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INSIDE BROKEN (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book One) (Devil Call MC - Talon & Everly 1)

Page 3

by Ana W. Fawkes

  “Don’t use up all the hot water,” he said.

  Layne was such a dick. But a beautiful dick at that.

  Frustrated, I went back to the bathroom and slammed the door. I stripped out of my panties, feeling them clinging to my wetness. I got into the shower and let the hot water pour all over me. I washed away the day before and the night with Gabel. At least with Gabel, he was a one-two-come kind of guy. A couple thrusts and he’d be done.

  I washed my hair, my body, but I couldn’t wash my mind. My thoughts wouldn’t stop, so I just had to live with it.

  I turned off the water and I opened the shower curtain. There stood Layne with the towel in his hand. He had his leather cut on and seemed bigger. I let out a scream and grabbed the towel. I opened it and wrapped it around my naked body. The entire time, Layne kept his eyes locked to mine.

  Why won’t you fucking look at me? Why won’t you fucking fuck me?

  “Get dressed,” Layne said. “There’s shit going down. I’m waiting for a phone call about Talon. We’re going to have to pick him up.”

  “I thought he was dead.”

  “He’s part of this club. We don’t leave our dead behind. Especially the man who was leading this club.”

  “Why do I have to go with you?”

  “Do you want to stay here?” Layne asked. “You want to be at the mercy of the other guys? Feel free to sip whiskey and suck dick all day then.”

  “I’ll go with you,” I said.

  Layne turned and left the bathroom.

  It then occurred to me that I had no idea Layne had been standing there. Better yet, how long had he been standing there? Did he watch me shower? Did he watch me clean myself? I thought about how I touched my body with my soapy hands. My tender breasts. My soft center.


  I was turned on again but couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  I got dressed and hurried to brush my hair. It was a curly, frizzy mess. I remembered a time when I’d dye my hair different kinds of brown and blondes, normal things women did I guess. Now, it was its natural auburn color. The natural curls were a pain in the ass to deal with too.

  When it was time to leave, Layne took me by the hand and we left the clubhouse. Outside, there was a handful of guys standing around. Most of them already had a beer in their hand. They were smoking, all wearing sunglasses, all looking rough from the night before.

  “Layne, what are we doing?” Buzzy called out.

  “I’m going for a ride,” Layne said. “You all stay here. We have to figure shit out today.”

  “What about yesterday?” Kade asked. He had a scar running from his lip down his chin. “We lost one of our brothers.”

  “I was there,” Layne said. “I saw it.”

  “What the fuck then?” Kade called out.

  “You want to do something?” Layne asked. “Go up front to the office and start doing some goddamn paperwork. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds like shit,” Kade said.

  “Then shut your fucking mouth. Enjoy your beer and stay put. No bullshit until I get back.”

  Layne started to walk again, his hand tight around mine.

  Another guy came running up to him. It was a tall guy named Austin.

  “Hey, brother, I’ve got some information,” Austin said.

  “I don’t want it right now. I have my own to follow.”

  “We’ve got a call for help,” Austin another. “Outside charter has two bodies…”

  “Not interested right now,” Layne said. “Stand the fuck back, Austin.”

  Layne grabbed his helmet off his bike and handed it to me. I put the helmet on and climbed on the back of the ride. It started with a rumbling thunder and Layne hurried to take off. The motorcycle echoed throughout the junkyard as he sped along the paths to get out of there. The piles of junk and cars were something intimidating because some of the stuff had some scary stories behind it.

  Once on the road, Layne throttled the motorcycle again. We sped up and were flying through the town of Brocke in no time. My hands were gripped tight to the sides of Layne’s leather. I had no idea where we were going or why I had to be there.

  Layne took a few twists and turns and then suddenly started to slow down. We hung a left down a narrow alley. The sound of the motorcycle bounced off the walls. At the end of the alley, he turned right and then came to a final stop. Layne then turned the motorcycle off and stood, holding the motorcycle standing while I tried to get my feet to touch the ground.

  “What happened with Gabel last night?” Layne asked.


  “You heard the fucking question. What did he do?”

  “Me,” I whispered, feeling shameful. “That was it.”

  “Are you fucking sure?”

  “Yeah. I drank… a lot… so I passed out right after. He doesn’t last long at all.”

  “Good to know,” Layne said.

  “Why are we here?”

  “There’s shit going down all around the club. I don’t like it. If I’m going to take things over I need the find the truth.”

  “The truth of what?”

  Before Layne could answer me or tell me to shut the fuck up, we both spotted Gabel as he came down the other side of the road. He made a right and disappeared behind a building. Where we were was nothing but old, run down buildings. A couple sets of train tracks, I wasn’t sure if they were being used or not.

  A car then came and pulled into the same area where Gabel had been.

  “Motherfucker,” Layne whispered.

  He started to walk forward, taking me and the motorcycle. We crept up a few feet and I couldn’t see much. The trunk of the car appeared to be open. Nothing else though. I couldn’t see Gabel, but after a couple minutes, his motorcycle fired up.

  “Shit,” Layne said.

  He rolled his motorcycle backward and we waited again.

  The car came out first, speeding. It made a sharp left turn and the wheels squeaked. The aged engine then cried until the car was gone in the distance. Gabel came out a few seconds later. He stopped and tucked something away in his leather cut. He looked left to right and then rode in the opposite direction of the car.

  I felt Layne’s body instantly tighten up. He was pissed beyond belief. He looked ready to kill someone. Maybe Gabel. Maybe the guy in the car.

  I opened my mouth, wondering what I should do. Try and say something nice. Something flirty. Or maybe I should just grab his dick and start stroking him.

  Before anything could happen, Layne’s cell started to ring. He took out his phone and groaned.

  “What?” he yelled. A few seconds later, he yelled, “What the fuck did you just say?”

  The call then ended and Layne hurried to start the motorcycle.

  I tugged at Layne’s leather. “What’s going on?”

  Layned looked back at me and spoke words that would forever change my life.

  “Talon’s not dead! He’s alive… and he’s getting out of prison today.”



  It was the longest hallway. My boots hit the concrete floor with the echo of impending freedom. I kept my eyes open and looked left to right, waiting for the next set up to come to life. I figured there was no way in hell I could walk out of this prison without one more fight.

  But that’s exactly what happened.

  Two guards took me to a large door. One of them opened the door for me and gave me a nod. The sunlight hit my face and I smiled.

  Fucking freedom, man. Fucking. Freedom.

  I stood there for a few seconds in an old pair of jeans that fit right. A dark blue t-shirt hugged my body. It was comfortable. Not that scratchy cheap bullshit that I had to wear for the last eighteen months. My leather cut was waiting for me on the outside still and I couldn’t wait to put it on.

  There was a chain link fence on each side of me running high. On the top of that was rolled up barbed wire. As I walked, I looked to the yards and gave a nod
. That’s where I had been. I had lived. I had fought. I had survived.

  When I left my cell for the last time, I gave Mutt a big hug and then told the crazy son of a bitch where my notebook was. He couldn’t wait to eat the pages. What a wild guy.

  The end of my walk took me to a group of men I wasn’t sure I’d see again. I figured either I’d be dead or some of them would be.

  But there they were.

  Layne stood first, arms crossed. The guy was a big asshole, but we both shared somewhat of the same vision for the MC. He was loyal and he was a decent guy. Granted, I would love to go fists with him and see who could come out alive.

  Behind him stood a few of the other guys.

  Buzzy, Kade, Austin, Drave, and Maxen.

  Not really the welcome home cavalry some men got, but I didn’t give a fuck. My priorities were to get to the table and figure out what had been going on.

  As I approached, I studied each of them. To see who had gotten comfortable and fat. Who had been shoving drugs up their nose and looked skinny and high. And who had been fighting hard, showing muscle and scar.

  My eyes, though, were quickly deceived when I saw her. Sitting on the back of Layne’s motorcycle. Her legs spread wide, her hands reaching back as she balanced herself. Her fucking curly hair dangled all around her shoulders. A few strands hung in her face. She wore a pair of sunglasses so I couldn’t see her eyes. It instantly drove me mad. I wanted to tear her clothes off, break those fucking sunglasses, and see what kind of eyes she had.

  But before that, there was business.

  “You’re free,” Layne said. He put a hand out for me to take.

  I took it and we hugged for a quick second. When we broke apart, I noticed his leather cut. On the left side it was blank. There used to be a patch there, indicating his position within the MC.

  Layne put his arm out and showed me my leather cut.

  “Fucking beautiful,” I said as I took it. I hurried to put the leather on. It felt perfect. Beautiful. My life given back to me. I looked down at the leather and saw the President patch was missing. I touched the spot and nodded. “Something happen while I was in there?”

  “Yeah,” Layne said. “A lot of shit, man. Other clubs and crews wondering where the Devil Call MC President is… doesn’t help us.”

  “So who fucking cut it off and who fucking wore it?”

  “Me,” Layne said.

  I stepped forward and stared at Layne. We were nose to nose, eye to eye. A perfect match for each other. Damn, it would be fucking amazing to fight him. I curled my lip and knew everything I did from this point forward needed to be done to pull the MC out of the hell it had fallen into.

  “Okay,” I said. “Everyone alive and well?”

  “Alec was killed,” Buzzy said. “Shot up.”

  “Alec?” I asked.

  “He was a prospect when you went in,” Layne said. “We patched him in. He thought he could take some bullets and survive it. It was right when we found out you were murdered.”

  “You thought I was murdered?” I asked with a grin.

  “Yeah,” Drave said. “That’s what we were told. Fuck, man, it’s good to see you alive.”

  Drave nodded and then Buzzy - being the good times asshole he was - started to clap and whistle. Soon, they all stood there cheering me on. As though I had accomplished something great. Layne took a few steps back and clapped too.

  “Fuck it,” I said. “Give me a hug and then let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  They all came at me at once. We hugged, and damnit, my soul felt alive again. Deep down, the club was a brotherhood. Everyone had their own shit to deal with, but we all came together for one purpose.

  “Look, man,” Layne said. “We even brought your ride.”

  Layne pointed and I looked to my beautiful motorcycle. Everything black. I walked to the motorcycle and touched it. It made my body warm over, almost the same way touching a beautiful woman did.

  Speaking of a beautiful woman, I looked back to the woman on Layne’s motorcycle.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  The woman tensed up and licked her lips. I walked toward her, not afraid of anything. She stared at me, her lips parted.

  “What the hell, babe? Your tongue cut out or something?”

  She shook her head.

  I put my hand to one of her legs and she jumped. Damn, she was beautiful. When she didn’t speak again, I reached out and took the sunglasses off her face. Of course she had bright brown eyes. The kind that shined and were addicting.

  “Do you know who I am?” I asked.

  “You’re Talon,” she said. “I’ve seen your picture around the clubhouse.”

  “That’s right. Did you think I was dead?”

  “That’s what I heard.”

  “I’m not dead, babe. I’m alive. You claimed by any of these assholes?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “What’s your name?”


  I nodded.

  Fucking Everly.

  It had to be a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.

  I smiled at Everly and handed her her sunglasses back. I then walked to Layne and asked, “Where did she come from?”

  “Long story,” Layne asked. “She’s a good one though.”

  “You been inside that?”

  “No. We’re close, but not like that.”

  “So you let her get pushed around by the other guys?”

  “Not my problem,” Layne said. “I’m not taking claim if…”

  “Doesn’t matter,” I said. “She’s not a rat or anything, is she?”

  “No. Trust me.”

  I was definitely intrigued by Everly. I climbed on my motorcycle and felt my jeans pull up a little tighter. The fucking chick already had me half hard just by breathing. I would most certainly figure out what to do with her.

  After, of course, I find out what the fuck she’s doing in the clubhouse of Devil Call MC.

  I led the way from the prison grounds and the road brought me a sense of freedom that filled me with life. I took deep breaths of the air and I raced through it all. It was a fucking beautiful thing to breathe this air. To look at the road.

  Then came the sense of freedom… of being attacked.


  I felt like I was being watched right before I saw the five front wheels of a group of motorcycles on the side of the road. Then came the goddamn bullets.

  That was the one thing about prison. There were no bullets flying around. Shanks and other weapons, sure, but not bullets.

  My reaction was spot on. I cut the wheel to the right and turned my motorcycle sideways. I got to the side of the road and spotted the rest of the guys doing the same. I saw Everly’s curly, brown hair dancing behind her.

  Fuck. I can’t let her get hurt.

  That’s what came to me and that’s what stuck with me.

  I got off my motorcycle as Layne did. I ran toward him and he opened his leather cut and took out a gun. He threw it at me and I caught it. He went toward the other motorcycles and I went toward Everly. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled.

  “Come with me, babe,” I said.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  “My welcome home party is here,” I said.

  I brought Everly to my motorcycle. I tucked my gun into the back of my pants and I put my hands to her hips. I pulled and she went down to her knees. As I crouched, I kept my hands on her.

  “Don’t fucking move,” I said. “Let us handle our business. I can’t have you shot and killed.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “That’s my point. I want to get to know you.” I touched Everly’s face and then smiled.

  I hurried to stand and met up with Buzzy and Austin as they hurried to catch up with Layne. Our enemies were now in the road. All sitting on their motorcycles. Two of them had handguns pointed at us. Two guys were big and strong enough they had a shotgun in on
e hand and a handgun in the other.

  “Who the fuck is this?” I asked.

  “Los Ahn,” Layne said. “They’re pissed you’re out, man. Their drug running is going to hit a snag.”

  “Drugs, huh? That’s what happening now?”

  “I have to talk to you about that…”

  Fuck this.

  I walked in front of Layne and approached the other crew. Behind me, the guys were calling my name, warning me. But I had no fear. I just did eighteen months in prison. These assholes were the last line of true freedom for me.

  “Surprised to see me?” I called out.

  “Step back, motherfucker,” one of them said. “We don’t play games. We come to kill.”

  I opened my arms. “Then fucking shoot. Make it count.”

  “You need to learn the rules now, boy,” the same guy said.

  I didn't recognize any of these guys. That wasn’t a shock to me because these crews were always changing guys. Mostly because they all ended up getting killed. Or they ended up killing each other. All for drugs. All for money.

  “What’s the rules?” I asked.

  “We run these roads,” the guy yelled. “Our place. Our time. You stay away. We’ll fucking kill all of you.”

  I stepped forward again. “I run everything now.”

  “Where’s your patch then?”

  I looked at my chest. It pissed me off that there was no patch there. I lifted my handgun and pointed it at the guy. That brought all the weapons to me. If everyone pulled their trigger at the same time, I’d be blown to pieces.

  “I don’t need a fucking patch,” I said. “I’m out. I’m free. You need to realize that.”

  I took a huge risk and then turned around. My back to these enemies. The giant patch on my leather showing off the Devil Call MC logo and name. I walked slowly back to Layne and the other guys.

  “You’re just as fucking crazy as when you went in,” Layne said.

  “Always,” I said.

  A shot rang out and I shook my head. These assholes weren’t going to get the picture.

  “Light it up,” I whispered.

  Buzzy and Austin started to shoot first.

  I turned and pulled out my gun and started to aim for their motorcycles.


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