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Her Lawful Master (Pleasure Island Book 4)

Page 7

by Anya Summers

  Like a whispered caress, Theo traced the riding crop over her body. The smooth leather grazed her throbbing nipples, teased the underside of her breasts, stroked down over her abdomen, and caressed the folds of her sex and inner thighs to her calves. Then he moved around to her back, brushing the exposed parts of flesh not hidden by the cross. He started along her shoulders, rubbed the silky leather down her sides to her rear. The leather traced her slit, teasing her with a hard stroke from her clitoris all the way to her rosette.

  “Oh,” she gasped, unable to keep her moan contained.

  But her moan twisted into a surprised yelp as the crop landed on the fleshy part of her butt. Her nipples stabbed forward and painfully swelled against the rings of fire clamps, but the ache morphed into the sweetest pleasure imaginable. Piper eagerly anticipated the next swat. Theo didn’t disappoint as he tested her body’s response. The loud thwacks of the leather connecting with her flesh filled the villa.

  He struck her ass with strong whacks. Piper had never necessarily considered herself a pain slut, but because of the way with which Theo handled the crop, the stinging force behind his lash, she was beginning to re-evaluate herself and her needs. He blistered her butt until she could feel the fiery burn which seemed to have a direct line to her pussy. Theo moved his skillful branding to her shoulders until they were engulfed in flames.

  Then he moved back into her line of sight with an intense, deeply sensual expression clouding his gaze. His engorged cock strained against the confines of his slacks and Piper couldn’t remember the last time she’d hungered for a Dom this much. She wanted him to fill her. She wanted him to fuck her. She wanted him. Then his hand snapped and the crop cracked against her swollen nipple. Lightning arced from her tit all the way to her pussy.

  “Ah,” she keened as yummy pleasure-pain spliced her nerve endings in lacerating waves.

  Theo turned her breasts into a molten mass of acute ecstasy so intense she strained for his touch, whimpering with each blow against her stiff nipples. And then he thwacked the leather against the exterior of her pussy. Moisture flowed between her legs as her head dropped back.

  “Oh god,” she wailed at the scorching fire erupting in her veins. Piper’s body existed in a sea of rosy joy.

  At the swipe of his tongue through her pussy, she groaned. She was beyond feeling anything but the pleasure he offered her. The man had one hell of a talented tongue as he caressed under her hood, laving her folds, spreading her plump pussy lips further apart and teasing her clitoris with his tongue and teeth. Theo didn’t eat her pussy so much as he devoured her flesh like a man feasting on a buffet. He lapped at her cream. Curled his tongue around her engorged nub. Compressed his tongue against her bud, and then plunged inside her quivering channel. Pleasure spiraled and swelled as he seemed to know exactly where and how to touch her for maximum effect. If she could have moved, she would have, as her pleasure built with every thrust of his talented tongue. Except she could do nothing but surrender. Piper willingly flung her stalwart control away, all her defenses crumbling into the nearby ocean as she gave herself over to him and his care. She was past the point of reason and thought.

  Piper moaned as he continued stroking her flesh. Her pleasure spiked to maddening heights. Her nipples stabbed almost too painfully now in the clamps. But she rode the bombarding waves of ecstasy as her body drew tighter in on itself with every drive of his tongue inside her trembling heat.

  She wanted more, wanted to feel his cock thrusting inside her, yearning for it, for him to strip away his trousers and plunge his erection inside her quivering channel, but she said nothing. She moaned, she whimpered as he tortured her in the most pleasurable way possible, but she didn’t ask him for what she wanted most. Then he removed his mouth from her pussy.

  “Oh,” she wailed. She glanced down her body to where he was kneeling between her thighs. Her cream glistened on his succulent lips and the stubble lining his chin, his breathing was labored, but it was the carnal hunger in his heavy-lidded gaze that rocked her to her core.

  He seemed to be waiting on her, but still she said nothing. So he rose up to his full height before her and undid his slacks. He shucked his boxers and the full brunt of his desire bobbed before her gaze. Long, with a smooth head, his cock swayed, jutting with moisture glistening on his ruddy crown.

  God, she wanted to feel him inside her. She wanted to taste him. She licked her lips, and he gazed at her with a raised brow. She knew what he wanted. Why she didn’t say the words, she wasn’t certain. He sheathed his cock, covering his length with a condom, but still he waited to penetrate her. Piper’s body was on fire and she was so near climax from his skilled tongue that one thrust would likely send her body over the ledge.

  Instead of screwing her brains out, Theo leaned down and swiped his tongue against an engorged nipple, massaging the flesh around the abused bud. Then he loosened the clamp and sucked the throbbing bud into his mouth. Flames shot from her breast to her pussy and she moaned. He laved and suckled her breast until there seemed to be a direct line from her tit to her clit.

  Theo wanted to torture her, drive her crazy with his touch. When he moved his mouth to her other breast, his fingers teased her pussy, grazing her clit as he removed the second clamp. Piper tossed her head back and wailed in frustration. Her body was strung out and so over-sensitized by his attentions, she was near tears.

  “Just tell me what you want, love, and I promise to give you what you need. You just have to say the words,” he growled around her nipple and then bit down painfully. A raw lance of pleasure-pain blasted her system.

  She screeched, “Please let me come, Sir, please fuck me.”

  “About fucking time,” he said through gritted teeth.

  She watched him as he gripped his bulging erection, rubbing the smooth head through her pussy lips until his member was positioned at her entrance. Her sex throbbed, ready to feel him inside her.

  “Look at me, Piper,” he ordered.

  She lifted her gaze until all she saw was his molten bronze one. At her compliance, he thrust, plunging his length inside her until his balls were pressed against her butt. Her body welcomed his and nearly came undone. She mewled. Her tissues stretched at the fullness of him, the way he strained inside her, her body clasping at his cock, trying to draw him deeper. Theo gripped her hips, his hands steady as he rolled his pelvis, pumping his shaft in and out, establishing a languid pace. After everything, the fact that he was lazily fucking her when what she wanted was hard, fast, and damn near brutal, was enough to drive her to madness.

  Theo, the sadistic bastard that he was, seemed to know it, and grinned. “Not yet, love, you’ve done brilliantly, but you’re still trying to control things.”

  His mouth descended, claiming her lips in a torrid kiss as he continued to thrust. He surrounded her on the cross, pressing his body against hers until she could no longer tell where she ended and he began. It was the kiss that did it. Theo knew precisely how to kiss her and make her head spin. Piper melted into him, past the point of reason or logic. She could feel her body as it tightened in on itself and she surrendered.

  Theo was so tuned into her, the moment she ceded her power over to him, the cant of his thrusts changed. He never released her lips, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth in time with his cock pounding inside her weeping channel. Piper keened against his lips at the power behind his thrusts, harder, faster, but not once did he lose control.

  He broke the kiss and growled, “Come for me.”

  He slammed home, his balls slapped against her rear, and her body erupted. “Oh god!” She screamed, her head falling back as she wailed. Starbursts exploded inside her body as he increased his tempo, his erection swelling as he plunged fervently.

  But the man was a freaking machine. Piper was awash in pleasure as he pounded. Her body gripped his shaft as he plunged. Over and over, he hammered his cock inside her with such brutal precision, it was like he was imprinting himself on her body, branding her
pussy as his. Spread as she was on the cross, all her decisions removed from her, she could do nothing but accept the violent storm of his lovemaking. Piper strained against the straps as he shuttled his cock in pounding digs. Her legs shook in their bonds as desire and pleasure became her entire existence. It boiled down to her and Theo, and his glorious cock pumping harder and faster.

  Piper’s body devolved and she was grunting as he pounded inside her flesh. The sounds she made were almost inhuman as her pleasure morphed into a state of ecstasy so pronounced, she could feel her body spinning out of control, reaching for an incredible peak that was so bright and pure, it burned with the fury of a thousand suns.

  “Piper,” he bellowed, pounding his member inside her with such force, another climax shattered her system so that she was blind to everything as her body imploded.

  “Ah, Sir,” she wailed.

  Theo’s cock thudded and he strained as his release swamped him. But eventually his thrusts slowed. His face was buried in the crook of her neck, his lips pressed against her skin. She kissed his neck, liking the stubbly feel of his shadow beard.

  And then he lifted his soulful gaze up to hers, his eyes searching her face. Theo kissed her then with such tenderness, his hands cupping her face as if to say she was precious to him. Her world spun on its axis as she returned his kiss. She had no words for what had occurred between them. It had been unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

  Piper didn’t say anything as he released her lips and began undoing her restraints. He gently cleaned her body off with a towel, wiping the excess fluids from her and disposing of his condom. She wobbled on her feet as he helped her down from the cross. She didn’t want to break the spell. Harsh reality would return soon enough. For tonight, she wanted the belonging, the comfort.

  So she didn’t fight it when her body sagged against his from overuse, or when he hefted her into his arms and carried her over to her bed. She didn’t refuse him when he joined her there, spooned her in his arms, and settled into sleep. For tonight, having his big male body surrounding her with his strength, with his protection, was something she let herself enjoy without a thought as to why she shouldn’t.

  Piper slid into sleep with the thought that the stuffy Brit wasn’t so stuffy after all.

  And then she dropped like a stone over a ledge into oblivion.

  Chapter 6

  Sunlight streaming across his face woke Theo up from a deep and dreamless sleep. He’d experienced an undisturbed slumber that was mainly due to the wonderful bounty of Piper’s body last night. What a gobsmacking revelation she had been on the cross. It had been by far and away the best orgasm he’d had in years. Just remembering the way her pussy had clasped his knob made him hard again.

  It also made him want a repeat performance, which was something he hadn’t desired from a sub in years. Normally, once he’d tasted a woman’s bounty and satisfied his own need to dominate, he moved on. It wasn’t like he was able to have a normal Dom/sub relationship with his son living a stone’s throw away from him.

  Speaking of repeats… Theo reached for Piper’s compact body only to encounter empty space and cold sheets.

  He cracked an eye open. The room was empty. No problem, she was likely just in the loo or kitchen. Theo sat up in bed and said, “Piper?”

  Nothing. He was alone, in her bed, with a raging hard-on, feeling like a right fool.

  Bloody hell!

  He left the bed and padded around her villa, double checking she wasn’t outside on the deck shooting a leaf or tree or whatever the hell it was she did shoot. As he assessed her lodge, he noted that her camera equipment—the large tan backpack she’d been lugging around yesterday morning—was absent as well. It was as he suspected: she’d headed out and not told him. Normally he was a fairly level-headed bloke, or at least, he thought he wasn’t a complete tosser, but the level of disrespect she’d shown him after he believed they had made some inroads last night stirred his anger.

  She’d not even had the decency to leave him a note. As his intended sub for the week, he expected her to show a certain amount of decorum. Theo slid his trousers and shoes on, not bothering with his shirt, and left her villa. He tromped the short distance between their villas, swatting at gnats and feeling his temperature rise with his animosity. When he got his hands on her, he’d ensure that she understood her behavior was unacceptable and tan her sodding arse ruby red.

  At his place, he showered and chugged down some coffee. Normally he preferred tea, but he wished to be tense until the matter with Piper was settled, so coffee it was. As he dressed for the self-imposed hike, he shot off a text message to Jared that he would be late into the office. He dressed in his long running shorts and tank top, with sneakers. No bloody way was he hiking through the scorching jungle to locate a misbehaving sub in a pair of trousers and dress shirt.

  Theo simmered as he hiked through the forest and the island searching for Piper. He enjoyed the outdoors. He and his son did a bit of hiking up in the Scottish Highlands every year. Theo enjoyed the outdoors full stop, and the island was a beautiful tropical paradise that was also hotter than the fires of hell today. The sun beat down on his shoulders, sweat poured down his body, plastering his shirt to his chest, and the deeper he ventured into the island, the more resolute he became when it came to Piper.

  He would discipline her sweet ass and they would come to terms. Maybe he should just leave her alone but after tasting her last night, he knew that once was not nearly enough. He wanted more, wanted to spend a full day in bed just figuring out what made her body tick.

  As he neared the mountain, he discovered a crevice in the rocks no more than ten feet wide, hidden by brush and palm trees. If he wasn’t so intent on finding Piper, he might have missed it. The crevice ran for a good thirty feet or more before it opened up at the other side. What he found stunned him into silence. It was a grotto of sorts. Jared had mentioned that there was a private body of water, fed by the ocean but enclosed on every side, save one. At the opposite end was a break in the mountain rocks, a small archway big enough that a small boat could sail through it. This was probably where Nick and Patrick parked their boat when they weren’t out on assignment.

  But the beauty of the place, the crystal-clear turquoise water, surrounded by a pristine white sand beach encircled by a profusion of greenery and slate rock walls, was a stunning sight to behold. It was as if Theo had conjured her up, the slim silhouette standing at her tripod, taking pictures. She reminded him of a mermaid washed ashore with her long, golden blonde hair, golden-toned skin that was softer than cashmere, wearing a form-fitting sky-blue tank top and skimpy tan shorts, displaying her toned legs. He wanted to remove the offending garments. That woman should always have her ass bare, at least in his presence. He still had yet to take her from behind, but was adding it to his already extensive list.

  This little sub needed to understand who was boss.

  Without further ado, Theo strode the rest of the way with a single-minded determination that, before either of them left this grotto, they would come to terms with their arrangement. Five feet from the golden beauty, he snarled, “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  She shot him an unconcerned glance over her shoulder and said, “Hello to you, too. Because it was five in the morning. And I had a feeling you wouldn’t let me leave.”

  Then she all but dismissed him and went back to taking pictures. Was he that easy to get rid of? Theo had thought he’d made a bit more of an impression on her last night. He’d had subs a plenty in London and Scotland vying for a place in his bed. While his ex-wife might say he was a bit dull generally, she had never forgotten their aerobatics between the sheets.

  “You’re right about that,” he snapped, trying not to sound as mardy as he felt.

  “See, so you didn’t leave me a choice in the matter. It really shouldn’t be a surprise. And it was worth it, I’ve gotten some spectacular shots that I cannot wait to view once they’re developed.”

��Piper, that doesn’t excuse the fact that you agreed to be my sub this week. Your behavior this morning was not how a sub properly behaves. Before we leave this grotto, I’m going to make sure you understand that it will not be tolerated.”

  He advanced, closing the distance between them with his intent clear on his face. But then Piper’s face went ghost white and her body went from fluid to ramrod rigid before she screeched, “Like hell, dickwad!” And then she took off, sprinting down the beach, away from him like he was a sea creature bent on making her his next meal.

  Christ, what game is she playing at now?

  Theo raced after her, pursuing his prey with determination. She would understand that for this week, he was her Master. But she didn’t need to fear him. Her reaction made no sense. This wasn’t the Piper he’d come to know. Then again, how much did he really know about her?

  * * *

  Piper’s heart pounded wildly in her chest as she sprinted across the sand. Dread clawed up her throat, strangling the breath from her lungs. She repeated where she was, who she was, and who it was that was chasing her. Anxiety and fear overshadowed her movements and were making it difficult to remember. She wouldn’t allow Theo to punish her for doing her job. She didn’t deserve it. This was precisely why she thought an arrangement between them was a terrible idea.

  Fear has a funny way of sneaking past your defenses at the most inopportune instances. As she ran across the secluded, unspoiled beach that had brought her such peaceful joy moments ago, it dissolved and transformed before her eyes to Serengeti grasslands. Violent laughter and horrid grunts from memories long ago roared in her ears as an episode clamored into her psyche and battled to take hold.

  Not now. I can’t lose control. Not when I need to get away.

  But there was no stopping the freight train of the panic attack as it washed over her system like a tsunami. The sights, the sounds, the sharp agony—all of it came rushing back with the force of a grenade to her system and she stumbled along the beach, not seeing the beach at all but the savannah, and a motley group of men with evil in their eyes. She didn’t hear Theo. He wasn’t in her memories. Only wicked men, howling in delight as they took their turn. Her legs pumped over the sand as she ran, blind to everything but her past.


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