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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Claire Marta

  It will do to keep out the November cold. Eyes clouded in fear, it seems to finally sink in we might be in trouble. Hands twisting together nervously, she doesn’t say a word.

  “Christ, it stinks down there.” Leo complains, wrinkling his nose.

  “Start bitching and I’ll leave you here. Just breathe through your mouth. Snatch, you lead.” Handing him a torch, I motion for them to climb down.

  “Why do I have to go first?”

  Leo snickers, dumping his empty cup in the sink. “Because I’m tipsy and Mavi will want to guard our rear which makes you the most responsible one to lead.”

  “Just get in the fucking hole.” Flicking my light on, I wait for the three of them to descend.

  Whoever it is keeping an eye on the place is probably doing surveillance. It’s better we’re gone before they work out we’ve given them the slip. It gives me the sneaking suspicion that all the safe houses we’ve been given are compromised. Have we been betrayed by someone close to the team? Someone from Cease Fire? I file that unpleasant thought away for now.

  Carefully climbing down the metal ladder, I join them on the narrow walkway. We have a few streets to travel before we reach the meeting point.

  Torch light jiggling as he moves, Snatch guides the way. He knows the direction. We’ve been over escape routes enough times that everyone knows them by heart.

  “You know there are supposed to be giant crocodiles down here.” Snatch whispers.

  “That’s the sewers in New York.” I reply dryly back. “And it’s an urban myth.”

  “London has giant rats.”

  “They don’t exist, Leo, so stop trying to wind Snatch up.”

  Leo sucks his teeth. “And how do you know that? You come down here a lot, do you?”

  Something scraping behind us cuts off my ready reply.

  “What the fuck was that?” Snatch whines. His imagination is probably dancing with the horrific possibilities.

  “It’s already begun, you just don’t know it yet.” Cassandra murmurs, her voice so eerie it makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise. “He’s coming for us.”

  Growling echoes along the walls. Not rats. No, whatever it is, it’s much bigger.

  “Keep moving and get Cassandra to Caesar.” Tugging my gun free, I turn back to intercept it. We don’t need something right up our arse when we need to climb out.

  They don’t wait to argue. Hearing their footsteps diminish it gives me one less thing to worry about.

  The tapping of claws advances closer.

  Straining my ears, I pick up more than one set. Fuck, there’s at least three creatures coming my way.

  Holding a weapon and a torch at the same time is awkward, but I still manage.

  Releasing a breath, I relax my shoulders. The moment I see a nose or head I won’t hesitate.

  Yellow eyes. That’s the first thing I glimpse. Then a streak of brown fur. It’s fast. Dodging out of the thin beam of light, it bounds towards me.

  Squeezing my trigger, it yelps as a bullet slams into its shoulder.

  Another blur comes at me down the tunnel. Jaws open large, sharp white teeth flash in the dim torchlight.

  Firing, I aim for its flank.

  Werewolves. I’ve dealt with their kind before. Without silver bullets, I won’t be able to take them down for good. All I’m doing is slowing their progress.

  “Benson, Ryan, stop dicking around.” Calls a familiar voice.

  “Cade, is that you?” Squinting, I make out the hulking silhouette further along. Not in his beast form, the Alpha wolf is in the process of stripping off his clothes.

  “Mavi?” The gruff voice is filled with surprise. “What the fuck you doin’ down here?”

  Keeping my weapon trained on the two still on their bellies, I adjust the light. “Trying to not get my arse mauled by your brothers.”

  Yellow eyes turn my way. Lips curling back, they snarl, baring teeth in aggression.

  I’ve pissed them off. I might not have used silver, but a bullet still hurts like fuck, no matter what species you are, even if it doesn’t kill you.

  “Benson, Ryan, I suggest you back up unless you want this bad arse bitch to castrate you.”

  That makes me grin. He knows my reputation well.

  Growling low in their throats, the large wolves back off.

  “I’m guessing your with the girl we’ve been paid to hunt and bring in.”

  Cade and his kin are bounty hunters. I’ve dealt with them before. They’re good. Some of the best and come at a high price to hire.

  “Yeah. She’s under my protection,” I confirm.

  “Fuck. Why do you have to go make this complicated?”

  “Who’s your client?”

  Raking a hand through his shaggy mane of brown hair, he sighs. “You know I can’t tell you that, but you’re in some deep shit, that’s all I’m saying.”

  Demons. It has to be. Werewolves don’t generally fear anyone, but when it comes to Hell-spawn it makes them jumpy. I’m not stupid enough to imagine they’re the only hunters who have been hired. Whoever wants Cassandra, they want her bad.

  “Maybe we can get together again some time?” Cade asks with a hopeful tone.

  For a werewolf he’s a sweet guy. The only other male apart from Max who I allowed to take control in the bedroom. There’s something about alphas that makes me hot all over.

  “You know my rule. I do you once and that’s all you get.”

  A rule I’ve already broken with Max. Shaking off that niggling thought, I back up. The guys will be wondering where I am. I don’t need them in this mess. They’ll only get in the way with the tunnel so narrow.

  “You’re breaking my fucking heart here, Mavi,” he moans with a wounded expression.

  “Not my fault your bitches don’t know how to fuck properly.”

  Benson and Ryan growl as they pace up and down beside him. They’re getting impatient. They were ready for a fight and all their instincts will be demanding they follow through.

  “You got twenty-four hours to get yourself out of the shit you’re in or I’m coming for you and the girl.”

  Gaze snapping up, I lock eyes with their older brother. There’s a hungry sexual gleam in their depths. He means every word. I know he has a soft spot for me, but I didn’t know it went this far. Do I trust him? He’s never broken a promise as long as I’ve known him. They have a code of honour.

  “Thanks.” Lowering my gun, I keep it handy, slinking for the exit.

  Chapter Nine

  “Well?” Snatch questions the moment I sit my arse down in the van.

  A group of anxious faces stare back at me.

  “It was Cade. He’s been paid to bring Cassandra in.”

  “Fucking werewolves.” Leo mutters, sitting back in his seat. “Did you shoot them in the balls?”

  “No. He’s agreed to give us twenty-four hours to find out what the fuck is going on.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  Checking my pistol over, I reload. “Because he likes me.”

  “You mean he wants to fuck you.”

  “He’s already had that pleasure.” I impart, clearing my throat. “He’s sniffing around for more, but he knows that’s not my thing.”

  Blonde eyebrows raising, Leo throws me a dirty look. “So, because you screwed his furry brains out so well in the past he’s letting this slide for a day?”

  “If we don’t figure things out by then he’s coming for her and me.” I correct, holstering my gun.

  “Why you?” Snatch asks in confusion.

  “I’m pretty certain he intends to keep me as his fuck toy.”

  “You get kept as a sex slave by the furry arsehole.” Leo recaps in disbelief. “And we’re more than likely to become werewolf chew toys.”

  “Maybe if you fuck his arse real nice too he’ll let you live.” Caesar chuckles.

  “Cade isn’t my type.” Leo huffs back. “Too hairy. It would be like doing a mountain gori

  Attention shifting to Cassandra, who’s huddled next to Snatch, I narrow my eyes. We need to know how much more trouble she’s going to cause. My gut is telling me things have just started.

  “Caesar, get driving. If we keep moving hopefully we’ll avoid anyone else who’s been contracted to search for us.”

  Scratching his neck with a finger, he glances back at us through the rear-view mirror. “Seat belts first. I’m not moving until they’re on.”

  Trying not to lose my shit, I obey. The click of three other sets being secured fills the silence.

  Satisfied, he turns the key, getting the vehicle rolling smoothly into the early morning London traffic.

  I don’t care where we go if we aren’t found.

  Dragging my phone out of my jacket pocket, I hit speed dial. Unfamiliar anxiety rising, I listen to the ring tone as it continues far longer than usual. Where the fuck is his angelic arse? This is not like him.

  “Gabriel’s not answering.” I mutter grimly.

  Groping in the pocket of his sweatshirt, Snatch pulls out a bottle. Popping the lid, he shakes a couple of pills into his open palm.

  “What are those?”

  “Prescription drugs.” He tells me, before swallowing them down. “Something to make me numb to the fact we’re all going to die.”

  Ending the failed call, I zip my phone away. Cease Fire normally would be the best option but after Gabriel’s warning it gives me second thoughts.

  Drawing her legs up on the seat, Cassandra hugs her knees. There’s a fragility to her that’s deceiving. Her child-like nature hides something deeper. More insidious.

  Watching her was not what we signed up before. This was supposed to be a straight forward job. No, we’re entangled in something I am not sure we want to be in. Cade’s warning rings through my head.

  “I set up the meeting.” Caesar says, breaking into my angry thoughts. “He’s going to see us in a couple of hours.”

  “Good. Once we’re done we’ll figure out our next move.”

  Two hours later, and my patience is about to snap. Being stuck in the van with Leo whining and Snatch freaking out is not my idea of a good time. They’re lucky I like them, or I would have been tempted to put a bullet through their heads.

  “Caesar, you sure you’re ok to stay with the van?”

  I think he’s had about enough as I have.

  “Yes.” He assures me, peering through his straggly hair below his cap. “It’s better if we have someone ready if you need a quick escape. If you’re not out in twenty minutes, I’ll come in after you. I’ve got enough firepower in here to take out Fort Knox if trouble turns up.”

  Hoping we won’t need it I lead the rest of our group into the fancy office building. We’re not far from the London Eye and the river Thames. The place screams money. Whoever Caesar has arranged for us to see they’re well off.

  Keeping my leather jacket zipped up hides my gun. The knives I have strapped to various places are much less obvious. Even walking into somewhere like this, I go armed. I’m lucky they don’t have a metal detector.

  Steely grey eyes raising from her computer screen, the smartly dressed receptionist gives us the once over. From her expression we aren’t the usual clientele.

  “Can I help you?” Her voice holds the right amount of pleasantry with a hint of distaste.

  Elbowing me out of the way, Leo rests his arms on the top her desk. “Let me deal with this.” Switching on a charming smile he gives her a wink. “Hello, sweetie. We have an appointment with Envoy Consultancy.”

  Eyeing his bright yellow trousers, pink sneakers, and flamboyant green dragon print shirt she wrinkles her nose. “What name is it under?”

  “StClair.” I cut in, before he can cock it up. Caesar made sure to use my surname.

  Long manicured nails tapping on her keyboard, she takes a moment to check. “Ah yes. They’re on the third floor. Turn right at the corridor and it’s the last door.”

  Turning on my heels, I head for the bank of lifts.

  “Are you sure this is the right place?” Snatch mutters, his arm around Cassandra as he guides her along. “It’s way up market. They’re all probably drinking cafe lattes and bragging about what they did on the weekends at their over the top, overpriced condos.”

  “The eyes do not always see what is truly there, you know that.” Cassandra’s soft voice breaks her silence.

  She’s starting to sound like a fortune cookie. It also disturbs me that she knows that Snatch is a sensitive when she hasn’t been told. Why do I feel like we have a ticking time bomb on our hands?

  As the lift doors smoothly open I herd the three of them inside.

  Jabbing the button, Leo scratches the back of his neck with a shaking hand. “I could really do with a drink right now.”

  “I think having you sober is the better option.”

  I can’t afford to watch his back more than the others. He knows that. If he slips up with everything that’s going on he will wind up dead.

  “I know, I know.” He grumbles.

  As the door slides open I cautiously step out. Scoping out either side of the corridor I find it empty. Beckoning with a finger they obey my silent command to get their arses out of the lift.

  I don’t want any surprises. My fingers itch to hold the comforting weight of my 9mm Smith and Wesson pistol. It’s my happy place. With the security cameras all over the place having a weapon on show is not a good idea.

  As one, we stride down the corridor trying not to look out of place, but knowing if anyone sees us we’re more than likely going to draw attention.

  Reaching the last door, I note the shiny sign.

  “Come on. Let’s get this over with. This place is giving me the jitters.” Snatch gripes, rapping his knuckles on the door. “In and out, like fucking ninjas, remember.”


  The office is stylish and immaculate. Tasteful and expensive, colours of different cities hang on the cream walls. In the middle of the room are a couple of comfortable looking beige sofas and a coffee table. Positioned in front of the panoramic view is an impressive dark wood desk.

  “Hello, Mavi”

  That deep, sexy, familiar voice.

  Gaze snapping to the large handsome male in the leather chair, my mouth goes dry.

  Max. Son of a bitch.

  He doesn’t look surprised to see me.

  My fun has now turned into business. This day really has turned to crap. Heat warms my cheeks and I know that I’m blushing. Shit.

  “You know this guy?” Leo ask suspiciously. I can see the wheels turning behind his eyes. He can tell there’s something more than acquaintances between us.

  “Kind of. We’ve bumped into each other a few times.” The guys don’t need to know how I rode him like a cowgirl the evening before in a sex club.

  “Max Reed, at your service.” He doesn’t get up. Instead, he remains lounging back in his chair observing us.

  Somehow, I manage to shepherd them inside the room and close the door without too much awkwardness.

  “Mavi, he’s not human.” Snatch mumbles lowly.

  I kind of worked that out by myself. Sex that phenomenal every single time can only mean Max is some kind of supernatural. “Any idea what he is?”

  “I don’t know, but his aura is dark.”

  Dark doesn’t mean bad. Snatch has told me numerous times mine is black more than any other colour. I imagine my soul is cracked in so many places I’m just waiting for it to fall apart. Working for Gabriel is probably the only thing keeping it intact.

  Max smiles elusively. He’s not giving anything away. Who the hell is this guy? He’s still so much of a mystery.

  Leather squeaks as he leans forward in is chair resting his elbows on the surface of his table. “My personal assistant, who made the appointment, told me you require information.”

  I need to keep focused on business and not how good his cock feels inside me when we fuck.
/>   “Yes, we’re after information.” I repeat lamely.

  Max smiles. A sultry curling of his sexy lips. He’s far too perceptive for his own good.

  “Mavi, you ok?” Snatch asks in concern.

  Nodding, I flash him a tight smile. I need to get a grip. My professionalism is lacking. What I need to do is get my head out of my vagina and start thinking clearly.

  Emerald green eyes flick dismissively over my friends. “What exactly can I help you with?”

  “What kind of qualification you got?” Leo asks, picking up a fragile vase examining it. “We need to make sure we can trust you.”

  “I assume you already know of my reputation. I guarantee silence. My success rate is a hundred percent. Whatever you need to know I will have it within twenty-four hours or less. Because of that, I am not cheap, but I promise satisfaction.”

  I’m not worried about his fee. I have enough money to pay whatever price he charges. Right now, all I want is answers.

  Snatching the vase out of Leo’s hand, I place it back down in its home. “Keep your hands to yourself.” I warn him with a sharp look.

  Pulling a face, he flops down on one of the sofas tugging Cassandra with him. Tumbling down with him on the pillows, she glances around uneasily.

  Time is ticking. Caesar will be in with guns blazing if we take too long.

  “We need to know what she is.” I gesture at her.

  Finally rising from his chair, Max strolls casually around his desk. He’s in another designer suit which accentuates his muscled physique in a way I can’t ignore. Black hair slicked back, his expression is all business. Shrewd, emerald green eyes run over Cassandra assessing. Like one would do when admiring a thoroughbred horse.

  She’s stares back at him, apprehension clear on her young thin face. “Such a heavy burden to wear on your head. No wonder your heart is so weary.”

  Max’s expression doesn’t change, but I see a discernible tightening around his mouth at her words.

  “She’s an oracle.”

  Fuck that was quick.

  “You mean she can see the future?”

  “Yes, and the past, very accurately.”

  Now things make sense. How she knew things she shouldn’t. Someone with the ability she wields would be worth a fortune on the black market. No wonder Gabriel wants her. With that kind of insight, we would be miles ahead in the battle against Hell.


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