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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

Page 8

by KD Jones

  He would wait until the female was fully awake, shake some sense into her, and then make love to her until she agreed to be his mate. But first, she needed to sleep off the alcohol she had consumed. He kissed her gently on her lips and then left the room. He needed to make some plans. These plans included the seduction and mating of a feisty blond.

  Kat dreamed two dreams that seemed to blur together. It began with a sexy man taking her clothes off. Then it turned into a dream about her Grandma Morris.

  “Grandma Morris, how did you know that Grandpa Morris was the right man for you?” the little blond haired girl asked.

  The elderly lady with silver hair smiled down at her eight-year-old granddaughter. The light of her life. The reason she was still on this Earth. “He literally took my breath away and swept me off my feet.”

  “Mama says there is no such thing as happy ever after or true love.” The little girl looked like she was about to cry.

  “Some people don’t believe in it. They settle with what they call a ‘realistic’ love. But I know firsthand that it exists. You have to believe that the right one is out there for you.”

  “No way in Kitana!” SydEL yelled at his older brother Prime Commander KydEL.

  “I am afraid so, brother. Ren feels that Dr. Morris has proven herself worthy and capable. He has made the decision to bring her along on this mission,” Kyd answered with a smirk and a complete lack of remorseful.

  “That should be my decision as Prime Medic, not his,” Syd grumbled.

  What was he going to do? He had agreed to travel to Kiljor as part of a medical research team. His focus would be on studying the changes that the mutated virus had taken with the Kiljorn Nation and comparing it to what happened to the Katierans.

  The Kiljorns had once been a part of the Katieran Nation many years ago. Their nation split because of the 100-year war with the Morin Nation. When the Morins instigated viral warfare with a virus designed to exterminate the Katierans, many lives were lost. Then the virus mutated, causing other side effects, including the Katierans’ inability to reproduce with one another.

  There was great civil unrest amongst the Katierans on how to handle the mutation crisis. The unrest resulted in some Katierans choosing to relocate to another planet, Kiljor. They separated themselves completely and formed their own nation. There had been many disputes between the Katierans and Kiljorns since the split, even a few small battles.

  The Morins left believing that the Katieran Nation would eventually die out to the virus. Now, the Kiljorns and Katierans were coming together in an attempt to reconcile their differences, motivated by the impending return of the Morins. Separately, both nations stood to lose many lives. United, they stood a much better chance of defeating their common enemy.

  The proposed medical research exchange would help both nations. But the news that his brother, Prime Leader RendEL, wanted to bring Kat with them on the mission left him feeling irate. She was a female, his female, and should be protected at all times, not exposed to unknown dangers. And when was he going to find time to seduce and mate the prickly female? Kyd brought him out of his heavy thoughts.

  “I understand how you feel. Captain Malone will be going as well, against my wishes. That damn Kiljorn Commander requested that she come. He thinks to mate her. He can think again.” Kyd kicked the wall with his foot. Thankfully for the wall, it was made out of sturdy brick material.

  “Easy, that’s my wall you’re trying to kick down. Go kick your own wall.” Syd laughed as some of the tension left his body. He still wasn’t happy about Kat coming on this mission, but maybe putting some distance between her and Medic JadEN, well, her and every other eligible male on Katiera, would aid in his mating her. What a pair he and his brother made. It was going to be an interesting journey ahead.

  Chapter 9

  The shuttle taking them up to the Kiljorn Transport Ship was packed. Commander TylOR acted as pilot and Prime Leader KadEN was co-pilot. In the passenger area, an aisle divided up the seats into sets of two. On one side of the aisle was Prime Commander KydEL beside Miss Carreli, then Jaxon with Kat, and then behind them sat two other Medics that SydEL had handpicked for this mission. On the other side of the aisle, Syd sat with his cousin Prima AriELa. Behind him sat Security Liaison TarAK and Lieutenant SilAS.

  Kat hadn’t seen SilAS since their failed date. He gave her a silent nod but nothing more. Syd was watching her like a hawk. So awkward. She had thought several times that maybe she should have remained on Katiera. Then again, there was JadEN, who she was trying distance herself from. Things between them had not been left as she had hoped. She had gone to see him before they left Katiera.

  “I heard that you were going to Kiljor with the Research team,” he said.

  “Yes. I wanted to see you before I left.”

  “This expedition will give you and Prime Medic plenty of time alone together.” He sounded bitter.

  “That’s not why I am going. It’s a good experience for me.”

  “Do you deny that you are attracted to him?”

  Kat began to feel defensive. “I don’t have to explain my feelings to you or to anyone. I was honest with you from the beginning that I didn’t feel the same way towards you that you felt towards me. I wish it could have been different. I wish . . .”

  They stared at one another for a long time without saying anything. A single tear trailed down her face. Finally, he opened his arms and she went into them.

  “Be safe on your journey, Kat. I wish you much happiness,” JadEN whispered sadly against her ear.

  “I wish much happiness for you, too, JadEN.” She kissed him tenderly on the lips before she left. She could see the anguish in his eyes. That would haunt her for a long time.

  Syd watched Kat closely. He didn’t like that SilAS was on board. Did the male still want Kat? Was Kat still interested in the other male? He would have make to every effort to keep them apart somehow.

  He smiled at his sweet, beautiful cousin AriELa. She was traveling to Kiljor by invitation from Prime Leader KadEN. The Kiljorns hoped to have a Prime Mating between KadEN and AriELa to help join the two nations. Syd and his brothers were very protective of her, which was the main reason that his brother KydEL and Security Liaison TarAK were there, to provide extra security for AriELa.

  Syd kept watching Kat’s every move. He could hear her conversation as she spoke with Captain Malone. The female was excited about everything. He was so distracted looking Kat that he missed a question from his cousin.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t get that?”

  AriELa smiled at her cousin. It was obvious that he was attracted to Dr. Morris, Kat. She had to remember to call her Kat since she lived with her now. “I asked if there was anything particular that you were looking for.”

  “Umm . . .” He wasn’t sure how to answer that. He glanced back at Kat again. Everything. He was looking for everything with the female.

  AriELa giggled. “I meant, was there something specific you were going to look for on Kiljor.”

  He blushed at having been caught staring at Kat. “I want to get samples of plants, minerals, and DNA if they will allow it. We need a baseline to go by. I will be looking at similarities as well as differences. Once on Kiljor, I will meet with their lead medics for full disclosure,” Syd told her, his mind refocusing on the mission at hand.

  To Kat, the Kiljorn transport ship looked much like the Katieran ones. The inside was similar to that of a battle cruiser, except much larger. The group was shown to their sleeping quarters so they could get settled in. Kat was sharing sleeping quarters with Jaxon, with AriELa and Miss Carreli next door. Syd and his brother were staying two doors down, and TarAK and SilAS were across the corridor. The other two Katieran medics were given quarters on the other side of her. They were all going to Evening Meal together.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come along?” Kat asked Jaxon, hoping to change the other woman’s mind.

  “You go on. I’m just not fe
eling up to being around a lot of people. Would you mind bringing me something back to eat, though?” Jaxon asked.

  “Sure. No problem. I’ll see you later, then.” Kat left her room to find SydEL standing in the corridor waiting for her. Her heart started to beat faster and her body felt warm all over.

  “You look lovely this evening, Kat.” His voice rumbled sexily as he approached her.

  Kat looked down at herself. She had changed into her skinny jeans and a simple black tank top. She had dressed her outfit up by wearing her black fuck-me pumps, but it was nothing really special.

  “Thanks. You like nice, too.” Syd had changed into a blue military outfit. “I didn’t know you were part of the Katieran military.”

  “All males on Katiera train as warriors. I have served in the past and will do so again when necessary,” he explained as they joined AriELa and Lindsey, who just stepped out of their own sleeping quarters.

  She tried to not notice how utterly gorgeous Syd was in his fitted uniform. He wore his extremely long hair tied back and hanging down. It came down to the middle of his back. It was a beautiful dark brown and silky looking. Any woman would kill to have hair like his. Those dark, hypnotic eyes and his charming smile were directed at her the whole meal. She couldn’t help but feel aroused. She had to remind herself that this was not the time or place.

  She waited until SydEL was distracted by one of the other medics. She quickly finished her meal, grabbed something for Jaxon, and started heading back to her room. She needed to put some distance between them quickly, before she did something idiotic like jump across the table to get to him. Lindsey and AriELa had finished their meal and left for their room earlier. When she got to her quarters, she found Commander TylOR standing outside her door.

  “Commander?” she asked.

  “My apologies, Dr. Morris, but it appears that Captain Malone and Commander KydEL are . . . preoccupied and cannot be disturbed,” Commander TylOR told her.

  “Oh.” That was real intelligent. The man probably thought she was an idiot.

  “You are welcome to share my quarters,” the large Kiljorn offered.

  “That won’t be necessary. Dr. Morris will be staying with me,” SydEL’s angry voice growled from behind them. It made Kat jump slightly. She was going to put a bell around the man’s neck.

  “I could just stay with Prima AriELa and Miss Carreli.” She made an attempt to turn the other way, but was stopped by a large, warm hand on her arm.

  “They retired long ago. You would only disturb them.” Syd tried to hide his eagerness to be alone with the female. She was all he could think about. First, he needed to deal with the other male.

  The two men stood facing each other like they are about to fight over the matter. Kat was too tired for this macho shit. “Fine, I will stay with Prime Medic SydEL.” She handed the food she brought back for Jaxon to Commander TylOR and stomped off. Jaxon owed her big time for this.

  Chapter 10

  SydEL slid the door closed behind them after they entered his sleeping quarters. He was finally alone with the female he planned to mate with. He wanted her like no other female he had ever known. He stalked her, moving closer and closer. She backed away trying to evade him.

  “I have been waiting a long time for this.” He walked slowly towards her while unhooking and removing his shirt.

  For a moment, Kat was stunned into silence. She watched him take his clothes off, revealing the smooth golden skin beneath. Skin she wanted to touch and lick all over. She was falling under his spell and needed to snap out of it quick.

  “Whoa! Stop taking your clothes off.” Kat held up her hand to stop him from coming any closer.

  “I want you, Kat. I can tell from your scent that you want me, too.”

  Kat looked frantically for a way to escape. Did she really want to leave? She was turned on big time. If Syd touched her, she would give in to him without protest. She started to head for the door, but he grabbed her firmly and pulled her back against his hard, aroused, male body.

  “Say no. That’s all it takes.”

  “Syd,” she groaned with her arousal. She couldn’t say no. She didn’t want to say no. She rubbed herself against him, making him growl. She submitted to him.

  Kat heard material ripping. She looked down to find that he had ripped her tank top. It barely hung from her lower arms. She was grateful she had worn her small lacy blue bra and panty set, though she had had no idea that anyone else would be seeing it. She heard Syd’s breathing become heavier.

  “You are perfect,” he whispered against her neck as he gently cupped one of her lace-clad breasts.

  She tried to move his hand away, but he wouldn’t budge. All her struggling did was force her ass further into his crotch. She felt his arousal and her nipples instantly responded. How did he do this to her so quickly? Her mind said to find a way out, but her body wanted nothing more than to give in to him.

  “Let me go,” she whispered back to him. She hated to admit it, even to herself, but she secretly wished he wouldn’t let her go. That had been her dilemma in adulthood. She was a brilliant, independent woman, but deep down she wanted to be dominated by an equally brilliant, strong, independent man. Now here was the man that exemplified everything she had secretly longed for. What was she going to do about it?

  Syd stopped undoing the button and zipper of her jeans. He wanted nothing more than to rip the offending material from her beautiful body. But he needed her to want this as much as he did.

  “Why . . . why did you stop?” she whispered.

  “You asked me to let you go.”

  “I . . . I . . .”

  “What do you want Kat?”

  She paused before whispering, “You.”

  Syd kissed her gently while he continued to remove her jeans. His large rough fingers rubbed her seam through her thin panties. Kat moaned. “Oh . . . mmm . . .” Then he moved the fabric aside. He teased her clit. Kat started moving her lower half against him, seeking more of his touch.

  “Please, Syd.” Kat closed her eyes and gave in to her feelings. She was desperate for him to be inside of her. “Please . . .”

  He growled as he inserted a finger inside her tight feminine folds. She was so soft inside. Unlike anything he had ever felt before. How would it be once his shaft entered her? He moved in and out, twirling his finger. Then he added another finger, stretching her to accommodate him.

  He couldn’t wait any longer. He removed his fingers despite Kat’s moans of protest. He smiled with smug satisfaction. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her. He bent down, clasped her under her knees, and lifted her up into his arms. He carried her a few steps to the bed.

  He lowered her to the soft mattress and covered her body with his own to keep her from escaping. He stared into her strange alien eyes with the black pupils and lowered his lips to hers. He tasted her gently at first, rubbing his tongue over her satiny plump mouth. She gave a token resistance before opening for him. He didn’t waste any time at all. He plunged his tongue deep into her mouth like he planned to plunge into her feminine warmth. All reason left him as he took her mouth, claiming it for his own. Nothing mattered but the female in his arms. He had to have her. Make her his. Now.

  He pulled away from kissing her to finish removing his own clothes. It made him hard having her watch him with desire in her eyes. He couldn’t get naked fast enough. Finally he returned to her. She still had her bra and panties on. In his impatience, he ripped the small scraps of clothing from her body. By the Goddess, she was exquisite. Small, but perfectly formed.

  “Syd,” Kat moaned. She ached for him to be inside of her. Never had watching a man take his clothes off turned her on more. The man was sexy as hell. His golden body was trim and muscular. She reached behind his head to pull the tie loose from his hair, allowing the long dark strands to cascade all around them.

  “I cannot wait any longer. I will take you now.”

  “Yes.” She wrapped her legs around
his waist just as he slowly pushed the head of his large cock between her quivering nether lips. She was so tight, proof that it had been a while since she had last been with JadEN. He shook all thoughts of the other male from his mind. She was his now. He would not be foolish enough to let her go.

  He wanted to be gentle with her. Sweat beaded on his forehead with the effort of restraining himself. He rocked back and forth until her body’s resistance gave. He pushed until he was fully seated all the way inside of her. They both moaned from the pleasure of the fullness.

  Syd pulled his head back slightly so that he could watch her expressive face and beautiful eyes. He began moving in a gentle rhythm. In and out, in and out. Careful not to hurt her. He fought to keep his control.

  He was torturing her, Kat thought to herself. Moving too damn slow. “Faster!” She gripped his perfect ass and squeezed, trying to get him to move harder, deeper. “Please, Syd, I need you to move more.”

  Syd finally let go of his restraint. When it came to her, he was never really in control. He pumped into her at a much faster pace. Harder and harder. He twisted his hips at a different angle and knew he struck the right spot inside her when her muscles twitched and gripped his member tightly.

  “My mate, release for me,” he demanded breathlessly.

  “Yes! Yes!” Kat felt herself orgasm hard. She may have lost consciousness for a few seconds. She wasn’t really sure.


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