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Eye of the Dragon (Vision of a Dreaming God) (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 3)

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by Diana Drakulich

  A wild, exhilarating fever shot through her veins. She wanted to hold Zoran’s hand and run all night under the moonlight. But not this...No definitely not.

  “So this is your idea of a good time on Rastabahn? Diving into a pool of snakes?” She asked, eyes wide.

  Chapter 13

  “When the moon and the woman and the mood is right, yes.” He palmed her cheek. “Why hold back? Life is for living.”

  Gazing into the Drakon warrior’s intense, compelling eyes Roxanne pulled herself together. Found the strength to deny him -

  “Zoran you don’t understand. My whole life has been wild and free. Flying rogue freighters, dodging space pirates. That’s what got me into trouble in the first place.”

  “Are you `in trouble’ here? Maybe this is where you are meant to be. I think the Goddess brought you here to me. Have you ever seen a world like Rastabahn?” He waved a hand.

  Her eyes dropped. My denial is insulting his world, hurting him. Ruining the mood.

  She shook her head, softening her voice. “Truly, Rastabahn is the most beautiful world I have ever seen. But I’m not ready to swim with giant snakes yet. This is your world Zoran. Go ahead, swim with the pythons. Show me how it’s done.”

  Without another word the Drakon dove gracefully into the dark waters. Alerted by the splash, the snakes’ v-shaped heads shot up. Powerful sinuous bodies undulating the water, the giant serpents watched and waited. The sight made Roxanne’s skin crawl.

  I guess these pythons are not all THAT absorbed in `mating play’. Thank God I didn’t go in with him. She felt a sharp stab of guilt. God – Please don’t let anything bad happen to Zoran.

  Moments ticked by…but his head did not break the surface. Anxiety impaled Roxanne’s heart - Maybe he hit his head on a rock. He might be unconscious, lying on the bottom of the pool. Should I dive in after him?!

  She stood poised at the water’s edge trying to get up the nerve to dive in after him. But how will I find him in the dark water? I can wait here while he drowns, or dive into a pool of giant pythons. I hate snakes!

  “Zoran?!” She hissed trying not to antagonize the snakes.

  A dark head popped up in the water. Shook its black mane. Even white teeth shone in her direction.

  Oh thank God. Roxanne gasped with relief. I don’t have to dive into a pool of giant pythons to save his crazy ass.

  Caught between abject horror and fascination, she watched as the Drakon swam behind one of the huge coiling snakes and caught hold of its languidly squirming tail. The serpent immediately dove, leaving Zoran on the surface still holding the writhing tail.

  Is Zoran - smiling? He is. Please Zoran don’t tempt the powers that be - Let go his tail! She urged silently.

  With a menacing hiss the huge serpent exploded up through the water, its head towering over Zoran. Roxanne screamed. The python’s black eyes glared down at the Drakon, daring him. Impaling him with malevolent fury.

  The Drakon remained still, staring up into the python’s ferocious eyes. Glinting black eyes that swallowed up the night.

  The snake was a heartbeat away from launching a strike. If it did those mighty coils would instantly wrap around Zoran’s body. Nothing and no one would ever get it off until it was too late.

  I hope Zoran’s telepathic abilities work on reptiles! Roxanne prayed silently.

  Watching the eye contact between serpent and man, it seemed the Drakon was sending the huge python a subliminal calming message. Slowly the reptile sank down and went back to courting and coiling around its mate.

  But Zoran refused to leave well enough alone. He swam over and grabbed the snake’s thick tail again. With an explosive hiss the huge python turned on him in the blink of an eye. Then stopped in midair, open mouth gaping rows of silvery sharp teeth.

  “Zoran, please!” Hand over her pounding heart, Roxanne called out. Terrified. “What are you doing?! Please - leave it alone!”

  Releasing the python’s powerful tail, the Drakon swam effortlessly to the pool’s edge.

  Gasping with relief, Roxanne waited. Why take such risk?! Life on this world is far too precarious to flirt with death like that.

  Or maybe that’s why Zoran does it, he loves the adrenaline rush. It had practically given her a heart attack just watching.

  Placing both hands flat on the pool edge, the Drakon pulled his supple body out of the water in one sinuous motion. He stood before her, naked and dripping. Beautifully proportioned, his broad shoulders tapered to hips narrowing down to that muscular, mouthwatering `V’.

  Her eyes fell to that perfectly formed package outlined by his wet shorts …Hmmm...succulent.

  The energy, the magnetism, the momentum the Drakon male exuded made her breathless. His body, his muscles fairly rippled as he strode toward her, his body moving with a mystical serpentine aura.

  “Come here.” He commanded, his smile white as the moon sailing across the sky.

  She rose from the ledge and melted into Zoran’s open arms. So easy. So natural.

  She felt his big heart beating under smooth dripping skin. Heard the laughter in his mind. His pure exhilaration was infectious.

  Wrapping a hand in her hair he twisted just to the point of pain, pulled her head back for a deep carnal kiss. Those nubile fingers slip up her waist to massaged her breasts and squeeze her nipples.

  The crackle of awareness heated up as he palmed her ass, grinding his bulge against her core. She reached between them to lightly massage his erection under his wet shorts.

  The Drakon groaned his lust. Then with a final kiss he pulled reluctantly away.

  “I know what you want Roxanne. I want it too. But slowly. I want to savor every moment. To join with a woman is a sacred act for us. A child could be born. We don’t take it lightly.”

  “Don’t worry about me getting pregnant. I’m on birth control.”

  A look of disappointment crossed the Drakon’s face. “So you sterilized yourself.” It was not a question. “On Rastabahn we worship fertility. Without it the Drakon would disappear forever. You are not and will never be just a one night fling for me Roxanne.”

  “I am not sterile Zoran. It’s only a temporary measure.”

  “Ah...So you can play freely with many men? Then turn away when you become bored?”

  “No, I’m not like that. It’s just that with my job, always traveling. I get lonely, you know?”

  “I understand Roxanne. You have needs. I get lonely too. But I guard my heart. As you must guard yours.”

  He gave her a final tender kiss. Then turned and strode off into the night, leaving Roxanne standing there, frustrated and confused. I thought these primitive Drakons were all about walking on the wild side?

  Roxanne, you have much to learn. That melted chocolate subliminal Voice echoed in her mind.

  Later she thought about his words - Why would Zoran be against me being on birth controI? He should be glad. Unless - He wants to have children with me? Keep me here on Rastabahn as his - Sex Slave? Mate? Wife?

  Would I want to stay here if he did? I don’t think so. Inwardly she recoiled.

  God this place swarms with dangerous animals. But maybe I’m reading too deeply into Zoran’s intentions. Maybe our romance will turn out to be just an idle flirtation. At any rate I intend to make the most of it.

  Chapter 14

  Another glorious day dawned on Rastabahn. Clear, sunny blue skies. The musical sound of the waterfalls, the melodic bird calls, the tranquility of the primeval planet cast their magic. Normally a rough roustabout, Koba felt himself falling under its spell.

  For the first time in his life the ever-present metallic roar of The Machine was silenced. No more the constant, intense undertow of mechanized civilized existence. The peace was stunning, almost oppressive, like suddenly being put under a glass jar.

  The increased oxygen in the atmosphere and the lower gravity had him brimming with energy. He wanted to run wild for the pure joy of being alive. At the same time Koba�
�s fertile libido had also raised its needy head.

  Mira was ripe for seduction and Koba was red hot and ready to roll. She wants me.

  But there was one minor problem. Mira was forbidden fruit. Koba knew her brother Zoran and Chief Derveesh would make him marry her at the point of a sword if he acted on his foolish desire for her - and got Mira pregnant. God forbid!

  It just so happened that Koba was swimming naked in the pool next to the cave when Mira and her friends arrived bearing the midday meal. These delectable catered lunches were becoming a habit with the Drakon.

  “Watch out Lord Koba,” Mira said, eyes wide. “Snakes swim in that pool. Big ones.”

  “Huh?” Koba’s mouth dropped open.

  “She’s right Koba, I saw two pythons in that pool last night.” Roxanne called out. “Sorry I didn’t tell you before. I didn’t notice you were swimming.”

  Oh now they tell me. Suddenly feeling insecure, Koba scanned the water lapping around him.

  But it’s difficult to see what might be slithering along the bottom when you’re in the water. With it. One thing he did know - Rastabahn was alive with reptiles.

  Suddenly Mira’s usually benign expression turned to a mask of horror. “Koba - Watch out! A big snake is coming after you!” She waved frantically. “Get out of the water!”

  “Where is it?!” Koba’s head swiveled around like a periscope.

  “There - coming along the bottom!” She pointed. “It’s huge. Hurry Koba!”

  Feet kicking like thunder, arms flailing like a hurricane, Koba swam for his life. Upon reaching the pool edge he virtually shot out of the water as if a great hand had picked him up.

  Thrilled to have eluded death, he gazed around to see the Drakons grinning and laughing.

  “You should have seen your face! Oh my brave Lord Who Came Down From the Sky.” Tears of laughter were running down Mira’s face.

  “You little liar – You almost gave me a heart attack. Now you’re going to get it!” Koba lunged at her.

  Uttering a piercing scream, Mira darted away. But not quickly enough. Koba grabbed her around the waist and threw them both into the pool.

  As they sank below the surface, Koba took the chance to kiss her soft pouting lips. Bubbles streamed up as she opened her mouth and their tongues entwined.

  A thrill slithered through Koba’s veins. His manhood stiffened. Their bodies twisting together, undulating like mating serpents.

  When they emerged from the pool smiling, Koba naked and completely at ease in his own skin, he caught Roxanne’s glare - Don’t even think about it you - Manslut!

  Hey – his narrowed gaze shot back to Roxanne – Who are you trying to kid? You’ve been trying to get your claws into Zoran from Day 1.

  Mira made no bones about her open appreciation of Koba’s body as the sun played over his rippling muscles. Her eyes dropped to his crotch, eyeing his thick manhood and heavy balls.

  All the better to screw you with my dear…

  Later that afternoon a set of broad bare shoulders marked with rippling tribal tattoos darkened the cave entrance. Roxanne looked over to see Zoran standing there in all his male glory.

  A bait net was draped over his shoulder and he held a short stick with a thick wrapping of line around it. Propped over his other shoulder was the long spear the Drakon habitually carried. A sword, dagger, short wooden cudgel and pouch hung from the belt around his lithe hips.

  “I’m going fishing. Want to come?” His salacious smile hinted at more than fishing.

  Oh yeah! Her hungry eyes devoured him. Let the dance begin.

  Zoran’s golden eyes returned her gaze, beaming a beguiling `come get me’ message.

  “Where are you going fishing?”

  Actually where they fished or even if they caught a single fish was irrelevant to Roxanne. Here was a chance to be alone with Zoran. Anything to spend more time with him before this idyll came to an end.

  Being around the Drakon had become addictive, like air. He radiated zest for life. Everything, even mundane activities was an adventure where Zoran was involved.

  “Off the beach.” He answered, pointing his chin down the White Road.

  Roxanne had considered fishing the pools below the cave. But she had no gear. Fishing was not a priority in space. Fishing with Zoran would serve dual purposes - survival and getting her hands on Him again. Win – Win.

  “Okay, sure.”

  Despite her enthusiasm, Roxanne didn’t forget to strap on her laser pistol. Just in case. Then she swept toward him, hips swaying.

  They walked down the White Road together until Roxanne smelled sea salt and heard the low relaxing roar of lapping waves.

  “The fish feed with the changing of the tides. Right now the tide is coming in.” Zoran pointed at the frothy waves spreading up the beach.

  The visual impact of rolling blue-green crystal clear sea, blue sky and flying white clouds was like a beautiful, deceptive mirage. An all too fleeting moment.

  “Any dangerous animals out here?” Roxanne gazed around suspiciously.

  “A few. Keep your eyes open.” Zoran’s lips curved in a slow sexy smile, those golden raptor eyes promising wicked delights.

  “Dangerous animals like you, Mr. Plays With Pythons?”

  “Right. So don’t let your guard down... Hmmh?” He hummed, a warm hand palming her cheek.

  Looking up into his simmering golden eyes, her mind began to spin, lost in a haze of desire. Her hidden sex goddess aroused and ready to play.

  “Oh you bet. I’m always on the alert for... dangerous animals.” Fighting to keep her head on straight. “As long as there’s no snakes.” She added.

  “You don’t like the way those big snakes coil around your body and sque-eeze?” Wrapping long muscular arms around her waist, he drawing her hips into his for a good grind, then gave her ass a resounding slap. Ah!

  “So - You don’t like it when a big snake licks your sweet flesh with his long, forked black tongue, hmmmh?” He hummed, dragging his tongue up her throat.

  Teeth lightly pinching her earlobe he whispered - “How will you survive on Rastabahn if you can’t deal with a big hungry snake?” Then bit down, his hot breath flooding her ear.

  “Ah!” Roxanne winced and jerked back, but only a little. “Hey - I’m not worried. I’ve got the biggest baddest reptile in the swamp to protect me. Right?” She kissed and nipped his nipples, sending blood pulsing to his cock.

  He growled his affirmation. The air around them sizzling, thick with lust and longing.

  Chatting and teasing each other like that, they walked down the beach a ways until Zoran stopped at some large boulders close to the waterline. After laying his spear and fishing line against a boulder, he took off his boots and rolled up his leggings. Then he took the circular bait net off his shoulder and shook it out.

  They waded through ankle deep water until he spotted a school of silver fingerlings. With a graceful twist of his arm, Zoran threw the bait net. It settled over those fish not quick enough to dart away.

  Pulling a hide pouch off his belt, he filled it with sea water. Roxanne helped him catch the small flapping fish trapped under the net and drop them into the pouch. He used one of the fish for bait, hooking it through the mouth. There was a metal sinker above the hook for added weight.

  Back at the boulders. Zoran waded out into shallow and began twirling the line overhead. Faster and faster the weighted line swooped overhead until it was a whizzing blur. Then he let go. The baited hook flew some 75 yards out and plopped into the sea.

  They sat in the shadow of a boulder out of the hot, direct sun. She could not resist placing a suggestive hand on his hard thigh. His simmering golden eyes gave her that look. The look that said he knew she was deliberately taunting him. Setting his inner beast on fire.

  Chapter 15

  It was only minutes before the line went taut and Zoran hauled in a fine big fish. He re-baited the hook and threw it out again. This time he handed Roxanne th
e line.

  “Hold the stick in one hand and the line in the other, between your thumb and forefinger. Let it play out a little. Wait for nibbles. When you feel a strong bite, jerk back once so the fish impales itself on the hook, then start rolling up the line.”

  “How strong a bite? A nibble like this?” She nipped his shoulder.

  Zoran’s expression turned predatory, his beast pacing. ”No, a little harder. Like this -“He bit her shoulder, sending tingles scattering along her arm,

  “Ah!” Roxanne shrieked and flinched. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  The Drakon smiled, slow and sexy. “Because I want to eat you. You need to learn how hard a hooked fish can bite - if you want to be a fisher of men.”

  Smiling she grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head. Pulled his head back so his muscular yet vulnerable neck arched, sculpted lips parted, begging for her kiss.

  “I don’t want to be a fisher of `men’. I only want one man. You.” She said, beaming her love into his receptive golden eyes.

  The sense of power she felt from dominating this ripped warrior was exciting, even though they were just playing. Heated energy emanated from his muscled body, pressed against hers. The Drakon’s warm fingers slid between her thighs to brush and swirl over her core, making her clench.

  She kissed his sculpted lips. Hmmmh... and she was falling...falling into a warm abyss.

  “Oh - I felt a bite. A big one. It’s pulling hard!” Suddenly she was up and running down toward the water.

  His bare chest behind her back, Zoran’s long fingers wrapped over hers as she stood in ankle deep water. “Let the line play out Beauty. Let him think he has freedom to do as he wills. Then bring him back, nice and slow.”

  “Is that how you like it, Zoran?” She couldn’t resist grinding her ass against his groin as she watched the line slip away, whizzing out to sea.

  “Aye just like that.” He growled, hot breath in her ear. “Play with the fish like you do with the men in your life. Hmmm?”


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