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Darkest Sin

Page 18

by Ashton Blackthorne

  As our wedding date approached, I still found myself longing for Ash. Bryce wasn’t the dom that Ash was. I longed for Ash’s strong hand guiding and correcting me. Bryce was kind and generous, but he didn’t excite me as Ash had.

  Then one day about eight months ago, I found out that a company that manufactured a drug that alleviated some of the symptoms of certain types of cancer was about to go under. Knowing that Ash’s father died from pancreatic cancer, I knew Ash would want that company.


  Immediately, I formulated a plan that included moving back to New York. Bryce would remain in London until our wedding. My father’s company acquired the one I was working for and I decided to work in his office. I organized the acquisition of the Vitalife shares through RJ Investments via Martin Stahli’s company, Eagle Enterprises.

  As I prepared for the storm that would be unleashed when Ash found out who had acquired his desired stocks, I thought about the time Ash proclaimed me his submissive.

  We had been seeing each year for exactly one year. Standing in the bright morning sunlight, I looked around waiting for Ash. The day was chilly and the wind whipped through the common area of the campus causing me to wrap my cashmere coat even tighter around my body.

  Looking down at my phone, I saw it was nearly 10 AM. Ash had told me to meet him here at nine. I shook my head laughing. He always liked to keep me waiting!

  Just as I was about to call him, a long shadow passed over my vision.

  “Hey baby!” Ash swept me up in his arms spinning me around.

  Eagerly, I threw my arms around him. Our lips met. Several students walking by us stopped and stared at our passionate embrace.

  “Ash, I thought you said nine. Where were you?” I asked when our lips finally parted.

  “Sorry. I stayed over at my house in Hyannis last night. I thought I could make it by then, but traffic was a nightmare. Forgive me?” His sensual lips drew downward in a pout.

  I nodded.

  “Only if you take me back there tonight with you.” I wondered if he remembered what today was.

  “Of course. Tonight’s our anniversary. It’s been a year. You didn’t think I’d forget, did you?”

  My eyes sparkled as he reached into his jacket pocket and pressed a small blue Tiffany’s box into my hand. My heart thudded as my fingers closed around it. I felt the satiny blue paper and my fingers traced the white ribbon.

  Could it be?

  “Oh, Ash.” I whispered.

  Just as I was poised to open the box, Ash removed it from my hands.

  “Patience, Ronnie. You shall open it tonight. That’s why I was out at Hyannis last night. I prepared something amazing for you.”

  My mouth fell open. Here I’d assumed he would be like most men not caring about an anniversary particularly since we weren’t married or even engaged.

  Not yet.

  But Ash wasn’t like any other man. That was becoming more and more apparent to me every day.

  Ash slipped the box back into his pocket. He bent to brush my lips with his.

  “Tonight, my sweet Ronnie, will be your final initiation. Think you’re ready?” He grinned wickedly.


  His grin sent tingles throughout my body my pussy tightened as his hand grabbed my ass and squeezed.

  “Of course. I’m ready for anything with you, Ash.”

  Slapping my ass lightly, he turned to walk away.

  “What time, Ash?”

  He turned back around his long black overcoat blowing in the wind.

  “I will pick you up at your place at 7 PM. Oh, and Ronnie…”

  The wind whipped my hair across my face as I struggled to hold it back from my eyes.

  “Yes, Ash?”

  “Leave your panties at home. You won’t need them.”

  I grinned widely feeling my panties already soaking wet. This was going to be a night to remember!

  At precisely 7 pm, I stood ready and waiting at my front door. I decided to wear a deep blue silk gown with a plunging neckline. My hair lay on my bare shoulders softly curled. The diamond earrings Ash had given me for Christmas dangled to brush my shoulders. And as requested, I had nothing on beneath my gown. The feel of the silk gown against my bare lips felt scandalous.

  As I stood against the back of my couch, I wondered what was in the box. My heart leapt at the thought that it could be an engagement ring. But something in the way Ash spoke about a final ‘initiation’ made me believe it was something else.

  But what?

  Suddenly, a sharp knock alerted me to Ash’s arrival.

  Throwing open the door, he handed me a dozen long stemmed red roses.

  “Ash, they’re perfect!” I inhaled their sweet perfume as I placed them into a vase.

  He shrugged taking my hand.

  “Not as perfect as you.” With that, he kissed me deeply causing me to feel weak in my knees.

  “I take it you did as I asked.” His hand ran up my legs to feel between them. He grinned as he felt my bare wetness.

  “Quite wet already, hmm?” Ash slapped my ass firmly.

  I shivered with anticipation. In less than five minutes, he already had me wet and ready.

  “Let’s go, Ronnie. We have a bit of a drive ahead of us.”

  The stars twinkled in the sky above us as we arrived at his beachside home in Hyannis. Ash ran his hand up my thigh and rested it directly on my pussy.

  “Ronnie, get ready for a night to remember.”

  Excitement raced through me as we walked up to his house. As soon as I walked into the house, I could sense something was different. Soft music was playing and all the lights were dimmed. I could smell a faint aroma of new paint and wood as if there had been some remodeling.

  But I didn’t see anything different.

  Just then, Ash slipped in behind me and wrapped a silk blindfold around my eyes.

  “Ash! What are you doing?”

  “Trust me, Ronnie.”

  He took my hand leading me down a hallway. I walked slowly lest I trip over my high heels. When he stopped, I heard a door open.

  The strong scent of paint, new flooring, and wood hit me in the face. So he did remodel one of the rooms!

  But why?

  As we walked into the room, he turned to shut the door. I took a few tentative steps hearing my high heels click against the hardwood floor. Something was different about this room.

  Before I could wonder any longer, Ash whipped the blindfold from my eyes. The silken fabric fell away from my face.

  My eyes quickly adjusted to the dimly lit room. The walls were covered in a red silk damask. Small lanterns decorated the walls giving it an almost medieval feel. The furniture was sparse. There was a hard backed chair and several medieval looking devices.

  What the hell was going on?

  “I know what you’re thinking, Ronnie. I’ve gone mad, haven’t I? Not really. You see I’ve been waiting for a long time to meet a woman like you. A woman I can really be myself with. I believe you are the woman for me.” Ash handed me the blue box he’d given me earlier.

  I just knew it wasn’t a ring.

  I slipped the white ribbon from the satin box. Within it was another small velvet box. Shaking, my fingers pried open the box.

  Inside was a lovely white gold chain holding an antique rose gold heart shaped locket.

  “Ash, it’s beautiful!” I whispered.

  “Look at the inscription.”

  I turned it over to read the simple word.


  Stunned, I didn’t know what to say. What did it mean? Ash had never professed his love for me although I knew he wanted to be with me. By calling me ‘his’, what did that imply?

  “Ash, I don’t know what to say.”

  Chuckling, he took the locket from me and placed it around my neck. The locket fell between my full breasts.

  “There. It’s exquisite on you.”

  I gazed around the room. There were seve
ral whips of varying lengths hanging from the wall. There were leather wrist and ankle restraints.

  “Ash, what does this mean?”

  He ran his hands through his thick dark hair. He remained silent as he quickly removed his shirt taking care to place it on a hanger.

  “What do you think it means? I want you to be mine.”

  Your what?

  “I am yours, Ash. I’m your girlfriend.”

  He shook his head slowly.

  “No, Ronnie, my submissive.”

  I blinked my eyes several times. I couldn’t believe I’d heard him correctly.

  “Submissive? What does that mean?”

  Ash took my hand and led me to a red velvet settee.

  “Ronnie, I’ve had a longing inside of me for many years. Oh, I’ve experimented with different sexual practices and played slap and tickle with several women, but ever since we met I knew that what I wanted could no longer be sated with mere play. I wanted a woman who would submit only to me who would recognize me as her dominant.”

  I shook my head. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Ash had spanked me several times and withheld pleasure on occasion, but I had no idea he was into this.

  But looking into his eyes hearing him speak so passionately…

  It excited me like nothing else ever had.

  As he walked over to a shelf, he picked up a riding crop and slapped it against his thigh.

  “So, will you, Ronnie?”

  “Will I what?”

  “Be mine.”

  Looking at the floor, I watched as my red high heel shoe dangled from my foot.

  I nodded slowly.

  Ash laughed again as he knelt down in front of me placing the riding crop on the floor.

  “You really don’t know what I’m talking about do you, Ronnie?”

  I swallowed hard. I’d never expected something like this.

  “No, Ash, I don’t.”

  “Look, Ronnie, I’m not asking you to sign some ridiculous contract. I don’t believe that a sexual, personal relationship can be defined by such rules. I just require certain things from my submissive.”

  I bit my lip staring into his beautiful eyes which were blazing with desire.

  “Like what?”

  Ash stood up and pivoted on his heel. He picked up the riding crop again swinging it in the air as he spoke.

  “In the bedroom, in particular, you are to do as I command. If I bind your ankles and wrists, you comply. If I spank you with my crop or flogger, you beg for more. And most importantly, you don’t come until I say you may.”

  That didn’t sound bad at all. In fact, it sounded quite fun.

  “I can do that.”

  “I know you can. But it goes beyond the bedroom. My desires for submission from you extends to our lives on the outside as well.”

  I narrowed my eyes. Was he really that controlling?

  “Now, now, I know what you’re thinking, ‘He’s just some control freak. The sub part is just to keep me in line.’ But that’s not it.”

  “Then what exactly do you mean, Ash?”

  “It’s like this, Ronnie. That dress you’re wearing. It meets my standards. It’s fine you wore that this evening. But perhaps I wish for you to wear blue every Monday, red on Tuesdays, black on Wednesdays. You get the picture.”

  “Why, Ash?”

  “It’s more than that, Ronnie. If I’ve instructed you to go to class and cross your legs a certain way, you do. If I tell you to leave your panties off, you do. If I tell you to go braless, you do.”

  I sat stunned without words. What was he getting at? And why the hell was his deep commanding voice making me so wet?

  “Ash, I adore you. You know that. But how does this play into our relationship?”

  He swatted the back of the chair with his crop.

  “It is our relationship if you accept. I’m not going to get ridiculous, Ronnie. I’m not going to try to govern every inch of your life. I don’t give a shit how many cups of coffee you drink. I just give you guidelines, that’s all. Put it this way—I’m more interested in your sexual submission than anything. However, I’ve outlined what color I’d like you to wear every day, and whether or not I want you to wear panties, and what type of panties.”

  He handed me a typewritten list.

  I stared reading with my mouth open.

  Monday: Red. No panties but wear a bra any color.

  Tuesday: Blue. Wear a thong of any color but no bra.

  Wednesday: Green. Wear Brazilian cut panties lacy black. Wear a black lacy bra to match.

  Thursday: Black. No panties no bra.

  Friday: Pink. Wear tight bikini panties in any color. No bra but a lacy tight camisole beneath.

  Saturday: Red or black my choice. No panties. Bra is optional depending on the night.

  Sunday: Blue or green your choice. Panties your choice. Bra your choice.

  The preferences in this list will change at any time at my discretion not yours. When you get to class in the morning I will let you know if I want you to cross or uncross your legs. Whatever instructions I give you are to be followed to the letter. In terms of your eating habits, I have no real wishes except that what you eat should maintain your beautiful figure. I would like to see you work out at least three times a week for an hour. Your choice as to the activity. Regarding your shoes, I always want to see you in high heels, unless otherwise directed. I generally expect your outfits to be a dress or blouse and skirt. Jeans are fine for the weekend with my approval. High heeled boots are also acceptable.

  The paper fluttered from my hand. Was he serious? “Ash, I’m stunned.”

  He folded his arms across his chest. “It’s a lot to take in. Look, the clothing rules…they’re just a test. I need to see how well you can obey.”

  “Ash, this seems—”

  “—extreme? Yes, it is.” He laid down the crop and took my hand.

  “Ronnie, you turn me on like no woman ever has. I want this to work.” He pulled me close to him his lips brushing my neck sending shivers down my spine.

  I sighed deeply.

  I could do this. I wanted to do this.

  “Ash, I would love to be your sub. Just tell me what you want.” My hands roamed his muscular chest.

  He smiled and took my hands.

  “Of course, we have to have limits. I will never ask you to do something that will permanently harm you. I will never ask for any wet play other than come. I will never attempt to asphyxiate you in any way.”

  I hesitated.

  “Ash, you know how I was brought up. I came from a devout Catholic family. I was never allowed to even think about sex which, of course, made me want to all the time. Things happened to me when I was seventeen…something very bad.”

  Ash placed his finger to my lips.

  “Ronnie, I do want to hear all about it. But now isn’t the time. Let’s discuss our arrangement now.”

  I was still a bit confused. Wasn’t all this dom/sub stuff for ‘extreme’ people? Ordinary people didn’t do these kinds of things, did they?

  Looking into Ash’s eyes and watching him swing the riding crop through the air something stirred within me. I wanted this. I longed to feel that crop biting into my flesh, for him to stand over me commanding me, pushing me to my limits and forcing me to bend to his will.

  This was what I wanted, too.

  I reached for his hand. I pulled him to me.

  “Ash, I never thought about this until now. When you’ve spanked me before it stirred something inside me, something primal that I’d kept dormant all my life. I want this.”

  He smiled and placed his hands on my shoulders.

  “Excellent. Now we should discuss hard limits. What won’t you do? I have my own limits, but what are yours?”

  I thought carefully. I agreed with the limits he’d set earlier. But there was one thing I just did not want to do.

  “No anal fisting.” The words fell from my mouth before I could stop them.
  Ash’s lips curled upward, his eyes twinkled with merriment.

  “That’s it? I can handle that. What about a safe word? I think you should choose something that you wouldn’t normally say.”

  “Like make up a word?”

  He nodded.

  “Like snufflefuck?”

  Ash roared with laughter.

  “No, a real word you wouldn’t normally say during sex.”

  “I wouldn’t say snufflefuck during sex.”

  Ash moved away from me and began pacing his black dress shoes clicking against the hardwood floor.

  “What about banana? Or blue jay?”

  I giggled.

  “I would say those words. I happen to adore banana splits while watching the blue jay outside my window.”

  Ash shook his head.

  “Ronnie, you get the idea! Now what do you want your safe word to be?”

  I tried to stop laughing, but I sensed his seriousness. I looked around the windowless room.


  The room remained still and quiet. Ash had stopped pacing.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because that’s how I feel every time I look at you.”

  He smiled and walked over to me. He pulled me up to capture me in his arms.

  “Luck has nothing to do with it. This is something far more than luck. It’s….”

  Holding my breath, I waited for him to say it. The words I’d longed for him to say.

  “It’s everything.”



  Slipping the leather restraints around my wrists, he pulled my hands behind my back. My pussy was dripping wet as I waited to see what he did next.

  Ash then unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. As the silk fell from my body, I felt the cool air hit me. Quickly, he picked up my gown and laid it neatly across the velvet settee. Then he slid my lacy bra off. I was standing bound by the wrists completely nude before him save my high heels.

  “You’re so beautiful, Ronnie,” he whispered. “Thank you for trusting me enough to do this.”


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