Book Read Free

Having It All

Page 15

by Jurgen von Stuka

  Katy was perhaps faring better than her accomplices, mostly because she had a cage of her very own at home and used it frequently when she wanted some peace and solitude. Her version had removable, insulated sides and top and bottom panels that, when in place, created a nearly soundproof, temperature stabilizing confinement that she could actually sleep in, despite the position. Katy used leather straps instead of chains most of the time, but she really loved her cage and had pestered F&E about using theirs. Once she got Purple and Patty to agree on a trio arrangement, the deal was done. At home, she allowed herself the luxury of both timed release locks and an emergency escape arrangement. She had only used the emergency escape once when, after locking herself in for the night and most of the next day, a Saturday, with all the appropriate restraints in order, a gag in her mouth and a latex hood on her head, she had dozed off to sleep only to suddenly awaken and realize that she was about to miss an early morning dentist’s appointment. She slammed her strapped together feet against the left rear corner of the cage three times and the locks on the top released instantly, allowing her to slowly free herself and climb out of the cage.

  Katy was an exception. Purple and Patty were not enjoying themselves half as much and both whined and moaned almost from the outset as the lids were pushed down and double locked and the impalers were inserted into their unwilling rear apertures. Of course, they could do little more than moan and groan. The cage’s confinement was total. Ellen made sure that all locks were locked and all attachments secured before she left the cold room. Katy was asleep. Purple and Patty struggled and were able to move a fraction of an inch or so, but do little else. The shared double dildo provided enough stimuli to each of the two girls to keep them awake.

  Ellen was already plotting a different scenario that included the two women snowmobile drivers and she pondered what to do with the boy. She would talk to Frank about this and they would, she was sure, come up with something. Even so, a few hours later, when the phone rang and Ellen answered, she was not prepared to hear the voice of the blond snowmobile woman on the other end.

  “Hi, Ellen, this is Bonnie,” the voice said. “You remember, the snowmobile girls?”

  “Oh, yes, of course. I was just thinking about you two…uh, you three,” Ellen said slowly, picturing the blond and her friend in one of the cellar rooms, hands tied behind them, gags in their mouths, standing upright on posts with a dual set of vibrating probes lodged deep in their individual cunts and asses while they fidgeted and strained to ease their impalement, asses and tits jiggling in discomfort and anticipation of what was going to happen next. She considered this set-up a good preliminary test before she strung them up and administered a sound flogging with the instrument of her choice…probably a cane or paddle. “What’s up?”

  “Well, first of all, I want to apologize for trespassing on your property without permission.”

  “No matter,” said Ellen quickly, thinking that she was planning a different sort of apology from them both. “I think we’ve all agreed that it was a mistake and is forgiven.”

  “Well, yes, I appreciate that, but….you know…” Bonnie stopped. There was silence on the line.

  “You still there?” Ellen asked.

  “Yes. I’m still here. Just a minute. Stop that,” she shouted. Ellen could hear what sounded like the clinking of chain or metal in the background. “Oh, Ellen, I’m sorry, it was just Cindy, bugging me here. I’ve had her chained to the sofa all day and she’s getting bored. Sorry.”

  Huh? thought Ellen. What have we here? Chained to the sofa?

  Another pause, then: “Ya’ know, Ellen, Cindy and I were thinking that we’d like to come over and visit, but, ah, not for dinner. We thought maybe we could stay in the cellar for a weekend or so.”

  “In the cellar? Here? You must be kidding.”

  “Ah, no, I’m not kidding. We sort of know about your thing there and we want to participate.”

  “What ‘thing’?” Ellen sounded angry. She was. Who, she wondered, had given this townie the idea that they were playing in the cellar? This was not good, she thought.

  “We ran into one of your, ah, already completely corrupted paying guests in town and plied her with booze and drugs until she told us what was going on…but you don’t have a thing to worry about. We are into the scene and want to play with you guys.”

  “I see,” said Ellen slowly. “Let me chat with Frank about this and I’ll get back with you. Better yet, why not come early on Wednesday, prepared for, let’s say, a five day, four night visit. How’s that?”

  “Sounds great.”

  “There are legal documents to read and sign and it will take a few hours to get you into the group. We take checks and credit cards, but prefer cash. Oh, and meanwhile, can you arrange to have the boy do something else that night? We don’t, as a rule, allow young men, although we make exceptions now and then,” she added, thinking about Donna.

  “That would be great,” bubbled Bonnie. “And by the way, just so you won’t conduct a mass inquisition, Betty Kim was our source. Poor Betty, she had no idea what was happening to her, but she eventually got with the program. We’ll bring her with us Wednesday, ok? See ya.”

  The line went dead. “Holy shit,” said Ellen out loud. “You just never know.” She stood in the middle of the living room, wondering what the hell she had just heard.

  “Frank,” Ellen yelled. “Frank, I need to talk with you right away.”

  “What’s up, Toots?” Frank said as he came up the stairs from the basement, a set of special handcuffs in his pocket and a length of chain around his arm. “You sound upset.”

  “I am. The blond snowmobile woman, Bonnie, the one in the red and black suit?”

  “Yeah. Nice bod, huh? They still on for dinner?”

  “Oh yeah, they apparently knew something was up and have Betty Kim as their involuntary guest. They grilled her and she spilled the beans, the whole taco. Now they want to come and spend the weekend from Wednesday night on, and will bring Betty with them. Did you know Betty was gone?”

  “Yes. Max told me she had to go into the city for some personal business with her bank. She left day before yesterday. Didn’t you miss her?”

  “Well, if she’s gone, who the hell is that in her cell?”

  “I don’t know. Should we go look?”

  “I checked this morning and there was someone who certainly looked like Betty Kim in the sarcophagus. I didn’t look carefully. Who the hell could it be?”

  “You settle down and think strategy. I’ll go look and be back in a few minutes.” Frank turned around and went back down the stairs, two at a time.

  When he returned, Ellen was sitting in the couch, with a glass of scotch without ice, staring out the window.

  “What did you find? I’m afraid to ask,” Ellen said as Frank sat down next to her and poured himself a glass of iced water from the pitcher on the coffee table in front of them.

  “Well, it isn’t Betty. But she’s cute as can be and didn’t want out, so I left her in there and locked up. Maybe twenty, probably AmerAsian, nice body and very well secured. Looks like Max’s work. Full body wrap with the bandages plus some pretty cool rope work. Right out of Midori’s book. Nicely gagged and snuggled up in the coffin with a water bottle, drain and a good book.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, honest, there’s a Robert Parker detective book in there with her on the Kindle. It’s got some sort of sound driven gadget to turn the pages. Very high tech.”

  “Holy shit. High tech or not, I guess we really haven’t been minding the store. Maybe we’re getting to complacent.”

  “Well, as far as I can see, no harm done. We’ll get her out eventually, maybe after we talk with Betty Kim. You want to talk with her?”

  “Later. I want to think about this now and plan for Wednesday. Is Ron a good, reliable guy? He’s the father of this kid, Bonnie, for Christ’s sake.”

  “No sweat. And she’s no kid. She�
�s legal age, for sure. Ron isn’t into the scene, but he knows enough to have done the due diligence and covered us legally over the years.”

  The Wednesday event proved to be enlightening for all. The two girls, Cindy and Bonnie, arrived in their Jeep just after lunch, with Betty Kim, tied and gagged in the back seat. Ellen took Betty Kim to a smaller room than her usual one, put a heavy metal collar around her neck, chained the little minx to the wall and locked her in. There was no conversation between them and Kim sensed that Ellen was really pissed.

  Ron Johnson, the lawyer, showed up an hour later and the five of them sat in Frank’s little office and went over the details and documents that would allow F&E enterprises to become the lawful monitors, for lack of a better term, of the two girls for the next six months, providing all parties agreed on a daily basis. That meant that if at the end of a day, or session, either wanted to terminate the agreement, there were no penalties and the girl or girls could leave. There were hold harmless agreements, powers of attorney and other documents, but at the end of an hour, all were signed and all parties happy with the result. Checks for considerable sums of money were passed to Frank. There were also some other legal matters concerning potential sale of the property and these were addressed for another hour or two.

  As the group broke up and Ron headed back to his car, Frank turned to the two girls and said, “Okay, you two, who’s the babe in the sarcophagus?”

  “Huh?” answered the two girls in unison. “Sarcophagus? What? Where?” asked Cindy with a true expression of surprise on her face.

  “You don’t know who’s in Betty’s place downstairs?” asked Frank, disbelieving these two who had done a pretty good detective job so far.

  “Hell, no,” said Bonnie. “We literally ran into Betty as she came out of the Piggly Wiggly and took her for a drink and then it went from there.”

  “Hummm,” said Frank. “That means that Betty must have been the one…not that that’s much of an ingenious hypothesis. She must have planned all of this, gotten her friend into the house and substituted her in the coffin.”

  “What friend? What coffin?” Cindy pressed.

  “Never mind,” said Frank. “You two come with me. I really hope you know what you’re getting yourselves into. Tell me one more time what your real experience has been so that we can gauge the level of intensity you should experience initially.”

  “Ok. Well, I’ll go first,” said Bonnie. “I’m more or less the top, but I can go either way, as well as AC/DC. Cindy, who was my college roommate for two years, got annoyed with the frat slobs and general campus jerks, and we moved in together and started sleeping together and that led to my tying her up and that led to us tying each other up and over the last few years, we have acquired a pretty big stash of bondage stuff. There is a rumor running around town that such things were going on here and we just, well, we just had to find out. The snowmobile adventure was in hopes that you’d take us and throw us in the dungeon, so to speak. But your kind and honest approach made it all the more fascinating. We looked at our joint fiscal situation and realized that we could take a half year or so off and just play.”

  “What does the boy know?”

  “Nothing, except possibly the same stuff we heard in town. He went along to protect us and got the piss scared out of him when your guys trapped us and had guns.”

  “And you, Cindy,” Frank said, sitting in his office chair and watching both women with interest.

  Bonnie was about five-seven with bright green eyes, a reasonable, though not voluptuous figure, narrow thighs and a small tight ass that filled her jeans nicely. Her blond hair looked natural and was cut in a sort of Dutch boy style. She wore small gold rings in her ears and a bit of makeup. Her V neck sweater fit her well, showed a bit of cleavage and no spare tire or other fat bulges under the arms or at the waist.

  Cindy was a bit shorter and more compact. She had a shorter waist and larger breasts, long dark hair that came below her shoulders and almost no makeup. Both looked well kept and seemed pretty much your normal American girls. Cindy picked up the thread from Bonnie and, although she seemed a bit reluctant to tell a stranger about her sex life, seemed to have been pretty well exposed to the scene.

  “I had some bondage experience with an old boyfriend,” she said quietly. “Initially, while we were in high school, he was a prince and treated me well enough, but the week we graduated he and some friends of his and two of my girlfriends rented a beach house on Long Island. The first night we all got blitzed and I ended up tied to the bed, spread out like a filleted fish. What saved me was that everyone else passed out before things got too rough. Otherwise I was expecting a gang rape and I had set myself up for it being stupid with stupid people.

  “The thing is that I liked the bondage and teasing part and when Bonnie and I first got together, I told her about it and we went from there. We have a pretty standard understanding that we don’t get involved with strangers and we can call up a safe word anytime and it will be respected.”

  “That’s not always going to work here,” interrupted Frank. “The papers you signed today make us the main decision-makers on your behalf and you can safe word all you want but we will decide when you’ve had enough. If you pass out or have some serious problem, we will do everything to help you, but there are limits to what we can and will do. You sure you want to do this, now?”

  “Yes. I’m ready for the next level. I want to go slowly, but I really want to feel it. Bonnie is too easy on me and I, well, I just can’t really beat her up. I want to be punished. Really. My whole life has been too easy and I want some discipline in it.”

  “Anything else either of you wants to add?” asked Frank, standing up.

  “No,” said Bonnie. “Do you have one of those hanging cages here? You know, like they used to put criminals in and have the birds peck their eyes out and eat their flesh?”

  “Well, yes and no,” said Frank. “No flesh eating birds, but hanging cages we got. You want that for starters?”

  “Yes, please,” said Bonnie, looking pleased with herself for finally telling someone her current fantasy.

  “Okay. You come with me, Bonnie. Cindy, you stay here and read this.” He handed her a coffee-table sized, slipcase bound, limited edition of John Willie’s The Adventures of Sweet Gwendolyn. “See if there’s anything in here that strikes your fancy. I’ll be back in about an hour…without Bonnie.” He turned to Bonnie and said, “It’s time. Let’s go down stairs.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Four X Punishment

  It was Sunday and Max was in charge of the Camp. On his early rounds, he stopped by the Yellow cell, originally occupied by Betty Kim, and checked on the two women currently inhabiting the small stone room. Following her brief adventure with the town girls, Bonnie and Cindy, Kim was again chained in the far left hand corner, a heavy metal brank over her head with its own chain fastened to a large ring on the wall. Her hands and feet were in a metal stock arrangement that kept her bent at the waist. She was naked with a shiny stainless steel chastity belt around her waist and through her crotch. Her nipple rings were chained to the stocks and any attempt on her part to sit upright pulled the small dark nipples in an uncomfortable direction.

  In the opposite corner, in a viciously restrictive chained hog tie, was another young woman with jet black hair pulled tightly back into a heavy braid. Her name, F&E had eventually discovered when they liberated her unwillingly from the ancient sarcophagus, was Sally Lee Lee, known as LeeLee to her friends and those in the scene who she hung around with. She was also an expert at shibari and had known Kim for many years because Kim often served as her model for live demonstrations of the art. It was LeeLee’s custom to have Kim serve as the cooperative model while LeeLee fashioned complex and artistic rope patterns on and around her. Kim’s reward was to be left in this rope maze, sometimes for days, while LeeLee watered, fed and helped her relieve herself.

  Once, at a San Francisco scene event that lasted th
ree long days, Kim spent the entire event bound in heavy braided red rope, propped up at the entrance to the main ballroom of the hotel, gagged and blindfolded, with a sign over her crotch directing guests to the various sessions.

  The event sponsors had arranged to take over the entire property for the Friday-Sunday program and the hotel had been sold out for months prior to the event. In theory, the entire property was occupied only by people who knew exactly what was going on and had paid plenty to attend it. Nevertheless, someone had reported to the police that a woman was being held captive in the ballroom lobby and the cops had invaded the place. Even before they got to Kim, they encountered enough displays, kinky people and situations so that the team commander had summoned backup. The ensuing debacle was eventually sorted out only after the well known gay and BDSM-savvy Mayor showed up and calmed all parties.

  The event operators had done everything right, it turned out, and they had signed hold-harmless agreements and releases from everyone, including the hotel’s management, but the cops had taken a dim view of the couple chained in tandem in the lobby and the guy suspended by his nipples at the doorway of a seminar on body piercing and other spectacular displays on the ground floor. The admonition of the mayor, before she departed, was that in the future, such shows had to be held on upper floors and real cops had to supplement the show’s security people to keep the less open minded general public at bay.

  So LeeLee, hearing about Kim’s arrangement with F&E, had prevailed upon her to sneak her into the basement cell to spend a few days in happy solitude while Kim was away. She had not expected to stay as long as she had when Kim failed to return, but since no one had done or said anything, she had remained in the open coffin and slept peacefully in her tight fabric wraps and gag. Now she had a metal gag/blindfold harness over her mouth and eyes and wore a similar belt to that of her friend across the cell from her. Her ample, but apparently enhanced breasts were bound with rubber covered wire wrapped around the base of each mound, held in place with more wire that traced the path of a normal bra and then crisscrossed with a web of wire that surrounded the nipple. Completing her bondage was a metal arm separator that held her elbows within a few inches of each other and a similar spreader at her knees. A chain led from the top of her brank to the center of the leg spreader and caused her to stare sightlessly at the far wall where Kim was bound.


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