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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Claire Marta

  “How did he do that?” Snatch asks, plucking at the loose thread on the arm of his sweatshirt, unravelling the hole further.

  Leo rakes a hand through his blonde hair. “Mind voodoo.”

  Max smirks. “I already had the knowledge in my possession. You’re not the first to come asking about her.”

  Not good. Has to have been the demons that were transporting her. Which means Max has seen them too. How close is he to this?

  “I know where we can take her until we can figure this shit out.” I direct my comment at Snatch and Leo.

  My flat. It’s my space. Where I feel the most comfortable and in control. I know every inch of it. My arsenal is formidable. The panic room I had installed is also tough enough to withstand anything thrown at it.

  Snatch glances at his wrist watch. “We’ve got about five minutes before Caesar goes all Hung Ho on us.”

  I nod. “Give me a minute.”

  Picking up on the fact I want to speak to him alone Max shows me across the spacious room towards his desk.

  Taking in the view, I keep my back to my team. “How much do I owe you?”

  He’s standing so close, his shoulder brushes mine. The enticing smell of his aftershave is doing strange things to be libido.

  “Nothing.” He murmurs in return.

  My gaze falls to the surface of his desk. Stacks of documents are waiting to be signed and a photo frame is lying face down. “Max, I can’t let you do that.”

  “I didn’t have to use any resources, time, or effort. This first time is free.”

  Meeting his watchful expression, I offer him a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

  Raising a hand, he draws one long finger gently along my cheek. “Flower, what happened to your face?”

  I clench my jaw at the brief sting it causes. “Mistress Taila and I had a falling out after you left.”

  Something malevolent flickers in his gaze. A cold deadliness that sends my heartbeat accelerating in a prickle of fear and excitement. As quickly as it appears it’s gone in a blink.

  “Can I see you tonight?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I reply, keeping my voice quiet.

  “Why not? Is my cock too much for you?” He taunts softly back.

  “You’ve got a lot of secrets, Max and I don’t like being toyed with.”

  “If I recall, you were being just as vague about your own line of work as an assassin.”

  We’re playing a devious game of cat and mouse. Max is calculating. I can see the way he watches my expression, weighing my reactions, looking for a weakness. I get the feeling I’ve only sampled the shallows of his dominant personality. So far, each encounter has taken me higher.

  “I like you, Mavi. Very much.” He continues easily. “I don’t want business to get in the way of that for us. I find myself thinking about you when I shouldn’t. You’ve disrupted all my well laid plans and you don’t even realise.”

  So has he. Max has made me want to express myself, to explore my darker needs and desires. Things that I know I shouldn’t.

  “You must know of my reputation by now. Doesn’t it scare you? I kill humans and demons for a living.”

  Anyone sane wouldn’t want to date me after learning what I do. Shit a brick, they wouldn’t even want to screw me.

  Gliding his open palm over my marked cheek, he holds my chin. “No. I admire you. Embracing the darkness inside you, accepting it. Do you know how rare that is? You have no idea how special you are, Mavi.”

  His words warm me. Special? That’s something I’ve never been called before.

  I’m torn. Caution says to end this now. Another part of me doesn’t want to stop whatever this is between us. I’ve never been one for emotional ties with the men I sleep with. Fucking has always been a release of energy for me. But I’ve been futilely denying that Max makes me want more than sex. I enjoy his attention. Yearn for closeness. But can I trust him?

  Gently, his thumb rubs my lips.

  Every inch of me is on alert from the simple touch. My body so attuned to him.

  “All right, I’ll see you tonight.” I respond, caving in. I’m so fucking weak.

  “Mavi, I really hate to interrupt your moment, but we can’t wait any longer.” Leo calls flatly.

  Blinking, I find him, Snatch, and Cassandra standing by the door.

  Shit, Caesar.

  “I’ll text you the details.” Max tells me as I practically trip over my own feet to reach them.

  Waving in reply, I chase them out the door.

  “Is that your fuck buddy?”

  I don’t reply to Leo’s question.

  “The chemistry coming off the two of you could burn down the building. Don’t even try to tell me you’re just friends.” He carries on giving me a sly look.

  Jabbing the button for the lift, I’m relieved when the doors open straight away.

  A short, portly, balding man with a paper bag clutched in his chubby hand scoffs in disapproval as he barrels into me. “Watch where you’re going, young lady.”

  Backing up, I give him room to pass.

  “I thought she stuck to one night stands?” Snatch comments as the guy takes off down the corridor without a backwards glance.

  Slapping my hand on the door, I halt them from closing.

  Cassandra trails him inside.

  Tracking the guy’s progress, I note he’s vanished into Max’s office. Another client?

  Knowing they won’t let it go, I sigh. “It’s...complicated.”

  Arm wrapping around my shoulders, Leo gives me an affectionate hug. “Puddin’. I think you’re in the L word.”

  “You think she’s in love?”

  “Lust.” He corrects Snatch. “Our baby girl is lusting after Mr. tall, dark, and well hung. Don’t think I didn’t notice the bulge in the front of his trousers.”

  Groaning internally, I try not to let my discomfort show on my face. I’ll never hear the end of this now.

  Chapter Ten

  Checking my phone, I double check the address Max gave me. Mandarin Oriental. The hotel in Hyde Park is the best in London. Is this where we’re having dinner? He really does like waving his money around.

  Guilt niggles at me for leaving the guys watching over Cassandra this evening. I should be with them. We’re being hunted and I’m out to have a good time. The thing is I want answers. Not knowing what Max is keeps bugging the hell out of me. I don’t understand why he calls to me. I also don’t believe in coincidence.

  Walking along the street from Knightsbridge underground, I head to the location. The weight of my gun is heavy in the secret compartment in my bag. The over the shoulder kind with zips. Better safe than sorry.

  I’m taking no risks. No way was I coming unarmed.

  Glasses and a blonde wig are good camouflage along with the long, black, woollen coat. As disguises go it should keep most off my tail. Cade, on the other hand, that wolf won’t fall for it. Time is trickling through my fingers like grains of sand and we’re still no closer to contacting Gabriel.

  Spending all afternoon leaving him voice messages and texts have wound my nerves tighter. I think I used every swearword in the book. Even made up a few just for him. If his phone hasn’t exploded by now his head will when he finally listens to them.

  A prickle up my neck alerts me to the fact I’m being followed.

  Continuing to walk, I give nothing away that I’ve been tipped off to the presence shadowing me. I should’ve known this was never going to work. Max makes me behave irrationally. If I’ve jeopardised my team I’ll never forgive myself.

  Shoving a hand in my pocket, I caress the metal of the spike knuckle duster. It’s an effective piece. Noses are easily broken. With enough force you can have an opponent unconscious.

  Gauging the traffic and the people bustling by me, I plot my next move. I need to time this right. Even though it’s dark and cold it hasn’t stopped people from enjoying the winter evening.

  Slowing my
pace, I wait until I’m nearer to a side street. Veering to my left, I take it.

  Whoever it is has gotten closer. Senses vibrating at that fact, I smile to myself. I need to watch it. Cockiness is a downfall.

  Without a pause, I turn on my heels. Fisting the front of a black coat, I send a slap to the side of his pale face. It catches him off guard. Letting go of the material, I shove him sideways.

  He doesn’t put up a fight. Slamming him hard against the brick wall his gangly arms flail.


  The soul taker’s expression is a picture of shock. It looks like he never expected me to realise he was tailing me.

  “Give me a reason why I shouldn’t put a bullet through your heart?” I growl low, holding him in place with a hand around his throat. Beneath the touch his pulse leaps.

  Red eyes widening, he licks his lips nervously. “I want to hire you. That’s the reason I’ve been stalking you.”

  We’re drawing attention. Heads turn our way focusing on the scene we’re making.

  Cocking my head to the side, I look at him as if he’s lost his mind. “I don’t work for demons.”

  “I’d pay you well. Give you anything you want. Just name your price and it’s yours.”

  “You must be desperate.”

  He nods, causing his long black locks to fall across his spotty forehead. “I am. I need the best to fix my problem.”

  Shoving away from him, I walk away. “Find someone else.”


  I don’t look back. He’s fucking crazy. Gabriel arranges my jobs. If I ever jumped ship and worked for the other side he’d kick me out of the team. No way am I risking my career for a soul taker who’s probably pissed off about someone bigger and badder than he is.

  Entering the foyer, I make my way to the desk. The hotel is chic and expensive. A place I could afford if I wanted to splash out. Not that I would ever waste the money. It’s better spent on things like the private home for my brother.

  Thoughts shifting to Nathan, I push them aside. Cassandra’s words have left me unsettled, but I don’t want it to spoil this evening.

  “Can I help you?”

  I smile at the polite receptionist. “I’m meeting a Mr. Reed here. My name’s StClair.”

  “Mr. Reed is expecting you in The Royal Suite.”

  I’m barely aware of the directions she gives me. I’m too preoccupied with what we can get up to in an entire suite. Perhaps Max has decided to keep our arrangement strictly physical. Trying to ignore the odd pang of disappointment, I thank her.

  It doesn’t take me long to find the right door.

  Why am I so nervous? I kill people for a living without batting an eyelid, yet the thought of seeing Max again has my stomach in knots.

  “Get a grip.” I mutter under my breath.

  Knocking, I see my hand is shaking. Balling it into a fist as I lower it to my side I feel my nails cut into my palm.

  Two beats and the door is swung open.


  There’s something cruel looking about his chiselled features when he’s not smiling. A few careless buttons open at the top of his crisp white shirt give me a tantalising view of his firm muscled chest. Smart, black trousers encase his long muscular legs.

  Delight brightens his face as he recognizes me under my disguise. “Mavi, I’m glad you could join me.”

  “Hi.” I say awkwardly.

  “Please, come in.” Gallantly, he gestures for me to enter with a sweep of his hand. “You look like you have something on your mind.”

  Entering the elegant hallway, I tug the blonde wig from my head. “I thought we could talk.”

  “About work.” He guesses correctly.

  “Yes. What were you doing in Cease Fire the first time we met?” I don’t want to ask, but now I have to. Disappointment is heavy.

  Lifting my hand, he presses it gently to his lips. “I promise to answer all your questions, but not tonight. I have something else planned.”

  “Max, I need to know how close you are to this.” Freeing myself, I slip the glasses from my nose, my tone serious. “I shouldn’t be here right now with all the shit me and my team are dealing with, but I couldn’t stay away. I need to know this is worth it.”

  Sighing, a look of resignation washes over his handsome features. “I know you work for Gabriel. We arrangement between us.”

  The revelation stuns me. “You work for my boss?”

  “No. I am more of an outside consultant.” With an easy confidence, he relieves me of the wig and glasses, dumping them on an antique table. “Now if that has eased your mind lets amuse ourselves with something more pleasurable than business.”

  Entwining his warm fingers with mine, he leads me into the main part of the suite.

  I stop in my tracks. Dozens of candles illuminate the spacious sitting room in a soft welcoming glow. Dead centre is a table. Standing beside it is a topless male.

  “This is Carlos. He’s going to give you a massage,” Max explains.

  Eyeing the slender, muscled young man, I take in his handsome dark looks and clean shaven angular jaw.

  “And where will you be?”

  Max gestures toward a chair that has been strategically placed for a clear view. “Right over there, watching.”

  I study his face. If this is something kinky his expression gives nothing away.

  “Why would you arrange a massage for me?”

  Stepping behind me, he helps me off with my jacket and bag. “Because you work far too hard and need pampering.”

  It’s sweet. Unexpected. I’ve been anticipating dinner the whole time and he’s gone out of the way to do something so I can unwind.

  “Strip.” It’s a command. One whispered against the shell of my ear, his hot breath making me shudder.

  I hesitate. We aren’t alone. The sex in public was something I was mostly oblivious to in the heat of the moment. This is different.

  Tugging me around to face him, Max rubs my shoulders soothingly. “Carlos does not have permission to look if you’re worried about your modesty.” He assures me with an amused twist of his mouth. “If he does anything you don’t like he will stop immediately or we can forego the massage all together if you’re not comfortable.”

  Carlos remains in place, his gaze obediently lowered to the floor.

  I’ve been given a choice. Stepping back, I bite my lower lip. I don’t want to disappointment. With that thought any reservations I feel dissipate.

  Bending, I slip off my black heels. Unbuttoning the tiny white buttons on the front of my blouse, I slowly slip them free.

  Max takes his chair, lounging back, watching me without a word.

  I can tell he’s enjoying my show. Tongue dipping out, he runs it along his bottom lip. Shrugging out of the blouse, I let it flutter to the floor in a whisper of silk.

  Reaching behind, the red lacy bra precedes it.

  Lowering the zip on my skirt, I let it pool around my feet. The only thing covering me now is a red lacy thong.

  One long finger pressed against his sexy lips, Max inspects me with a possessive look. “I want you naked, Mavi. If you don’t obey there will be a punishment.”

  His words make me shiver with excitement. Why does he make that sound like a dark promise? It makes me wonder what he would do to me. The urge to defy him wriggles through me, but I stamp it down. Hooking my fingers on either side of my thong, I slide it down my legs.

  In silence, Max admires me as if he’s committing every curve and dip to memory to savour at a later time.

  Remaining still, I let him look his fill. It makes me feel desirable. Something coveted and exotic.

  “You may cover yourself now.” He gestures toward the table.

  Shaking out the fluffy white bath towel, I wrap it around my body.

  Head raising, Carlos indicates in silence that he wants me on the table.

  I manage to scoot onto the flat surface without exposing myself.

h more hand signals he tells me to lay on my front.

  I have no idea why he’s not talking. One of Max’s orders? Or maybe he’s mute? Whatever the reason I don’t question it.

  Pliant, cool padding greets me as I settle down. The table doesn’t have the face rest others do. It forces me to turn my head to the side to get comfortable.

  My eyes find Max.

  He hasn’t moved. Legs slightly apart, he’s sitting back arrogantly, the full force of his attention pinned on us.

  A hand touches my shoulder. It’s warm and large. Carlos, I realise, is about to start. The smell of something exotic and sweet tantalises my nose.

  Starting at my left shoulder he smoothly glides his hands over my bare skin with the use of some kind of oil.

  I let myself relax under his skilled hands. Carlos has magic fingers. Massaging, rubbing, he finds every spot in need of attention, untangling the knots from my muscles with a practised ease.

  A groan vibrates in my throat. I can’t stop it from escaping. He seems to be able to gauge the right amount of pressure needed in every exact point.

  Max smiles. It’s more of a smirk of his sexy lips. He seems to be enjoying this session just as much as me.

  Carlos’s thumbs needle a particular spot that makes my toes curl.

  Purring, I’m a giant puddle of contentment. Losing track of time, my mind wanders to somewhere between consciousness and daydreaming. It could be minutes or hours. I don’t know. Not that I care.

  Falling into the sensations and silence, I let myself go.

  Sweeping up the back of my right thigh, he halts just below my buttock. I can’t stop my sharp intake of breath.

  Locking my gaze with Max’s I see the way his eyes have darkened. They’re practically black.

  They strip me of my will in just a look. Dominates my thoughts. Snared in his wicked seduction, my relaxed thoughts don’t stand a chance.

  Jamming my thighs together, I try to contain the slick juices it invokes.

  As the masseur squeezes my arse cheek, I bite my lip. I’m so aroused. Wet. Needy. The ache between my legs is growing by the second.


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