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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1)

Page 24

by Claire Marta

  Spinning, I find Leo behind me.

  “You’re supposed to stay in the van.” I snap, glancing back to see Caesar give me a wave.

  “I think it’s better if I create a distraction, so you can go in the back.” He tells me, alcohol heavy on his breath as he sways on his feet.

  Raising an eyebrow, I stare into his blood shot eyes. “I thought you were against this plan? And besides, you don’t think you going into a herbal shop is going to look conspicuous? You steer clear of health places like they’re the plague.”

  “I don’t want to see shit go south fast. Besides, I’m drunk, maybe I just wander in thinking it’s the bar.” Smoothing down his neon pink shirt front which is already badly creased in places, he pats down his pockets.

  I don’t have time for this shit.

  “Fine, but don’t get in my way.” I mutter, resuming my mission.

  “Just get your sweet arse in and out with Cassandra and do not hang around to enjoy the décor.” He grumbles back, fishing out his metal hip flask.

  Rolling my eyes, I head for the enormous Christmas tree. It’s right beside my objective. Fairy lights have been strung over its thick green branches. Vibrant ornaments glitter where

  they hang. They’ve really gone all out this year.

  The tinkle of a bell rings behind me. I know Leo has already set his part of the plan in motion.

  Casually as I can I make my way past the evergreen.

  The back door is unlocked. Slipping inside, I pause. Focusing on listening, I take a moment to familiarize myself with every sound.

  I can hear voices. A feminine one with a soft lilt. The other is Leo. He’s slurring his words. Making them messier and confused. It’s Oscar worthy material and gives me the time I need.

  Nothing else stirs. No tell-tale noise that anyone else is on this level. A jasmine scented fragrance lingers in the air. Incense.

  Searching the corridor, I take in the floral yellow wallpaper. Pictures hang on the walls. Most look like someone's gone crazy flicking different coloured paints in a frenzy. A free for all with whatever emotions they were trying to express.

  Creeping to the stairs, I take the steps slowly, relieved when none of them creak. From the layout of the place, I have at least four rooms to search above. Easing my gun from the shoulder holster, I reach the top landing.

  I can’t take any chances. Cassandra is hopefully alone. With Cease Fire how it is, Gabriel is probably lax on precautions to guard her. You’d have to be insane to snatch her in a town infested with Angels. Guess he never counted on me doing something dumb.

  My eyes sweep the corridor and stairs every few seconds for any surprises.

  Not detecting any movement, I sneak to the first door. A bathroom. Empty, apart from a few yellow rubber ducks left crammed on the shelf beside the tub. From the warmth of the moisture still in the air and condensation on the mirror it was used not long ago.

  A primitive instinct of warning sends the hairs rising on the back of my neck. Before I have a chance to spin around a muscular arm wraps around my waist. Another covers my mouth.

  Moving one-foot forward, I get my balance ready to elbow my assailant in the face.

  “You getting yourself into trouble, Mavi?” A rough voice whispers in my ear. Cade. What’s that werewolf doing here?

  Pulling the hand over my mouth away, I swivel to face him. “A little more than usual, but I can handle it.” I whisper in return.

  “I know you’re working for the Devil.” Stubble dusts his jaw. At least three days growth. Lines of tiredness and fatigue fan out from the corners of his amber eyes. He looks exhausted. Raising a bottle he’s picked up, he salutes me with it before taking a gulp.

  Carefully, I tuck my weapon back in its holster. “Not directly. His business coincides with mine. By the way, you look like shit.”

  “And you’re fucking him.”

  I stay silent at that statement. What can I say? I’ve tried to resist his sinful temptation, but I can’t. It’s impossible. He’s hooked me like a junkie on cocaine.

  “He’s dangerous. You play his game and you’re going to get burned.”

  I accept the vodka he holds out to me with a familiar ease. “I know.” Raising it to my lips for a sip, I let the alcohol burn its way down my throat.

  “Shit, Mavi, I thought you had more sense than this.” Cade sighs, taking it back and raking his other hand through his mane of mahogany hair.

  “It’s complicated, but Cade, if you get in my way, I will kill you.” It’s a promise. Friend or not, if he interferes I will bring him down.

  The alpha gives me a crooked smile. “Sweetheart, I’m not that dumb.”

  “Good. Where are your brothers?”

  Automatically I glance around looking for his hairy siblings. They’re usually never far. They work as a team.

  “Keeping an eye on things in our pack. I’ve been doing some freelance work.”

  That piques my interest. Usually they work as a team. Whatever he’s working on must be something he won’t risk his kin on.

  He gives me a long considering look. “I can’t hang around to protect your arse. I need to finish this job for all our sakes.”

  Placing a finger on his chest, I push him confidently aside. “I can look after myself just fine.”

  I’m no damsel in distress. Alphas always seem to think I need saving. Other chicks probably dig that, but I don’t.

  Sauntering up the hall, I choose a pink door next. It has a girly vibe. I wasn’t with Cassandra that long enough to know if that’s the kind of thing she’s into.

  Opening it quietly, I peek inside. Different coloured crystals hang on cords around the room, gleaming and glittering in the sunlight streaming in from the large bay window. A single bed with a patterned duvet sits in a corner.

  Cassandra is curled up in the middle of a blue bean bag. Magazines and books are piled high around her. She looks very different from the scrawny haunted teenager we rescued weeks ago. The hollowness in her face is gone. Now it’s smooth and pink with health. Long, black hair tied back in a ponytail, it shines, well brushed and neat. An oversized pink sweater swallows her slender upper half above a pair of faded jeans.

  Big blue eyes, the same colour as my own, raise from the comic she’s reading.

  “Hello, Mavi.” There’s no surprise in her tone. As an oracle who can see the past, present, and future I’m sure she saw me coming.

  “Get your business done with quickly.” I tell Cade, stepping aside to let him pass. Taking position by the door, I monitor the stairs for interruptions. Distractedly, I settle the strap of the sword into a more comfortable position.

  “Ok honey, I need you to tell me where I can find the next two artefacts to stop the seals of Hell opening.” I hear Cade ask the girl.

  She gives a tiny, airy, drawn out sigh. “Bright lights. It’s so high it’s in the clouds.”

  “Can you be more specific?”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I see Cassandra’s slender finger slide across a map which has been pinned to the wall beside where she sits. Tapping a spot, she waits a beat before moving it to another location. Without pause, she then goes back to reading her comic.

  Leaning in, Cade tilts his head, examining the location she’s provided. “L.A. and Tibet. I hate the fucking cold. His dark highness is going to have to pay triple for this.”

  “Doll face doesn’t mind the snow.” She sing songs, not bothering to look up.

  Stony annoyance tightens his rugged features. “That little hellion is ahead of me?”

  “She’s the best.” Cass replies, flipping a page.

  “Not for fucking long.” He mutters back to her, something dark and dangerous flashing in his amber eyes.

  Sliding my hand into the front pocket of my jeans, I caress the round surface of the demon medallion. “You’re working for Lucifer too, aren’t you?”

  The werewolf reluctantly nods. “The money was good and having every damned soul in seven H
ell dimensions spilling out onto Earth doesn’t sound appealing.” Raising the bottle to his lips, he downs more vodka.

  “You’re not doing a very good job.” I point out.

  Rubbing the heel of his palm over his right eye, Cade doesn’t meet my gaze. “It’s...complicated.”

  That’s a word that has described my life for the last few weeks. A small twinge of sympathy rushes through me. It looks like he’s on an alcohol fuelled path of guilt or denial. Whatever it is, its affecting him bad.

  “How many do you have left to guard?”


  Twirling the end of her ponytail around a finger, Cassandra begins to sing. “Those tears, they glitter like crystals. So pretty in the light. So pretty in the light.”

  Tiredness etches long lines in Cade’s cheek as he frowns. “What’s she singing about?”

  Shrugging, I stalk to the girl’s side. “The fuck I know. She’s never lucid for long. Come on, Cassandra, we’re going for a nice walk.”

  Blinking innocently, she rises as I tug her up. “It’s too late.”

  I’d forgotten how much she got on my nerves. She’s like a broken fortune cookie. All her advice jumbled and crumbled into pieces you have to fit together.

  “Too late for what?”

  “It’s been over before it even started.” She tells me sadly. “Take me home, Mavi. Gabriel won’t let me go and I miss my family.”

  Foreboding snakes down the back of my neck. It makes me wish I had duct-taped her mouth shut so whatever crap she’s foreseeing can’t escape. I doubt it would stop these things from coming to pass, but it would have made me feel a hell of a lot better.

  Forcing a smile, I keep my shit together. “I’ll take you home right after we’ve sorted out a little problem...come on.” Grabbing a puffy green coat hanging on the back of the door, I bundle her up in it.

  I’ve never given any thought that she might’ve had someone in the world worrying about her. Parents, Grandparents. Fuck, even siblings who are trying to find her crazy arse. I’m probably promising the impossible. If everything runs smoothly as I hope, maybe I can get her back to them. They’d have to go into hiding of course, but she’d be with loved ones. Away from being used as a pawn.

  Cade leads the way down the stairs. Silence stretches below. Leo must’ve been thrown out which means the witch who runs the place is now alone. Fuck. Not good.

  Putting one finger to his lips, the werewolf motions us to wait on the last step.

  His senses are far sharper than mine. I would be a fool to disobey.

  Cassandra stomps down behind me. She doesn’t seem to understand the art of stealth.

  Shooting her an icy glare is enough for her to realise her mistake. Youthful face becoming wary, she fiddles with the zipper on the front of her coat. “Misty likes her cakes,” she whispers.

  The sound of humming is soft, but unmistakable. A second later we hear the tinkle of the bell above the door.

  “She’s gone out.” Cade informs me.

  I give the Seer a sideways glance. “You saw that with your mind powers?”

  “No. She always gets something from the bakery this time of the day.”

  I can’t help my snort of amusement. She isn’t out of it as much as everyone thinks.

  As Cade beckons to us, we hurry to join him at the back door. In silence, he motions us to precede him.

  Crispy winter air fills my lungs, making me shiver. Hand still grasping Cassandra’s wrist, I pull her out until we’re right beside the over decorated Christmas tree that leads back onto the main street.


  Turning, I find the wolf right behind me.

  Carefully, he brushes a strand of loose black hair behind my ear. “I better get going. Be careful. You’re the craziest bitch I know, but not even you can beat the Devil.” Bending down, his lips brush mine. There’s no heat to the kiss. It’s tender.

  Cupping his stubbled jaw with one hand, I give him one last peck on the mouth. “Take care of yourself, Cade. Remember you may be immortal, but you’re not invincible.”

  I mean it. We might have only fucked once, but I don’t want to see him dead. He’s a good guy. Honourable. Who likes to dish it out, rough, but fair.

  Squeezing my hand, he doesn’t hesitate when he turns and walks away.

  Damming up the emotions that have been stirred, I focus on professional composure.

  “We have some demons to deal with.”

  Cassandra wrinkles her nose cutely. “They’re mean and scary. They never get me pizza like Raz does.”

  Palming the medallion, I feel it’s heat tingle up my arm. “Come on, you bitch. Where are you?”

  They don’t keep me waiting.

  Materializing out of thin air, Trukun and Talia appear with at least ten goons. Not your normal run of the mill demons either. Three berserkers at least in their entourage. These bastards are hard wired not to feel pain. The rest look liked hardened foot soldiers from their cold-eyed stare and guarded expressions. All of them are armed with knives, claws, and superhuman strength.

  “Where’s my brother?”

  “Give us the girl first.” Talia replies. She’s decked out in a white dress that shows off her curves, an expensive fur coat snuggled around that to keep out the winter chill. Her sister is in matching attire. If they’re going for angelic to fit in with the crowd here the illusion is falling flat. They look more like high priced escorts then heavenly hosts.

  “Do you really think I’m that fucking stupid?” Adjusting the sword on my shoulder, I draw the gun from its holster. I’m all business now. If they want to play games they’ll soon realise I’m not in the mood.

  Trukun’s grin is self-conceited. It makes me want to wipe it off with a bullet to the face. She eyes my sheathed sword with interest and calculation. It makes me wonder if she knows what it is. Nodding at one of her minions, she gives her approval.

  Nate is dragged forward. He looks completely out of it. Skin so pale now I can see the fragile veins that lay beneath. Dark smudges bruise beneath his closed eyes. His clothes are grubby and torn. They haven’t allowed him to change.

  Masking my worry and anxiety, I rest back on my heels with an air of deceptive ease. More than anything I want to snatch him up and hug him close, but I can’t show weakness.

  Nathan is dumped at my feet. Curling into a foetal position, he rocks from side to side, face buried in his chest, hiding from whatever trauma he’s experienced at their hands.

  Giving me a leer, the two arseholes who dropped him there step toward Cassandra.

  Without even a blink, I raise my gun and pull the trigger. A bullet ploughs into the shoulder of the first. The next one drives through the torso of the second.

  Everything slows right down for a split second. Exerting a measure of mental control, every sense becomes focused.

  Trukun reacts, knife in hand, she throws it with perfect accuracy for my heart. At the same moment I drop to my knee making myself a smaller target. It misses the top of my head by a hair to find a home in the demon who’d been sneaking up on us from behind.

  Throat bobbing in shock, his stunned expression freezes on his face as the light of life snuffs out. Out of my peripheral, I see him hit the ground.

  “I guess you’re not familiar with Cease Fire?”

  Trukun’s beautiful face darkens with confusions. “Why would I come to this pathetic haven that’s a sad attempt at bringing two sides together?”

  She’s wondering why I’ve stopped for this chat. That’s clear.

  “I was referring to the rules that they keep.” I can’t stop the smug grin splitting my lips. “It’s forbidden to take a life. Anything else goes, but not that.”

  Preening her hair, she snorts in disbelief. “And what are they going to do, slap my hand? Is this a pathetic attempt to stall for something?”

  Keeping my gaze locked on hers, I slowly stand. “No. The penalty is death.”

  Her sister Talia taps her heel
ed foot in impatience. “We’re not frightened of a bunch of peace loving do-gooders,” she scoffs.

  They really have no clue. It was what I was banking on from the start. “The peace lovers you’re referring to are a bunch of archangels. Not many know who the founders here are, but I do. And it wasn’t just made by them, the Devil agreed to the rule too, which means you now have Heaven and Hell gunning for you.”

  Trukun’s expression turns sour as if she’s just sucked on a lemon or something unpleasant. With both sides after them, nowhere will be safe. They’ll be hunted down and exterminated

  like rodents.

  “Mavi, are you ok?”

  I tense up at the sound of Caesar’s voice. Why the fuck isn’t he in the van? In the back of my head I know he must have gotten worried and come to check on me. He’s far too caring.

  Trukun must have witnessed a fractional change in my demeanour, because her mouth curves up in a malicious smile.

  Reflex far superior to mine, she’s gone in a blur. She’s on him so fast I have no time to aim my weapon.

  Clutching him by the throat, she punches her other hand through his chest as if he’s made of nothing more than paper.

  I barely register Leo sprinting around the corner over Caesar’s screams. My limbs won’t function. Horror has me rooted to the spot. I can barely remember to suck in oxygen. Detachedly, I watch as his favourite tartan cap tumbles off his head. The tips of short black horns can be seen clearly poking from the mess of his salt and pepper hair.

  Trukun’s claws protrude through his back, flexing and twisting, dealing maximum damage.

  I’m too late. I can’t save him. He’s bleeding out while she guts him with a terrifying ease that makes even me feel sick to my stomach.

  His heart. She has it in her palm. Still struggling with a few final beats, the pulpy mess shudders before growing still. Releasing him, she lets his corpse fall at her feet.

  Bringing the organ to her mouth, she takes a savouring bite. Caesar’s blood coats her chin and cheeks.

  Talia claps her hands, laughing in delight at her sister’s cruelty.

  I want to bring the world to a screeching halt. Back pedal the last few seconds to something safer.

  This is the reason I should never have allowed them through my armour. Why I shouldn’t have friends. They only wind up dead. Ghosts that will forever haunt me.


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