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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

Page 12

by Richardson, James

  "So Elizabeth how is the fair land of Italy treating you," Garzela said stepping out of the shadows. Pushing herself off the wall straightening out her blouse.

  "Mistress all is well," Elizabeth smiled wickedly.

  "Good so they do not suspect you," Garzela said crossing her arms.

  "No mistress all is going according to plan."

  "Then why are you not with him now," Garzela said her gaze narrowing.

  "I told him I was going to visit the shops and I will. I thought it best to inform you before I rejoin them," Elizabeth said her hazel eyes held wicked glee.

  "What about the woman that travels with him," Garzela said hiding her pride in her pet.

  "She is not a problem I have his full attention mistress." Garzela stepped closer to Elizabeth her lips curled into a smile when she caught his scent on her.

  "I see that you have, how is he."

  "Big and delicious my lady," Elizabeth said her cheeks reddening.

  "Oh have you touched him," Garzela's eyes lit up at the news.

  "Yes my lady it was during the flight I believe he will be ready soon," Elizabeth said feeling her chest tighten.

  "Good," Garzela said pushing Elizabeth against the wall. The allure of his scent was to strong for her to resist any longer. Capturing her lips savoring the lingering taste of her lord, her hands running up Elizabeth chest yearning to have Contliss.

  "What do we have here," said a man walking down the alley dressed in black leather with chains dotting his attire. "My, my to see such a sight just invites trouble," he grinned pulling out a knife. "What do you say girl's that you treat us to a good time."

  "Get lost I have no patience for the likes of you," Garzela growled.

  "Now baby you shouldn't anger me," the man said pressing the knife to Garzela's throat. "Well now you should have told me you were into the rough stuff," Garzela smiled before plunging her hand into his chest. The man gasped as he felt her nails tore into his flesh. Blood oozed out around her forearm as she pressed deeper into his chest. "Come on baby I thought you wanted this," she said her eyes glowing red. Her face distorting two and a half foot horns grew out from her crimson hair. Bony spikes protruded along her jaw line as she savored the scent of his blood. Her pearl white teeth deformed into sharp daggers resembling sharks teeth. Her long slender tail had a mind of it's own as it moved beneath Elizabeth's skirt. "Well it appears you bit off more then you could chew," Garzela said ripping out the man's heart. "Girl's," she yelled snapping her finger's. Blood curdling howls bellowed from the depths of the shadows. The remaining thug's thought to escape as Garzela feasted on the man's heart. Elizabeth caught herself on the trash bins, as the demon's tail doubled in size as the warm blood infuse the demon's body. Garzela smirked as the screams of the dying men. Licking the the remainder of the blood from her finger's, feeling her tail growing slick by Elizabeth's cream. "Stop that," Garzela said taking hold of her rebellious tail. "It tends to get overexcited," she said smacking the disobedient tail.

  "My lady what would you have me do after I have him," Elizabeth said breathlessly trying to regain the strength in her legs.

  "Nothing allow him to follow the bread crumbs," Garzela said reverting back to her humanoid form.

  "Mistress may I ask something of you."

  "What is it," Garzela said patting her hound as it feasted on the man by her feet.

  "If it's possible I wish to have John Adams," Elizabeth said her voice growing steady. "After we have completed our deal of course."

  "I see," Garzela said hiding her smirk. "That will depend on if you and your friends do not fail in our plans. If you can do that then I shall see what I can do."

  "Thank you mistress," Elizabeth's heart hammered in her chest. "I should get going I do not want to leave him alone for to long."

  "Then do so I shall clean up here, and do clean yourself up we don't want him to smell the taint on you," Garzela giggled.

  The angelic tower shimmered as the rays of the sun struck it's polished surface. A lone man stood alone in the darken room looking down upon the world of man. His battle scared hand rested on the seal of the window. His forest green eyes looked for signs from his master, and those that serve his brother. How he loathed the thought of facing his brother once again, yet he was his father's son and he would follow his orders. His trusted battle mace sat upon the wall. Though it shined like it was newly forged in the heavenly fires that created it. He could not forget or could he forgive himself for the blood he had spilt.

  "Master," said a petite woman knocking on the the inside of the door as she stuck her head into the room.

  "What is it Carla," he said over his broad shoulder his jet black hair cascading down his back.

  "The hunters that you requested are here," Carla said closing the door behind her. "I see what have you learned of the disturb

  ance in sector six," he said turning his attention

  back to the city.

  "From the reports that were filed we can only determine that a lone demon. Had across over the threshold then quickly returned after attacking three humans," Carla's eyes ran down the page as she read the report aloud. "We could not determine why the demon would attack and quickly leave," her almond brown hair spilled over her


  "It's has to be one of my brother's minions,

  there has to be something behind this," he muttered to himself his thumb running along his chin.

  "Carla bring in the hunter's we need to find this

  demon as quickly as we can."

  "Yes Michael," Carla said pressing the folder

  to her chest. The smell of leather filled the room,

  their shin length coats house numerous weapons

  that could bring any fiend to its knees. Their leather boots were embedded with holy spells to aid

  them in their hunt. Michael eyed the man his

  broad shoulders, his stout frame housed muscle's

  that saw him through countless battles when he

  was alive. He wore his broad sword proudly on

  his hip a gift from his master once he had crossed

  over. His blue green eyes held knowledge of battles long since passed. His short salt and pepper

  hair was cut short revealing the brutal scar that

  ran along his scalp. The woman that told beside

  him was just as fearless in battle. Though her lithe

  frame had many misjudging her ability costing

  many their lives. That thought it unwise to think

  less of the fine warrior.

  "My lord we have come as you requested,"

  the man said crossing his arms. "Now tell me why

  we were pulled off our hunt," he growled. "Norman be silent," her strawberry blond hair

  flying askew. "Forgive him lord Michael he tends

  to get this way when this happens."

  "I don't need you to apologize for me Joan,"

  Norman sneered at her.

  "Be silent!" Michael's voice thundered. "We

  have a situation that is most urgent that is why

  you were pulled off your previous hunt." "What have you need of us," Norman asked

  stepping closer to the desk.

  "An hour ago a demon surfaced in sector six,"

  Michael said his eyes narrowing.

  "So they tend to do that," Norman huffed. "Only this time the demon returned with only

  three victims."

  "But why," Joan asked coming up to her partners side.

  "I don't know that is why I sent for you. The

  two of you are my oldest hunters and can handle

  capturing a demon alive." Joan and Norman

  looked at each other questioning the foolishness

  of this order.

  "If may speak freely my lord," Joan asked as

  Michael nodded his head. "Why do you want us to

  capture this thing wouldn't it be easier for us to

  end the fiend
's life."

  "Normally it would however I feel my brother

  moving and we need to know what he's planning,"

  Michael said his eyes glowing white hot. "Now

  you have your order's now go!" Michael said waving them off. "Do keep me informed," he said as

  they neared the door.

  "What a damn mess," Norman said running his finger's through the bloody gore. They had to go to great lengths to unravel the demon's magic. It unnerved him that it would go to this much effort to hide its presence.

  "I know," Joan said tracing the lingering energies in the alley. "There was a woman here before

  these three showed up."

  "Could she be in league with the demon,"

  Norman asked resting his chin in his hand. "Most likely the demon would have killed her

  along with the other three," Joan said checking the


  "Not if she was Lilith spawn," Norman


  "Norman you know how rare it is to run into

  one of those," Joan said resting her hand on her


  "Not rare enough Joan, I fought and killed

  two before the third one gutted me," Norman said

  his hand running along his stomach.

  "Just because you have an all you can eat sign

  over your head don't apply that to the rest of us,"

  Joan smirked. "I've picked up the woman's trail

  shall we capture her, or follow her to whomever

  she is working for," she said giving him a questioning look.

  "We follow for now unless she poses a threat

  to human life. We don't want our enemies catching wind of us," Norman said rising to his full


  The estate of Count Gergida the thirteenth sat

  nestled on a hundred acres of pristine farmland. A

  old thick forest bordered the northern edge of the

  property. The remnants of the once great ancient

  forest that cover the land. The red brick wall rose

  four feet in height, its gray mortar crumbling to

  dust from age and poor maintenance of the

  grounds. Twisted wrought iron bars rose out of the

  grayish stone that topped the brick wall. Rust now

  dominated the iron however in its former life it

  was the pride of the estate. Now it was nothing

  more then an ornamental piece that would fall

  over in a stiff wind. The reproduction roman columns loomed before them as the car drove over

  the three hundred year old cobblestones. Though

  most of the manor had been restored, it's owner

  had gone to great lengths to keep the two hundred

  year facade. Catherine was impressed at the man

  had kept the morden world, from marring a house

  that has seen so much.

  "Ah good your here," said a man stepping out

  of the shadows of the columns. Catherine studied

  the man from his unkept brown hair, to his disheveled attire, to the bags under his eyes, and the terrified look in his olive green eyes. Catherine knew

  the man had not seen a moments peace. "You can

  help us right," he said running down the steps.

  Grabbing hold of John's shirt looking up to him

  with pleading eyes. "You've got to help us, my

  family isn't safe here as long as that thing," he

  shrieked pointing towards his home.

  "Calm down," John said softly taking hold of

  the man's shoulders. "Are you George Bruham," he said staring down at the quivering man. "Yes," George squeaked. "Tell me you'll help us," he said taking hold of John's arms.

  "Yes, but I need you to calm yourself and tell me when this all started," John asked looking over at Susan. "Grab a bottle of water for our friend here." John lead George to the steps with Catherine by his side, she had no earthly idea what to do. She thought the least she could do was offer her support. As Susan handed John the bottle Catherine watched from the corner of her eye as he dove into his bag. Watching him as he removed a small brown satchel and a small honey bear from his bag. Catherine was about to voice her concern,

  but thought better of it until they were alone. "Here you go," John said holding out the bottle. George looked at John wearyingly as did

  Catherine, however it was Susan that reassured

  her fears.

  "It's to calm your nerves the powder is bitter

  so the honey is to add sweetness," Susan said

  smiling at the man. Tearing off the cap George

  down half the bottle before his body ceased its


  "Thank you," George sighed. "About two

  months ago my daughter started to talk to herself.

  First I thought nothing of it thinking she just made

  an imaginary friend. Then a month went by and

  things went from bad to worse. My son was playing in the hall in front of his room. Then I heard a

  loud crash I ran thinking the kids knocked over a

  lamp or something," he said his shoulders shaking. "But alass we were not that lucky. I found my boy at the foot of the stairs his body twisted at odd angle's," Catherine let out a gasp. "By the time the ambulance arrived Joseph was gone," shadows played across his face as tears streaking down his cheeks. "The police wrote it up as an accident, yet my little girl told me it was the shadow. I didn't believe her to lost in the death of my son, that I failed to notice the movements in the shadows. Until it went after my wife I am thankful that thing failed to get her. I don't know what I would do if she was gone from my life," Catherine knew exactly how he felt as her eyes ran down John's back. Though she wouldn't say it out loud until she could overcome her own doubt. "The next day after they left the house I confronted, the thing that tormented my family and my dreams. The thing only laughed at me igniting my anger," he said looking down at his hand. "I was flung against the wall as if I was nothing more then a rag doll. Then the wailing started and I felt my

  life slipping out of me."

  "Banshee," John said under his breath. "Our

  driver will take you to wherever you wish to go,"

  he said grabbing his bags.

  "Are you sure," George said calling after him. "Don't worry Mr. Bruham by the end of he

  week your troubles will be over," John said smiling down at the man. As they entered the manor

  Catherine noticed John's intense look and ridged

  body movements. Stepping lightly into the foyer

  John's body was tense ready to spring into action.

  "Get out!" John huffed as an invisible hand struck

  him square in the chest. Sailing through the air crashing into the wood paneling Susan rushed to help as the fiend pounded on John's body. A wicked laugh filled that once warm home as it's attention was drawn towards Susan. Falling to the floor landing on her backside Susan shrieked violently trying to fight off the hand that violated her


  "John," Catherine's soft heavenly voice cutting through his fogged mind. Slamming his

  hands down onto the wooden floorboards chanting words long forgotten by time. The tint of a red

  haze marred the surface of his blue eyes. Energy

  saturated the room static electricity sparked

  through the air. The hair's on her arm began to

  stand on end, Catherine gasped as a lean figure

  grew opaque. Her eyes darted to John as electricity arced off his body seeking out the thing that

  had attacked him. Howling in rage releasing Susan, Catherine ran in hopes to lightening her fall. "Contliss," Catherine heard the figure whispered before disappearing.

  "John what was that!" Catherine asked over

  her shoulder as she checked on Susan. "Who's this

  Contliss," she asked smiling down at Susan when

  nothing was broken.

  "I don't know," John said lifting himself off

  the floor. Catherine could not believe he was lying

  to her. She had hoped that he had grown to trust

  her. Yet maybe there was something lurking within the manor, and John didn't want to frighten


  As the hours passed Catherine grew worried

  about John as he went about his work. Susan stood at her side preparing that John called out for. Her woe's seem to multiply as the seconds passed. The smell of burning sage permeated the air of the manor, yet Catherine still felt unease and frightful of the the manor. Catherine paced the drawing room her head snapping sharply towards

  the hallway as the massive walnut door opened. "Hello," Nicky's voice drifted through the eerie home. Catherine rolled her eyes she had hoped

  that Nicky would have stayed behind.

  "We're in here," Catherine called out to her.

  As Nicky entered the room there was something

  in her eyes that had her scared. True Catherine

  didn't like Nicky all that well, however she wasn't

  about to allow harm to come to her. "Nicky what's

  wrong," she asked leading her toward the couch. "I think someone was following me," Nicky

  said tears welled in her hazel eyes. "I would have

  been here sooner but I thought I could lose

  them," she said holding back a sob. "Yet every

  time they were there walking behind me while I

  was shopping."

  "What did they look like," Catherine asked

  wrapping her arm around her shoulder.

  "I don't know," Nicky said shaking her head.

  "I couldn't lead them here at least I hope I didnt ,"

  she smiled weaking at Catherine. Catherine turned

  her head as footsteps echoed down the hall. "Hello Nicky," John said as he entered he

  room. The bundle of sage hung on his belt no longer giving off it's fragrant smoke. The smokey tarnished silver pentacle shone ominous in the light.

  Nicky launched herself at him burying her face into his chest. John tried to steady himself from the abrupt attack. His eyes darted over to Catherine, who's sky blue eyes were filled with anger and disdain for the woman. Nicky's arms held him tightly as his hands ran down her back. A sneaky smile graced her lips loving the feel of the man in her arms. Her crocodile tears glistened her cheeks as she looked up at him. "What troubles you." "She believes she is being followed," Catherine said trying to hide her anger.


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