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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

Page 7

by KD Jones

  “Looked to me like you couldn’t get enough of him.”

  “I—that was—” Kat paused, “Okay, I think he’s hot. He turns me on more than any man has. It’s impossible. I can’t have a romantic relationship with someone who doesn’t respect me as a person or as a doctor. I think it’s best to wash my hands of him.”

  Jaxon smiled at her mischievously. “Hey, you know what the best cure for getting over a man is?”

  Kat looked at her curiously. “What?”

  “Another man.”

  Great, that was exactly what Kat didn’t need right now. Another infuriating man to have to deal with.

  Chapter 7

  She hadn’t heard or seen Syd since the night of the mating ceremony. She felt extremely let down. The kiss, though short, had been mind-blowing. She jumped each time her digital tablet dinged with a communications request for her. She hoped secretly that it would be Syd. It never was.

  She had hoped to smooth things over with JadEN, to repair their friendship. But after what happened at the reception, JadEN put himself on a different shift to avoid running into her. Ending things with him was the right thing to do, but it hurt like hell. She missed her friend and colleague.

  On top of all that, she endured two days of constant nagging from both Jaxon and Cassie. Kat finally caved to their demands and agreed to share an Evening Meal with Lieutenant SilAS. He was certainly an attractive man. So why couldn’t she get excited about spending time with him?

  She was feeling anxious and restless. She decided to take a long walk outside before her big date with SilAS. She walked along the sandy shores of the Waters of Katiera, trying to clear her mind. It was such a beautiful day. The two suns were slowly setting, giving the surrounding water and buildings a warm golden glow. What if she stayed here on the beach and didn’t meet with SilAS?

  “Kat!” Jaxon called out to her from just twenty yards away.

  So much for her idea of hiding out. She turned to watch as her friend approached. “Hi, Jaxon. What’s up?”

  Jaxon took a few minutes to catch her breath. “I need to ask a favor of you.”

  “Sure, whatever you need,” Kat answered automatically.

  “Uh, it’s something that you can never talk about because it would get you in trouble,” she said cryptically.

  Kat paused to look into her friend’s eyes. There was worry and fear there. Whatever it was, she didn’t want Jaxon to have to deal with it all on her own. Kat understood having to handle things on her own. She had had to do it most of her life.

  “I’ll help you and I promise to keep it a secret.”

  Jaxon nodded her head and sat down on the sandy beach. Kat sat down beside her. Jaxon plopped a digital tablet in her lap. She looked up questioningly. “What’s this?”

  “I’m borrowing it from the Medic Wing. There’s a file listed on it about some kind of virus. A lot of it is a bunch of medical mumbo jumbo. I couldn’t follow any of it.”

  Kat touched the screen and easily located the file that Jaxon mentioned.

  Viral Agent 1021 was introduced to the Katieran population by the warring nation, the Morins, during the 100 Year War. At the first introduction, 35% of Katierans died.

  The Viral Agent mutated into what is currently known as Viral Agent 1023. This mutation affected the reproductive system, impairing the ability of Katierans to reproduce with one another. Only one out of ten subsequent pregnancies was successful.

  Testing on Viral Agent 1023 demonstrates that it will be possible to introduce a new gene pool with success. Will need to run more tests when a compatible species is found. Hopefully, this will provide an answer to the problem.

  Mutated Viral Agents 1023 and 1024 were not capable of being manipulated. 1024 had some unexpected and more extreme side effects.

  “Their problems run much deeper than they have led us to believe.” Kat shook her head. What she wouldn’t give to see some test samples from the early studies.

  “How deep are we talking here?” Jaxon asked her.

  “The Katierans were in a 100-year war with another alien race called the Morins. The Morins developed a virus to use in germ warfare. It almost wiped the Katieran nation out of existence,” Kat explained as she sat the tablet down on the sand beside her. She didn’t need to look at the digital tablet anymore; she remembered things as soon as she read them.

  “Oh man. Was the virus the cause of the decrease in their numbers?” Jaxon closed her eyes. The thought of good people like SandELa and AriELa suffering through some nasty germ warfare horrified her.

  “Yes. The original virus introduced by the Morins was created to annihilate the Katierans. A great many lives were lost. However, the virus mutated over time. Not all of the mutations were listed in the document I read. Mostly they were just referenced. The one mutation I found listed in detail was regarding the effect the mutation had on the reproductive system. It became difficult over time for Katierans to conceive with one another or to carry an infant to birth successfully. They only recently discovered that they could introduce a new gene pool with positive results.” Kat rubbed the back of her neck with her hand as she contemplated the numerous failed attempts the Katierans made to rid themselves of the virus strand altogether. With all the different mutations, it was nearly impossible to eliminate the virus completely.

  “I don’t understand why they are being so secretive about all this,” Kat complained.

  Jaxon picked up the tablet. “Simple—leverage. If they had told the EWG from the start how serious their problems were, the EWG would have used it as leverage.

  “What are you going to do with that thing? Will you take it back?” Kat asked as she pointed to the “borrowed” tablet.

  “Best you don't know.” Jaxon looked down at her watch. “Hey, it’s time for you to start getting ready for your hot date tonight.”

  “Ugh. Why did I let you talk me into this?” Kat moaned as she stood up.

  “Because I’m an awesome friend, and you need to get laid badly,” Jaxon told her with a saucy smile.

  “I think I hate you,” Kat grumbled as she stomped away.

  She had agreed to meet Lieutenant SilAS at the Meal Room. She stood there in her blue summer dress feeling awkward and shy. She thought more than once that she should have cancelled.

  “Good evening Doctor Morris,” Lieutenant SilAS greeted her.

  “It is good to see you, Lieutenant.” She gave him an easy smile. He looked very handsome in his dark green military attire. He had dark hair just like most of the Katierans, cut short. He was well built and extremely sexy. Any woman would be lucky to spend time with him. So why did she have the sudden impulse to run away?

  SilAS placed his hand at the small of her back as he led her inside. Kat was relieved to see that there were a lot of people there. The Katierans enjoyed eating their meals together. At night, they separated the tables to form smaller groupings and dimmed the lights a little to give it a more casual and relaxed air. There were many couples taking advantage of the romantic atmosphere, cuddling close and stealing kisses.

  “Do you know what you would like to eat? I will go and get everything for us while you relax here at the table,” he offered.

  The man was making things harder for her by being so nice. “A salad and a glass of Katieran Juice will be fine.”

  When SilAS left to get their food, Kat looked around the room at the other diners. She shivered. Goose bumps formed on her exposed skin. She put her wrap back on but she felt like someone was watching her. She searched until she spotted Prime Medic SydEL sitting at a table in the corner. His dinner companion was a leggy brunette from Earth. He was giving Kat one of his disapproving looks. She turned away quickly and did her best to ignore him. She had every right to date whomever she wanted to, just like he did. She was confused. The way he defended her to JadEN, she thought maybe there was more there between them. It hurt to know that he had moved on from her so easily.

  SilAS returned with a huge platter
with all of their food. They ate for a while in complete silence. She nibbled at her food, but she had lost her appetite after seeing SydEL. The quiet atmosphere at her table was uncomfortable. To break the tension, she asked how his training had gone that day. The man talked about some conflict that had occurred between Jaxon and Prime Commander KydEL during the training session.

  “We were outside training when the Prime Commander came out. He was angry because there were many warriors that came not to train but just to watch the female warriors. He yelled at the training leader.” Silas went on to do his impersonation of the Prime Commander.

  “What in Kitana is going on here?”

  “Captain Malone then stepped up to the Prime Commander and tapped his shoulder. I thought he was going to rip her arm off. Captain Malone was not following protocol during training and she informed the Commander that it was her fault for the break in training.

  “The Commander stated that he only approved of the Lieutenant using ten warriors to play with the female team. There were a lot more warriors present than that. Captain Jaxon took offense to the Commander’s use of play.” SilAS used a higher voice to mimic Jaxon.

  “What do you mean by play?”

  “Yes . . . play. Females are smaller and delicate. They cannot train as males do.”

  “Captain Malone demanded that he take back his words, but the Commander refused. Then they proceeded to spar. It was amazing to watch. Especially when the Prime Commander missed one of Captain Malone’s kicks and she swept his legs out from under him, landing him flat on his back. Captain Malone jumped onto the commander’s stomach and pulled a knife on him.

  “Do you take it back . . . NOW?” Captain Malone asked the Prime. I swear every warrior present fell in love with her in that moment, including myself.”

  At first she found the retelling of the events to be funny and she laughed, feeling more relaxed. But then she couldn’t get the man to stop talking about Jaxon. It was like having the other woman there with them. She drank heavily of the Katieran Juice, hoping it would drown out what he was saying.

  There was only so much a girl with insecurities could take. “Excuse me, Lieutenant, but I am really tired. I appreciate the meal, but I need my rest.” She stood up to leave.

  “Of course.” The man actually looked relieved. That did nothing for her ego. She went back to her suite feeling even lonelier than before.

  Kat threw her wrap onto the back of the sofa and went to the kitchenette. She came back with a pitcher of Katieran Juice and a single glass. She sat down and started drinking huge gulps. She held up a finger to keep Jaxon from asking her questions until she drank the whole glass. Then she poured herself another one.

  “Did the date not go well? I thought you would be perfect for SilAS,” Jaxon asked.

  Kat snorted. “The date would have been fine if it had just been SilAS and me.”

  “Someone else came on your date?” AriELa asked.

  Kat was surprised to realize there was another person in the room. She stared at the lovely Katieran woman. How did she not see her sitting there?

  “Oh yeah, AriELa moved in with us while you were gone. Long story, tell ya later. Who else was on your date?” Jaxon asked.

  “Well, there was me . . . there was SilAS . . . and there was you,” Kat pointed a wavering finger at Jaxon.

  “Me? No way, I’ve been here the whole time!”

  “Maybe not in physical form, but definitely in spirit. The man kept going on and on and on about Captain Malone this . . . Captain Malone that . . . how no one else stood up to the Commander except for Captain Malone. He talked about how every Katieran warrior idolizes the female warrior from Earth. It became very uncomfortable. I felt like I was taking him away from you or something. I tried to steer the conversation in a different direction, but the man was determined to expound on all your virtues,” Kat vented. She didn’t blame Jaxon; it wasn’t her fault the man was infatuated with her .

  Jaxon blushed. “I’m sorry.” Did the men really idolize her? It was hard to believe. She needed to get the attention off of her and quick.

  “You know what the cure for man trouble is?” Jaxon asked.

  Kat replied suspiciously, “Another man?”

  Jaxon shook her head. “Tequila.”

  Kat wasn’t sure how much tequila they drank. But if they were back on Earth, they would definitely have been arrested if they attempted to operate a vehicle. She had never allowed herself to indulge like this before. She was a responsible surgeon and was expected to behave that way. But here, she was a glorified assistant. She didn’t give a crap what anybody thought about her behavior.

  Kat watched Jaxon and AriELa as they both tried to move off of the floor. At least she had had the foresight to lay down on the couch. It was very soft, which was a good thing since she was probably going to be stuck on the couch for the rest of the night because she couldn’t move.

  She wasn’t sure, but she thought that she may have actually passed out for a little bit. When she opened her eyes, she saw Cassie there, running around the room yelling at them and looking worried. The next time she opened her eyes, Prime Commander KydEL was in the room. She thought that it would be best to try to keep her eyes opened in case more people just popped in again.

  “When does the room stop spinning?” AriELa asked.

  “Long after you throw up and pass out,” Kat grumbled from the sofa. One more time she opened her eyes to find a new person had arrived. She wished she hadn’t opened her eyes at all.

  SydEL walked into the room and sighed heavily. He could smell the Katieran Juice from the hallway. It was so strong, almost as if the females had bathed in it. “They’re drunk on Katieran Juice,” he stated as he went to check on Kat. What was the female thinking? First she goes off with another male and then she drinks herself into a stupor.

  “Nuh uh,” Kat responded as she shook her head from side to side. Big mistake; she became dizzy.

  Syd looked down at her in disbelief. “You’re not drunk?”

  “Not Katieran Juice,” she slurred.

  He picked up the half empty glass dangling from her hand. He sniffed it and winced. “What is this noxious liquid?”

  All three females shouted at once. “TEQUILA!”

  Chapter 8

  Commander KydEL took Jaxon to her bed, TarAK showed up to help with AriELa, and SydEL picked up Kat to carry her to her bedroom. He sniffed her neck as he held her close to his body. The scent of the foreign tangy juice was very strong, but underneath it he could still scent the sweet delicate fragrance that was hers alone. It was intoxicating. The female played havoc on his senses.

  Syd gently laid her down on her bed fully clothed. He stepped back and stared down at the drunk female. She had passed out again. He should leave now. Let her sleep it off. But how could he leave her there while she still wore all her clothing? That wouldn’t be comfortable for her.

  He decided to remove her little blue dress. He was a medic, after all, and had seen many naked and partially naked bodies. It wouldn’t be a problem. He would handle this like the professional that he was. He kept telling himself that, anyway.

  He eased himself down on the bed beside her. Even unconscious, the female was gorgeous. She had left her very short blonde hair free and unruly this evening. It had a natural curl to it, making it circle her head like flower petals. Her skin was flawless and pale. He drank in the sight of her.

  Reaching out a hand, he gently touched her cheek. It was softer than anything he had ever felt before. He trailed his fingertips down face, to her neck, over her collarbone, and started to ease the strap of her dress off of her shoulder. He shifted on the bed as his manhood swelled uncomfortably. This was a bad idea. He knew it. But he couldn’t stop himself.

  He reached out with his other hand to move the other strap down her arm. Slowly, he drew her pretty blue dress down her body. He felt like he was unwrapping a special gift just for him. He tossed the dress to the end of the bed. He rem
oved her shoes, leaving her in only her panties.

  The female did not wear the covering for her breasts that most Earth females wore. She did not need it. Her breasts were perfectly formed and pert. The areolas were a pale pink and the tiny tips were a slightly darker pink. At the moment her nipples stood erect from exposure to the air.

  Syd wanted more than anything to taste those delicate buds. But he could not do that. Kat would be furious if he took liberties without her knowledge. Besides, he wanted to taste her all over while listening to her moan from pleasure. He shifted her slightly to pull the covers to the bed down and then back up again to cover her completely.

  He should leave now, but he didn’t want to. He fought with himself. If he stayed, he would end up removing his own clothing and climbing into bed with her. There would be no way he could stop himself from holding her in his arms. Caressing her delicate skin. Everything male in him screamed that she was his and he should take her. He shook his head, trying to clear his wayward thoughts.

  He paced the room, glancing at her sleeping form occasionally. He had gone to Evening Meal alone that night. His thoughts were constantly of Kat. He wasn’t prepared when the other female, a brunette from Earth named Shanna, asked to sit with him. He agreed, hoping that maybe she could answer some questions for him about Earth females. Particularly one small, blond-haired one. He was livid when said female came into Evening Meal with another male. What in Kitana?

  He knew the female needed time to get over her feelings for Medic JadEN. She had just ended things and was in a vulnerable emotional state. But if she hadn’t ended it, he would have ended up fighting the other male for her. The moment JadEN had said that he planned to mate Kat, Syd knew without a doubt the female belonged to him. He had decided to give her time to deal with her feelings. He needed some time to deal with his own feelings as well. He never expected to feel so strongly. The moment he got close enough to scent her and touch her, his world turned upside down. Syd had been giving her that time so that she would be ready for his pursuit. Obviously, he had given her too much time and underestimated how deeply she felt for the other male. He went back to the bed and sat down again. Part of him wanted to shake the female until she woke up and then yell at her for being out with another male. The other part of him wanted to curl up next to her and mate her the moment she awoke. He chose something in between.


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