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Remy and Rose' 2: A Hood Love Story

Page 5

by Mz. Lady P

  “Who has my baby?”

  “He’s with Madear. He’s fine. She told me to tell you that she’s not mad at you.” Hearing that made me feel a lot better. We continued to talk for the rest of the visit until it was time for the visit to be up.

  “Tell Peanut I’m sorry. Oh yeah, don’t tell nobody I’m pregnant.”

  “I got you Boo. Hold your head up. I’ll see you on your next court date.” After the visit a small weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I was happy my son and Peanut were okay. Now I just need to focus on this damn case. I wish like hell I could turn back the hands of time. I would have just walked away gracefully. The county jail is a place I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

  Chapter 9- Rose`

  I felt so sorry for Neicee. I know for a fact she didn’t mean to hurt Peanut. She was just hurt and mad about the situation. I was kind of upset with Peanut myself. He should have told his family that he had a daughter with Kim. The chick has never done anything to me but there’s something about her that I don’t like. Since Peanut has been in the hospital she has been there the entire time. Honey has been barred from the hospital for fighting the damn girl. I really hate that Madear has been so stressed out, worried about Peanut. I’m glad that he’s going to make a full recovery. I hope his ass had learned a valuable lesson about playing with a woman’s heart.

  I had been talking to her on the phone since I wasn’t able to visit. I felt so sorry for her when she called and I was at the hospital visiting Peanut. The bitch Kim was there as well. She wanted to speak to him but he refused to get on the phone with her. I could hear the pain in Neicee’s voice as she hung up. I peeped the bitch Kim snickering. I wanted to knock the fuck out of her again. I just grabbed my things and left. I went home and vented to Remy. Of course he told me to mind my business, but Neicee is my friend and Peanut is my cousin. I hope everything works out for them because they’re married. Not to mention she’s pregnant but doesn’t want anyone to know. I don’t understand why because I feel like he has a right to know. I have every intention on keeping my mouth closed. I need to focus on my own household anyway.

  Remy had been working long hours since Peanut was out of commission. He had been so exhausted that he was going to bed without even eating dinner. So I decided to cook dinner and take it to the club. I prepared some oven baked ribs, baked macaroni, fried cabbage, and cornbread. I made sure to roll him some blunts and got him a bottle of Remy. My baby had been so stressed out. I just wanted to cater to him for a change.

  I decided not to call because I wanted to surprise him. There wasn’t many customers because it was still early. I wanted to get in and get out before it got crowded. I went straight up to his office. I was about to walk in but I heard Remy yelling.

  “Put your motherfucking clothes on and get the fuck out of my office before I drag your ass out!”

  “So now you back on good terms with that bitch and its fuck me. If I can’t have you that bitch definitely can’t have you.”

  That was all I needed to hear. I kicked the damn door in. It was a good thing I had on my Air Force Ones. Remy was fully clothed sitting behind his desk, so I knew he hadn’t fucked this thirsty bitch. The same bitch who I had already beat up was standing in the middle of the floor naked as hell. I guess whooping her ass wasn’t enough so I needed to take this shit a step further. I pulled my gun out of my bag that Remy wanted me to carry at all times. I had been going to the gun range so my aim was pretty good. In one swift motion I turned and shot this bitch in both of her legs.

  “What the fuck Rose`?” Remy had a look of shock written all over his face.

  “Ahhhhhh!” that bitch screamed out in pain as she rolled around on the floor. That hot shit had that hoe squirming.

  “Now let that be the reason you never even speak my husband’s name. Get this bitch out of here Remy before she fucks up the carpet. You better beat me home or I’m shooting your ass too.” I walked up on him and gave him a long passionate kiss. At the same time I grabbed a handful of his dick. I had that nigga harder than a motherfucker. He has no idea of the beast that now lives inside of me. I walked out of the club as if I hadn’t done anything. As I drove home I couldn’t believe I had just shot somebody. I didn’t care thought because the bitch had it coming. When I made it home I stripped and got inside the Jacuzzi and chilled. Afterwards I got high as a kite and sipped on me some Beltaire. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I relaxed as the bubbles moved all around me. I opened my eyes to pour me some champagne and Remy was standing over me naked as hell. My mouth watered as I watched him stroke his dick up and down in a circular motion. I sat up and moved closer to him; know I was eye level to his dick. I took him into my mouth and began to slowly make love to him with my mouth. The feeling of his massive hands grabbing the back of my head and pushing it further down on his dick caused me to gag, but that only made my mouth wetter. I began to suck, slurp, and slob all over his dick.

  “Oh shit! I’m about to cum Rose`.” Remy spewed all his seeds down my throat and I swallowed all of it without hesitation. Remy sat down inside the water and lifted me up and sat me down on his dick. I slowly moved up and down trying to get a good rhythm going. Remy grabbed me by the waist roughly and began to pound in and out of me. I had a hard time trying to hold on. He lifted me up and bent me over without even slipping out of me.

  “Ahhhh!” I screamed out in pleasure and pain. Remy was fucking the dog shit out of me. I was trying my best to get out of his grasp but he had a tight ass hold on my hair. I knew he was punishing me for what I did earlier. Not because I shot her but because I did it in his place of business. It was reckless of me but I don’t apologize for it. As long as I have breath in my body, I will never allow another bitch to think it’s sweet to fuck with me or bring harm to my family again. My mind had drifted away for a minute but let me get back to this dick.

  “Oh shit Remy! I’m about to cum.”

  “Not yet. Get out and let’s get in the bed. I’m not done punishing that pussy yet.” He hopped out the tub dripping wet. He reached his hand out to me and helped me out of the tub. My legs felt like noodles as I tried to walk. Before I knew it he had picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. The entire time he smacked me on my ass cheeks. Once we made it to our bedroom, he threw me on the bed and dived right back in. For the rest of the night he had me in every position possible. This sex session was off the motherfucking chain. Our sex life has always been great but tonight was something different. Maybe I need to shoot people more often.


  I had been contemplating all day on whether or not to tell Remy about a certified letter that I had received in the mail. Ace’s mother has filed for visitation rights for Heaven. Funny thing about this shit is that I have no idea who the fuck she is. I’ve never even met the bitch before. I know that Ace is behind this shit. It’s nothing but a ploy to still be in my life some kind of way. Heaven doesn’t even know this lady. Why does she want to have visitation rights for a granddaughter she has never met? Lord I wish Ace would just leave us alone and disappear all fucking ready.

  I sat on the sideline watching Heaven as she played in the swimming pool. She has been exposed to so much in her young life. We are now stable and happy. I will die before I let anyone come and mess up my daughter’s stability.

  “Mommy is Daddy going to get in the pool with me? He promised.”

  “Yeah, he’s on the way. He has to go get Uncle Peanut from the hospital.” Peanut was finally being released after being in the hospital for a little over a month. Neicee was still locked up and Madear was taking care of Lil’ Peanut. The police had tried to talk to him several times but he just kept saying he don’t know who stabbed him and that Neicee found him like that. That’s how she got the blood on her clothes. Peanut paid for her a lawyer and everything. It looks like she might get out, that is if the State doesn’t pick up the charges. A text came through my phone and it was Remy. Apparently, Madear has decided to cook Peanut a comin
g home dinner. I want to go but I swear I don’t want to be around the bitch Kim. She has been making it a habit to drop her daughter off on Madear every chance she gets.

  “Come on Heaven, let’s go see Madear and Peanut.”

  “Okay. But I hope Uncle Peanut can keep it in his pants.”

  “What did you just say little girl?”

  “Madear said Uncle Peanut can’t keep it in his pants and that’s why Neicee almost killed him. I don’t want my Uncle to die so I want him to keep it in his pants.” I have told Madear about talking in front of Heaven. She repeats everything she sees and hears. I want to whoop her ass but I know that I can’t. It’s not her fault Madear has no chill.

  “Stop repeating what Madear says Heaven. The next time I’m going to whoop your butt. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes Mommy, I hear you.” I saw her roll her little eyes as she walked away with her hand on her hip. Her little spoiled ass better be lucky I got to hurry up and get dressed or I would definitely whoop her little grown ass. Remy has created a little monster and he doesn’t even realize it.

  As soon as I pulled up in front of the house, the bitch Kim was pulling up as well. I had to take a deep breath before getting out of the car. Her existence alone made my ass ache. I can’t stand the sight of her. My best friend is sitting in jail because of this bitch and her messiness. I should just beat her ass for the hell of it.

  When I walked in the house, Remy, Boo, Peanut, and my Daddy were watching the Bulls. It was Derrick Rose`’s first game back since his knee surgery. I walked over and gave Peanut a big hug.

  “I’m happy your home. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m good. I just can’t wait until my chest heals completely.” Peanut was holding both of his kids on his lap. They were identical. I see why Neicee went psycho on his ass. I could only imagine her agony when she first laid eyes on the little girl. I shook my head in disgust as Kim walked over and squeezed in between Remy and Peanut. I gave that hoe the look of death. Her as better sway closer to Peanut and not Remy. I wouldn’t trust that bitch around my dog. I had to get away from her before I strangled the bitch to death.

  I went inside the kitchen to see if Madear needed help with anything. I couldn’t do shit but laugh as I watched her and Honey pass a blunt back and forth.

  “Let me hit that shit. I have to be high to be around Kim’s ass.”

  “Same shit I said. I don’t know why Madear lets her come over here anyway,” Honey said as she blew smoke from her mouth.

  “Peanut is the one who invited her over here. Not me. I’m team Neicee all day long.”

  “Well I’m glad someone still loves me.” We looked up and Niecee was standing in the doorway looking at us.

  “Hey friend. I’m so happy you got out. Wait a minute. You didn’t escape did you?” Honey asked as we all hugged her.

  “No I didn’t escape. Remy came and bonded me out.”

  “I’m going to kill him. He didn’t tell me shit.” I couldn’t stop hugging her.

  “Come on in here and sit down. I know you have to have got to be starving.”

  “I’m not staying. I just came to get my baby and go home. I missed him so much. I just want to spend time with him. Oh shit!” Neicee took off running towards the bathroom with her hand covering her mouth.”

  “What the hell is wrong with her?”

  “She’s pregnant again.” I knew that I wasn’t supposed to say anything but Peanut had to know and the bitch Kim had to go. Once Peanut finds out Kim can kick rocks back to wherever the fuck she came from.

  Chapter 10- Neicee

  I sat on the floor inside of the bathroom trying to gather myself. The whole time I had been locked up I wasn’t really eating. They didn’t give a fuck about me being pregnant. My ass got treated like a regular inmate. I really wasn’t having morning sickness. I was just malnourished, and I knew the baby was suffering. I was weak and dizzy as hell. All I wanted to do was just lay down before I passed the fuck out. The bathroom door flung open and it was Madear. She came in and closed the door behind her.

  “How far along are you baby?”

  “I just made four months.”

  “I guess Peanut doesn’t know about this.”

  “No, he doesn’t know. He was so busy with his other family that he didn’t even pay attention to me. That’s how I knew something was going on. I just didn’t know he had a baby on me. Out of all the bitches in the world, how could Peanut have a baby with that bitch Kim? I’m so fucking disgusted with him right now. I’m sorry for stabbing him up Madear. I just went crazy.”

  “You don’t owe me no explanation for the way you handled your husband. That’s between y’all. Honestly, if it was me I would have shot the shit out of him. Lord I’m just happy you didn’t kill my baby. You just scared his ass straight though. Trust and believe me it only takes one time for a woman to go crazy on a man. His ass is scared to breathe wrong around you without getting fucked up. Plus, this is just a bump in the road. This will make your marriage stronger.”

  “I don’t see how; from the looks of it our marriage is over. I’m done fighting for Peanut’s love. As long as he takes care of our kids I’m fine. Please don’t tell Peanut I’m pregnant, Madear. I don’t want his sympathy.

  “Why wouldn’t you want me to know you’re carrying my seed?” I looked up and Peanut was standing in the doorway. I rolled my eyes and got off the floor and pushed past him and Madear.

  “Bring your ass here Neicee!” I stuck my middle finger up and grabbed my son. I got the fuck out of there. I just got out of jail and I just might stab his up again, yelling at me.

  I went to the hospital to get checked out before going home. Just like I knew already, I was malnourished and the baby wasn’t getting the nutrition that it needed. The doctor put me on bed rest and I wasn’t happy about that at all. However, I knew I needed to do what was best for the baby. It felt so good to finally be back in my own home in my bed. I missed my son the most. He was so happy to see me. As soon as I fed him and gave him a bath he went straight to sleep. I put him in the bed with me because I just wanted to watch him sleep. I just kept stroking his hair and kissing his chubby cheeks. My mind drifted and I started to think about Peanut. I was so hurt when I walked inside Madear house and saw Kim sitting on the couch next to him. I just went straight to the kitchen. I felt that familiar rage building up inside of me. I wanted to pounce on that bitch Kim, but she wasn’t even worth my freedom and neither was Peanut. Fuck both of them bitches with an AIDS dick.


  I felt like I was pissing on myself in my sleep. I tried to jump up but my legs were pinned down. After I became fully awake, I looked down and it was Peanut. This nigga was eating my pussy like it was his last meal. I can’t believe he was doing this like shit was cool between us. He had made me cum in my sleep. I wish we were on good terms so that I could enjoy this, but I couldn’t even get into it. I was so hurt behind Peanut’s actions. I wanted him to stop, so I started popping him upside the head. I was trying my best to get my legs free but he had a damn death grip on them.

  “Please stop Peanut.” I didn’t even realize I was crying until I felt the tears falling into my ears. He just continued sucking and licking up all of my juices. I would be lying if I said the shit didn’t feel good. I just couldn’t get into it. Eating my pussy was not going to fix things between us. Once he was finished he got up and went into the bathroom. He came out with a hot towel and cleaned me up. I just laid there in the bed thinking about Kim and Peanut. I swear we women think about the wrong shit at the wrong time. I probably should have been focused on my husband being here with me, not wondering does he eat her pussy the way he just ate mine or even worse, if he loves her.

  I rolled over on my side and continued to shed tears. I swear being with this nigga has made me the weakest bitch on Earth and I hate the way I’ve fallen in love with this man. It’s crazy how men have the power to break down a woman’s very existence. I hate this feeling and I jus
t want it to go away. I eventually cried myself to sleep. The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I heard the shower running so I knew Peanut was in there. I sat in bed and checked all my messages. I knew I needed to go to the salon today. My hair, nails and toes were a hot ass mess. After making me an appointment, Peanut came out of the bathroom. I felt kind of bad looking at all the stitches he had on him. I watched as he stood in front of the mirror changing his dressings on his wounds. I hated to help him but he was really struggling. I went inside the bathroom to handle my personal hygiene before offering my assistance. When I came out of the bathroom Peanut had a pillow over his stomach. I felt really bad because I knew that he was still in pain.

  “Did you take some pain medicine?”

  “I’m cool. I felt like I had to cough. That shit hurts like hell when I do.” I grabbed the Neosporin and the gauze. I removed the pillow and started to change his dressings. He reached over to the nightstand and fired up a blunt.

  “Are you going to keep the baby?”

  “I don’t have a choice. I’m too far along in the pregnancy.”

  “How far along are you?”

  “I’m four months.”

  “So you knew you were pregnant before all of this shit happened?”

  “I didn’t want to tell you because at first I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I knew something was going on with you and Kim so I just wanted to wait and see. I just never thought in a million years it would be another baby. How could you do this to me? Why would you marry me if you knew you had a secret that could tear us apart?”

  “I just didn’t know how to tell you. I feel like shit knowing that I have kids that were born on the same day and are the same age. I married you because I love you and you’re who I want to be with. There is nothing going on between us. I’ve made it perfectly clear to her that the only connection we have is our daughter. So, you don’t have to worry about her.” I wanted to slap the shit out of Peanut for that last statement.


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