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Her Perfect Revenge

Page 20

by Anna Mara

  "So, tell me everything that happened on your date."

  "Well, it was just that, a movie and some junk food."

  "Did he drink?"

  "No. He was actually sober. And he was sweet and funny, and he acted like a gentleman. Havenwood wasn't around. Jake said he'd gone away on some trip with his rich parents."

  "Did you kiss him?"

  Jenny blushed. Even though she was older now, had been married and had a child—that kiss had been her first and it still made her blush.



  "It was sweet. He walked me to my door and kissed me goodnight. Nothing fancy; but… it was nice. He said maybe we could see another movie that weekend but then you know, we found out about the transfer and that was that. I never saw him again."

  "Jenny, you're full of surprises."

  Her friend laughed, "I have one more surprise for you. We talked about you on our date."


  Jenny nodded. "I brought your name up and told him you were my friend and I didn't like what they'd done to you."

  Christina perked up even more. "What did he say?"

  "He said it had all been Bill's idea. And he didn't even remember your name. Jake kept referring to you as 'the girl under the bleachers' because that's where you confronted them that day, remember?"

  "How could I forget?"

  "He said that Havenwood was so mad at you… the girl under the bleachers… because you told him to 'go f… himself' and no 'chick' had ever said that to him before. He said that Bill told him that the next day he was going to find you and make you eat your words."

  "What did he mean by that?"

  Jenny shrugged her shoulders. "Jake didn't know. You never came back. Your parents shipped you off and that was that. That's why I didn't want you to start this again. I didn't want you getting hurt."

  "But, Jenny, I'm the one who's now making him eat his words, not the other way around."

  "But Chrissy, if Bill doesn't drink anymore, he's a changed man. He's not a kid; he's an adult now. Maybe you should stop all this revenge business?"

  "What are you saying?"

  "I'm saying, forgive him and if he really is sober and you like him and he likes you, then give him a chance. Maybe you could even grow to love him and…"

  "Jennifer Susanna Lewis, have you lost your mind?" Christina was shocked and angry at her friends' words. "You know how much I hate him! How could I ever love him?"

  Jenny clasped her friend's hands in hers and stared deeply into Christina's eyes. She wanted her friend to listen to every word she was about to say. "Chrissy, there's a bond between the two of you… call it karma… call it fate… call it whatever… but it's there. I want you to look in your heart and if you can say to yourself… honestly… ‘I don't like him, I could never love him and I want nothing to do with him'… then fine. But if you even have an inkling that you might have feelings for the bum…" Jenny gave a little laugh, "…then think about what you're doing. Is it worth it to possibly lose him by making him pay for something he did when he was a stupid, drunken kid? If you've got feelings for him, you've got to explore them because if you don't and you throw him away, you may have thrown away someone you could have loved and who could have loved you back. And in this cruel, lonely world, that's hard to find. Believe me, I'm still looking."

  Christina yanked her hands out of Jenny's. "I know what I'm doing, Jenny."

  Jenny studied her friend. She knew Chrissy had heard every word she'd just said but was being stubborn by refusing to admit her true feelings for Havenwood. She sighed. Sometimes, we really all did have to learn things the hard way.

  * * *

  It was after 1 a.m. when Christina finally left Jenny's apartment. Because it was so late and she didn't want to drive back to the mansion at that hour, she decided to sleep at her own apartment downstairs and go back to the Havenwood’s in the morning.

  She did call the house, though and left a message with one of the staff saying she was going to be staying in the city that night. All the staff, including William, had been so nice to her and she didn't want anyone to worry if she didn't show up that night.

  Christina now lay in her own bed and looked up at her ceiling. Her thoughts went back to what Jenny had said.

  Fall in love with Bill Havenwood? Ridiculous!

  But—she did have that physical attraction for him—she had to admit that. But that was just lust; nothing deeper. But love Bill Havenwood? Was there anything to even love about him?

  Well—he had stopped drinking. That was admirable. And he had given her Samson, the goldfish, so she could have a friend in the house. That was nice. And he'd stood up to his demanding father over her—when she'd fainted in William's office and when she'd overheard their argument later that night.

  And that day, when she'd fainted and been sick all over him, he'd seemed so worried about her, so caring—the way he'd picked her up in his arms and carried her to the car—God—she could still feel the butterflies in her stomach—the way his arms had felt around her—so protective, so strong—so hot.

  Damn Jenny! She was the one who had put these stupid thoughts in her head. Fall in love with Bill Havenwood and marry him for real? How insane was that! She'd have to change her name to Mrs. Bastard. Christina chuckled to herself. Mr. & Mrs. Bastard. Now that was funny.

  Anyway, tonight she was in her own bed and it felt wonderful. Her bed may have been lumpy and her apartment may have been dumpy but it was all hers—and it was home.

  Christina fell asleep and had one of the most restful nights she'd had since this entire mess started.

  * * *

  Bill was lying in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He'd just spent one of the worst nights he'd ever had and he hadn't slept a goddamn wink.

  All night long, he'd been thinking about her—with him, her boyfriend, whoever the creep was—in each other's arms, having sex—all goddamn night long. That's why she hadn't come home last night. That's why she'd called and said she was spending the night in the city.

  She was spending it with him!

  Bill seethed with jealousy. He didn't want anyone to touch her—anyone except him.

  Bill had come home after his AA meeting and had quickly gone looking for her. He always did. He just had to know where she was and what she was doing at all times. He was beginning to feel like a puppy dog always looking for its master—but he just couldn't help himself.

  Eudora had told him that Miss Christina wasn't in. And so, like the complete idiot he'd become over her, he waited up; and waited; and waited. It was after 1 a.m. in the morning, when one of the night staff had told him that she'd called and wasn't coming home that night. And that's when the images of her in someone else's arms started running through his brain.

  Where was she? Who was she with? And what the hell were they doing together?

  Yes—this had been one of the worst nights Bill had ever spent; and he hadn't slept a goddamn wink.

  Chapter 35

  That very same morning, Christina was in the BMW driving back to the mansion when her cell rang. It was Jenny calling from the Streetwise Magazine offices.

  "Chrissy, Brad ran Jake Monroe's name through the computer and found out what happened to him."

  Christina sighed, already knowing what her friend was going to say. "Let me guess, drunk driving?"

  Jenny sighed on the other end. "Yeah, about a year and a half ago. He was driving drunk and smashed into a tree."

  "Was Bill there too?" For a split second, Christina felt her stomach turn over with fear.

  "No, he was alone."

  Christina sighed with relief. But why should she be relieved that Bill hadn't been there—that he hadn't played a part in his friend's accident? She pushed the feeling away.

  * * *

  Christina was walking through the foyer towards the staircase when Bill came out of the salon. He'd been waiting for her to come home this morning—and he was roiling, fuming, mad. He
appraised her. She looked so beautiful, so rested, so relaxed. That made him madder.

  "Oh, Miss Christina?" He used Eudora's pet name for her.

  Christina turned and spotted Bill standing in the open salon doorway. What was he doing here? She'd thought he'd have left for the office by now, as he'd been doing all week.

  They stared at each other for a blink of a second.

  Bill smiled at her. "Can I see you for a moment, please?" His smile didn't reach his eyes.

  Christina was suddenly wary as she sensed tension emanating from him. She walked past him into the salon and he closed the door behind them.

  She turned to him. "I thought you'd left for the office by now."

  "Fuck the office! Where were you last night?" Bill shouted at her through gritted teeth. He was beyond the point of social niceties, having spent all morning thinking about her and her damned boyfriend—together.

  Christina was taken aback by the anger in his voice but cool as ever didn't show it. "Excuse me?"

  His steely eyes were trained on her. "You heard me."

  "What's this about?"

  "Answer me; where were you?"

  "I heard you the first time."

  "Then tell me."

  "I don't have to tell you anything. You're not my keeper."

  Christina started to walk past him to leave but he grabbed her arm and stopped her. He pulled her to him, their faces inches apart.

  "Did you sleep with him?" he angrily accused her.

  Maybe he should be handling things differently—and maybe he should be calming down—and maybe he should be acting rationally—but he'd spent one hell of a night and morning imagining all kinds of crazy things about her and it was all coming out now.

  When she remained silent, he asked her again, "Did you sleep with him?"

  Suddenly, Christina realized that Bill was insanely jealous of her 'phony' boyfriend and thought she'd spent last night with him. So that's what this was about.

  Anger shot through her system like wildfire. How dare he be angry with her when he'd been sleeping with that tramp, Stephie only days ago!

  "How dare you ask me that! You have no right."

  "That ring on your finger gives me a right." He still held her close and Christina began to feel the heat between them.

  "We both know what this ring means. It means nothing… which is exactly what you're entitled to know about my business," she shot back at him.

  His eyes bore into hers. "Let me spell out a few truths, Miss Christina. I want you; and you want me."

  The words were naked and raw, and hung between them like a knife. Neither had said those words out loud before but now that they'd been said, they couldn't be retracted—or denied. Christina wanted to deny them—she tried to deny them—but couldn't. She just stood there within inches of him, with her heart beating wildly in her throat.

  She gave him a half smile. "Spoiled, little, rich boys always want what they can't have." She was repeating Stephie's words.

  Bill gave her a sensual smile back as he bridged the inches between them even more by pulling her closer still and whispering in her ear, "I may be spoiled… and I may be rich… but I'm no boy."

  Christina felt his hot breath delicately fanning the inside of her ear—and instantly desire shot through her. Heat rose from her toes to the top of her head and she was on fire—for him.

  He continued to hold her close. "And I'm not little," he softly whispered. His words, so close to her ear, were wrapping themselves around her like a snake. She was speechless and she briefly shut her eyes for a second. It would feel so good to give into him right now—she wanted him that badly—and her revenge plan, be damned!

  Bill pulled back so that he could stare at her luscious lips. Some of the anger was beginning to leave him as he focused on them. He was so close—he could almost taste them.

  Sweet, soft, delicious—and they had been kissing someone else all night long—and who knows what else she'd been doing to him—with them—all night long. His anger returned and determination flared in his eyes.

  "Admit to me that you want me." He was going to get an admission out of her if they had to spend all day in this damn room.

  "I'm admitting nothing." She may have desperately wanted him but she still had some self-respect left and if she admitted it to him, it would be like betraying herself.

  He confidently smiled at her, "Then I'll kiss it out of you. Kisses don't lie."

  And with that, his lips swooped down on hers, ever so softly, ever so gently and it was Christina's undoing. If he'd taken her lips in anger, she could have pushed him away. But this gentleness from him was the key that unlocked her heart. Slowly, she began to respond to him.

  As he sensed her response, his lips grew harder, more demanding and deeper. He let go of her arm and his hands traveled slowly up to her breasts. She felt so good to him—and he wanted her like he'd never wanted anything in his life.

  And when he felt her hands snake up his chest and entangle themselves into his hair, he knew he had her. She was his. She may not love him—but she wanted him. He could taste it in her lips and in the way her body had locked into his. He could feel the tremors of desire shooting through her. And he could feel the heat they generated together.

  But he made a mistake.

  He got greedy.

  He just had to hear her say it. He needed to hear the words. He pulled back from her lips and stared into her luminous eyes. "Tell me you want me and not him."

  Christina felt like ice water had just been thrown in her face. What the hell was she doing? And how close had she come to giving him her body, her soul, her dignity, her everything? She needed to put a stop to this—now. She needed her righteous anger but where was it?

  She looked into his gorgeous, green eyes. "Is that how you kiss your slut?" she threw out. There it was—her righteous anger.

  Bill was taken aback, "What are you talking about?"

  "Answer me. Is that how you kiss… her?" Jealousy flared through Christina at the mere thought of Stephie.

  Bill shook his head in amazement. "Who?"

  Christina pulled out of his arms, putting space between them. "I know all about your girlfriend, so don't play dumb."

  "Girlfriend? There is no girlfriend."

  Christina ignored him. "You disgust me. You think you can go from her bed to mine and back again? Think again."

  Bill ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. This really was the most trying, difficult, impossible female he'd ever met in his life—and he loved her. Why did he have to pick this one to love? His eyes refocused on her angry face. "There is no girlfriend. There hasn't been anyone since before I met you."

  "And you expect me to believe that?"

  "Yes, I expect you to believe that because I'm telling you the truth. I swear it."

  Christina was suddenly unsure. He seemed so adamant, so convincing. Was he telling her the truth? But then that meant that Stephie had been lying—which was very possible. Big bitches like her were always good liars. But the other woman had known too many details about Christina and Bill's secret deal that only Bill could have told her. No—he was the one who was lying, not Stephie.

  "Go back to your rich-bitch lover, Mr. Havenwood and leave me alone."

  Christina walked to the closed door but quick as a flash, he was there before her, preventing her escape.

  He glared at her. "There is no one…except you; only you."

  Bill desperately wanted her to believe him. But he wasn't going to go all the way and tell her how deeply he felt for her. He couldn't bear it right now to have his love thrown back in his face too.

  Christina was back to being her cool and in-control self again. Not believing one lying word coming out of that hot, sensual, experienced mouth of his, she looked at him as if he was a used gum stuck under her shoe.

  "Move out of my way before I scream the place down."

  Bill paused, as he continued to devour her with his eyes. He had been
so close—and he'd blown it. He gave a small laugh at his own stupidity before opening the salon door for her and gallantly waving her out with his hand.

  As she passed him with head held high, he caught a whiff of her perfume—the one that had tattooed itself into his brain—and he felt his desire for her flare up again. What was he, a high school boy that a mere whiff of her could make him hard again?

  As he watched her well-shaped ass walk away from him, he shook his head at the mess he was in. He wanted her and he really had no chance, in hell, of getting her.

  * * *

  Furious, Christina stormed into her bedroom and slammed the door shut. How goddamn dare he? Accuse her of sleeping around, when he was guilty as sin! And then he'd made that pass at her, forcing his kisses and hands on her…

  But no—he hadn't really forced anything on her, had he?

  She could have refused him at any point during that encounter, but she hadn't. She had wanted more. In fact, when she was in his arms, she'd forgotten about everything—her revenge plan, her dignity, who he was, who she was. If he hadn't broken the spell by asking her to admit her desire for him, she would be, right now, in this very bed of hers, having sex with him—and loving every moment of it.

  Christina moaned out loud at her own stupidity. Thank God he had spoken up. Thank God she had come to her senses. And thank God she had walked away from him.

  Suddenly, Christina felt like she couldn't breathe. This was all too much for her and she needed to get out of here.

  Grabbing her purse, she headed for the door. She needed fresh air, sunshine and shopping. Retail therapy would make her forget about the mess she was in—with him.

  Chapter 36

  He felt like the biggest jackass on the planet.

  Bill was sitting at the Fido Foods boardroom table. His father had called an afternoon meeting and all of the executives were there. Everyone was listening to William's lecture on improving sales—except him. Bill's thoughts were on her. He'd been so jealous this morning that when she'd finally come home, he'd exploded.


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