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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

Page 11

by Richardson, James

  "So once we land I was thinking we check into our room's before we head over to the apartment," Nicky said winking at John. Catherine's fist balled underneath the table to keep her anger from showing. Catherine felt his hand brush against hers looking down as a gold and silver chain protruded from the folded piece of paper.

  The cool air was filled with the scents of the bakers, restaurants, and the variety of candy stores. Catherine gazed at the cities skyline as shore birds flew over head. In their daily quest to relieve the tourist of their sweeten treats. Two black sedan's waited twenty yards from the law firms hanger. As Catherine approached the exit John caught her by the arm pulling her behind the door.

  "When your alone put that on it will save you, also I've written down my international number. Don't hesitate to call if anything happens or you feel unease," John said pulling her close.

  "I hate that she gets to touch you," Catherine said resting her head against his chest.

  "Then this should please you, all that time I kept imagining you tearing through the room in your fury. Dressed in a black teddy while those pearl white feathers drifting all around you."

  "That does please me," Catherine said rising to her toes kissing him deeply before departing to awaiting car. As the car drove off Catherine looked back as the sun bathed him in it's golden light. The sea breeze gently tugging on his blonde hair, her heart seemed to skip a beat realizing he had captured her heart as she held his. Catherine prayed that after all this she hoped that it still held true.

  After they deposited their belongings in their room's, Catherine's sky blue eyes absorbed the fantastic sights of the city. From the Gothic homes that survived the many wars. The Renaissance inspired villa's, to the lush green gardens still in bloom in the late winter months. The Neogothic cathedrals that beckoned wayward travelers, to view the priceless masterpieces that lined their halls. Yet Catherine only wished that John was there with her walking down these streets. Instead of riding along beside the woman that was bent on breaking them apart.

  "So I see you changed Nicky, do you have plans after this," Catherine asked eyeing her black slit dress. Her red silk blouse Catherine didn't want to know what she had underneath.

  "Hopeful wishing on my part," Nicky said smiling as she shrugged her shoulders.

  "I do hope you don't break the poor lad's heart," Catherine giggled.

  "About that John and I were thinking of doing a few things on our own. Once all this calms down," Nicky said folding her hands on her lap. "Well I do hope you don't wear him out dragging him to god knows where. However do let Toto out every few hours, or he'll just tear up the furniture," Catherine laughed wickedly.

  "Don't worry once I'm done with him he'll be the most obedient dog," Nicky said joining in on the laughter. The driver stopped a block away due the congestion of Interpol cars that lined the road. "Guess we're walking from here," Nicky said stepping onto the sidewalk.

  "Mind waiting here," Catherine asked the driver.

  "Not at all Mrs. McDonald informed us we were to ensure your safety."

  "Thanks," Catherine said flashing him a smile.

  The scents of freshly baked bread drifted in the air as the approached the police tape. Their hands resting on their holsters ready to draw their weapons if they posed a threat. Slowly reaching into her brown leather jacket pulling out her badge.

  "Hello I'm Detective Catherine Halford of the Chicago P.D. this is my partner Nicky Marsh," Catherine said nodding over to Nicky. "We received a call from Interpol that this case might be related to the one committed in Chicago. If you can inform Jacuqe Tallson that we are here," Catherine said pocketing her badge. The officer quickly spoke into his radio that was clipped to his shirt. A husky male voice came over the radio in rapid Italian, Catherine watched as the officer's jaw muscle twitched.

  "He says to let you through," the officer said in a heavy accented English. "It's the second building on your left apartment 3B," he said raising the tape for them to move under.

  "Thank you," Nicky said ducking under the tape. Catherine eyes narrowed when she saw no pantie lines as Nicky's black skirt became taut. Shaving her hands into her pockets her fist clenching around the slip of paper that had John's number. Her fingers wrapped around the gold and silver chain, filling her with warmth that she only felt when John was near. Dropping back a few feet behind Nicky as they entered the apartment complex. Quickly pulling the chain from her pocket, raising an eyebrow at the ram's head that dangled on end of the chain. Shaking her head at the thought of wearing the thing, and the idea that it could protect her. Yet she trusted John and knew he wouldn't lie to her when her safety was at stake. As the platinum metal slid along her skin coming to a rest in the hollow of her breast. As the metal settled Catherine could have sworn she felt John beside her.

  "This must be the place," Nicky said listening to the shuttering of cameras, and the rough speech of the officer's inside.

  "Then shall we see where this leads us," Catherine said pushing open the door. Catherine scowled at the tiny size of the apartment, the lack of furniture put her on edge. The smell of musk from the lack of human occupancy. The wallpaper was old and yellowing peeling from the corners of the wall. The surface of the wall's were covered in crude signs and strange symbols that would have once. Led her to believe that this place had some connection to her case in Chicago. That was before she met John whether that was good or ill it was still soon to tell.

  "You must be the American Detective's the names Jacuqe Tallson," he said with a warm smile as he extended his hand.

  "Yes this is Catherine Halford and I'm Nicky Marsh," Nicky said shaking his hand. "I was just transfered onto the case Catherine here has been on it from the start."

  "Good I was hoping the two of you would be of some help," Jacuqe said smiling at the two of them. "As you can tell someone used this place for some veil purpose. Though I do hope this is just some kids prank gone a little over board." Catherine approached the wall her finger trailing down the neon green symbol. Something about it seemed wrong about it, the writing they found in the basement in the townhouse was made from blood. Yet why were these walls covered in cheap spray paint. Walking over to the table lined with evidence bags. Her hands moved aimlessly through the piles that held no clue to the people she was after. Coming to the last piece of evidence they had painstaking gathered. Letting out a long sigh when her notion of being lead astray was growing by the second. Pulling out her phone taking over a dozen picture's, she only hoped John could receive pictures on his phone. Waiting a few moments after sending them dialing his number turning her back to Nicky. Catherine had no wish for Nicky to see the need in her eyes.

  "Hello Cat," John's sinful voice seemed so sweet to her ears. "Surely you haven't missed me that much you call just to listen to my voice."

  "No John," Catherine answered in a whisper. "I just sent you some pictures I need you take a look at them."

  "Shame and here I was laying on my bed hoping that you and I could steam up the windows," John chuckled. How she hated how he could leave her breathless in a room full of people.

  "You know you should never promise a girl things you can't guarantee," Catherine said darkly. "Now about those picture's."

  "Hold on," Catherine's foot tapped along the floor as the seconds passed. "Is that paint?" "Yes that's why I thought it strange," Catherine said looking out the window.

  "Well I'm glad your learning something from me," Catherine huffed picturing a smile on his face. "I can tell you this now its a fake. Whomever is behind this whole thing went to great length's to get you out of the city. This could mean they are planning something far bigger then anything this world has seen," John said going silent. As the seconds passed Catherine knew he was holding back.

  "John don't you think its time to you tell me everything you know," Catherine said her grip tightening around her phone.

  "The reason I know its fake is because the first two lines and seal were written in virgins blood," Catherine g
asped her heart hammering in her chest. As new articles flashed in her mind on what they attended to do with the orphan girls.

  "John why would they do that," Catherine asked in a whisper.

  "Because virgin blood is pure and the dark arts holds tremendous value on virgin's blood. However that is not the worse part of it Catherine it's the hearts they are the key to this thing." "Why," Catherine asked peering over her shoulder. Checking on Nicky as she walked around the room badly portraying a real detective.

  "Catherine how well do you remember your history lesson's," John asked as he flipped through a book.

  "Not well John history was never my best subject."

  "Off playing cops and robbers I bet," John chuckled. "Well people once thought the soul resided in the heart. I know it's the key yet as of now that's all I have to go on."

  "What do you mean John that they are after people's souls," Catherine said her voice shaking in fear.

  "Not everyones soul Cat," John said darkly. "I don't know how they did it, it would appear they have some how captured the nun's souls."

  "This makes no sense John," Catherine said pacing along the room.

  "I know but I will keep looking into it."

  "Alright," Catherine sighed. "Are you at the manson," Catherine said looking out the window.

  "No I'm waiting in your room waiting for your return. Did I forget to tell you we're staying at the same hotel," Catherine's cheeks heated imaging John going through her things. "My bad well do hurry up you wouldn't want me to grow to bored. Who knows what I'm libel to find in here." Catherine heard his hand patting her suitcase that sat on top of her bed.

  "John you wouldn't," Catherine gasped.

  "Whoever said I was an angel, me I'm just an horny little devil with no one to relieve the itch," John chuckled.

  "I swear if you do I won't be accountable for my actions," Catherine growled.

  "Hmm I think I'll chance it no one said life wasn't worth living, if you didn't take a risk every now and again." Catherine clenched her jaw as the sound of the zipper creeping open.

  "Don't you dare touch a thing we'll be there in ten minutes," Catherine said slamming her phone closed. "Mr. Tallson," Catherine said turning towards the group of men.

  "Yes what did you find," Tallson asked looking over at her.

  "It would appear that your hunch was right, whoever did this has far to much time on their hands. Let us hope this was all they were willing to do. I will inform my captain about this and get out of your hair," Catherine said shaking his hand.

  Catherine's foot tapped on the elevator's floor staring up at the floor numbers urging them to go faster. As the door chimed open bursting out like an arrow running towards her room. Inserting her keycard her chest heaved as she inched the door open. Slipping inside without making a sound. Catherine strained her ears for any sign of John. Pushing her body against the wall if he was still in the room she wanted to catch him red handed. Peering around the corner her bed came into view. Inching her head out her suitcase sat unopened and in the same position she had left it in. Not believing for a moment that he hadn't gone through her thing's. Jumping out thinking to ensnare him, only to be met with a pink bag from some Italian store she couldn't name. Stepping closer peering inside a note sat on top of a pink box. Reaching into the bag pulling out both items sitting gingerly on the edge of the bed. Setting the package aside Catherine began to read the note.

  "Hey Cat I just could not get that image out of my mind. So I thought it wise to make it a reality. I do hope you like it if not the receipt is in the bottom of the box. Can't wait to see you in it."

  Catherine looked suspiciously at the box that sat beside her. Wondering what on earth he was talking about, her fingers trembled as she slowly opened her gift. Peeling back the pink tissue paper her eyes flew wide as she looked down at a black lace teddy. Removing it from the box Catherine was astounded by the quality of the lace as her hand ran down the fabric.

  "John what are you doing here," Catherine heard Nicky gasp down the hall.

  "I thought I told someone that Susan and I would have rooms here."

  "No you didn't so what floor are you on," Nicky said stepping closer to him. Eyeing Catherine's door knowing she could hear every word they spoke.

  "This one, room 504," Catherine's heart leaped to her throat knowing he would only be a few feet away.

  "Shame I'm at the end of the hall we can always meet up for a midnight rendezvous," Nicky said her finger trailing down his chest.

  "That sounds exciting maybe I'll take you up on your offer once we get back," John said smiling seductively at her.

  "Well I'm off to visit the shops maybe once I'm done I'll come and visit you," Nicky purred.

  "I would advise against it I can't guarantee your safety," John said taking hold of her hand.

  "Come now sure it would benefit you to have us watching your back in this foreign land." "Well if you want sure you might find it interesting," John said kissing the top of her hand.

  "I think we are well pass that John," Nicky said claiming his lips. His hand rested on her firm round ass, dipping low feeling the heat of her womanhood on the pads of his fingers. Her back arched as his fingers ran along her sweet entrance. Dew began to gather within her mound, biting down on her lip as her body felt electrified. How she wanted this to be free to know the pleasure a man could bring her. Her long four years enslaved to that man forced never to seek out companionship with another man. She couldn't keep her body from igniting when he was around. Even if he was a means to fulfilling their plans. She would ask Garzela if she could keep him once they accomplished their task. Her peaks tightened, her breath became shallow, her hands tightening around his arms as John kissed down her neck. His fingers worked nimbly on the buttons of her blouse revealing her red lace bra. "John not here," Nicky said taking hold of his hand. "Soon my sweet," kissing him deeply before leaving him alone in the vacant hall.

  Catherine seat on her bed tears began to swell in her stunning eyes. Even though he had to keep up the rouse, so they could find any clues Nicky would drop along the way. Nonetheless it still hurt to know that Nicky's hands were on him, when she had to sneak around just for a kiss. Her head shot up at the sound of a soft knock on her door.

  "Who is it," Catherine said weakly.

  "It's me," John said softly through the door. Quickly wiping away her tears as she walked towards the door. Inching the door open her breath was stolen as she looked into his eyes. "Can I come in," John said flashing her a sly grin.

  "I don't think I can trust you alone with me, who knows what liberties you might try to take with me," Catherine said winking at him as she opened the door. His soft laughter encased her as he traveled deeper into her room. "So what brings you here this time, sneaking into my room not enough for you," Catherine said closing the door. Throwing her arms around him burying her face into his chest.

  "Everything ok Cat," John asked holding her close.

  "Now that your here," Catherine said choking back a sob.

  "Why don't you come with us Nicky won't be there for some time," his hand running through her hair. "Plus someone has to keep me in line," John said smiling down at her.

  "You sure," Catherine asked resting her chin on his chest.

  "Of course," John said kissing her lovingly. Glancing over at the bed noticing the black teddy spread out along the bed. "So did you like it." "Yes," Catherine said dropping her head to hide her rosy cheeks. "I haven't tried it on yet it appears to be my size," she said glancing up. "Do you want to see me in it."

  "My dear if you did I doubt you would be wearing it long," Catherine saw the lust in his eyes. "Wait here," Catherine said detaching herself from him. Grabbing the teddy before dashing into the bathroom. As she stared at herself in the bathroom's mirror her body felt alive. The warm air caused gooseflesh to rise along her skin. Splashing water onto her face to rid herself of the days grime. Even though there was none Catherine wanted to ensure that she was engraine
d in his mind. So whatever Nicky had in stored John would return to her. Stepping out of the bathroom her pink hardening buds, poked through the lace beckoning him to taste their sweetness. Her hips swayed as she approached John, a triumph smile was etched along her lips as she noted his gapping mouth.

  "Damn," Catherine heard him muttered. Her eyes darted down as his manhood twitched to life. "Well I am greatly beholden to your beauty," John said before capturing her lips. Catherine's hands slipped beneath his shirt savoring every muscle pushing him back into the window. Catherine would have the world know he was hers, and damn those that tries to take him away from her.

  Her hands held his as she leaned against John as they sped towards the small town. Catherine looked over at Susan as she continued to have her nose in her book. Catherine couldn't understand why she was so intent, in her studies when there were such wonders passing her by.

  "Susan wouldn't you rather enjoy the scenery then reading a book," Catherine asked.

  "We'll have time for that once we cleanse the house," Susan said looking up.

  "Don't worry it's nothing I can't handle," John said looking over at Catherine. "I have a favor to ask could you keep an eye on her so she doesn't wander off alone."

  "Sure as long as you don't do something foolish," Catherine said resting her head on his shoulder.

  "My dear foolishness is in my blood," John chuckled. Green rolling hills passed them as they sped through the Italian country side. Her sky blue eyes watched as the modern world lost its sway over the land. As they traveled further away from the city life seemed to hold onto the past. Catherine watched as an elderly couple drove their hay cart along the side of the road. Looking to John she wondered if they could become just like that couple.

  Elizabeth's heels clicked along the cobblestone as she pushed deeper into the alleyway. Her skin still held the scent of the man her mistress had sent her to grow close to. She for one was not foolish enough to fall for the notion of love. However she could not deny the fire within her body. Elizabeth leaned against the wall her fingers tracing her lips. How she yearn to have that man servicing her everyday to her hearts content.


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