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Darkest Sin

Page 17

by Ashton Blackthorne

  Bending down, he pulled off his pants and shorts. Finally, I could gaze upon his magnificent cock. It was huge just as I’d suspected. He was so hard his cock nearly touched his navel. It was thick and long just like I wanted it to be. Standing there, nude he looked like a statue of a Greek god come to life.

  Eagerly, I sat up to run my hands over his strong body. Kissing him up and down his body, I felt every hard muscle. My hands wrapped around his cock.

  Damn, I didn’t know if I could fit him inside me.

  But I was more than willing to try.

  Ash moaned as he allowed me to run my tongue up and down his shaft. He was perfectly groomed all over. His cock was so hard, but the flesh so velvety soft. My right hand cupped his tight balls and I began to take him into my mouth.

  Ash groaned resting his hands upon my head.

  My pussy was on fire aching with need as I filled my mouth slowly inch by inch with his enormous cock. I choked a bit as he filled my mouth stretching my lips open. I wanted to take in every inch, for him to choke me with that huge cock of his.

  Ash twisted my hair in his hands as he thrust his cock deeper into my mouth. I gagged slightly my throat burning as I began to slide my mouth back and forth on his cock. I longed to have his cock buried deep inside my pussy stretching my lips open. I felt his cock swell even more as if he were close to coming I squeezed his firm tight ass with my hands as I pulled him deeper into my mouth.

  Ash’s hips pumped forward in rhythm with me. Suddenly, he lurched forward. He pushed me back.

  “Stop, Ronnie. I’m going to come.”

  “Come in my mouth, Ash.” I gazed up at him.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I want to taste you.”

  With that, I thrust his cock back into my mouth. His cock swelled even more and his balls tightened in my hand. Instantly, my mouth filled with his salty cream.

  He groaned loudly as he continued to fill me. When he finished, I pulled back wiping my mouth discreetly.

  “That was fucking amazing, Ronnie. I didn’t plan on that.” He winked at me. My pussy ached to feel him. I was hoping he wouldn’t fall asleep.

  “Would you like some wine or a bit of scotch?” He walked over to the bar and poured himself a glass.

  “Scotch is fine.” He poured me a glass and handed it to me. Quickly, we finished our drinks.

  Staring down, I saw he was still rock hard.

  “That was perfect, Ronnie. Now let me.”

  With that, my cravings would finally be satisfied as he flipped me on my stomach then up on all fours.

  Kneeling on the bed behind me, I felt his hands on my ass. My pussy quivered with anticipation, I couldn’t wait to have him deep inside me at last.

  As he rubbed his cock on my wet pussy, I buried my face in the mattress. Suddenly, he thrust himself into me plunging deep into my pussy. I felt my lips painfully stretch wide open. He drove further and further inside me. As he fucked me long and hard, finally I felt myself strongly pulsating with orgasm. My eyes rolled back in my head as I came drenching his cock as he pounded my pussy.

  “Ash! Oh my God, Ash.” I felt myself coming again and again collapsing on the bed with sweet release. All I could see was stars floating around my head.

  He kept sliding in and out of me until he too came deep inside me filling me.

  Falling on the bed beside me, Ash brushed my forehead with a slight kiss.

  “That was amazing, Ronnie. I’ve never felt anyone as delicious and as tight as you.”

  I nodded, ecstasy having stolen my words.

  Ash propped himself on his elbow.

  “I’m serious, Ronnie. Being inside you was different.”

  “Different like how?”

  “Like we’ve been together before.”

  I laughed, looking at him, but his face was serious.

  “Like reincarnation?”

  He shook his head. Tracing his fingers around my nipple, he then placed his hand across my heart.

  “Being with you feels like I’ve finally come home.”

  I couldn’t have said it better myself.



  “You want me to sell those shares so that Ash Blackthorne can buy them?” My father slammed his fists on the desk.

  This was going about as well as I’d expected.

  “Yes, Dad, I do. I told you that Ash wants to keep Vitalife going not sell off piece by piece.”

  “Since when do you care what Ash Blackthorne wants? Might I remind you that the two of you broke up years ago? Thank God for that I might add. Now you and Bryce are engaged.”

  “It’s just…it’s just that Ash’s father died of cancer…” I trailed off. His face was still bright red with fury.

  “I know that, Veronica. A fitting end for a despicable prick like Ashler Blackthorne. What the hell does that have to do with us?”

  I cringed at my father’s hatred of Ash’s father. I couldn’t tell my father I still loved Ash, that this was all a carefully calculated move on my part to get Ash back in my life.

  “Shouldn’t we try to help people? Ash said Vitalife is trying to develop that drug that can help alleviate cancer victims’ suffering.”

  He nodded.

  “I know that, Veronica. But business is business.”

  I bit my lip staring down at my fingernails. My perfect French manicure was beginning to chip.

  “Dad, forget about Ash. I want you to do this for me.”

  My father narrowed his eyes thoughtfully as he rolled a pen around on his desk.


  I sighed. There was no other way than to tell him the truth.

  “The truth is I had you pursue Vitalife because I wanted to see Ash again.”

  His lips turned down in a frown. He began to tap his pen on the desk in annoyance.

  “I thought so. Dammit, Veronica, Ash Blackthorne is a no good scoundrel, just like his father!”

  “Wait a minute, Dad. It wasn’t like that. Getting Vitalife was a way for me to open a dialogue with Ash again. Not to get him back, but to make amends with him. You see, you only know a small portion of the reason we broke up. I left Ash because I could see he didn’t want the same things I did.”

  “What are you talking about, Veronica? I thought the break up was initiated by Ash.”

  I shook my head. I kept twisting my skirt in my hands as I talked. Was he buying it? He just had to!

  “No, Dad. Ash wanted us to keep dating until we graduated. Then his plan was to relocate back to New York City. He wanted me to be a ‘stay at home’ wife. I didn’t attend Harvard Business School for that. I wanted a career of my own. He wanted me to be the adoring wife sitting in the wings while he was the star. I couldn’t have that. So we broke up. Ash was devastated by our breakup.” I watched his eyes carefully trying to gauge if he believed me.

  “Veronica, I recall your behavior after the break up! You were shattered. You came home to me and wouldn’t leave your old bedroom for weeks. It took you months to begin dating again.”

  I sighed. I was really going to have to lay this on thick.

  “Yes, I was upset. I adored Ash and was hoping he was the one. When I realized he didn’t want a career wife I knew what I had to do. Since we parted years ago on such bad terms, buying the Vitalife shares served two purposes for me. One, I wanted to prove to Ash I could be a shrewd businesswoman and two, I wanted to give him Vitalife because I knew what it meant to him as a way to apologize.”

  My father shook his head.

  “Why would you have to apologize for being who you are? You’re a very shrewd businesswoman, Veronica, and I’m very proud of that. Who cares what Ash thinks?”

  I nodded again. I stood up and began to pace the floor my high heels clicking across the hardwood.

  “I know all this, Dad. But I’m asking you to do this for me. I’ve proven my point to Ash and now I want to give him the one thing he wants that only I can give him—the Vitalife shares.�
� For good measure, I allowed tears to well up in my eyes.

  He sat quietly for a moment deep in thought. He clicked his pen several times on the desk before finally meeting my eyes.

  He nodded.

  “Okay, Veronica. I will honor your wishes. Do what you want with those shares, but I will ask you one thing in return.”

  My heart soared! It had worked! Now Ash would see me as his savior and I alone could grant him the one thing he wanted most.

  “Anything, Dad.”

  “Sell the shares to Ash. But don’t see him again. Forget about him. I want you to promise that you will marry Bryce.”

  I swallowed hard my elation deflating inside me like a balloon.

  That was the last thing I wanted. After seeing Ash again the other day, I had no interest in marrying Bryce. I realized that getting engaged to Bryce had been a huge mistake.

  But not to my father.

  Still, I would agree to his terms. How was he to know if I saw Ash again or not?

  I nodded slowly.

  “I can do that. I’m already engaged to Bryce. Why wouldn’t I want to marry him?”

  He leaned back in his chair and eyed me carefully. The cold winter air howled outside the office windows.

  “Because I didn’t buy one line of the bullshit you just told me, Veronica. I know you. Ash broke your heart and you were looking for a way to get back at him. Now that you’ve seen him he’s changed your mind and you want him back at all costs. You have no real intention of marrying Bryce. If Ash gives you the time of day, you’ll sacrifice everything for him.”

  My mouth fell open.

  “Dad, that’s not true—”

  “The hell it isn’t. But Veronica, what you don’t know is that I can have you followed or traced anywhere you go. If you so much as go on one date with Ash Blackthorne, I will disinherit you in a heartbeat.”

  My heart pounded in my chest.

  “And I will fire you.”

  I stared at the floor. Real tears began to cascade down my cheeks.

  “Dad, I’m a 37 year old woman not a child. How dare you try to control me now.”

  He stood up and straightened his tie and jacket.

  “Don’t think I won’t do it, Veronica. I know you think I’m being harsh, but I’m only trying to protect you.”

  Blotting the tears from my eyes, I glared at him.


  “Stay away from Ash Blackthorne. I won’t tell you again.” Then he turned and left his office.

  What was I to do now?

  The summer of 2005 was the best summer of my life. The days spent at Hyannis with Ash were some of the best days of my life. Sitting on his private beach watching the waves crash ashore while cuddled up next to him sipping wine were magical. I could still see him sitting there lying next to me on a blanket the sun glinting off his tanned, chiseled body his dark hair blowing in the breeze.

  “Ronnie, what are you thinking about?” He whispered as the sun went down in the west. He brushed my blonde hair from my shoulder.

  I turned to him smiling. My heart felt so full at that moment.

  “Just you. Why do you ask?” I leaned up and met his lips. They tasted sweet from the wine.

  Ash ran his strong hands up my tanned thighs stopping before brushing against my pussy.

  “Ash, this summer has been amazing. Could it possibly get any better than this?”

  He laughed his fingers still traveling over my body.

  “Things can always get better. But I must agree with you, Ronnie. This has been without a doubt one of the best summers of my life.”

  “One of the best?” I pouted.

  “Well, there was that one summer in Cannes…”

  “Shut up!” I slapped him playfully.

  “Seriously, Ronnie, it’s been amazing. You’re amazing.”

  I ran my hands over his strong chest and chiseled abs. Now was the time.

  “I love you, Ash.”

  He stopped and looked at me. His eyes lit up with joy then faded into sadness.

  “Thank you, Ronnie. I’m quite fond of you, too.” He kissed me quickly on the head.

  Well, that didn’t go as planned. Swallowing my misgivings, I spent the rest of the day with him on the beach drinking wine and making love.

  Ash and I had been together for nearly a year, but he never said he loved me. That bothered me, but still I hung in there hoping against hope he would finally give himself to me.

  Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be.

  Racing back to my office, I slammed the door. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t let my father dictate my life again as he had been doing since I was a young girl. Fuming, I collapsed into my office chair. I ran my fingers through my long hair. As I looked around my office, my eyes came to rest on a framed photo of me and Bryce together.


  After Ash and I broke up, I went immediately to London. Burying myself in work, I rarely had time for anything else. And that’s the way I wanted it. Thoughts of Ash tormented me. His face was always splashed all over the New York society pages. I could hardly turn on the TV without seeing him on the tabloid shows always with some beautiful woman at his side.

  My heart felt shattered. Each photo of Ash was like a shard of glass piercing me. I knew I had to do something in order to keep myself from dying inside.

  My father was still forever after me to find a suitable husband. There I was, a woman with an MBA from Harvard and a successful career, and all he was concerned with was finding me the perfect husband.

  Just to shut him up, I attended a charity ball in London. My father had bought me a Valentino gown and I felt just like a princess as I arrived in a black stretch limo. Several handsome men asked me to dance and I was forced to admit I had a good time.

  All of the crystal twinkled merrily beneath the bright lights. As the band began to play a waltz which wasn’t particularly my taste nor really did it seem like it was anyone under the age of seventy’s taste, a handsome young man extended his hand to me.

  Gazing up at him, I saw that his eyes were a remarkable shade of blue. His slow, sexy grin reminded me of Ash. Squinting, I could almost envision him as Ash.

  But he wasn’t.

  In his Italian designer tuxedo, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. The tux was exactly the kind Ash wore. His hair was dark brown stylishly cut.

  “What’s your name, gorgeous?” he asked. He was such an excellent dancer, I mused, he must have had quite a few lessons.

  “Veronica James. And you are?”

  He smiled as he spun me around in time to the music.

  “Bryce Leedham the III.”

  I snickered.

  “Wow. You’re a third? I’m impressed.”

  He laughed merrily. Bryce steered me around the dance floor causing everyone to stand around watching us. I imagine we must’ve made quite a sight—a perfect Ken and Barbie couple.

  “Don’t be. I just think my parents were incredibly unimaginative. I’m the only boy in a family of six. You would think after having five girls they would’ve already had a boy’s name picked out.”

  I laughed.

  “I take it you are from London?”

  He nodded.

  “And you, Veronica, must be from America?”

  I nodded as he continued to spin me around in a dramatic circle as the band began to play a 1940s swing tune.

  “Don’t tell me. Let me guess. New York?”

  “I’m from Manhattan, but I’ve spent quite a lot of time here in the UK. My father’s family is from Ireland.”

  “Interesting. What part of Ireland?”


  The music had an upbeat to it and he swung me over his head. My dress wasn’t exactly designed for such music and I was afraid my gown would tear.

  “Sorry, love. Your dress isn’t exactly appropriate for such moves, is it?”

  I shook my head. All the champagne I’d drank was starting to give me a headache. My father, talking
to an attractive older woman, was watching as Bryce and I stopped to have a drink.

  “Just Pellegrino for me. I had a bit too much champagne earlier.”

  “Trying to keep your wits about you, hmm? Afraid I may get frisky later?”

  I brushed the curls from my bare shoulders.

  “Maybe. Here’s hoping.” I winked at him surprised at my own boldness. I hadn’t really flirted since Ash and I broke up.

  His brows shot up. He ordered a glass of Macallan, Ash’s favorite scotch.

  “Ever try this? It’s quite good.” Bryce tipped his glass at me.

  “Oh, yes. It was my ex’s favorite drink.”

  He swallowed the rest of the liquor.

  “Really? Well, Miss Veronica, as much as I’d like to hear about your ex, I’d rather talk about you.”

  I nodded.

  “Of course. So what do you do, Bryce?”

  He smiled again adjusting his cufflinks.

  “I’m in politics. My father is an ambassador.”

  Wow, I was sure my father would love Bryce.

  “That sounds fascinating. Are you looking to follow in his footsteps?”

  “Something like that. So, Veronica, it’s getting late. If I may be so bold, I’d like to ask to accompany you home this evening.”

  I blushed. My pussy tightened. I hadn’t been with anyone since Ash. I hadn’t really been attracted to anyone else.

  Until now.

  “That sounds just fine, Bryce.”

  We were in such a rush to leave the ballroom I ran straight into a waiter carrying a heavy tray full of champagne. One of the glasses spilled all over my crimson gown.

  “Here, Veronica, let me help you.” Bryce pulled a white linen monogrammed handkerchief from his coat pocket.

  Just like Ash!

  “How delightfully gentlemanly of you.” I took the handkerchief from him dabbing at my gown.

  “Well, my father always taught me that good manners never go out of style.”

  That sealed the deal for me. Ash had told me the exact same thing.

  From that moment on, Bryce and I had been together. After several years of dating, he proposed to me on Christmas Eve. My father had been ecstatic as Bryce’s family were very well connected. My father congratulated himself that he had finally landed me a ‘high society’ man even if he was British.


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