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Eye of the Dragon (Vision of a Dreaming God) (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 3)

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by Diana Drakulich

  That uncanny humming in the cavern became louder, vibrating in Koba’s ears, setting his nerves on edge. The humming increased to a hollow malevolent whispering - Sh-hh ...Get out! GET OUT!

  Shadows moved along the walls. Taking form. Coming alive. He expected an attack at any moment. This place is ancient. Uncanny.

  Before his eyes the light-shimmering serpent statue with the human head was trembling, vibrating as if about to come alive. Koba’s very presence, his edgy vibrations seemed to be empowering a dark energy deep under the earth.

  One thing was clear, there were intelligent beings on Rastabahn and this cave was sacred to them. What the beings looked like, Koba was not sure, but they would have to be dealt with very carefully. Their full powers were still unknown to him.

  Time to get back. Roxanne and Jivan need me. Who am I kidding - I’m gettin the hell outta here.

  As he turned to leave he beheld at the far end of the cavern a circle of large animal skulls placed around the stone statue of a giant cave bear standing on its hind legs. Long foreclaws flexed, the bear snarled, displaying ruthless incisors. So they also worship the cave bear. Like the one I just killed…?

  Rapidly lessening light from the fissure overhead warned him that darkness was coming. He needed to get back. Roxane and Jivan are both helpless.

  Moving swiftly Koba retraced his way back down the cave passages. He found Roxanne where he had left her, white-faced, sleeping restlessly. Jivan was still unconscious, but his pulse and respiration were steady so Koba unhooked the plasma feed.

  A cacophony of shrill squeaking accompanied by a rushing blur of black wings erupted as the reptilian bats flew only a few feet overhead, headed out for a night’s feeding. Long prehensile tails slipped over Koba’s head and shoulders.

  “Dammit! Those bat things shit on me!” Koba brushed at a gooey glop his sleeve.

  “On purpose?” Roxanne murmured unable to resist teasing, even in her condition.

  “Definitely. I invaded their domain.” Koba said, anything to raise her spirits. “Is there anything on my head?” He bent down to show her the top of his head.

  She squinted through bleary eyes at the top of his glossy mahogany hair. “Ew. There’s a big blob right on top of your head. Any on me?”

  “No. You’re clear.”

  Disgusted, Koba walked down to the pool and thrust his whole head in the water. He decided wait before telling Roxanne about all that he had seen in the depths of the cavern.

  This cave with its seven pools must be sacred to the aliens here. God only knows what they look like. And if the aliens are hostile, I will have to hold them off alone.

  But where else can we go? This cave provides cover from the elements, freshwater and a food source. Jivan and Roxanne are in bad shape. I doubt Roxanne can even walk. That bear bite could turn septic.

  We need to stay here at least a few days to rest and recuperate. Pretty sure I wounded that dragon-snake, maybe mortally. It should stay away. I hope.

  His mind churning, Koba built a small fire. After heating some water he shook in a package of dried soup. When it was done he handed a cup to Roxanne.

  “Gah.” She refused to drink more than a few sips.

  “Have you ever eaten grilled bat?” He asked. “The bat flock here could use some culling.”

  Lips creased in a tight smile she shook her head. “No. You?”

  “Nope. But I’ll eat anything. Once.” Koba held out an energy bar. “Here.”

  “The fish in the pool look a lot more edible than those reptilian bats.” Teeth gritted, Roxanne shook her head in refusal at the hard tasteless energy bar.

  Her head whirling with heat, Roxanne’s arm throbbed with a deep dull pulse. The pain was getting more excruciating as the painkillers wore off.

  Sitting with his back against the cave entrance so that he had a strategic view down the trail, Koba ate his soup and energy bar dinner.

  “Pah.” He grimaced. “This stuff must be two years old.”

  “Make it ten. Amazing what preservatives can do.” Sorsha observed, attempting a smile.

  Pistol at his side, laser rifle propped in his lap, it was up to Koba to keep watch. All night. And he was totally exhausted. He managed to stay alert until a brilliant silver moon crested overhead in the night sky. Then his eyelids kept sinking, down, down, hung with dead weights.

  So tired...just a few minutes... and he dozed.

  A strange cackling cry, a roaring rush in the jungle made his eyes pop open. Damn - how long was I asleep?

  A piercing metallic scream. Then silence, except for the melody of water falling…falling down…down… So tired...

  Koba was not aware when a huge presence slid by him. A silent force of nature. Then it was gone, out into the jungle to hunt the night.

  Voices pierced Koba’s exhausted doze. Whispering Voices echoing, resounding off the stone cave walls. Gripping his pistol he leapt up poised to fire.

  The Voices morphed into a guttural chanting, but he could not understand their meaning. In time the Voices faded away. All was still. Then sleep invaded, conquered his brain. Carried him down... down. Back to that soft, deep dark place...finally he relaxed at last.

  A bird whistled. A warning? Sensing a change in the atmosphere, Koba opened bleary eyes. In the grey light of dawn he saw dark figures approaching, coming down the trail from the hills above the cave.

  Chapter 8

  The rising sun glinted off metallic points of light. As the figures came closer, Koba saw they were humanoids, male and female. The natives were armed with cold weapons: spears, swords, daggers, bow and arrows. So they have some technology.

  The humanoids’ eyes fell on the dead bear sprawled inside the cave mouth. They halted, gesticulating and talking.

  Koba noticed that some of the natives were carrying platters of fruit and fish. Offerings to the cave bear. Uh-oh.

  “Roxanne, Roxanne.” He whispered, gently shaking her good shoulder. “Wake up!”

  “What?” She groaned, eyes half-open.

  “We’ve got company and they don’t look happy.” He stuffed her laser pistol into her hand. “Keep your eyes open. Don’t shoot unless you have to.”

  One humanoid separated from the group. Palms up in the universal gesture of peace, but showing no signs of submission, he slowly approached the crew. Halting next to the dead bear, he stared at it in wonderment, studying the small bloody holes in its thick fur.

  “We killed their goddess. Maybe the natives will accept us as their new gods.” Koba murmured.

  Holding onto the pistol with shaking hands, Roxanne watched the blurry image of an extraordinarily tall, golden-skinned being approach. Spiraling tribal tattoos on his arms and shoulders made his lithe body appear to ripple like a wild being in the hazy dawn light.

  As he came closer, she was riveted by piercing eyes of golden amber set under slashing black brows. Nestled on the hominid’s sleek black head of hair was a wreath of green ferns interspersed with bright red flowers.

  The dawn light made the red highlights in his hair burn like black coals. Bare chested, he wore leggings of a geometrically patterned, form-fitting material and tall soft black boots.

  Speaking in a guttural tongue, the native tapped his chest and pointed to the group standing further down the trail.

  Roxane caught the word - `Drakon’, meaning the name of his tribe. The translator embedded in her ear identified his speech as an archaic form of Drakonic. A primitive lost tribe of Drakons?

  “Terran.” Koba pointed to himself. Then tapped his chest - “Koba.” He pointed to her - “Roxanne.” Then to the captain still unconscious on the stretcher - “Captain Jivan.”

  The Drakon tapped his breast - “Zoran.”

  “We came down from the sky on a great metal bird.” Koba made his hand into a flying bird then crashed it down toward the ground - “BOOM” and pointed toward the beach.

  The Drakon male nodded. Then as if sensing her pain, he turned t
o Roxanne. She almost could not bring herself to meet his piercing golden eyes. So intense. So compelling.

  The subliminal Voice slid into Koba’s mind - “You killed Great Mother - Shebear - WHY?”

  Koba glanced Roxanne in surprise. “Holy shit - These people are telepathic.”

  She nodded saying in low tones, “Drakons are a telepathic race.” So there can be no lies. Only the naked truth.

  “Maybe these `Drakons’ crash landed or settled here hundreds of years ago and regressed, losing lost touch with the home planet?” She suggested.

  Koba nodded. The last thing he wanted was to alienate these highly perceptive Drakons. At the same time they needed to know that HE, Koba, had superior weapons. Pointing at Roxanne’s injured arm, he made the growling sound of an attacking animal, then pointed his laser pistol at the dead bear - “Pow - Pow.”

  Confident that his weapons could take down anything the planet could throw at him, Koba wanted to establish himself in Drakon eyes as the dominant power on Rastabahn. Unless - there are even BIGGER, more dangerous animals here. Mama bear was probably one of the more benevolent predators on this planet.

  Hugely impressed, the Drakon tribesmen eyed Koba’s pistol with dawning awe, even a touch of fear. That such a small, innocuous weapon could kill a cave bear, an animal so immensely powerful, so full of life. Exactly the response Koba wanted.

  But Koba was also aware that the natives’ awe-fear response might not last long. Two of the Golden Door’s small crew were incapacitated, making them overmatched.

  They desperately needed allies. Koba preferred the Drakon to view him as a possible savior against the many predators who inhabited Rastabahn than as a potential threat.

  By now Koba’s Universal Translator chip was able to process their archaic form of Drakon. An expression of sadness flickered across Zoran’s face as the Drakon warrior spoke in his rasping voice -

  “Shebear was the Spirit of Blue River Cave. What happened to her cubs? Did you kill them too?” The air was fraught with tension as the tribesmen waited for his reply.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Koba shook his head - “No.” He made a scuttling motion with his fingers toward the forest. “The young ones ran away. They were half-grown, old enough to take care of themselves.”

  “Ah-hh…” Roxanne could not repress a groan as a shocking throb of pain shot up her arm. Her head rocked back against the stone wall.

  The tall warrior motioned to Koba, asking permission to approach her. Koba nodded and the Drakon knelt at her side.

  `Relax. Do not fear.’ He implanted a comforting sense of reassurance in her mind. At the same time the Drakon exhaled a relaxing cloud of invisible dopamine, the `bliss’ hormone.

  Taking her arm he gently unwrapped the bandage and gazed critically at the deep gashes. Eyes burning with tears, Roxanne looked up to see golden eyes like rays from a benevolent sun shining down on her.

  Zoran looked down into blue-green eyes like deep reflective pools. Mysterious. Shimmering. As their eyes met a shocking sense of recognition pulsed between them. Roxanne shuttered her gaze. Zoran also pulled back. The crackling intensity was too much.

  Can he sense my attraction to him? Roxanne shivered despite herself. I hope not.

  `I am aware of your desire for me. I take it is a compliment.’ A heavily accented Voice slid into her mind. The Drakon’s golden eagle eyes gleamed with perception. A smile slid across his sculpted lips.

  Roxanne’s mouth dropped open in surprised embarrassment.

  Chapter 9

  Zoran rose to speak with an older, bearded man of distinguished bearing. He introduced the elder - “This is my sire, Derveesh, Drakon War Leader.”

  Koba noted the chief wore a thick gold chain adorned by a ruby pendant that scintillated in the sun. In fact all the tribesmen wore gold jewelry embedded with brilliant gems. So...these `Drakon’ are primitive but rich. I wonder where they get so much gold?

  Instantly Koba’s cagy, calculating mind went to work churning out plots to relieve the Drakon of their surplus gold. I can see it in their eyes right now. These Drakon would give any amount of gold for my laser pistol.

  Zoran spoke to the chief in low guttural tones. The older man nodded.

  “Bite of cave bear is very toxic. We have a special plant to heal your wounds.” Zoran said, his eyes on Roxanne.

  “What do you think Roxanne? Do you want to try it?” Koba asked.

  “Yesss…” She hissed, releasing a low moan. “At this point... I’ll try anything.”

  “What happened to your chief?” Zoran hunkered on supple thighs to inspect Jivan.

  “The captain was hurt by pirates. They attacked our ship, forced us to crash land here.” Koba pulled back the captain’s shirt to show him the thick blood-stained bandage around the captain’s chest.

  “Your chief will also benefit from our plant medicine. Do you wish for us to treat him too?” Zoran asked.

  Koba nodded his permission. Chief Derveesh spoke to one of his warriors and the man took off, bounding down the trail.

  Don’t worry, help will soon come. That calming, reassuring Voice invaded Roxanne’s mind.

  Her arm and shoulder throbbing with pain, Roxanne gazed up into the Drakon’s captivating golden eyes. Eyes that seemed to beam rays of compassion. Laying his large callused hand lightly on her burning forehead, his cool, calm fingers seemed to draw out her feverish pain.

  Why is he being so kind? I am an invader who killed his divine Shebear.

  The warrior sent to get the medicinal plant soon returned with a pouch of green leaves. Zoran put a few leaves in his mouth and chewed them into a green spit poultice.

  He gazed into her eyes. She heard that subliminal Voice - `This will heal your wounds faster.’ She nodded acquiescence.

  He gently spread the slimy green muck over her wounds, then rewrapped her arm and shoulder. His very touch sent healing tingles up her arm. Her head dropped back and she sighed in pure relief.

  ‘It will heal in four, five days.’ Said in that rasping subliminal Voice.

  “That fast?” She smiled up at him, blue-green eyes shining with gratitude. “Thank you.”

  Zoran nodded, then applied the same treatment to Jivan.

  Was it the miraculous plant or the Drakon’s healing aura? Roxanne was sure of one thing - the pain was already receding. With her mind now clearing, she started thinking about the important things in life - Is HE married?

  The red flowers in my wreath declare that I am unmated. So I am fully available to... service you. That melted chocolate Voice invaded her mind.

  “Service me? Ohmahgawd you can hear my thoughts.” She whispered and dropped her eyes. Embarrassed.

  But she could not escape his heated, yet ethereal presence. Those sensual lips made for kissing. That golden skin so eminently... dare she even think it. Lickable.

  ‘Look at me.’ He lifted her chin with a single finger. His eyes had changed now. She saw the golden eyes of a languorous lion, lazing in sunlight. Eerily still. Except for that tasseled tail flicking... flicking... back and forth.

  His beast aroused, Zoran’s gaze trailed over the female’s full rosy pink lips. He knew where he wanted those lips. He perused her long legs, her smooth curvaceous body. Perfect. For this the Great Force had brought him to Shebear Cave.

  His beast began to pace. I want her. Need her.

  The Drakon’s glittering golden amber eyes drew Roxanne into his invisible net. He bent closer. She inhaled his fragrant musky scent, teeming with endorphins.

  Her mind fogged with lust - Touch me... Please.

  His lips brushed hers in a light but carnal kiss. She thrilled down to her toes, her senses melting, soaring, coming alive.

  The Drakon male had done exactly as Roxanne wanted, yet she was confused at his bold brazen move. “You kissed me in front of everyone, yet I barely know you.” She whispered.

  I simply did as you requested. Is kissing frowned on by your people? Zoran sent her the su
bliminal message. If so I will not kiss you again.

  From the little smirk playing across his face, she knew the Drakon was playing with her. Oh god I can’t hide anything from him. But - that could be a good thing. A chance to be brutally, rapturously honest for a change.

  Roxanne gazed up into Zoran’s golden raptor eyes. That one kiss rocketed me into the stratosphere. I can’t wait to kiss you again. She shot him a simmering glance through her lashes.

  As you wish. Zoran lifted a black brow. Just remember, here you play by my rules. Then he turned and walked over to speak with the chief.

  Her eyes could not help but focus on his fine ass as he sauntered away. But I don’t know you or your rules. She thought.

  You will learn. She heard his response.

  A thrill ran through Roxanne’s body. Well Game On.

  We have only just begun. Zoran’s accented subliminal Voice responded even though he was not looking at her.

  Confused, injured, exhausted, yet turned on, Roxanne’s heart leapt. Crash landing on Rastabahn might not be so bad after all. That Drakon is an eyeful. Even just one night with him in this strange world would be one helluva a night to remember.

  Chapter 10

  Koba noted the kiss Zoran gave Roxanne. Well that didn’t take long.

  From Zoran’s concern over Roxanne’s injury, Koba had guessed the Drakon male was attracted to her. The kiss confirmed it.

  Their mutual attraction could be a good thing. Koba decided. A very good thing. Survival was paramount. The outnumbered, injured crew of the Golden Door desperately needed allies on this wild primeval planet.

  Before leaving, the Drakon set to work skinning the bear and cutting up the meat. They took everything but the bones, which were carried out into the jungle and left for scavengers.

  “The bear was your kill, so we will cook the meat and bring you some tomorrow.” Chief Derveesh assured Koba.

  That night as Roxanne tossed and turned restlessly, a seductive, raspy male Voice invaded her dreams, whispering - ‘Roxanne...come here Roxanne…’ S


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