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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

Page 18

by Richardson, James

  "Why are you calling me Dollson I told you never use this phone unless there's trouble," Mark said in a monotone voice.

  "Why else would I be calling you if it wasn't important," Dollson shot back.

  "Fair enough what is it," Dollson heard the clicking of the rails, the whistling of the train as it traveled through the country.

  "You remember that man name John Adams." "Yes, Garzela's little secret pet what of him," Mark said waiting for the Porter to pass by. "Has some new information about the man come to light."

  "You won't believe this Garzela brought that man here to our meeting room," Dollson said hearing Mark's grip tighten around his phone. "Apparently he's suppose to be some dark being if you can believe that. I'll admitt the man has done some very interesting things, he even has Garzela cowed which I find hard to stomach."

  "Yes that is interesting are you sure she's cowed or playing with his head?"

  "From what I have seen so far the she demon is protective of the man. You know her better then I do does that sound like a demon to you," Dollson said shaking his head.

  "That doesn't sound like her, have you tried to see if she's under a spell," Mark asked running numerous spells through his mind. Wondering what kind of magic the man possessed that could have made Garzela his pet. If he could bend a demon to his will then Mark needed that man. Was his power's limited to only one demon at a time, or could he control multiple demon's. Mark began to smile evilly at the possibilities he could use the man for. "Dollson go fetch some paper and a pen, for what I'm going to tell you must be done exactly as I say it. There can be no error in this for if we are to bind this man to our will then it must be a hundred percent perfect." Mark detailed the magic circle down to the inch making sure Dollson had drawn it correctly through picture texting. When Mark was satisfied that Dollson wouldn't screw up that important detail he moved onto the incantation. "Call me once you have that man enthralled then we will test his magic," Mark said ending the call.

  Dollson was sure at that moment Mark's phone was flying out the train's window. So he would have to use the backup line to contact Mark. However if this man was what he claimed to be Dollson wasn't about to hand it over to Mark. Dollson had enough of serving under the man, he was still weary of Mark and once he had what he sought. Then even Mark would have to bow to him. That was something that put a smile on his wrinkled face. Taking Elizabeth by the arm Dollson forced her to draw out the circle on the floor. Where he was sure that man would enter. Dollson stood over Elizabeth dictating to her as she worked along her knee's. His eyes trained on her back side as Elizabeth worked, licking his lips nodding to himself that he would have her. Once he had dealt with this so called dark god Garzela claimed he was.

  "Good," Dollson said approving of the work. Grabbing Elizabeth by the arm when she tried retreating away from him. "Now that we still have time how about you put those lips to work," Elizabeth's hand flew through the air smacking Dollson across the face. "Are you sure you should be upsetting me when I'm about to have everything. Should you not be on your knee's servicing me," her knee found its home in his groin.

  "Filthy pig," Elizabeth said punching him in the jaw.

  "You'll pay for that you stupid cow," Dollson growled reaching out for Elizabeth. Yet his attention was diverted as the shadows began to quiver. Elizabeth retreated to the far corner of the room as the shadows began to condense. Dollson breath stilled as Contliss foot protruded from the shadows. A smug smile graced his lips waiting for him to fully emerge from the shadow gate. Elizabeth drew herself into a ball encase Dollson stupidity would rain across the room. Contliss stopped in the center of the circle, eyeing the glyphs that lined the outer ring. Contliss hid his amusement at the fact they would try to bind him. Deciding to play along with this show to see what they had in store. Turning towards Dollson as he began to chat.

  By air and earth By fire and water So be you bound

  As I desire

  By three and nine Your power I bind By moon and sun My will be done

  Dollson repeated the words as Mark had told him to, yet as he peered out through his eyelashes it seemed the spell wasn't working. Contliss felt the magic encircling him as he stood there waiting for the man to make his move. He was surprised that the man knew such a powerful binding spell. However it would do nothing but offer annoyance for a short time. Arching his brow as red spiderweb thread's rose from the floor. Wrapping around his body tempting to absorb his powers within their magically created strand's. Dollson's voice rose higher as he saw his spell took shape. Layers upon layers grafted themselves onto his body tightening their hold on the dark god. The strand's coiled and braided themselves as the tenth layer covered his body. Dollson's hands were outstretched to the ceiling as Contliss feigned panic. As the spell came to fruition Dollson began to speak in a arrogant tone.

  "I have you bound to my will, your power's are now mine to control," Dollson said evil light flashed across his eyes.

  "Is that so," Contliss said indifferently cocking his head to the side.

  "Now that I have you bound to my will you will heed my commands," Dollson said smiling wickedly. "My first command is to show me what you truly are," a thought crossed Contliss mind which only made this farce all the more enjoyable. "Second I want eternal youth, lastly immortality shall be mine," Dollson said laughing madly. Dollson's eye twitched as Contliss paid him no heed, instead he was intent on scratching the itch on his chin.

  "I think it's time we end this little game," Contliss said looking intently at Dollson. His eyes glowing red as he looked upon the foolish mortal that would play god.

  "Don't play dumb fool you are mine to control nothing you can do...," Dollson jaw dropped as Contliss pressed his arms against the thread's. A sinister smile graced Contliss lips as the thread's began to snap. Dollson began to quake in fear as one by one his binding spell came undone. As the red thread's fell to the floor disintegrating back to nothingness that formed it. Brushing of his spell from his body giving Dollson a look that stole his very soul.

  "I smell your fear little mortal," Contliss said his nostrils flaring. "Did you honestly think your pitiful magic's could bind me! So the tiny little speck of a mortal thinks he can control me! Being's older then time itself have tried and failed, mortal what insane idea ran through your mind to think this was wise," he said taking a step forward. "What was your first request to see what I truly am," Dollson's eyes flicker down as he crossed the spell binding circle. "Then I shall show you," Contliss said taking Dollson by the throat. Looking over at Elizabeth as she cowered in fear in the corner. "Would you care to join him," his eyes narrowing at her. Shaking her head vehemently as Elizabeth pressed herself against the wall. Watching in cold fear as their bodies dissolved in a cloud of smoke.

  Contliss forced Dollson to look out over his realm as they stood on the rim of the chasm. Contliss hand gripped tightly around Dollson's neck forcing him to take in everything. His cold stormy eyes were wide with fear as the heat baked his skin. Howls drifted on the wind howls of things he knew of, peering out the corner of his eye as hellhounds ran from ledge to ledge trying to climb the cliff face. Winged creatures' sped high above them in the sulfur laced air. Dollson shielded his eyes as a pillars of hell fire roared in front of him. Red lighting arced between the clouds, striking the ground with explosive force seeing debris into the air. Imp's scurried across the stone hundreds feet below him. Fire demon's roared their challenge as they fought amongst one another. Caged tormented soul's cried out for release from their damnation.

  Red bulging eyes peered out from the shadows of the darkness. Eyeing the mortal that dared to enter their realm. Dollson felt his soul grow cold as they began to crept out from the shadows. Their fangs protruding from their lower lips, drool hung precariously from their chins savoring the scent of fresh meat within their grasp. Their talons ready to ensnare their prey once their master foregoed his protection over the mortal. Their black charred bodies quivered in anticipation of the meal to co
me. Dollson tried to retreat from their reach yet Contliss firm grasp held him rooted. He was not about to become food for these disgusting things. He was meant to rule over these beast to use them as he saw fit. Once he could free himself Dollson was sure to make this fool regret thinking lesser of him.

  "So you think you can control all of this," Contliss said directing Dollson's view to the many kingdom's within his realm.

  "Your damn right, probably do a hell of a lot better then you," Dollson spat. Dollson jumped as the demon's rushed at him for his remark. Ready to feel the wrath of their master so they could punish such blasphemous words. Contliss black tendrils lashed the stone keeping his minion's away from Dollson until he was finished with the man.

  "Foolish mortal your mind alone could never comprehend the sheer vastness of the cosmos, yet alone grasp the depths of my powers," Contliss said lifting Dollson off his feet. "Your sin's are known to me as well as those that dwell here. Chose your eternity or I shall chose for you little man," he said walking towards the chasm. Dollson held on to his wrist as he stared down at the demon's below him. Shoving and pouncing on each other as they awaited for the dangling morsel to fall. "Well!" Contliss snarled as he watched the sweat bead along Dollson's forehead.

  "You can not do this to me I have bound you," Dollson said his legs kicking outward trying to strike Contliss. Cold heartless laughter surrounded him as Garzela walked out from the shadows.

  "Honesty you mortals amaze me," Garzela said her hand running along Contliss back. "Once you get an ounce of power you think you command those above you. Have you ever thought why he played along in that silly excuse of a binding spell," she said resting her chin on his shoulder. "It's because if he wanted to he could have sent your ashes to the far corner's of the world with just his little finger. Though I was amused for a short time with your small coven, however that time is over and you are no longer needed," Garzela said departing back to the shadows.

  "It seems you fate has been decided," Contliss said releasing his hold on Dollson. His dark blue eyes watched as Dollson flung his arms around as he fell. Contliss felt no remorse as he watched as demon's jolted out of the shadows. Tearing into Dollson's flesh Contliss didn't let the man's screams haunt him as the demon's feasted on his entrails. Nor did he shy away as they tore apart his body apart piece by piece, leaving nothing more then a pool of blood marring the stone below him. As Contliss watched his minion's strip the meat off of Dollson's bones. Something strange rippled across the fabric of his realm.

  Contliss knew his brother wasn't that foolish to enter his realm uninvited surely he knew it wouldn't end well for Balanlt. His realm churned and heaved to expel the foreign power that sought to usurp its power over the darkness. A hundred pulsating white lights streaked across the sky, making a grand entrance landing twenty feet begin Contliss. Contliss didn't need to look to know Balanlt had sent his Seraphim into his realm. He knew all to well what their presence felt like, his hand ran over his chest remembering the few scars that remain from that long war. A thunderous boom a resounded over head, as dozens of bolts of blue white lighting struck the ground before the gathered Seraphim.

  His midnight black hair played along the sulfur laced wind. As his emerald green eyes stared at the back of his brother. His tan face distorted in a scowl at the smell of the nether realm. The Seraphim's light pulsated to banish the darkness around them. However what they did not know was every second they used their powers in his realm only made them weaker. His tan skin felt feverish as the fires roared around them. His finely tone muscles twitched ready to defend himself should anything foolish enough dared to attack them.

  "So brother the rumor's are true," Balanlt said taking a step forward. Black roots prang forth from the dead soil enmeshed around his ankle. Snapping the roots as Balanlt jerked his foot free from it's grasp. "Now come with me before it needs to get violent," air rushed from his lungs as Contliss red plasma bolt struck Balanlt in the chest. Sending Balanlt flying through the ranks of the Seraphim. Crushing into the outcrop of rock his body falling to the ground causing clouds of dust to bellow out around him. Contliss walked towards the group of Seraphim when a hand caught hold of his right arm.

  "Don't do this brother," Talous said pleading with her older brother. "Allow me to take him before more harm comes from this."

  "He needs to learn Talous," Contliss said yanking his arm from her grip. "He is not all powerful as he claims to be Talous as you already know. Yet you sit by while he has made a mess of the worlds we created." Pushing his way through the contingent of angel's stopping inches away from Balanlt's head. "You dare come into my realm and command me!" Contliss said taking handfuls of Balanlt's white linen tunic. "How arrogant must you be to think my realm bows down to you," he said tossing Balanlt into his underling's. "Look at what has become of your arrogance brother! The universe is coming to an end because you can't handle that I'm one of the pillar's of creation," Contliss fist slammed into Balanlt' gut. Balanlt groaned as his eyes flattered open.

  "You used the woman I loved as a tool to trap me since you could not bring me to my knees!" Contliss said bring Balanlt an inch to his face allowing his brother to feel his rage. "Once again you use her, did you think I wouldn't have notice it was you that reincarnated Caterina's soul," Balanlt eyes showed confusion at the accusation. "So it wasn't you that brought her back," Contliss said in a whisper looking over at his sister. Other then Balanlt and himself, Talous was the only one that could do that without drawing attention to Catherine. Shoving Balanlt into the arms of his Seraphim, Contliss walked with determination towards his sister. He would have her answer for playing with the soul of the one he loved so long ago. "Stop! I shall not be manhandled by you," Balanlt growled dusting off his clothes.

  "Is that so," Contliss said turning around. "And where dear brother do you think you are," he said raising his left hand to the sky. Commanding the lighting to streak across the sky highlighting the landscape around them. Revealing legions upon legions of old gods and demon's that surrounded Balanlt and his hundred. Quickly drawing their heavenly weapons surrounding their lord ready to lay down their lives should they attack. "Know your place brother you are not lord here and these serve me. To think you bring this few here shows just how arrogant you have become." "You know if I die so do you," Balanlt said from the depths of his Seraphim.

  "Maybe oblivion wouldn't be so bad," Contliss said his gaze piercing the veil between the worlds. Viewing Catherine as she silently cried in that room so far away from him. "Now leave my realm before I have you destroyed," he said spinning on his heel. Traveling deep into his realm were few dare to tread, were the fire's of chaos stilled burned from the creation of the universe. Falling to his knee's his fist pounding on the black sand hating himself for what he's done and about to do. "Catherine please forgive me," Contliss said leaning back tilting his head back as a tear rolling down his cheek.

  "Ok so I understand why you did that to John," Sarah said as the rays of the sun shone through the glass kitchen door. "But that doesn't mean I'll forgive you for what you done." Susan nibbled on a piece of toast as the two women talked across the table.

  "I know that Sarah I never asked you to forgive me, the only one that I need to ask that is Contliss. For I placed him in great danger when I sided with them." Catherine said her eyes flickering over to the entrance to the room Joan and Norman had commandeered for themselves. "What would you have done when they showed you all those videos of him."

  "That depends is it the whole truth or their version of the truth," Sarah said arching an eyebrow. Her eggs steamed before her, her hazel eyes held sadness as she pushed her eggs around her plate.

  "Yet to think the man we know was this dark god," Mike said in disbelief shaking his head. "I wouldn't know what to do, though I would hope that I would have given him the benefit of the doubt. Before I agreed to anything that would jeopardize anyone's character or safety."

  "So what did they say about Contliss," Sarah asked taking a bi
te of her food. Yet she didn't taste it for the thought that her dear friend was something she knew he wasn't didn't sit well with her.

  "Nothing really either there was no sound or they intentionally left it out."

  "There see," Sarah said pointing her fork at Catherine. "Shouldn't your police training tell you there was something wrong with that."

  "I know yet there was something that always nagged at me. Contliss knew far to much about things that normal people wouldn't. Like how did he already know the women at the first slayings were nun's. Then to the townhouse how did he know were to find that spell they hid away," Catherine said her hand cupping the orb in her pocket. "Then there was that altercation in Michigan with that demon," all three of them sat straighter in their seats perturbed at the mention of a demon.

  "What demon," Sarah said her fork falling onto her plate. Catherine bit her lip knowing it would stir up painful memories.

  "This demon showed up while we were on our way to see the body of the driver of the bus. How it found us I have no clue, yet the way it allowed me to leave was odd. Wouldn't you think it would kill us on sight. That wasn't the case I watched from the safety of the hotel lobby as they conversed with one another. What they talked about I can't say since I know he lied about it, " Catherine said taking a deep breath. "Then there was the time when we were in Italy," she said turning her attention to Susan. "You remember what happened right what that shadow said," Susan nodded slowly shivering at the thought. "When he out right lied about it I knew something was seriously wrong. Then the red haze that tinted his eyes that appeared as they attacked," Catherine said pointing over her shoulder. "I know I should have trusted him yet you didn't see it, once I saw that haze fear just overcame me. Then I found myself in their tower and you know what happened next," she said debating if she should tell them what happened at the Parthenon.


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