Book Read Free

Having It All

Page 16

by Jurgen von Stuka

  “For a pair that caused so much concern around here, you two are taking it easy,” Max said as he walked around the cell, checking on the locks and stocks and chains, offering water or hygienic relief and walking out. He slammed and locked the cell door behind him and wondered if this was all the punishment either Asian woman was going to get. He knew what had happened and he was not pleased that Kim had used him to get her friend into the house and into her cell, then helped him bind and wrap her in the sarcophagus. Kim’s story had been plausible at the time and he had the authority to do what she asked, so it had happened and since no one had said anything to him about it, he had assumed that F&E knew and approved of the new guest in Kim’s cell while she was in town.

  Only when the two townies arrived in the basement in chains and were shown to their punishment rooms did Max discover that he had been duped. He did not like being made a fool. F&E realized, and told him so, that Kim had beguiled him and no disciplinary action was taken over Max’ innocent complicity. However, on Friday, when the two town women were taken to be flogged for their initial deception with the snowmobiles, Max was told to carry out the beating, which he did with a fresh cane and considerable vigor.

  Cindy and Bonnie had spent Wednesday and Thursday in moderate restraint; Cindy shackled to the wall with arms and legs spread to maximum extent and originally wearing a common ball gag. When she continued to whine and try to talk with this in her mouth, Ellen, who was supervising the girls’ initial sessions, decided to use a more creative and uncommon sort of gag on her. From the pile of clothes that both girls had been required to shed and leave on the floor, Ellen extracted two pair of cotton panties and a bra which she knew belonged to Cindy. She removed the ball gag and, holding the girl’s nostrils shut, forced her to open her mouth again. Both pair of panties were stuffed into the reluctant mouth and then the bra was wrapped around her head twice and the two metal clips fastened over the now stuffed and spread lips.

  This bra-gagging, as Ellen called it, was a bit of an obscure art and required that the bra be of such a size and style that when the part of the bra that joined the cups in front and normally went between the breasts was placed over the mouth with the nose between the cups, the side panels were pulled back along the sides of the head, over the ears and crossed in back. The ends were then brought forward and connected over the panty-stuffed mouth. The size and amount of stretch in the bra determined the tightness of the gag. On smaller bras and girls with big heads, this arrangement forced the panty stuffing deep inside the oral cavity and the bra pulled back the cheeks and held the mouth open. On larger bra sizes or smaller heads, the bra gag simply provided an effective mechanism to keep the panties in place.

  The creativity of this device was further demonstrated by using the bra cups as an effective blindfold. This was especially useful with soft cup, wireless bras that were, according to Ellen’s considerable experience, best suited for this arrangement. The bra straps were pulled up and over the head and possibly crossed at the crown for better positioning. This pulled the cups up over the eyes, making a passable blindfold. With bras that had a lining of light foam or other shaping material, this usually prevented the wearer from seeing anything, but the cups could be stuffed with additional fabric to further restrict sight. Ellen had experimented with this system and found that even bras with front fasteners could be used by reversing the attachment. That is, the back panel of the bra was used to first cover the mouth and then the front closure clips were the last thing to be fastened over the mouth packing. If needed, the shoulder straps could be tightened to secure the entire arrangement. At times, a few layers of electrical or duct tape was added to complete the ensemble.

  Ellen and Frank agreed that this was one of those ideas that blossomed over time and they discovered that some women hated it and others found such restraint binding to be highly erotic. It was a bit like using stockings or pantyhose for tying someone up, male or female, Ellen suggested. The use of lingerie for bondage had different affects on different people and many were really turned on by the practice. When taking a new guest captive in a “street” environment, the use of the captive’s underwear for securing them was a handy bonus.

  So Cindy stayed more or less stapled to the wall, her mouth stuffed with her and Bonnie’s panties and held in place with her own bra. Bonnie, per her original request, was left hanging in the body-contoured steel cage with her hands cuffed behind her, elbows pulled back with wide cuffs with an adjustable bar between them and a very large ball gag in her mouth. The seemingly comfortable position in the cage was actually quite uncomfortable because, unlike the cages of ancient times, this one had enhancements that allowed each of the horizontal, flat metal straps to be tightened until they snugly gripped the enclosed suffering body. Bonnie had climbed into the cage with enthusiasm, but that initial excitement turned into one of trepidation as the embracing straps were slowly tightened. Ellen began with those at the feet and worked her way upwards, slowly, making sure that Bonnie felt each snugly secure metal band as it pressed into her young flesh. Behind the gag, Bonnie at first whined and then tried to yell louder as Ellen moved from thigh to hip and then to waist, twisting the locking wing nuts at the center spine of the cage

  “Yeeowwww. Peeze, oo ore,” Bonnie pled through her ball gag

  Ellen ignored her and kept working. When she got to the bands that went around Bonnie’s breasts, she stopped and stood in front of the hanging girl and stared into her wide, tearful eyes.

  “I’ll give you a choice now, Bonnie, which is more than I usually provide to my guests. You can have your tits neatly framed by a tight, and I mean tight, band above and below them or you can have them locked in root bands, which I will attach. Both arrangements are painful, but I thought you might like to consider the choice. Meanwhile, I’ll snug up everything else.”

  Ellen moved upwards again and secured a band around Bonnie’s shoulders and then made sure the band of her collar was tight, but not choking. The head bands were of note because they held the forehead locked into a fixed position and the next one lower went into the mouth and pulled the ball gag back, deeper into Bonnie’s mouth, prohibiting any further conversation between her and Ellen.

  “Okay, Townie,” said Ellen at last. “What’s it going to be, the top and bottom squeeze or the root clamps?”

  Wide eyed Bonnie blinked and groaned. But made it impossible for Ellen to tell which torment she wanted.

  “Oh, all right,” said Ellen finally, looking peeved at the girl. “You can have both.”

  “Aughhhh, oooooo, eeeze. Ooo,” was the muzzled response from behind the ball and the compressing metal band. Ellen ignored her and, pulling the left breast out as far as it would go, holding the nipple tightly, she slid a thin metal hose clamp over the breast and adjusted it until it rested firmly on the girl’s chest. Then she tightened the constricting metal band while Bonnie screamed and jiggled and shook inside the cage. Once the band was tight and the breast was displayed in a somewhat pear-shaped form, all shiny and tight and red, Ellen applied another band to the right breast with the same effect.

  “How’s that?” Ellen asked, laughing a bit to herself. Then she snugged up the two cage bands above and below Bonnie’s breasts, which made the already bound tits stick out even more as the flesh around them was compressed by the horizontal bands.

  Finally, this entire bondage picture was enhanced with a triangular metal bar inserted through the cage, from front to back between Bonnie’s tightly bound legs. Ellen adjusted it so that Bonnie’s cunt lips were neatly split by the bar and a portion of her body weight rested on the bar at all times.

  In a few hours, both new girls were quite uncomfortable and already wondering about their decision to join the Cabin Crew. They had played with each other long enough to know and generally respect each other’s limits. Now they were at the mercy of outsiders who told them directly that they and they alone would control what happened to these new bodies. Clearly, there was not going t
o be any light play of the previous kind here.

  Friday morning, without any warning, they were dragged out of their nominal confinement at two a.m., gagged, taken outside in the near freezing weather, hung in chains from the twin posts in the woodshed and left there until Max arrived. Their ankles were shackled closely to old mill stones and the new gags in their mouths were not rubber balls, but large, fat penis-shaped mouth stuffers that stretched their jaws wide. The girls hung and suffered the cold and the humiliation of standing naked in the chilling shed, waiting for their punishment. Over the next four hours, until daybreak, chilled to the bone and crying profusely, they each got six hard stripes on their back, thighs and buttocks with a cane that had been recently cut and prepared by several days soaking in brine.

  “So you thought you’d like this little picnic camp of ours?” Max suggested as he slowly moved the wicked cane up and down their bruised buttocks and backs. “Sounded like a bit of a lark, huh?”

  “Nah, nahh aah hagh,” Cindy shook her chained wrists and tried to reply through her tight gag.

  “Of course this isn’t what you expected. What the Hell is the point of doing what you expected if this is to be a BDSM adventure? You should have figured this out before you decided to take that snowmobile into our woods.” Max stopped and walked slowly around his charges. The girls alternately shivered from the cold and shook from the beating they were receiving; not sure which was worse. Bonnie still had the marks from the hanging cage bands on her body and Cindy’s face still bore the marks from the long session with the bra gag.

  “The name of the game,” Max continued, “is you must learn to enjoy what comes and not anticipate what you think will happen. It’s kind of like learning to be pleased if you get coal in your sock at Christmas or if you screw around, get all hot and bothered and end up not having an orgasm,” Max lectured, all the while running the stick up and down their naked, arched backs. Once they had gotten their assigned six, Max “touched up” his work with a few light strokes on the backs of their straining calves and then delivered one more vertical stroke upwards between their legs. Both girls screamed into the gags, twisting and pulling at their chains, then slumping in exhaustion.

  At dawn, they were taken back inside, hustled to the sub basement and put into a pair of cages like those that the trio had endured a few days before. As the new vibrating dildos were shoved into their respective cunts and assholes, both girls wondered what they had committed themselves to and began to understand that what was supposedly forgiven was now being harshly punished. Max, who carried out the flogging sentences, was later told to impose the same penalty on the two Asians. He did this with considerable satisfaction because they had bamboozled him royally. He reminded them while he swung the cane that their foolishness could have cost him his job if F&E had not been the fair and honest people they were. By Sunday night, the camp was more or less back to normal. The recently whipped town girls, as they were now called, were sleeping in separate concrete cells that allowed them only to curl up in a ball with their chained hands behind them. Down their backs ran a much heavier steel chain than was usually provided. It connected their shackled feet, waist chain, wrist cuffs and collar. They could not sit, kneel, stretch out or stand. Under some duress, they consented to undergoing Ellen’s popular procedure that left them with six small stainless steel rings imbedded in their lower lips and this would take a while to heal, so they were suitably immobilized in the cages. Two small metal bowls were shoved into the lightless boxes twice a day. One contained water and the other with a bad smelling stew that contained a few bits of meat and rice. They ate and slept here. Once a day they were blindfolded and taken out, put on a toilet to relieve themselves, hosed off with cold water and, after a close inspection of their recently added crotch jewelry, taken back to the cement box. Initially, neither girl complained, but when Cindy finally tried to tell Max that they were only supposed to be there for the weekend, he added a gag to her bondage and put her back in the cell with the blindfold still in place. The girls’ agreement called for six months. After that, who knew what would happen?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Red & Ellen

  It was more or less SOP, standard operating procedure, at the camp that either Frank or Ellen be available and ambulatory when they were there. If one was engaged in play, the other was supposed to be somewhere on the property in the event that they were needed or some executive decision had to be made on the spot. On this particular day, Ellen indicated that she was going to have some quality time with Red, who had apparently felt that she was being ignored lately, even though it was Red’s explicit wish not to be disturbed unless she turned on the trouble light which was outside every room and also connected to the main situation boards in the master bedroom and kitchen.

  Ellen gathered up a few things and headed for the cellar where she opened the door to Red’s tiny room and walked in to find the woman still bound in her cage, but in tears. She was sobbing with great wracking hic-ups and snot, piss and salty tears flooding the bottom of her cage.

  “I’ll get you out of there, Red. Hang on,” said a nearly panicked Ellen. She had never known Red to seem the least depressed and in the past the redhead had always been an independent and reliable guest, pretty much taking care of herself except for the bondage or other situations which she couldn’t do herself. Her visitors, male and female, although somewhat odd, were always well behaved and no trouble at all.

  Ellen quickly opened the top of the cage, released the locks on the chains holding Red’s arms and legs to the bars and slowly eased the sobbing girl out, removing the three quarter leather hood and popping the immense penis gag from her mouth.

  Red sat down on the stone floor and continued to cry, not looking at Ellen or saying anything.

  “You want to come upstairs, Honey?” Ellen asked sympathetically, not knowing what else to offer.


  “Do you need medical attention?”


  “What can I do? Why didn’t you hit the trouble switch?”

  “No trouble. Just feel like shit.”

  “Oh,” said Ellen. “What can we do to help?” she asked again, quietly.

  “My partner hasn’t been here in two weeks. Nobody cares about me. I’ve been abandoned.”

  “Red,” said Ellen a bit harshly. “Is that what this is all about?”

  “I guess so,” said the girl, blowing her nose on her hand and wiping the snot off on the floor. “Sorry,” she said, realizing that this was against the rules.

  “Forget it, Honey. I think we can fix you up, but you seem to forget that you had a very long visit with George two weeks ago and he told us that he would be in Europe on business for nearly a month and that you could go with him, if you wanted. Remember?”

  “Well….yes. I guess.”

  “Right. Now, you wander down the hall and take a nice warm bath. Do not disturb anyone else on the floor or I will personally skin you alive….” she stopped, realizing that that was probably exactly what Red needed. “No, on second thought, not that,” she said. “You’d enjoy that too much….” Ellen corrected herself. “I’ll think of something you wouldn’t like. So, no nonsense, just a long hot soak and when you’re done, I’ll have a surprise for you. Okay?”

  “Okay. What’s the surprise?”

  “Get out of here, you tramp. You will find out when I say so.” With that, Ellen firmly delivered a stern kick in Red’s jiggling ass with the pointed toe of her boot and Red scooted out the door and down the hall.

  “Gees,” Ellen muttered. “What a goofball. I may have to farm her out.” Now, what am I going to do to get her back in shape? she wondered.

  The answer came when Ellen walked out of the cell and, instead of turning left to go to the bathroom, went to the right and entered the main chamber they called the Operations Room, for lack of a better name. The various devices displayed along the walls and on the main floor each had their own special meaning for Ellen
whose personal motto was to try everything at least once. But the item that caught her eye this time was the suspension harness which was, appropriately enough, done in bright red leather with a narrow leather sling and many chains hanging from the overhead. She set about preparations at once and by the time Red was out of the bathtub; Ellen was there with a set of red leather wrist and ankle cuffs, a new leather collar and a lead chain for her. Quickly and efficiently, Ellen bound the redheaded girl, who now smelled sweetly of bath tub bubble bath scent. Her hands were cuffed behind her and pulled up snugly to her shoulder blades and held there by a short leather throng from the back of her collar to the cuffs. The ankle hobbles allowed for short, choppy steps and the leather bit gag was merely a token item, allowing the girl to still utter some level of response.

  Leash in hand, Ellen led Red down the hall to the Ops Room, all the while keeping up a steady banter about how she was always having to nursemaid the guests and that no one ever took care of her. Red seemed sympathetic to this running complaint and nodded and mumbled affirmative grunts from time to time as she chop-stepped down the hallway, one tiny step at a time, her ass and tits jiggling madly as Ellen forced her to move along until they got to the Ops Room where Ellen put on the blindfold before opening the heavy, soundproofed door.

  Once inside, Ellen led her charge to the hanging leather and chain harness and made the girl lie down on the floor, directly beneath it. Then Ellen lowered the entire apparatus by operating the overhead winches until the harness lay spread out on top of Red’s lush body, the leather slings resting appropriately on her bikini area and over her breasts. The chains more or less draped themselves around the prone figure as Ellen attached them to the girl’s ankle and wrist cuffs, then placed the wide sling under her buttocks and the narrow one under her shoulders and activated the winches. Red was slowly elevated to waist level, hanging by wrists and ankles with her butt and shoulders supported partly by the red leather slings.


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