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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

Page 17

by Richardson, James

  "Allow me to introduce your new lord and master," Garzela said stepping forward not hiding her glee. "I present to you Lord Contliss master of shadows, Lord of darkness, ruler of the Nether realm," she said directing their view towards Contliss. Dollson pushed himself up of the table rubbing his sore neck.

  "Master of shadows you say," Dollson voice was horse and ragged. "Lord of Darkness you say, Ruler of the Nether realm you say!" Dollson spat at Garzela shaking his head at the folly of the idea. Dollson's eyes widen in fear as the shadow's engulfed Contliss in an instant he was gone.

  "Do I have your attention now mortal!" Contliss said appearing at Dollson's exposed left side slamming him against the wall. "Garzela is this how your minions talk to you," he asked raising an eyebrow. "Even in the void I could hear the praise they gave to their gods," he said tossing Dollson at Garzela's feet. "Pitiful how far mortals have strayed from us," he said his eyes running down Elizabeth body. "Are you like him," Contliss said nodding towards Dollson. "Or are you willing to serve your god," he said a washing her in his power.

  "I serve you my lord," Elizabeth said dropping to a knee. "My will is yours to do with," she said her eyes running up his bare chest.

  "Who runs this coven," Contliss asked looking down at her.

  "Mark Jennings," Garzela said kicking Dollson in the rids as he hissed at her for giving out his name. "He runs this little group of misfits."

  "Where is he now," Contliss said appearing at her side. Taking hold of her chin turning her head to face him. Garzela fought not to grow weak underneath those burning red eyes of his as he looked upon her.

  "He and another off to the fourth location to preform the next part of the spell," Garzela said taking a dry swallow. "It be two days before he reaches the location. I informed him to remain undetected as much as he can from the mortal law enforcement and the supernatural one."

  "I see," Contliss muttered then looked away. With a flick of his wrist warping the fabric of reality, Elizabeth and Dollson grew still as small gray imps carried a throne on their shoulders. Made from the finest onyx stone intricate patterns of rune's and sigils were carved into its polished surface. Skulls of creature's long forgotten lined the foot of the throne. Crimson crushed velvet cushions awaited for him to relax his weary body on. Dragon's dance their way along the armrest, then curving up the side railing, their bodies jutting out of the top of the rails. Their mouths open ready to incinerate those foolish enough to approach in their onyx carved flame's.

  "May I ask who are you," Elizabeth said looking upon the man as he sat upon his throne.

  "Darkness," was his only reply. Garzela eyed the woman ensuring she would never again get close to her Lord. His pale finger tapped rapidly on the armrest of his throne. "Then we need a diversion to give our friends the time they need."

  "My Lord I would be honored if you allow me to take on this task," Garzela said bowing at his side.

  "No I shall go it's time the mortals and their guardians learn that I have returned," Contliss said rising from his throne. His black cloak bellowing out behind him as the shadows plucked at the fabric. His mind was only focused on one person Catherine.

  Catherine stood on the side walk in front of the store that started it all. The wind tugged at her chestnut hair as she stared at the yellow lettering on the window. With the news that Dollson may be connected to the crimes that have occurred across the country. Catherine feared for Susan, Sarah, and Mike thinking Dollson and whoever might attack his friend's. Joan and Norman had followed after Catherine knowing what ties she had to Contliss and his friends. As the door opened the brass bell chimed overhead, Susan paced behind the counter gnawing on her nails on what to do. Her sandy blonde hair swung violently as she looked towards the door. Her sea green eyes narrowed at the sight of Catherine and the two other's behind her.

  "Get out!" Susan yelled throwing the assorted nick-nacks that lined the counter at Catherine. "You took him away why, you traitor! Why did you have to do that, John never did a thing to anyone," Catherine dodged the small wooden box that was aimed at her head. "Sarah is already on her way you better leave now," Susan threatened. The door chimed behind her Catherine took a dry swallow as Sarah entered the store. Catherine knew she would have to face them sooner or later. The murderous look Sarah gave her as she walked passed, was all Catherine needed to know what she thought about her.

  "You got some balls walking in here after what you did," Sarah sneered at Catherine. "You took away the one man that could save us from whatever is happening."

  "Why would the creator of evil wish to help us," Norman asked confused as to why they would stand up for him.

  "Evil!" Sarah seethed with anger her hazel eyes cutting him to the bone. "He save me, Susan here, and this traitorous bitch," she said drawing out the last word. "Tell me how is he evil when he stood alone against your army." Norman looked to Joan for support, yet Joan had distance herself from him. Wanting nothing to do with the conversation that he himself had brought down upon his own shoulders. Catherine never said a word to defined herself against their accusations. Every word they threw at her she herself felt ten times over.

  "Listen I know I'm not your favorite person at the moment, but I believe your in danger not from Contliss. However there is evidence that my captain is behind all of this, which leads me to believe he will come here to strike at you his friends. For what reason I do not know it would be best all the same that you are safety hidden away," Catherine said telling everything she knew about the murders.

  "Then Cheney Mansion would be the best place for us to hide," Sarah said after serval minute's contemplating on the information Catherine give them. "This time of the year they are closed down," she said phoning her husband to meet them there.

  The red brick and iron fence that surrounded the mansion looked great. Yet it served no protection for the house only to keep stray dogs from tearing through its manicure lawn. The entrance way was warm and welcoming in a business kind of way. Catherine suspected a family hadn't lived in the home, for quite sometime since it was turned into private wedding hosting center. She imagion what it would have looked like when children's laughter once filled the former home. As they entered the foyer of the mansion Catherine couldn't enjoy the grandeur of the mansion. Her mind wouldn't allow such peasantries to distract her from what she had done. Catherine and the other's waited patiently as Joan and Norman checked the mansion. Nodding all was secured leaving them to talk amongst themselves. Catherine let out a sigh and began to explain why she did what she did to Contliss.

  Catherine had prepared herself for their shock and disbelief at what she told Sarah and Susan about Contliss. Catherine deliberately left out the war he had fought she thought that was to much given everything. The two of them remained quiet for some time unsure if Catherine was telling them the truth, or just another lie to help herself. Sarah could hear no more storming off to the far end of the mansion she needed time to think. Time to recount the memories she had of the man, Susan fidgeted before following after Sarah. Looking back at Catherine before she disappeared down the hall. With a heavy heart Catherine entered the sitting room to her left. Sinking down onto the couch listening to the silence of the room. Knowing there was no one there to support her for what she thought was the right choice. Trying to hold back her tears as she remembered Contliss dark blue eyes on her.

  Then she remembered the orb in her pocket. Holding it tenderly in the palm of her hand, rolling it over and over studying its clear crystal structure. Wondering why Contliss left it behind, was it the reason for his escape, or had he left it behind for another purpose. Catherine's mind raced with possibilities as to why he would leave behind the quarter size orb. Remembering how he had controlled it down in the basement of the townhouse. Catherine's fingered hovered over the orb biting her lower lip wondering if it was a wise idea. Tapping the top of the orb in two quick secession's her heart sank when nothing happened. She was about to return it to her pocket as the orb sprung to life.
Jumping in her seat as a three inch holographic image of Contliss appeared.

  "My dear Catherine I recorded this knowing you would side against me. I do not blame you for what your about to do, I know you thought you were making the right choice. I understand your reasoning if I was in your shoe's, and the woman I loved turned out to be a imprisoned goddess," a slight smiled form on his lips at the thought. "I probably make the same choice. Knowing you you're beating yourself up about this for that I am truly sorry my sweet," his hand reached out to caress her cheek. "However you must know the balance must be restored before it is to late. So I must do what must be done to see it restored before the fabric of reality is undone." As the message came to an end Catherine sucked in a breath as his emotions flooded into her. Tears welled in her sky blue eyes as she felt how he truly felt about her.

  Michael's tower was ablazed in alarms as the Parthenon was restored to its former glory. The command room was a washed in awe silence as they watched the process. The once cracked steps of the age worn marble now shined in a polish gleam. The double row of columns shone like they were freshly cut from the marble quarry ending in simple capitals and fluted shafts. The eastern mestopes depicting the cosmic battle between the Olympian gods and the Gaints. On the south mestopes told of the battle of the Lapiths and the Centaurs, the western showed the legendary invasion of the Amazon's. Lastly the north mestopes detailing the Trojan war, each mestopes were decorated in gold with a royal blue background. The red clay tile roof was ablaze in the new morning light.

  "I need details what's happening in the mortal realm," Michael screamed at his subordinates. "Does no one have any idea how that is happening," he said pointing to the screen's. The rapid chatter of the room filled his ears as they sought to give him answer's. Darkness descend down upon them as they delved deeper into layers of reality. Dark blue eyes pierced the veil of shadow staring down those that thought they were the master's.

  "Come out little minions the Lord of Darkness commands it!" Catherine stood beside Joan as they looked upon the Parthenon. Never in her years did she think she ever be standing before the grand structure. Fifty hunter's stood ready to storm the ancient Greek temple. Norman had agreed to stay behind once Carla told them of Contliss appearance. Catherine eyed those that were gathered wondering how this would play out.

  With trepidation taking each step Catherine felt her body trembling as they neared the entrance. Torches were lit along the rebuilt walls giving off weak orange light. Catherine felt the gentle breeze flowing through the temple, which seemed odd given it was flowing from the direction of Contliss. Who was standing in the center studying the statue before him. The air pulsated against her skin as they pressed deeper into the temple. Out the corner of her eye Catherine saw the hunter's moving to surround Contliss. Catherine watched for any signs he was going to attack, yet he paid the hunter's no attention as he gazed longingly at the Mable statue of Athena.

  "While I was in that empty void I missed how my nephew's and nieces helped guide humanity. I was denied that same experience that my brother spread across the cosmos," Contliss said breaking the silence.

  "Surrender now dark one," Joan ordered drawing her weapon as she advanced towards him. Contliss laughter filled the temple yet Catherine felt it was forced.

  "Even in my limited form the ghost from the past can't win against me. You don't have a trump card to play this time," Catherine watched as they launched their attack. Swords raised the gleaming metal seemed to sing as it sailed through the air. Contliss never moved an inch from his spot as they closed in on them. The shadow's bent and stretch ensnaring the hunter's in the outstretched black tendrils. Joan and the other's struggled to free themselves from the shadowy substance. Their blades cut and slashed against the unnatural darkness yet they were meet with failure.

  "Look around you little fools, know thy enemy little ghost. I am Darkness," Contliss said before willing the tendrils to toss the hunter's away. Catherine listened to the thuds of their bodies as they crashed into the walls of the temple. Catherine tossed away her weapon knowing it wouldn't do her any good. "Ah your learning Catherine," he said turning towards her.

  "You don't strike me as the nostalgic type Contliss," Catherine said approaching with caution.

  "But I am Catherine whoever restored your soul knew that."

  "So I am the reincarnated Caterina," Catherine said feeling a chill wash over her saying that name.

  "To a point that is true."

  "So what I'm only half of that person," Catherine said stalling for time. Catherine needed to keep him talking so she could figure out why he was here.

  "No its more complicated then that. Caterina's soul was yours when you were born, however your choice's made her soul your own," Contliss said turning back to the statue. "Your's and her soul are as night and day. The moment I met you I knew who you truly were."

  "Then you really did love her."

  "Yes," Contliss said somberly bowing his head.

  "How would that have worked you being a god and all."

  "Think about it Catherine," Contliss said smirking.

  ine stuttered. "Yes, I would have given her everything yet

  she allowed her fear to lead her astray. Allowed

  my brother to taint her mind and put the world on

  the brink of annihilation."

  "She would have been your Queen," Cather"That's a little daunting for any woman to handle Contliss," Catherine said trying to ease his mind. "What about the other goddess wouldn't one of those be more of a better fit to rule at your side," she said trying to hide her anger at that thought.

  "What and have my brother's fingers in the on goings of my realm. Hardly if I'm to have a Queen she must be uncorruptible," Contliss said raising an eyebrow at Catherine. Catherine's word's hanged on her tongue as his body began to vanish. She ran to him her hand outstretched to grab hold of his body. As the gray-black smoke flowed across her skin she knew she had lost him. Joan groaned as she regain consciousness never in her years as a hunter had she felt such overwhelming power. For her to lose consciousness was unheard of given she was already dead. That alone told her they had grossly underestimated Contliss, and what he could actually do if he so choose to. It was her overconfidence to think that fifty hunter's could bring him down. She thought back to the assault in Italy was he even really fighting back then, or was he just toying with them. Shaking her head to clear her vision a dark figure stood alone in the center of the temple. Reaching for her weapon the siding of the metal across the marble caught the figure's attention. Catherine's head turned at the sound eyeing Joan she rushed to her side.

  "Are you alright," Catherine asked kneeling at her side.

  "Considering who he is I say we got off lucky," Joan said with the help of Catherine she was able to stand on shaky legs. "So what happened while I was out."

  "Nothing really just misdirection," Catherine said shrugging her shoulders.

  "What," Joan said confused.

  "Why else would Contliss come out and announce himself to us. Contliss knew we would come here guns blazing to wherever he showed up. So he acted as a decoy to throw us off balance," Joan pondered this as the spell began to unravel around them. A part of of her was sorry to see it go as Catherine watched the spell crumbled revealing the ancient ruin. A sudden thought flashed in Catherine mind for the safety of Susan and Sarah. Catherine rushed out of the gateway barrelling through the door, only to find Susan and Sarah enjoying a late night dinner. Letting out a sigh leaving them in the hands of Joan, Catherine found herself meandering throughout the mansion. Coming up an empty bedroom listening for a few seconds hearing the other's were well enough away from the room.

  Striping off her clothes Catherine looked out the window into the starry night. Watching the moon travel across the black velvet curtain, wondering if she could truly become what Contliss sought. Her hands tightening around her shirt at the thought of what he was asking her to become. Thinking could she really walk that path wi
th him for all time. Could she go against those that stood against him, looking back towards the bed noticing the orb had rolled out of her pocket. Catherine watched as the light played off it's surface recounting what Contliss had told her. Crawling across the bed Catherine could almost feel Contliss eyes on her. Taking the orb in hand pulling her knees to her chest pushing the pillows against the headboard.

  Resting her chin on her leg as the orb was cradled between her knees. Silently debating whether or not to play it again. Her fingertip ran through the rainbow light, as the light from the lamp passed through the orb acting like a prism. Wondering if Contliss and the other's like him were like the colors of the rainbow that played across her olive skin. Pondering how people relate the color's with emotion's was that how they made their creation's to think; or did humans come up with that thought all on their own as they evolved. Her finger hovered millimeters over the orb daring herself to play it. Tapping the orb wrapping her arms around her legs as the messaged played. Tears ran down her cheeks as his emotions flooded into her. Laying her head against her legs feeling the orb fall onto the bed.

  Since his departure Dollson had waited for the she demon to leave before he called Mark. He hadn't worked this hard for everything to be subverted by this man. Pulling his phone out of his jacket pocket the burner phone felt bulky in his hand. Even if someone actually stumbled upon their plot, Dollson had ensured himself nothing could be tied to him directly. Even the death of Maricus couldn't be tied to him he had enjoyed the show his pet gave him. As the hellhound tore through the man thinking he could put a stop to this. To his amazement he enjoyed the sight of the blood splattering the car's interior. Dollson didn't think he would have gotten aroused by the act, yet his body told him otherwise. Since then he had spent many of nights with lady's of the night. Few would never walk the streets again when his imagination wasn't enough. Typing in the only number he used that phone for, Dollson tapped his foot as Mark's phone rang.


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