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Her Perfect Revenge

Page 19

by Anna Mara

  She kept eyeing him. Wow—was he ever handsome. He'd removed his jacket and rolled up his white shirtsleeves. With his hair smoothed back and his Hollywood action-star looks, Christina noticed several women passing by, staring at him. He didn't appear to notice the female attention he was getting. His hypnotic green eyes remained glued to his menu.

  The waiter came by to take their order and he turned to Christina first.

  "I'll have the pasta primavera and a glass of white wine, please," Christina ordered.

  He scribbled her request down, and then turned to Bill. "I'll have the same but with mineral water instead."

  The waiter nodded and left.

  Christina looked him over. Mineral water? No wine??? That was strange. She knew he was driving but one glass with his meal was allowed. After all, he was a big guy and one glass wouldn't affect him.

  "You don't like wine?" Christina broke the silence.

  Bill suddenly burst out laughing. "I love wine. It's one of my favorite drinks actually. But not… today."

  She continued, "Your father seems excited about our wedding. Are you back in his good accounting books?"

  "For now; but I'm sure you've noticed that he and I have our differences."

  Christina smiled, "Oh, I've noticed." Curious in spite of herself, she turned serious. "Has it always been like this…between you two?"

  "As far back as I can remember; except for my younger years when I was shipped off to boarding school. Then we had no relationship."

  "So why do you stay? For his money?" she just had to ask.

  "Sometimes I think I keep taking his money because that's all he ever wants to give." Bill gave her a big grin but she sensed there was a lot of pain behind it.

  This was getting too personal—and Christina didn't like it one bit. How was she going to get through the rest of their lunch together?

  But the rest of their lunch went well. They stayed on neutral topics of conversation—the weather, the economy, the New York Yankees—and Christina was surprised to discover that he was quite intelligent. He was up on all the latest news and his comments were smart and thoughtful.

  At the end of their meal, Christina excused herself and went to the powder room. She was putting on her lipstick at the mirror when the door opened and a tall redhead glided in. It was Stephie, Bill's rich bitch girlfriend. Christina was instantly jealous. What was she doing here?

  The bitch made a beeline for Christina.

  "Small world," Stephie remarked, as she started applying her own lipstick at the mirror beside her nemesis.

  "Stephie, right?" Christina sounded calm but what she really wanted to do was claw the other woman's eyes out. God, why was she feeling like this? It didn't make sense.

  Stephie finished applying her lipstick and turned to Christina. "Honey, let's cut the chit chat. He loves me. He always has and always will. The only reason you're in his life is to please his father so he can keep having access to his money."

  Christina was shocked. "Who told you that?"

  Stephie laughed smugly. "Who do you think?" She looked down at Christina's engagement ring. "Nice rock. Too bad it's a loaner—for one month only."

  Christina was stunned speechless. How did she know that?

  Stephie read her mind. "How do I know that? Bill told me. He tells me everything. We're still seeing each other, you know."

  Damn it! Christina had suspected as much but it was one thing to have a suspicion—quite another to have it confirmed.

  That louse! So he was hopping from this bitch's bed and was now trying to get into hers?

  "So if he loves you, why are you wasting your time with me?" Christina bitchily replied.

  "Darling, I know women and I know my Billy around women. I'm sure he's already made a pass at you but he means nothing by it. He's a spoiled, little, rich boy who always wants what he can't have. But once he's had you, he won't want you anymore. He always comes back to me. In fact, he's never left. He was just in my bed this past week."

  Stephie knew exactly where to aim her arrows of lies and malice.

  And Christina believed every word. Oh, that bastard, she swore to herself! She'd actually been softening up to him over their so-called, bonding lunch. What an idiot she'd been!

  "Really?" Christina gritted the word out.

  Stephie smiled. She knew she was causing maximum damage with her remarks.

  "Yes… really." She mocked Christina. "Sex with him is always fun. He's so inventive and good. He's told me he can't wait to be rid of you so we can stop all this sneaking around and go public again with our relationship."

  Stephie turned to leave. She'd accomplished what she'd set out to do—to play on Christina's insecurities where Bill was concerned. She knew all about their deal together, having read a copy of their contract, and her private investigator was still on the case digging up more dirt on this little mouse. And the rest—the fact that they hadn't slept together yet but Bill wanted her? Well—call it woman's intuition but she'd guessed right.

  "Oh, Stephie?"

  Stephie turned back to the little mouse.

  Christina gave her a smug look back. "Our deal may have been for one month and Bill may prefer you over me, but his daddy holds all the cards… all the credit cards… and his daddy likes me. He likes me a lot. In fact, he'd like nothing better than for me to marry his son. And you know what? I'm going to."

  What Christina was saying was all nonsense but Stephie wasn't the only one who knew how to throw arrows.

  "You bitch!" Stephie snarled.

  "You see, Miss Stephie…these past few weeks, I've discovered that I like being a Havenwood. I like the money, the prestige, the big house. I'm not giving any of it up to go back to my barely-making-it existence. And whether Bill likes it or not, I am marrying him. His daddy will make sure of that. And he can keep sleeping with you all he likes. In fact, I'd prefer he not come to my bed anyway. That way I can have access to all his money and not have to work that hard for it."

  Stephie's hands were clenching in anger by her side. "You slut!" she threw at Christina.

  "No, I don't think so. You'll be his slut. I'll be his wife."

  And with that, Christina walked out with her head held high.

  Take that, you bitch!

  Furious, Cristina marched back to their table. Ooohhhh… that prick, she thought to herself. So, he couldn't wait to get rid of her, could he? So, he'd been sleeping with that slut only days ago, had he? So, he'd been talking bad about Christina behind her back too?

  No, she didn't give a damn about the Havenwood money. And no, she had no intentions of actually marrying the bum, as she'd told Stephie—but she was going to get something on the bastard to destroy his life for good, as originally planned.

  As Christina approached the table, Bill rose from his seat.

  "I've got a few errands to run. I'll see you back at the house," Christina tartly replied. She was so angry—and jealous—she could barely stand to look at him.

  "I'll drive you," he quickly offered.

  "No, thanks," she gritted, before walking away.

  Bill felt like he'd just been bulldozed. What the hell had happened? He'd thought they were having a nice lunch. He'd thought they'd even shared a few genuine moments without all of the deception bullshit.

  He racked his brain. Had he done something to offend her or said something? When she'd gone to the washroom, had she made a call to her boyfriend? Had he upset her? This was the first time in his entire life he'd actually fallen in love with someone—and it was sheer hell!

  Bill sat back down to pay the check and he noticed the waiter bringing martinis to the next table. Man… he would love one about now but he was in recovery and he wasn't going back to that other life, no matter what. But he really needed to go to an AA meeting tonight. He needed it bad.

  Chapter 33

  It was 6 p.m. and the pre-sunset sunlight shone through the clouds onto the magnificent Havenwood estate. Christina had tucked herself under
neath an oak tree with a book propped in her hands. Should anyone see her, she appeared to be enjoying some fresh air and a good read.

  She wasn't reading though. She was spying—and waiting for her prey to emerge from the house. She'd seen Bill drive up in his Jaguar about a half hour ago. Christina had then quickly grabbed her book and headed outdoors.

  She was going to wait for him to leave the house and then she was going to follow him. And she wasn't going to lose him tonight, no matter what. Her car keys to the BMW were in her pocket, and her purse and camera were already in the car.

  And if he went to see that tramp Stephie, Christina would be there with her camera too. Maybe William wouldn't appreciate photos of his son in the arms of his mistress weeks before the wedding? Maybe she could use that against him—because so far she had nothing. His goody-two shoes, stay-at-home act that the house had been gossiping about wasn't fooling her.

  Christina checked her watched. 6:20 p.m.

  Suddenly, she saw him coming out of a side entrance. Dressed in casual jeans and a polo shirt, he was heading for his car. Christina's heart beat faster. Ready to follow him, she got up from her sitting position. Scooting behind the oak's tree trunk, she secretly watched as he got in his Jag and zoomed away.

  As Bill's car reached the front gates, Christina ran at full speed to her BMW. Having left the doors open, she slid in, revved up the engine and took off after him, keeping enough of a distance between them so that he wouldn't spot her.

  And of course… Stephie's detectives immediately began to follow Christina, as soon as they saw her car coming out of the Havenwood gates too.

  * * *

  Christina had been following Bill for twenty minutes.

  She'd stayed a safe distance behind and managed to keep the Jag in sight. She really didn't think he'd spotted her—or so she hoped.

  Suddenly, Bill slowed and parked in front of a low-rise building whose sign read 'Kingston Community Center'.

  Christina parked her car a block away and reached for her camera. With her zoom lens, she began snapping pictures of Bill as he got out of his car. He went to stand in front of the community center's doors, obviously waiting for someone.

  Was he waiting for Stephie? But why here? This was just an average, middle-class part of town, not his style at all.

  Spying through her camera lens, she suddenly saw someone in a wheelchair approach Bill. The man said something to Bill, who laughed, and then he and Bill shook hands. Furiously, Christina snapped more pictures. Who was this person?

  And he was in a wheelchair, paralyzed. Who did Bill know who was in a wheelchair? He only ran around with the perfect, beautiful people, like he had in high school.

  And from the way the two of them had greeted each other, it was obvious they were friends. Christina adjusted her lens and zoomed in on the mystery person's face.

  Suddenly, she gasped. Good God! She knew that face. Maybe he was a little older and a little plumper but it was Jake Monroe, Bill's best friend from high school. Christina continued taking pictures as the two men disappeared inside the building.

  Stunned, Christina lowered her camera. Jake Monroe—after all these years—Jake Monroe! And he was in a wheelchair! What had happened to him? And what were those two doing here at this community center? Christina needed to know more.

  Locking her camera in the trunk, she grabbed her purse and crossed the street. On entering the building, she found herself in a long, empty hallway with various doors on either side leading to rooms. It reminded Christina of a school.

  Quietly, she crept down the hall. All the rooms were empty except for the one at the far end. The doors to that room had been propped open and she could hear someone giving a speech. The man said his name was Roger and he was talking about 'falling off the wagon' on a business trip, and how ashamed he was at losing control.

  Christina was shocked! My God—could this be an AA meeting? Quickly, she peeked into the room before pulling back out of sight. She'd spotted about fifteen people in there—and one of them was Bill. He was sitting at the end of a row of chairs and Jake Monroe was in his wheelchair beside him.

  Bill Havenwood was at an AA meeting?? And so was Jake Monroe? Two of the biggest, drunken, partying boozers she'd ever met in her life—and they were here—getting sober? But Bill Havenwood was a drunk!

  But was he? He used to be. She knew that. But since she'd met him again, had she ever actually seen him drink? Christina racked her brain, trying to think of all the meals they'd shared. No, she hadn't.

  And when she'd thrown the martini in his face and he'd jumped in the pool—was that why he'd plunged in—to wash the alcohol from his face because it was so tempting? And she'd never seen him come home drunk and had never smelled any alcohol on him either.

  But if he had stopped drinking, why didn't William know? Why hadn't he told his dad? It could have scored him some serious brownie points with the old man.

  Suddenly, Bill's voice pierced her thoughts. He was addressing the man named Roger. "We've all been there, Roger. Look at me. I'm tempted every day. You don't think I want to go back to the way it was? Where I can use booze to numb all my feelings so I don't have to feel the hurt or pain anymore? I want to—believe me. But I won't because I don't ever want to go back to the way it was—the way I was. You came here tonight and admitted it before it got out of hand and that's good. Just start working the program again. And if you fail a hundred times, you can win a hundred times if you just keep trying. That's all I have to say."

  Christina heard Bill's chair scrape the floor as he sat back down and the others started to clap for him. She was flabbergasted. This couldn't be her Bill Havenwood, could it?

  Undetected, Christina slipped away back down the hallway and out the door. Crossing the street, she retrieved her camera from the trunk and got inside her car. Dumfounded, she just sat there. Was her Bill Havenwood a recovering alcoholic? Had he stopped drinking? And Jake Monroe too?

  Christina's brain went into overload. If Bill Havenwood didn't drink anymore, then he wasn't the same person he'd been in high school—the person she hated—the bastard. He was a changed man. But—just because he'd decided to get sober, didn't mean he didn't deserve to pay for his past sins, did it? No—her revenge plan was still on.

  But—when he'd stood up and talked about feeling pain and hurt? Could that be true? No—Christina suddenly reasoned—bastards didn't feel pain. They caused it. Bill Havenwood was still an asshole—just a sober asshole. But, he didn't drink anymore—and neither did Jake—that was something!! In spite of herself, she was impressed.

  She didn't realize it, but her heart had softened towards him. That hard shell of protection she kept herself wrapped in where he was concerned, began to melt away.

  She'd gone soft on the bastard—a little.

  Chapter 34

  Jenny had been staring at the photograph of Jake Monroe for the past five minutes without saying a word.

  Christina couldn't stand the silence any longer. "Well? What do you think?" The two were sitting in Jenny's living room.

  Jenny shook her head in disbelief. "This… it's just too incredible for words."

  "I know. Imagine that, they're both sober and in AA."

  Jenny kept staring at the photo. "He still looks cute, though." Her expression suddenly turned sad. "I wonder what happened to him?" She was referring to Jake being in a wheelchair.

  "Do you think you can get Brad at the office to run his name through the archives?" Christina inquired.

  Jenny nodded. "I'll do it first thing." Jenny studied his picture again. Suddenly, she brought her eyes up to Christina and nervously bit her lip.

  Christina quickly noticed. "What is it?"

  Jenny's eyes flitted around the room. "I have to tell you something but you're going to be mad."

  "Jenny, don't be ridiculous; you can tell me anything."

  "I went out with him." The words came out in a rush and Jenny kept biting her lip.

ina was confused, "With who?"

  "Jake Monroe."

  "What!" Christina put all of the 'shock and awe' she felt into that one word.

  "It was one time." Jenny said defensively.

  "Oh my God!"

  "It was back in high school."

  Christina couldn't believe what she was hearing as she put her hands up to her head. "What happened?"

  "It was six months after you'd left. You were already in boarding school. I met him in the library. We… reached for the same book and…" Jenny paused.

  "And what?"

  "Well…" Jenny began to fidget with nervousness. "I smiled at him. And he said I could have the book and he said he'd seen me in class and…"

  "And what…?" Christina prompted.

  "Well… he said I was cute and maybe we could go to a movie sometime."

  "Was he drunk?"

  "Chrissy, are you implying a man has to be drunk to want to go out with me?" Jenny laughed, trying to diffuse the situation.

  "Jenny, you know what I mean."

  Her friend stopped laughing. "No, he wasn't. And Billy Havenwood wasn't anywhere in sight. You know it was Havenwood who was always the bad influence on Jake. Whatever he said or did, Jake went along with it."

  Christina nodded, "I know; you don't have to tell me."

  "Anyway, we went out… once. It was just a movie and some tacos. And a week after that, you know my dad got transferred and we moved to Chicago and I never saw him again."

  Christina shook her head, trying to process this new information. "So how come you never told me?"

  "Because, it was no big deal and I figured you'd be mad. I know what those two had done to you and I never saw him after that, so what was the point?"

  "Jenny, you should have told me." Christina was reproaching her friend.

  "I know but I was scared; I'm sorry."

  Relenting, Christina hugged her friend. "I'm your friend and I'll always be your friend, no matter what, even if you do have bad taste in men."

  Jenny laughed, as she pulled back from Christina's arms. She had unshed tears in her eyes. "Thanks, Chrissy; I feel so much better now that that's out after all these years."


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