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Eye of the Dragon (Vision of a Dreaming God) (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 3)

Page 4

by Diana Drakulich

  Long strong arms enclosed her, warm lips kissed hers. She opened to suck a thick juicy tongue loaded with dopamine. The pain and confusion disappeared. She floated in a sea of bliss, feeling safe and watched over.

  The next day when Lord Sun had mounted his throne high overhead, two nubile, smiling girls came down the trail. They each bore a large platter of broiled meat, surrounded by greens and colorful, juicy fruit.

  The girls were accompanied by a youth who looked about 15 but was already over six feet with a broad muscled chest and shoulders. The boy carried an 12 foot spear armed with a foot long serrated iron blade. A sword was sheathed at his waist.

  Bare-chested, he wore the usual geometrically patterned leggings with knee high soft boots. The girls wore simple X bandeaus across their breasts, long flowered skirts and leather shoes. Their gleaming black hair was crowned by red-flower wreaths, denoting their status as unmarried.

  “I am Mira, Zoran’s sister.” One of the girls introduced herself, a smile in her liquid amber eyes. “This is my friend Geena and my cousin, Balian.” She waved toward the other youths.

  The three young people seemed enthused at the opportunity to break away from the daily routine and check out the strangers who came down from the sky.

  “I hope you are hungry. Please, let us serve you.” Mira waved at Koba to be seated.

  He sat down cross-legged, his back against the cave wall. Roxanne was already seated. Her injury already feeling much better. Jivan was in and out of consciousness. At that moment he was sleeping.

  Geena sank to her knees to serve Roxanne. Mira knelt next to Koba.

  “For you my Lord Koba Who Came Down From the Sky.”

  `Lord Koba’ huh. I could get used to this. He couldn’t help but notice Mira’s lush enticing breasts under her colorful bandeau. Hmmm, those big nipples need sucking.

  Stop lusting over her - She’s the chief’s daughter! Koba mentally slapped himself.

  The aroma of broiled, seasoned red meat, after so long on prepared rations was mouth-watering. But Koba was not looking at the food. His salacious gaze was fixed on Mira’s plush pink lips as she knelt close to serve him. Her knees barely brushed his thighs but he felt electricity arc between them.

  Mira shot him a beguiling sideways smile that said she knew exactly how she was affecting him. She sat back a little so that he had to take the platter from her. Their hands brushed.

  A thrill shot down Koba’s spine, firing his loins. Is she flirting with me? She is!

  And his ever present libido did a double flip to the fore.

  Down boy. He mentally slapped himself again. Mira is verboten. The last thing I need is the whole tribe down on my neck for an accidental pregnancy. I could be stuck here forever.

  That was sufficient disincentive. Koba’s rank beast shrank to that of a polite guest. Where it damn well belonged.

  As if she heard his thoughts, Mira pursed soft lips. Gazed into Koba’s eyes with her sparkling golden eyes.

  And voila’ - Koba saw himself holding her, squeezing her in his arms, cupping a breast, pinching, sucking a big soft nipple. His cock hardened...Oh yeah baby I know what you like.

  Then another picture appeared in his mind. He saw Mira’s belly growing big, swelling with child. At that point he revolted in horror - No-oo!

  Averting his eyes from the girl, Koba swallowed thickly. Is THAT her plan to hold me here?

  “Thank you Mira.” He choked out, at the same time inhaling a dizzying whiff of her fertile, estrogen-laced pheromones laced with sense-spinning dopamine.

  Watching the two closely, Roxanne chuckled to herself. Could it be our resident manwhore has met his match?!

  During the long space flight Roxanne had researched both Drakons and Arkons. Originally from the same planet, Drakonis, the two tribes were closely related. Both used subliminal thought implantation, including telepathy and mind-bending endorphins to influence their victims.

  However Koba was relatively unaware of Mira’s full powers. He caught an echo of melodic laughter as Mira moved away. And he was caught. I want Her.

  He couldn’t wait to touch her. Taste her. Inhale her essence. Play with her.

  But - is Mira looking at me as a potential mate?! I can’t spend the rest of my life in this seeping swamp! Please God, help me withstand her charms.

  Watching Koba’s expression Roxanne almost laughed out loud.

  In thanks for the food, he gave each of the youths an energy bar. Mira sniffed it suspiciously.

  “Go ahead. Try it.” Koba encouraged, tongue in cheek.

  After taking a single hesitant nibble, Mira made a disgusted face and spit it out into the fire hearth. Roxanne and Koba burst into laughter.

  “My sentiments exactly.” Koba said. Reaching into his backpack he felt around. With a mischievous grin he pulled out a chocolate bar. “Ah-hah here it is - How about this?”

  Breaking the bar into three pieces he handed one to each of them. The young people sniffed, then nibbled. And savored. Big smiles broke out as they all nodded.

  “Chocolate. Works every time.” Koba grinned.

  Chapter 11

  The pulse, the primal rhythm, the fertility of life on Rastabahn seduced the senses. Roxanne was rapidly improving. The gashes from the bear attack had almost closed over and there was no infection. As her health improved her sex drive also ramped up.

  Where are you Zoran? I wish you would come to me. She called out mentally for the 20th time that day.

  That night as Roxanne tossed and turned, the Drakon’s dark, erotic presence haunted her dreams. Long nubile fingers stroked her brow. How can a hand be both cool and warm at the same time? Her lucid mind wondered in its sleep.

  But this hand was. It drew out her remaining fever. Soothed her with reassuring calmness. At the same time it channeled vital energy into her system.

  Infinitely soft succulent lips pressed against hers. She opened her mouth welcoming a long thick tongue. Sucked avidly. A spark ignited, deep within her core.

  Aye Beauty... you are much improved. I will come to you soon...soon… A Voice whispered in her ear.

  That Voice that resounded in her head the next morning and she knew - Zoran is coming for me.

  The next day at noon one of Balian’s friends came along, all four of them bringing food. Koba had run out of chocolate bars, but the young people were fascinated with everything the strangers had. Roxanne gave each of them a small gift to show their appreciation.

  The gifts were prizes far more valuable to the Drakon than the food they brought. A t shirt, fingernail scissors, a small flashlight. Roxanne knew these gifts would be treasured as symbols of the great Mechanized Unknown. But she and Koba were careful to keep their weapons hidden out of sight.

  On the following day she heard Koba breathe - “Holy shit what do we do now….?”

  Roxanne peered up to see a veritable herd of smiling, laughing children and young people coming down the trail. Many carried food. So much food.

  “Well it didn’t take long for word to get around. But I don’t have anything left to give them.” Roxanne said.

  The boys and girls appeared to range in age from 6 to 16. Most of the older ones were armed, be it with daggers, spears, swords, or bow and arrows. Clearly it was not safe to go around Rastabahn unarmed.

  Each young person came up and solemnly laid down a food offering before them, saying: “For the Lords Who Came Down from the Sky.” Then bowed and sat back respectfully.

  “What do we do now Koba?” Roxanne was at her wit’s end. “They brought so much food. We have nothing to give in exchange.”

  Her eyes trailed over the colorful fruits, seasoned vegetables and fish. She looked over at Jivan who was conscious now and propped against the cave wall. “Any ideas Captain?”

  Smiling Jivan shrugged. “Have a feast.”

  Roxanne turned to Mira. “The food looks wonderful, but we don’t have anything to give you in return.”

  “Tell us a story then.�
�� Mira suggested diplomatically. “We want to know what happened to your great flying bird? Then we can all eat together.”

  Looking around at her audience Roxanne was impressed with how serious, how attentive the youngsters were. But there was also something eerily compelling in their gazes. She could hear their subliminal Voices -

  Show us your weapons. We need them for protection. We have many enemies...

  “Koba tell them what happened. How we got here.”

  Ever the extrovert, Koba acted out how their `great flying bird’ was sneak-attacked by another metal bird. How they crashed, then blew up the ship because if the crew couldn’t have it, then no one could. This seemed to resonate with the Drakons.

  Listening with rapt attention, the youngsters obligingly oohed and aahed, laughing at the funny parts. Koba knew this story would be told and retold back at the village.

  In fact he guessed most of the children had been sent by their parents, hoping to get in on what now amounted to a giveaway program of manufactured items from across the galaxy. Plus any juicy gossip.

  As they sat feasting together, Balian asked, “Koba do you want to go hunting?”

  “Where to?” Koba asked.

  “Up in the highlands. Big maladit up there.” Balian pointed vaguely.

  Maladit? Koba guessed what this was really about. The Drakon want to see how our weapons work.

  Of course they were curious. It was a matter of survival. The Drakon were predators but clearly there was dangerous competition at the top of the food chain.

  Under the guise of taking Koba on an innocent hunting trip, the boys would carefully observe how he fired his weapon. The next step would be relieving him of his weapons at some point - one way or the other.

  However Koba was restless. Now that Roxanne and Jivan were improving, he craved action. He wanted to explore this strange primeval planet. And this hunting trip into the highlands would provide a site to place an emergency beacon to signal passing ships.

  “Okay, sounds good. When do we go? Koba asked.

  “Soon. One, two sun rotations.” Ballian replied enigmatically.

  Still Koba felt a dash of uneasiness over leaving Roxanne and Jivan. But Jivan was sitting up now and could hold a gun. Oh hell, they had to trust the natives some time. If these people planned to attack they would have done so when Jivan and Roxanne were too injured to resist and Koba was alone.

  “The Drakon are no fools.” He said to the other crew members after the young people had gone. “They want our `lightning weapons’. But if I go on that hunting trip with Balian I can set up a distress beacon. It’s our only chance of rescue.”

  “I like these people.” Jivan responded. They are generous and seem honorable. Maybe we should just give them our weapons when we leave here. That would be fair after all they have done for us.”

  `When we leave’ - three words that made Roxanne’s heart constrict. I don’t want to go. Not yet.

  She gazed down at the seven pools below the cave. This is the most romantic spot I have ever been...and there is one unforgettable someone I want to share it with before I go.

  A lithe golden-skinned figure strode across the back of her mind…

  Chapter 12

  ‘Roxanne... Come here Roxanne...’ The throaty, subliminal Voice of her dreams called to her. Roxanne opened her eyes to moonstruck darkness.

  Standing at the cave entrance Roxanne looked down on the seven magical pools with their cascading waterfalls. A blue moon cast silver rays on a tall figure standing by the edge of the large pool next to the cave mouth.

  Come here Roxanne. That hypnotic, rich velvet Voice called.

  Wearing only shorts and a tshirt she went to him, moving like a spirit through shafts of moonlight. Found herself staring up into eyes that were dark glimmering pools of pure desire. On his head was a wreath of green ferns interspersed with red flowers. A prince of the forest.

  His broad chest and shoulders shone silvery gold in the moonlight. He wore only shorts. Her fingers itched to slide them down over lean hips.

  She reached out, her fingers trailing down over chest and abs to a tapered waist. Electricity arced between them. She leaned over to kiss and lick the tempting skin over his heart.

  “Aye…Beauty, my heart beats for you.” He sighed with pleasure, his warm palm massaging the back of her head and neck.

  Warm melting lips brushed hers. She opened to receive his hot wet thick tongue. It was a kiss that made the world disappear. Zoran pulled back, stared into her eyes. Desire torching his gaze.

  “Zoran…” His name like a prayer on her lips.

  “Come.” He took her hand and led her to a ledge by the pool.

  Positioning himself on the opposite side to her injured arm, Zoran wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. Resting her head on his broad warm shoulder she released a deep sigh. Already being with him felt so easy. So natural.

  Overhead a swathe of stars roamed the sky. Animal calls echoed through the dark forest surrounding them. Insects chittered and whirred. The sound of the waterfalls was constant, soothing, mesmerizing. A light breeze wafted fragrant scents.

  “Look.” The Drakon male pointed at the dark reflective waters.

  A large black head was sliding through the water. At first glance Roxanne thought it was a water mammal. Then she saw that the head was attached to a long, thick sinuous body.


  And not just any snake. This snake was huge.

  Instinctively Roxanne flinched, grasping Zoran’s waist with both arms. Another dark head appeared. The two heads met, long necks wrapping around each other. Bodies rolling, twining languidly in the water.

  There is something about a wild snake, especially big ones, that makes every human survival instinct come alive. The world stops and the mind focuses. Completely.

  Roxanne repressed the urge to streak back to the safety of the cave. She remained only because Zoran was so calm.

  “Are the snakes fighting?” She whispered.

  “Mating. The male is tickling her.” His rich resonant voice mesmerizing. Calming yet infinitely sensuous. Redolent of one eternal night of velvet skin sliding over silky skin. Hot as sin.

  “Tickling her?”

  “Aye. he has a little tickler, like a claw that he uses to stimulate her sex. Like this.” Zoran’s warm callused fingers slid up Roxanne’s sensitive inner thigh. Trailed over her pulsating woman’s mound.

  The Drakon pointed to the blue moon shining down. “The Goddess beams her silver glory. The mating rapture is upon us.” His voice reached deep inside her. Intoxicating. Captivating.

  “Yes it is ... mystical out here.” She agreed.

  Zoran’s long nubile fingers caressed her thigh, slid slowly over her pussy, rubbing sensuously, creating throbbing heat. Lips tickling her ear, he growled. Raw. Fierce. Roxanne moaned, clenching her thighs around his hand.

  “My Beauty…” His full, firm lips pressed against her lips in a soft questing kiss.

  `MY Beauty’. Hmmm I like the sound of that. Roxanne opened her lips to the Drakon male, inhaling his intoxicating pheromones.

  His fingers rhythmically tickling of her clit as the kissed. Lost in the pleasure, she released a low moan, relaxing in his arms.

  The fingers of his other hand sank into her hair. Twisted almost to the point of pain. Almost. She sucked his tongue as if she couldn’t get enough. Loving his taste. Absorbing the bliss-inducing dopamine in his saliva.

  And then Zoran took over her world. Became her reason for being. She forgot the snakes. Everything but Him.

  “Come, we will swim in the sacred Blue Pool.” His white smile echoed across her vision. “This water has healing powers. It will be good for your arm.”

  And before she realized it he was pulling her toward the edge of the pool.

  “Zoran wait! What about the snakes?” She choked out, shrinking back. “No. No way. I am not swimming with those snakes. Absolutely not.”

ey won’t hurt us. This night is for passion. The pythons are focused on mating.” Sculpted lips curved in a mischievous smile, the Drakon male half-dragged her to stand at the very edge of the pool.

  She looked in to see the pythons writhing, twining. Their long, muscular, diamond-patterned coils squirming in the moon-kissed dark waters. The pythons looked to be at least 30 feet long.

  There was an elegant, hypnotic quality to the snakes’ courtship. Their mating movements so sinuous. Mindlessly timeless…

  “Observe Roxanne - how the serpents coil. How their bodies naturally spiral upwards. The spiral is the natural movement of Life. Plants, trees, flowers, all spiraling upward. All reaching toward the Light.” The resonant rasp of his voice holding her spellbound.

  “My God you are serious about swimming with those snakes.” She hissed. “Please Zoran - NO.” Roxanne tried to pull away, but he held on to her wrist.

  “Be not afraid Roxanne.” The Drakon’s white smile of sensual promise glimmered in the moonlight. “You and I, we will twine and grind on each other like the pythons. Hmmm?” His warm breath hummed into her ear.

  “I am not getting in the water with those snakes.” Roxanne tried to make her nervous, shaky voice sound firm and determined.

  Though terrified at the prospect of swimming with snakes, a nervous hilarity welled up from some primitive place deep within her psyche. She found herself repressing hysterical laughter. This is crazy!

  The Drakon’s grip on her wrist was unbreakable. “There is nothing to fear. I will protect you. The mating lust of the great snakes is magic. Swim with them in the sacred pool. Absorb their energy through the water.”

  Palming her cheeks he kissed her, his warm wet tongue tracing the seam of her lips. She opened her mouth and drank him in. His fragrant male musk acting as an energizing opiate, setting her desire on fire, at the same time relaxing, calming her nerves.

  The sight of the mating serpents fired a mental image in her of mating with the Drakon in the mystical blue waters. Arms and legs entwined, tongues sucking.


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