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Remy and Rose' 2: A Hood Love Story

Page 6

by Mz. Lady P

  “I’m not worried about that bitch. She’s not a threat to our relationship. You’re the motherfucking problem Peanut. You claim you want to be with me but you’re constantly doing shit to push me away from you. In case you forgot you had a whole baby on me with a bitch you were cheating on me with. I deserve a whole lot better than the bullshit you’re doing to me. I’m pregnant and stressed the hell out. I’m so fucking mad at you right now, I swear I could kill your ass!”

  “I know and I deserve it. All I want is to make things right between us.” Peanut pulled me in close and wrapped his arms around my waist. He laid his head on my stomach and it felt so fucking good to feel his body against mine. The fact remains the same; this is not easily forgiven and he is going to have to do more than beg for my forgiveness. I’ve heard all of this shit before. For all I know this is just some type of game this motherfucker wants to play with me. Little does he know I’m about to pull his card to know if he’s really truthful about what he is saying.”

  “Come on and get dressed. We need to go pay this bitch Kim a visit.”

  “What the fuck do we need to go over there for?”

  “You’re about to tell that bitch what it really is, in front of me. Plus, I have to tell that bitch a thing or two as well. That hoe needs to learn some respect. I’m not your motherfucking girlfriend or baby momma. I’m your wife and that bitch will respect me as such. If not, I will beat, stomp and drag that hoe every chance I get. I don’t give a fuck about you having a daughter with her. She will know that she holds no regard when it comes down to you.”

  “So my word ain’t good?” Peanut was now standing to his feet and we were staring each other down.

  “Hell no your word ain’t shit! I don’t trust your ass as far as I can throw you. You’ve proved to me that you’re a liar. It’s going to take a long time before I trust your ass again. In the meantime let’s go pay your baby momma visit.” I got up and got dressed. I refused to play any games with these two motherfuckers any longer.


  “What the hell are you doing at my house?” This bitch had the nerve to step on the porch with a blunt hanging from her mouth and her daughter on her hip. Unfit ass bitch.

  “Let this bitch know what it really is. I have a hair appointment and I won’t be late for it.”

  “Chill that shit out Neicee. Look Kim, all I want to do is be in my daughter’s life. I need for you to fall back and stop it with all of this disrespectful ass shit. You’ve been on bullshit lately. Neicee is my wife and you need to start respecting that shit.”

  “Get the fuck out of here Peanut. You sitting in here in my face telling me to respect your wife when you don’t even respect her.”

  “Bitch, you heard what the fuck he said. Now I’m not going to be petty or a bitter bitch about you having a baby with him. He’s my husband so I have to accept his daughter. As far as you go, I’m going to need you to stay in your motherfucking lane and that’s the lane where the bum ass baby mommas reside at. Going forward, we will come and pick her up on the weekends and we’ll work out some type of child support agreement. ”

  “I don’t want Peanut. His ass ain’t going to never change. He will forever and always be a selfish ass nigga. I’ve been with the nigga day in and day out while he was fighting for his life. The moment you get out of jail it was back to fuck Kim. I’m sick of his dog ass. You can have this headache. As long as he takes care of my daughter we’re cool. Now get the fuck off my doorstep before I get both of y’all locked up for tr0espassing.”

  “Bitch bye. I wish you would call the police on us. Come on Peanut. Let’s go before I beat her ass. She’s talking too much shit for me. I’m on papers and this bitch is not about to have me sitting in lock up again.” Her ugly ass slammed the door and we got back inside of our car. Peanut really thought he had done something but I still wasn’t satisfied. He was going to have to prove to me that he is worthy of my love. If not, I’m bouncing on his lying ass.

  Chapter 11-Remy

  I had finally booked our flights for Miami. The only issue was I still hadn’t told Rose`. After our last conversation about our son, I decided not to tell her about Ava living down there and being head of her father’s Cartel. I needed to be down there and focused. I didn’t need Rose`’s emotions getting in the way of us getting at that bitch. Plus, the bitch is fucking with my territory. She knows motherfucking well the Ramirez family runs Miami. So I know the bitch is expecting a visit from me. Ava loves to play games but I’m the best at this shit. I could actually care less about her selling drugs in my territory. This shit ain’t business, this shit is personal. She took my son and we can never get that back. I make money in my sleep so that shit she out there pushing is small shit to a motherfucking giant.

  I needed to pick up Rose` from the braid shop. My cars were being detailed so I decided to drive hers. I can’t ride without music so I reached inside the armrest where she kept her AUX cord at. As I searched for the cord, I felt mail inside. I came across tons of letters from the bitch ass nigga, Ace. Not to mention a certified letter from the courts. Since it was already open I took it upon myself to read it. The fact that Rose` had received this shit well over a month ago had me pissed the fuck off. How could she not tell me that Ace’s mother has filed for visitation rights? I should have been the first to know since I’m legally her father now. She has my motherfucking last name. As long as I have breath in my body, no one affiliated with that bitch ass nigga will be around her. I sat outside the salon and waited for Rose` to finish up. Usually I would go inside and wait until she was done, but I needed to smoke to calm my nerves down.

  “Why you didn’t let me know that you were out here?” Rose` got inside the car and kissed me on the jaw. I didn’t even respond to her question. I just started up the car and pulled away. I turned the music up as loud as it could go and drove to pick Heaven up from ballet practice. When we pulled in front of the school and she was standing outside with her teacher. I got out and went to greet her.

  “Good evening, Mr. Ramirez. I just wanted to let you know that Heaven is an exquisite dancer and she is very smart. It’s a joy to have her in my class. However, Heaven has a potty mouth. She constantly uses profanity and threatens to kick the other girls’ asses if they dance too close to her. I’m not sure who Madear is but apparently she told Heaven that she can do whatever she wants to do. I’m not sure how she behaves at home but that will not be tolerated in my classroom.”

  “Apologize to your teacher for your behavior.” Heaven was standing there looking at her teacher like “Bitch I know you didn’t tell on me.” Her little attitude is off the chain and that’s because her little ass is spoiled.

  “But Daddy, I didn’t do anything.”

  “Apologize right now or I’m going to take my belt off and whoop your ass.” Her eyes bucked out of her head because I have never raised my voice at her, let alone threatened to whoop her.

  “I’m sorry for my behavior Ms. Brown.”

  “Apology accepted. I’ll see you in class next week Heaven. Thank you again, Mr. Ramirez.”

  “No problem at all. Just give me a call whenever she gets to acting out in school.” I grabbed Heaven’s hand and walked to the car. She was crying her little heart but I had to ignore my baby. My heart was breaking seeing her cry, but she had to be punished for being disrespectful.

  “What the hell was you and her teacher talking about all that time? Your ass was over there chit chatting like I wasn’t in this car waiting.” I ignored her ass again. Rose` knows damn well we had to be talking about something pertaining to our daughter. She just loves to be dramatic. Any woman that gets remotely close to me, Rose` talks shit about it.

  “I got in trouble at school Mommy. Daddy made me apologize for having a potty mouth.”

  “It’s about time he got your little butt!” Rose` had been complaining about me letting Heaven get away with murder.

  “You want to grab something to eat before we go in the crib?”
  “Are you talking to me? Your ass has been ignoring me since I got in the car.”

  “And you wonder why she curses the way that she does. I tell you time and time again to stop cursing in front of her. You blame Madear for being a bad influence but you’re one as well.” These days, Rose` can’t have a simple conversation without cursing. That girl is my heart but she is not the shy and timid Rose` she used to be. She sat in the passenger seat rolling her eyes and mumbling under her breath. Since she didn’t say where she wanted to eat, I swung by Boston Market and grabbed dinner for us. Heaven wanted McDonalds but she had no choice in the matter, with her cursing ass. Once we got in the house we all sat down and ate dinner.

  “Heaven, you’re on a punishment for a week. Give me your tablet and your phone.”

  “But Daddy, I won’t be able to watch ‘Bring it’ on YouTube or play any games.”

  “You should have thought about that before you were cursing. You better not ever let me hear about you cursing again. If I do I’m going to take Choc and give her to another little girl who doesn’t curse. Now go get the tablet and your phone. Take a bath and get in the bed.” I hated to do it but I had to show her that I wasn’t playing. She loved her pony so I know she was going to straighten up and fly right. I dealt with my spoiled daughter, now it was time to deal with my spoiled wife. When I walked into our bedroom, Rose` was sitting in bed reading her Kindle. I threw all the letters from Ace and the letter from the courts on the bed, making sure it landed on her ass.

  “When the fuck was you going to tell me this nigga has been reaching out you? Not to mention that fact that his mother wants visitation with Heaven.”

  “I was going to tell you Remy, I was just trying to find the right time.”

  “The right motherfucking time was when you first start receiving that shit. What, you had plans on responding to the nigga that violated you? Or let me guess, your ass was going to go to the court date without telling me?”

  “Really Remy?” I can’t believe that you’re standing here saying that shit to me. You’re her father. I would never attend the court date without you. And as far as visiting his ass that shit will never happen, so don’t even come at me like that. You know me better than that. I had no intentions on keeping in contact with Ace or letting his mother see my baby. I never would have been so adamant about you legally adopting her. I hate Ace for all of the shit that he has done to me and my daughter. The last thing I want is for his mother to get visitation. I know you’re mad but what are we going to do? Ace is her biological father. Just because he doesn’t have legal rights to her doesn’t mean his mother can’t get visitation.”

  “Let me tell you one motherfucking thing, don’t ever in your life refer to Ace as being her father again in my presence. I’m her motherfucking father. She has my last name now. As far as his mother goes I will kill the bitch dead. I murked the bitch that birthed me so I have no problem with killing his mother. To answer your question about what the fuck we’re going to do, you can pack you and my daughter shit. We’re going to Miami for a little awhile. I have business down there and I’m not leaving you here by yourself.” I walked out of the room without even letting her ass respond because I was done talking. All I needed was for Rose` to do what I said. She’s not even going to no fucking court appearance with Ace’s mother. Fuck her and her son. They are the least of my fucking worries right now. I hoped that Rose` just did as I said and not ask any questions. Of course that was wishful thinking. I could hear her footsteps behind me as I walked downstairs to my office.

  Chapter 12- Rose`

  I really hate when Remy drops a bombshell on me and turns to walk away. That shit makes me so mad. Something is definitely up. The majority of his businesses are here in the Chi. Why would he just want to up and move to Miami for a little while? That shit doesn’t make any sense. Remy thought he was slick trying to rush off so that I wouldn’t say anything. He’s going to have to elaborate on this sudden decision to move. As his wife I deserve to know why I’m being uprooted from my home. He was trying his best to get downstairs to his office, but I was on his ass like white on rice. I was really upset with Remy for rushing out of the room the way that he did. I wanted to curse his ass out for not giving me an explanation. I decided to approach the situation differently. I knew if I came at him reckless he wouldn’t tell me the truth. I walked inside the office and he was sitting at his desk with his head leaned back. I knew that something was weighing heavily on him, and it wasn’t about that damn mail he found.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I don’t care where we have to go. As long as we are together that’s all that matters. However, we’ve been through a lot and I deserve to know why all of sudden we’re picking up and moving. Whatever it is I support you one hundred percent. Please don’t leave me in the dark again. We’re a team and I want to a part of the decisions you make, especially when it comes down to our family.”

  “Come here Ma.” I walked over to Remy and he pulled me onto his lap. I tried my best not to smirk because if I didn’t know anything about my husband, I knew I had him wrapped around my finger. He was about to tell me exactly what I wanted to hear.

  “What I’m about to tell you is some real shit. I want you to remain calm and let me handle everything. As you know we’ve been looking all over for the bitch Ava, with no luck. Since we hadn’t been able to get a location on her, I hired a private investigator. Recently he came back with some information. Apparently, the bitch is down in Miami running a Cartel of her own. Ava knows that’s Ramirez territory. That bitch is trying to play me like a motherfucking sucker. She wants me to come out there. This is nothing but a ploy to get my attention. I know that this shit is hard for you but I need you to be a rider for your man. Do you think you’re up to going out there? The move is only temporary.” I wanted that bitch bad so I knew I couldn’t show Remy all the pain I was feeling inside. Just knowing that she was alive and well while my son was dead, had me mad as hell. I had to go to Miami with my game face on because I have every intention of getting at that bitch Ava. I want to see her take her last motherfucking breath. That will be the best fucking orgasm I have had in my life.

  “I can handle it. You have to promise me that no matter what happens you will not leave me out of the loop. Also, I have to be there when you get the bitch. I deserve to have a hand in offing her ass.” I grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him so passionately. Remy never ceases to amaze me with the things he does just to make things right.

  “That a girl. Don’t think your ass is slick either, coming in here with all that sweet shit. I’m on to you and Heaven. I’m going to break y’all out of that spoiled shit.”

  “Boy bye. You know that you can’t tell us no. Just in case we never told you, we love you for everything that you do for us.” I kissed Remy for the last time and went upstairs to my room. I passed my son’s room and had the urge to go inside and talk to him. Instead I grabbed my necklace around my neck that held his ashes, and kissed it. That was all the reassurance I needed about going to Miami. I promised my baby that I would avenge his death and I was going to follow through with that promise.

  I was so happy to know that Peanut, Neicee, Honey, and Boo were going to move down to Miami with us. They made the move that much easier for me. I was just sad that my father and Madear wasn’t going with us. My dad was going to stay back and run things for Remy. Madear flat out said hell no. She refused to leave her house that she paid for in full. That ole lady has my heart but I swear I hate how stubborn she can be. Since we would all be leaving in a couple of days, I wanted to spend some quality time with my dad. I was so sad to be leaving him behind, but I knew he was going to be holding things down for Remy. I love the relationship that they have. They’ve become even closer since Remy’s father died. I know that he misses his father a lot, but he doesn’t even show it.

  “What’s up old man?”

  “Same shit different toilet. How are you doing?”

p; “I’m good for the most part. I just hate that we’re going to be so far apart. I’m so used to seeing you every day. This is going to be so hard for Heaven and me.”

  “Gone ‘head on with your spoiled self. You and Heaven are going to be just fine. My son-in-law is going to make sure of that. Plus we’re going to come down there for your birthday next month. Hang in there. Remy is concerned about you and this Ava thing. No matter what you’ve been through, you’re a strong ass woman. I don’t know what the outcome will be when you cross paths with that bitch, but all you have to do is stay focused. Trust and believe me in the end you will come out on top.”

  “I’m focused Daddy. You and Remy can breathe easy. I have my sanity back. I need to go Daddy, our flight leaves early in the morning. I’ll let Heaven FaceTime you when I get home.” I got up to leave but my father stopped me.

  “I’ve been meaning to give you this?” My father handed me a folded piece of paper.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s your mother’s number. She’s been calling but I won’t talk to her evil ass. She left her number with Madear to give to you. I don’t like the way she did you but that’s still your mother. Every girl needs her mother no matter how crazy the bitch is. I love you baby girl.”

  “I love you too, Daddy.” I gave my father a kiss and a hug before I pulled off. I haven’t seen or spoken to my mother in almost six years. I don’t understand why she even reached out to get in contact with me. I’ve finally gotten to a point in my life where I’m content with not having a mother. I want to cry just thinking about how she walked out on me without a care in the world, but I refuse to. I’ve come too far to let my past dictate my future. I might call her and then again I might not. Either way I’m going to sleep good at night. Let me get home to my family and prepare for this move. I’m giving all my energy to my daughter and my husband. Anything outside of them is irrelevant.


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