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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1)

Page 23

by Claire Marta

  “No, not yet.” I hesitate with the rest, not sure I should fill them in. Do I really want to drag them further into this mess?

  “And?” Leo prompts expectantly.

  Slowly swivelling around, I find they’ve made themselves comfortable sitting at the wooden table. “She wants an exchange. Cassandra for my brother.”

  Leo blinks, a small frown creasing his brow. “Okay. Well I’m sorry to break this to you, but no way in Heaven are the archangels going to let you hand over a powerful oracle for a human they don’t even know.”

  “Leo,” Caesar warns.

  “I’m just giving it to her straight. You know better than I do they won’t care. Cass is an asset they aren’t going to part with.”

  Going back to the drinks, I pour the boiling water into the mugs, then use a spoon to stir them. “I know. That’s why I’m going to kidnap her.”

  The silence behind me is expected. Waiting for three beats, I carry the coffees toward them, leaving them on the surface, and meet their stunned looks.

  “Please tell me you’re joking? Do you even know how insane that is?” Leo half whines, half grumbles.

  Dropping into the empty chair between them, I curve my palms comfortingly around my own cup, enjoying the heat of the liquid inside. “If you don’t want to take part, I won’t force you.”

  I’m asking a lot. I know that. They will be risking their jobs. Their lives even. I don’t know if my plan will work or if it will backfire, leaving me in more trouble than I already am.

  “Well fuck me, just by telling me I’m already an accomplice, even if I don’t want to be.”

  “Leo, zip it.” Caesar snaps, his patience breaking. “I’ll help you, Mavi.”

  Feet thumping on the floor as he gets up, our telekinetic give us a drunk scowl. “It’s too early for life threatening shit like this.”

  “Thank you, Caesar.” I give him a trusting nod. “Leo, go watch some TV and calm the fuck down.”

  Muttering under his breath and raking a hand through his dark blonde hair, he flounces of towards the sitting room with his coffee. Once he’s sobered up a little he’ll be more amicable.

  A gentle touch on the back of my hand surprises me.

  “What happened in Hell?” Caesar asks in gentle concern.

  Stunned he’s made physical contact when it’s something he doesn’t enjoy, it takes me a second to find my voice. “It’s...complicated.”

  “Lucifer’s only focused on you while he needs you. Once your usefulness runs out he’ll more than likely kill you.” He tells me sagely.

  His truth causes me pain, but I know he’s right. You can’t trust the Devil. No matter what I feel. It doesn’t matter I love him, he’ll always be full of deceit. Having discovered Caesar is a demon working for the archangel Gabriel, I know he understands more than most.

  “I’m not so naive not to realise that.” I reply with a melancholy smile.

  Patting my hand in comfort, he rises before moving towards the door. “Just be careful.”

  Finishing my coffee, I head back to the bedroom.

  I need to arm up.

  Finding the tiny indentation in the wall in the bathroom, I activate the hidden door. Within, my collection of weapons await. Skin prickling with pleasure, I nibble on my lower lip. It gets me hot every time I get to play with them. Some women like diamonds. Me? I like something that can kill. Blessed ammo is a given. Talia and Trukun are demons. My problem will be the other supernaturals I might encounter. Fingering the silver throwing stars, I fit them into the leather bag Snatch bought me for my birthday. Shrugging into a shoulder holster, I add my 9mm Smith and Wesson pistol.

  Humming to myself, I venture deeper into the windowless space. The spotlights above illuminate the way.

  A yellow linen cloth is my destination. Tugging it free, I let it crumple to the ground. The wooden box beneath is old. It hasn’t seen the light of day since my Uncle Dane who initiated me into the life as an assassin bestowed it to me. A secret. One I know he’s held onto for years although I have never been sure why.

  Reverently, I heft the heavy lid. Nestled in black satin is a sword. Runes run the length of the honed metal. Demonic in origin, I have no idea what they mean. All I know is this weapon can bring down an angel.

  Carefully taking the hilt, I lift it from its home.

  The thought of turning it on Gabriel or any other angelic being makes my stomach churn. I need this as insurance though, but I hope I never have to use it. My boss has already screwed me over. Trust is precious. Something that’s dwindling for me. We may be related by blood, but that really means nothing when he’s never been there for me and Nate growing up. And he’s done nothing to help my brother now.

  Then there’s the Devil. He’s an angel in origin. If he tries to kill me at the end of this I now have something to protect myself. The thought of cutting him down sends a pang through my heart. Love makes you do crazy things. Will I be able to go through with it if faced with this event? I don’t know.

  Finding a scarab, I sheath the sword before slinging the strap over my shoulder. Stuffing more ammo into my leather hip bag, I seal the door closed as I exit.

  Dumping everything on the mattress in the bedroom, I hurriedly have a shower. Fresh underwear, clean jeans, and a sweatshirt, now I’m ready to break some rules. Slipping the medallion into the front of my jeans, I make sure it’s hidden.

  “What’s your plan?” Caesar asks, as I pad into the living room locked and loaded.

  “We lure the succubus bitches to Cease Fire. If we can get them to break the cardinal rule there then both sides will be free to annihilate them. Nowhere will be safe.”

  Leo’s head comes up from where he’s stretched out lazily on the sofa. “I hate to point this out to you, but that means they have to kill someone. I hope you don’t think I'm going to be stupid enough to volunteer for that.”

  “I wouldn’t expect either of you to do it.” I tell him, raising an eyebrow. This is down to me. The way things are going I’m going to be dead before the end of this anyway. With two rogue commanders to execute, it leaves one more after Trukun. Odds are, one of them will kill me. Either that or Lucifer will himself.

  “You’re on a suicide mission?” Caesar says flatly, shooting a disapproving stare. “You’re going to let them kill you?”

  “We all knew my life expectancy wasn’t going to take me to old age. Your job is to make sure Cassandra and my brother both get out alive and unhurt.”

  Swinging his legs to the ground, Leo stands and stretches. “Puddin’, I would like to tell you this is insane, but then I know your sanities been shaky for years already.”

  “We need to stop at the hospital first.” Caesar cuts in before I can reply.


  “We need to check on Snatch. You need to see him before you go through with this in case you don’t come back.”

  At the sound of our sensitive’s name guilt twists in my guts. “All right.” I concede.

  It’s time I visit him. I’ve been a coward for too long. If I’m not coming back from this I need to make peace with the guilt I feel over what happened.

  Bundled up in my leather jacket, we leave my flat and make our way to Caesar’s van parked outside. It’s almost December. With everything that’s happened I haven’t realised that Christmas is right around the corner. Plans for the holidays seem miniscule compared to everything that’s been going on.

  Shivering, I clamber into the passenger seat before Leo can.

  “You really been fucking the Devil himself?” He asks the second he’s settled in the back.

  Snapping the seatbelt into place, I keep my eyes front. “Yes.”

  “What are you now? His go to booty call or something? I admit he is gorgeous. If it came down to life and death I would deep throat the fuck out of his cock too.”

  “Actually, he promoted me to his executioner.”

  Jerking around in the driver’s seat, Caesar’s surprise can’t be
disguise even under all his face hair. “You’re shitting me?”

  “No, it’s true.”

  “That’s terrifying, but I can’t stop myself from being proud of you as well, Mavi.” He smiles.

  “How would something like that even go on your resume?” Leo questions, leaning forward enough that he can rest his chin on the edge of my shoulder.

  I roll my eyes. “What I do can’t go on a resume. Do you know how absurd that would be?”

  “Assassins have reputations,” he defends.

  I can tell this is going to be one long-arsed annoying drive.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Making our way down the drab cream and yellow corridor, I feel a sense of unease. The last time I was here was right after Fritz’s attack. In response, my shoulder twinges with a phantom pain.

  I hate hospitals. I’ve always found them sterile and cold. Lacking any warmth that in my opinion they should naturally have.

  Weary eyed staff walk past us. Grey faced in blue uniforms, they’re lost in their work which has barely started for the day.

  I need more coffee. My caffeine fix is wearing off and it’s making me twitchy. Not that I want anything from here. The machine you buy from spits out vile tar. It’s so bitter it could probably remove paint.

  “He’s in here.” Caesar tells me, directing us into a room. It’s sparse. A few pieces of fruit and a cheerful get-well card sit on the small bedsit table.

  Snatch is as pale as the white bedsheets that cover his tall, skinny figure. Curling at the ends, his mop of brown hair is loose around his gaunt features. It’s odd not seeing his eyes staring back at me. Dilated and unfocused from a high. Slim arms lay limply on top of the sheets.

  “They haven’t moved him to a care home yet because of the detox.” Caesar explains, standing at the foot of the bed. “The doctors wanted to make sure that went smoothly before he’s transferred.”

  Coughing, I clear the emotional blockage lodged in my throat. I know places like that well. My brother spent years in the same facility.

  “He looks peaceful.” I reply. Mentally, I’m arranging to have Snatch transferred to the private resident’s home. As I’m one of the main benefactors they’ll provide him a bed. No questions asked.

  Sauntering closer with his hands jammed in the pockets of his tight white jeans, Leo leans over him. “I think this is the stillest I’ve ever seen him. Normally, he’s a bag of nerves that won’t sit still. Do you think he can hear us?”

  He’s right. Snatch has never been able to sit still even from the first day I met him. There’s an energy around him that refuses to cease.

  “It’s possible.”

  Reaching out, Leo flicks the end of Snatch’s nose.

  “Don’t do that.” Caesar grumbles. “Show some fucking respect for the ill.”

  “But he’s not really ill, is he? He’s just...asleep.”

  Moving from the space beside the door I’ve been occupying since we arrived, I creep closer to Snatch. “For all we know he could be wide awake. told me he was aware of everything when he was in this state. He just couldn’t respond back.”

  All those hours reading to him and he’d been with me the whole time.

  I don’t know what to do with my hands. Interlacing them in front of me, I attempt to occupy the building discomfort. I sat with Nathan for years when he was in this state. Why can’t I cope with this now?

  I’ve never let on how much my team means to me. How each of them have taken a small piece of my heart. I shouldn’t feel anything for them, but I do. For all my bravo and facade of cool control it hurts to see Snatch like this. I’ve never been able to express myself very well. Not like they do. It’s awkward and messy. I’m not built that way. But lately I’ve been feeling so much and it frightens me. My carefully constructed world is falling apart. Leaking at the seams and I have no idea how to stem the flow.

  Bending further, Leo doesn’t stop until they’re nose to nose. “Hey Snatchy, you in there?” Poking the end this time, he pushes it down. “Mavi’s been sucking the Devil’s dick. You need to wake up, so we can tease the shit out of her. It’s no fun without you.”

  A familiar heavy sense of acceptance settles over me. I’ve been here a million times before with my brother. Hope dims over months and years. Leo will learn that soon enough. It’s the reason I’ve avoided visiting Snatch so long.

  Slipping a hand into the pocket of my jeans, I finger the demonic medallion Trukun gave me. It pulses. Heat washing into my skin making it tingle.

  Snatch’s hazel eyes snap open.

  Leo shrieks a high pitch girly sound. “Sweet baby Jesus, I think you just gave me a mini heart attack.” He pants, clutching his chest.

  Our sensitive blinks up at him with a befuddled expression. “Why are you poking me? Where am I?”

  Caesar rounds the bed, grinning through his messy beard. “Hey buddy, you’re awake! Leo stop being over dramatic and go find a nurse.”

  Flouncing from the room with a sniff, he does as he’s told.

  All I can do is stare in shock.

  “The hospital. You’ve been in a coma for a few weeks. Do you remember what happened?” Caesar asks him, while I try to find my tongue.

  Snatch’s brow puckers as he stares down at the white sheet where his hands are twisting together. “There was..someone attacked me. I don’t remember who. It’s hazy.”

  Lucifer. Snatch was with my brother when he kidnapped both of them to blackmail me. Although this probably isn’t the right time to tell him that. Not after everything he’s been through. He’ll be freaked out enough as it is.

  “Red eyes. “He continues softly. “I remember them burning like the pits of Hell. Mavi, he’s coming for you, oh God.”

  A few quick paces forward and I’m beside him. “Shhh, shhh, it’s ok.” I soothe, resting a hand over his which are still twitching with agitation. “It’s kind of been dealt with.”

  Not a complete lie.

  “It has?” The hopeful look he gives me makes my heart twist.

  “I’m sorry. You’re going to have to leave. The doctor has been paged and they’ll want to examine him now that he’s awake.”

  Turning, I nod at the nurse.

  We can’t stay. Matters that need to be dealt with are still looming. Things that can’t be put off any longer.

  “We’ll be back.” I promise, giving Snatch’s hand one last squeeze. “And we’ll explain everything then.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Adjusting the flowery scarf that’s hiding my hair, I peer outside the window over the top of a pair of dark glasses. Leo’s idea of incognito makes me look more like some movie starlet trying to avoid paparazzi. Fuck if this isn’t going to draw more attention.

  “Just relax.” He mumbles, words slurred. “Just treat this like a hit. You know, where you go all cold-blooded and let your crazy shine through.”

  Giving me a grin, he gulps down some more liquid Valium. I knew he was never going to be able to do this sober. It’s the reason I kept quiet when he hit the liquor store. One of the ways he deals with what we do. I won’t deny him now.

  “This is different. I’m about to fuck over the side I’ve been working for and it’s not something I can detach from even though you have no idea how badly I want to.”

  Beyond the glass, two suns are shining brightly. Even with their combined heat they don’t melt the sparkling white frost that blankets the ground and buildings. Christmas decorations are in most of the windows. Tinsel draped across doors. Cheerful Santa's and snowmen are positioned in festive scenes.

  “Well, at least you don’t have to worry about your soul. We all know where that’s going once you play Martyr.”

  “Christ Leo, have a little more tact.” Caesar bites out.

  He’s on edge like the rest of us.

  “Why? She’s going to commit suicide for a family member who’s been a drooling manikin since he was a kid. If the Devil hadn’t woken him up, he woul
d still be a vacant lump of flesh. You’re only doing this out of a sense of guilt. I don’t know the story behind what happened, but it’s glaringly obvious to me.”

  Sacrificing myself to save Nathan is not what I have in mind. If this works I won’t have to die at all. Not that they need to know that.

  Caesar cuts the engine of the van. We’re not in our usual place. We’re further down the street from the Black Penny pub. I’d rather do this quickly before Gabriel can cotton on. We don’t need an archangel on our tail when we’re about to break the cardinal rule.

  “Which building are they keeping her in?” I ask him quietly, ignoring Leo. I’m not about to dwell on his words. Can’t afford to.

  Scratching his cheek, the sandpaper scape of his nails through his beard is loud in the silence. “Green door. It’s the Herbalists, run by a hippie chick who I think is some kind of witch.”

  “I want you and Leo to stay close, but don’t intervene. This is all on me and I want everyone here to believe that.”

  Unsnapping my seatbelt, I study my objective. A two-story building. Brick work looks old. So do the long windows with peeling paint. There’s more than likely a back door.


  My eyes track to Ceasar’s. “I’m serious. Just get Cassandra and Nathan to safety when everything goes down. I don’t want either of you in the line of fire.”

  “All right.” He huffs with a reluctant sigh.

  “Let’s get this shit over with.” Exiting the vehicle, I feel two pairs of eyes on my back as I walk away. Shivering with the cold, I zip my jacket up further. Most of my weaponry is hidden apart from the sword. Looped over my shoulder, the scarab’s weight is a constant reminder of its presence.

  The scent of cakes and bread baking is alluring from the cafe. Curling my fingers into my palms, I resist the urge to draw my gun. It’s a natural instinct. Normal when heading into danger. But I don’t need Cassandra scared. For this to work she has to remain calm. Plus, I don’t want to have to hurt the witch looking after her, but will if I have to.

  “Puddin’, wait up.”


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