking too long. “I’ll let you tell the children the good news.”

  After talking to the kids, Becky put away her cell phone and headed for the local Wal-Mart, set on finding some sexy underpinnings for her very basic black dress that would blow Joe’s mind—just in case they actually ended up in bed together. There was more than one way to distract the male mind from a poochy tummy with stretch marks. Not that she was ashamed of those silvery marks on her belly. Lizzie and Sean were ample compensation for a rounded tummy and less than perky breasts. Still, what woman wouldn’t want to catch her man by surprise?

  Joe had stated his goal like a bold challenge. Becky wasn’t of a mind to back down if he really carried out his intentions, but she was determined that their coming together wouldn’t be one sided. Now she stood naked next to the bed wearing just her wedding pearls, as she thoughtfully studied her new acquisitions. Many years had gone by since she’d deliberately dressed to entice a man. If anything would do the trick, the bits of lace on the bed would. She’d bathed, shaved and slathered her favorite body cream on her newly smooth skin. It was time to put on the real armor.

  First, the black, barely-there lace panties—not a thong, but an almost bikini that tied on each hip. She stood in front of the mirror, blushing at the expanse of skin left bare. Unexpectedly, she trembled at the idea of Joe’s eyes touching her as she modeled the sexy panties. She felt the slow slick dampness as her body prepared for his touch.

  With shaking fingers, she picked up the bra and slipped it on. It clipped in the front, plunging low to reveal plush curves. Her nipples tightened, poking at the sheer black lace that lightly abraded the sensitive tips. A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined Joe touching her, cradling her breasts in his big warm hands, brushing her nipples with his thumbs.

  Plucking the sheer hosiery from the bed, she slipped the thigh high stockings on, one by one, smoothing the black lace tops in place. After one last glance at the erotic picture in the mirror, she covered the sexy surprise with her very plain, very ordinary black dress, shocked by the change in her feelings about it. Whenever she wore it she’d always felt frumpy and old. This time as she studied her reflection in the mirror, her body trembled with heat because of the sensual secrets the dress covered.

  A quick tap on the door captured her attention. “Joe’s here!” Karen called.

  “Coming!” With a smile, Becky shook her head. Oh yeah, if Joe had anything to do with it, she was definitely gonna come. Probably more than once. She slipped on her strappy high heels, checked her makeup one last time and then picked up the black lacy shawl and small purse from the bed. What would the other girls would think if they knew the purse was stuffed with condoms from the box she’d purchased today at Wal-Mart?

  They were the first condoms she’d ever bought in her life. Somehow, that independent act affirmed the anticipation she felt about having sex with Joe. She opened the door, snapped off the light, and went out, ready to give Joe a run for his money.

  As he waited at the foot of the stairs, Joe practiced deep breathing, trying to stave off the anticipation of what the evening might bring. Since he had been very clear about his intentions and Becky still agreed to go to the cocktail party with him, he’d spent the afternoon cleaning his house, especially the bedroom. The bed was made with clean sheets, the floors all vacuumed, and all the flat surfaces dusted. Fresh flowers and candles were ready on the dressers and goodies waited in the kitchen. Most importantly, a nearly full box of condoms sat on the nightstand. He considered hiding them in the drawer, then changed his mind.

  As an afterthought, he took some from the box and stashed them around the house—some in a kitchen drawer, a few in a fancy jar on a end table in the living room, a couple in the potpourri pot on the mantle in the dining room and one in his wallet. Be prepared wasn’t just a Boy Scout motto.

  He slipped his hands in his pockets so he wouldn’t tug at his tie. At that moment, Becky started down the stairs and his lungs seized up. She always took his breath away, whether she was dressed in beat up jeans or a prim work skirt, but he had to admit that she’d outdone herself this evening with classy black dress and pearls. He wanted to grab her and drag her across the street to his house, but that probably wasn’t the best way to go about things. Never had he been so close to allowing his inner cave man to come out to play.

  She took her time, carefully setting each foot in place as she descended. Heat roared through him, pooling in his groin when her skirt flipped up and he caught a glimpse of black lace around her thigh.

  Down boy! he silently muttered as his imagination took fire.

  When she reached the last step, she looked up and smiled and his heart turned over. He bent his head, kissed her gently. They still had a party to get through before he would have her to himself. Lifting his head, he looked deep in her eyes. “You are so beautiful.”

  Pink color flushed her cheeks and her eyes sparkled. “Thank you!”

  It was so obvious that compliments were rare for her, and he wanted to hold her close and tell her over and over again how pretty she was, but he merely offered his hand. “Are you ready to go?”

  Smiling brightly she nodded. “Whenever you are.”

  He turned toward the kitchen. “Karen! We’re leaving! In case we don’t talk you later, expect her back when you see her!”

  Karen appeared in the doorway, grinning at her neighbor as she shook her head in mock disapproval. “Behave, Joe. If you don’t treat her right, I’ll have to trim your hedges. And you know what a disaster that would be.”

  “Oh, no! Not the hedges!” he declared. “Anything but the hedges.”

  “Get out of here. We’ll see you at the party!”

  He led Becky out the front door and down the walk to a dark car parked at the curb. When she settled into the passenger seat, he went around to the driver’s side, slid in and fastened his seat belt. “Damn. I feel like I’m sixteen again.”

  She giggled. “I’m glad. I thought I was the only one.”

  “Nope. Funny, isn’t it?” He started the car and slowly pulled away. “Strange how some things remind you of your teen years. I have to say that I wouldn’t go through that again for anything!”

  “No,” she agreed soberly. “I wouldn’t either.” When Joe offered her his hand, she unhesitatingly accepted the comfort and acceptance as they completed the drive in companionable silence.

  As soon as they parked and got out of the car, he took her hand again, proudly walking into the party. Immediately, the wave of laughter, conversation and music washed over them. Placing his warm hand just below her waist, Joe led her to an empty table on the edge of the small dance floor. “What would you like to drink?”

  Smiling ruefully, she asked for ginger ale. “I don’t tolerate alcohol very well.”

  “Don’t apologize for that. I prefer you to be sober when I take you home,” he teased. “I want you to remember every single thing I do.” He watched her de
licate flush spread all the way down to the edge of her dress. “I love it when you blush. I’ll be right back.”

  She laid her small bag on the table and looked around at the animated crowd, picking out the few people she recognized. There was Dakota Reese standing on the edge of the dance floor with Ace Banner. She knew they were planning to meet up with Lily and Chloe. She smiled when she remembered all the nervous Nellies back at Karen’s house.

  Boy, you would think we’d all matured past that stage by now, she thought even as she admitted to her own case of rioting butterflies.

  Over in a dim corner, Bliss was sipping wine. With a grin, Becky watched Nick Santucci stalking in her direction with silent purpose. Ooooh, Bliss! You go girl!

  Joe set a glass of sparkling ginger ale on the table in front of her. “See anyone you know?” he teased.

  “Not as many as I thought I would. Who’s that tall guy being mobbed near the bar?”

  Glancing over his shoulder, Joe’s brow wrinkled with a little frown. “Hmmm. Somebody in sports…ah, that’s Jack Gerrard. Football.”

  “Oh. That explains the little huddle,” she observed brightly.

  He snorted softly. “You have a wicked tongue, woman.”

  “All the better to taste you.”

  Suddenly, his slacks were uncomfortably snug and he wondered how soon they could leave this shindig. He stood and grabbed her hand. “Let’s dance.”

  Becky handed her small bag to him. “Can you fit this in your jacket pocket?”

  “No problem.” He slipped it out of sight, tucked her hand under his arm and led her on the dance floor, thanking the party gods when the band started a slow number. He desperately wanted an excuse to hold her in his arms, so the song was perfect. When she slipped into his embrace, her body fit with his as though they were puzzle pieces that finally matched. Her soft curves cushioned his cock as they swayed to the melody, lost in each other. Since they were near a dim alcove when the music stopped, Joe steered her away from the dance floor until a giant fern partially concealed them.

  “I have to touch you,” he muttered as he bent his head to kiss her.

  She moved up on her toes, pressing against his hardness with a whimper. “Can we go home now?”

  “This is your party, sweetheart. Don’t you want to stay?”

  “I want to party with you. Alone,” she whispered, nudging his aching cock with her hips.

  “All right. We’ll grab your shawl and go.”

  Wordlessly, they worked their way around the small dance floor until they reached the table where she’d left her shawl draped over one of the chairs. A chubby red-faced man sat in one of the chairs scowling at the people milling around in the room. Small beads of sweat covered his hairless head. Clutching his glass in his hand, he tossed down the last of his drink just as they arrived.

  “Say, aren’t you the bitch that married that loser after he went to prison?? Belker, right? Tom Belker.”

  Resolutely ignoring him, Joe snatched Becky’s shawl, nudging her ahead of him and away from the table. Punching the drunk out didn’t seem like something Becky would want him to do.

  “Hey bitch! I’m talking to you!” the man yelled as he struggled to his feet. “Think you’re too good to talk to me? Who the hell invited you anyway?”

  Silence fell over the room as two men popped out of the crowd, hustling the drunk away, but the damage was done. After draping her shawl over her shoulders, Joe put his arm around her, leading her out to the lobby. Arnold Tipton, the class president, scurried after them, calling her name. “Becky?”

  They paused and Becky turned to face him.

  “Damn, I’m sorry, Becky! Don was a jerk when he was in college and he hasn’t improved over time.” His compassionate eyes studied her in the brightly lit lobby. “Won’t you come back to the party?”

  Abruptly, she patted his arm. “Arnold, it was a great party, but you know what? Joe and I want to spend some time alone. And somehow, I don’t think we can do what we’re really interested in at a public party,” she confided with a little smile.

  After a quick comprehensive survey of their expressions, Arnold backed away, smiling ruefully. “My mistake. Have a wonderful evening.”

  Joe laughed. “Oh, we will. Goodnight, Arnie!” Taking Becky’s hand, he headed for the doors, anxious for them to be alone.

  When he parked the car in the driveway and turned out the lights, he turned to her and asked, “You’re sure you’re good with this?”

  She opened the door and got out. “I’ll meet you on the porch when you make up your mind.”

  By the time her door slammed, he was out of the car so fast his door sounded like an echo of hers as he hustled to meet her in front of the car. “Sassy woman.” He swept her up in his arms, carried her up the steps to the porch and paused, stymied as he fumbled with the screen door. “Have you noticed the men in the movies never have to deal with screen doors, keys or door knobs?” he observed with a huff. “Why is that?”

  Giggling, Becky tugged the screen door open. “There now. Where’s the key?”

  “I have it.” Joe stuffed the key in the lock and turned it while she pushed. Once they were inside, he allowed her legs to slide down as he backed her up against the wall. “I thought I would never get you alone,” he murmured before capturing her mouth with his lips. Quiet murmurs and whimpers filled the dim hallway as they kissed, exploring with tongues, nipping with increasing abandon.

  Tugging his tie loose, she struggled to unbutton his shirt, desperately wanting to touch him. Without releasing her mouth, he shrugged his jacket off before pressing closer. Wriggling her hips until she could rub her mound against his cock, she sighed and yanked his shirt open. A button winged off into the shadows, pinging when it hit the wall. Shoving the fabric out of the way, she smoothed her palms over his hard chest, enjoying the way the springy curls felt under her hands and the heady scents of soap and man.

  “Naked. We need to be naked,” he muttered as he nibbled the tender spot under her ear.

  “Working on it.” She wrestled with his buckle, cursing under her breath as he flinched when her knuckles brushed his cock under the fabric. She abandoned the buckle going for the hard flesh instead.

  Joe groaned, backed away long enough to undo his buckle and the zipper on his slacks and then he was pressing her up to the wall again. Becky shoved his pants and boxers aside, clutching his hard hot length in her warm hand. He groaned again and groped for her dress zipper, failing to locate it. Finally, he lifted his head, staring down at her in frustration. “How the heck do I get this dress off?”

  Without a word, she caught the hem, tugging the dress up and over her head. Then she was standing in front of him, in pearls, sexy underwear and stockings with high heels.

  Joe gasped and muttered a curse before bending to shove off his shoes, socks and pants. Then he lifted her in his arms and headed down the hall.

  “Where are we going?” she asked impatiently.

  “Hell if I know.” He paused in the living room doorway, and shook his head. “The sofa’s too small.”

  “The floor…”

  “Too rough.” He shifted her in his arms and headed for the recliner in the far corner. “Perfect.” Plopping down, he helped her turn until she was straddling his lap and then he grabbed the release handle, and the chair tilted back.

  Becky sprawled across his chest, plucking the tiny nipples nestled in the soft curls covering his chest, frantically kissing his jaw, his neck, anything she could reach. Joe slipped her shoes off, tossing them away randomly, before settling her more securely, with the damp crotch of her silky panties rubbing the underside of his cock.

  “Tell me this bra fastens in the front,” he demanded between nibbles as he cupped her breasts in his hands, holding them so he could alternately suck the tight nipples that poked at the wet lace.

  She sat up, brushing his fingers out of the way. “Let me.” Unclipping the bra with shaking hands, she squirmed as his cock
pulsed beneath her. “Joe,” she groaned. “I need you.”

  With one arm wrapped around her to hold her in place, he sat up, reaching for the fancy jar on the little table next to the chair. “Condom,” he grunted.

  “Good.” Relief flooded through her with his demonstration of advanced planning.

  “Are you really crazy about the panties?” he asked, moving his hand to the narrow band on her hip.

  She stripped off her bra before peering down at her panties. “They untie,” she confessed, finding the little bows and tugging them loose.

  “Fuck,” he said reverently as he tugged them away, revealing her neatly trimmed pussy. Reclining the chair again, he tilted her back so her hips rested on his belly. Nudging her legs wide open he draped them securely over his forearms. He bent his knees up to provide support for her back and head. “Oh, that’s a gorgeous pussy. All pink and wet. I need a taste.”

  She squeaked in alarm as he slid her hips closer. “I won’t let you fall,” he muttered before burying his face in her pussy.

  Becky was so close to orgasm all it took was one long slow sweep with his tongue. He held her hips securely, plunging his tongue in her pussy, prolonging her release until she sprawled bonelessly across his body. Shifting her carefully until she straddled his hips again, he quickly sheathed his cock and lined it up.

  Anxious to have the aching emptiness filled by him, she lifted her hips enough to take his thick cock inside. Slowly, they came together as she sank down on his lap until he was in balls deep. With a soft sigh, she laid down on his chest, content and complete in that moment for the first time in years.

  “Damn, you feel wonderful. I could stay here the rest of my life.” He wrapped his arms around her, cuddling her close. “I knew you’d be a perfect fit.” Joe lifted his hips, shifting so he slid in a fraction deeper.

  Sitting up, she braced her hands on the chair back above his shoulders and settled into a leisurely ride. He stroked her with long slow glides of liquid heat until only the fat tip of his cock remained in her pussy, and then lured her into the unhurried flow as she took his cock back inside her tight grasp, whimpering as she ground her clit against the hard pubic bone at the base of his cock. Cupping his big hands around her breasts, Joe toyed with the hard little nipples, brushing his thumbs across the tips. She blossomed into a glorious Valkyrie who was willing to take what she needed, willing to show him the wild woman hidden inside.


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