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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

Page 10

by KD Jones

  He abandoned the breast he had in his mouth and shifted to the other, neglected breast, giving it the same suckling treatment. His hands were busy rubbing and prodding her lower body into frenzy of need. He nibbled his way down to her navel. He swirled and tasted her. Her scent got stronger the further down he traveled. When he got to her feminine folds, he took a deep whiff of her arousal and growled. Mine.

  “I love it when you growl,” Kat moaned as she reached for his head. She undid his hair tie, letting his glorious hair fall over her thighs. He growled again. It really turned her on when he did that.

  “Please, Syd,” she begged for him to do something about the ache she felt deep inside.

  Syd wedged his big shoulders between her thighs, opening her wide for him. She had a tiny strip of blonde hair. He touched it and marveled at how soft it felt. He lowered to press his lips against her feminine folds. He licked the seam. Her juices were delicious. She had a spicy and sweet flavor. He plunged his tongue deep inside her.

  “Syd!” Kat was lost to the sensations he was causing with his hands and mouth. She was in heaven. She felt the tension building inside of her. She was so close. Just a little bit . . . more. Syd used his thumb and forefinger to message her clit. That was all she needed and she started coming in waves.

  Syd quickly slid up her body. He was already hard again. He didn’t wait, but he drove himself into her deeply while she was still in the throes of her release. He moved in and out, turning this way and that, hitting her in just the right spot. She started to orgasm again.

  “Oh, shit, yes!” Kat screamed.

  “Mate!” Syd yelled out as he released himself inside of her. He shifted them to their sides but did not pull himself out of her. He held her close to him as they both drifted off to sleep. She was his and he would continue to bring her pleasure until she acknowledged that they were mates.

  How fast thing could change in just a couple of hours. Syd was not happy as he stood outside of his brother Kyd’s sleeping quarters with Commander TylOR, SilAS, and two other Kiljorn lieutenants. This was not going to go well at all.

  “Have they attacked already?” Kyd asked as he answered the knock to his door.

  “We are here for Captain Malone,” TylOR said with regret in his voice.

  Kyd growled, “What for?”

  “Take it easy, Commander KydEL. We have a communications link with Prime Leader RendEL and the captain’s presence is needed,” Syd told his brother, hoping to calm him down.

  “What’s going on?” Jaxon asked.

  “Your presence is needed in the Operations Room immediately,” SilAS said to her coldly.

  “It’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s going to be okay,” she told Kyd.

  Syd felt horrible for his brother. They walked Kyd and Jaxon to the Kiljorn Operations Room. Prime Leader RendEL’s image was on the viewing screen. He addressed Captain Malone.

  Evidently Captain Malone had been sent to Katiera to collect intel on their weaponry and technology. A transmission sent to the EWG using Captain Malone’s personal intranet correspondence address had been intercepted. This transmission contained highly sensitive and classified information and was sent from a stolen digital tablet that was found in the female’s backpack.

  “But I didn’t send that last transmission,” Jaxon protested, voice cracking.

  “Captain, you are being scanned as we speak for transmission devices. Do you want to change your response?” RendEL’s voice rose.

  “I . . . I sent a few minor transmissions using my watch, but nothing that was classified.”

  “Why would you do this?” Kyd asked her with a hoarse voice.

  “I was sent by the EWG, to come here and collect intel. They felt that they were being kept in the dark about something and wanted to know what secrets you . . . the Katieran Nation held.

  “I did borrow the digital tablet from the Medic Wing and found the confidential information. But I did not send out a message from the tablet you found. In fact, I buried the digital tablet in the sand near the Waters of Katiera. Someone else had to put it in my backpack. Someone else had to have sent that message. I swear. I just couldn’t do it,” Jaxon pleaded.

  Kyd turned to leave.

  Syd felt sorry for KydEL. He was devastated by the female’s betrayal. She had come to mean everything to his brother. How was Kyd going to get through this? He followed Kyd back to his sleeping quarters.

  “Dr. Morris, enough!” Syd yelled at a very distressed Kat. She had found out what had happened with Jaxon and had come to defend her friend and explain her own part.

  “She wouldn’t do this. I have gotten to know her. Yes, she had me help her locate confidential information. But I don’t believe she would have sent it to the EWG.” Kat paced the sleeping quarters that SydEL and his brother were now sharing. Kat had been temporarily moved to separate sleeping quarters. Syd needed to help his brother right now. He looked at KydEL, who was sitting on his bed not saying anything. Syd stood next to his own bed, watching her like a hawk.

  “I would not say anything else about your part in this betrayal, Dr. Morris, if you want to remain on Katiera,” Syd warned her. It was a false threat. No way would he allow Kat to be sent away from him. A false threat, but effective.

  Kat turned pale. “Fine, but I want to talk to her.”

  “No,” Kyd finally spoke. “She is to be kept isolated from everyone until her trial on Katiera convenes.”

  “What will happen to her?” Kat asked him worriedly. How could this man act so uncaring? Were his feelings for Jaxon so fickle?

  “The Katieran High Council and Prime Leader RendEL will determine whether she is allowed to stay on Katiera or if she will be returned to Earth,” KydEL stated before he stood and headed to the bathroom.

  “Syd, please . . .” she begged.

  “It’s out of my hands,” he said flatly. Seeing that Syd was not going to help her, she stormed out.

  Syd worried about his brother’s emotional and mental state. Males did not handle separation from their females well at all. He suspected that they might be true bond mates. Damn, this was bad.

  Chapter 13

  Kat didn’t know where to go. She was so worried about Jaxon and hurt that Syd had ignored her plea to visit. She headed to the Medic Wing, a place that was familiar to her. She asked one of the Kiljorn Medics if she could observe their procedures. They were reluctant and suspicious because they had heard about what happened with Jaxon. She reassured them that she just wanted to watch, nothing more. They let her stay.

  At least Kat’s time away from SydEL was productive. She learned new techniques that the Katierans had not shown her. Once the Kiljorn medics realized she only wanted to learn, they warmed up to her, answering her questions and demonstrating things for her.

  She completely lost track of time. She must have been there a couple of hours. It was only after alarm signals went off that she realized she had not seen SydEL for a while. All the medics began to run around in a state of alarm. Lights were flashing green and yellow and there was a loud, repetitive beeping sound.

  “What’s going on?” she asked one of the medics.

  When he got off of his comm link, he answered, “The Morins have started their attack on the Katieran transport ship.”

  Her first thought was of Syd. Where was he? Would he have to fight? She wanted nothing more than to seek him out and make sure he was okay. But as a trained physician with experience in emergency situations, she had to put aside her personal worries and concentrate on the tasks at hand.

  “What can I do to help?”

  She set about helping the medics prepare triage kits to be used when casualties began to come in. They seemed to be very appreciative. The other two medics from Katiera soon arrived to help out, but there was no sign of Syd. Time seemed to drag. One of the Kiljorn Lead Medics took pity on her and told her that they were okay for now but would call for her when they needed her again.

  She headed straight to Sy
d’s sleeping quarters. She prayed to God that he was okay. She hadn’t left things with him on a good note. She had been frustrated and hurt. But none of that mattered right now. Only his safety.

  She didn’t find him there. Where would he be? She spotted a Kiljorn warrior in the corridor. “Excuse me, do you know where Prime Medic SydEL is?”

  The warrior looked frustrated that she had stopped him. “Most likely he is in the Operations Room.”

  “Which way is that?”

  The man actually huffed. He pointed to the opposite corridor. “That way, near the end,” and then he took off.

  Kat headed in the direction the man pointed. She got lost a couple of times wandering the corridors. Finally, she heard Commander TylOR yelling out orders to someone, so she followed the sound of his bellowing. The Operations Room was in total chaos. And in the middle of it all stood Syd, all by himself.

  She walked up to stand beside him. “What’s going on?”

  He glanced down briefly at her before he looked back up the viewing screen. The viewing screen was showing 3D images of the battle. “Kyd has taken out a team to keep the Morins at bay until help arrives from Katiera. Jaxon is following with another team to assist him, without permission. Both teams are currently engaged in battle.”

  Both Kyd and Jaxon were out there fighting. Shit. Syd looked worried. She didn’t ask him anything else. She simply took his hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. He squeezed back but didn’t let go. They stood there holding hands, watching the battle together. They both prayed for the safe return of everyone.

  The battle itself was happening so quickly. She had a hard time keeping up with everything. She felt the relief from Syd when the teams from Katiera finally arrived. The Morin warships began retreating back to the Morin transport ship. Was it over already?

  “Commander TylOR, the Katieran transport has been breached. Females are being taken by force,” one of the lieutenants reported.

  “Send every warship not actively engaged in battle to the transport now!” Commander TylOR ordered.

  Kat looked back at the viewing screen. Two warships were moving away from the battle. “Syd, are those two ships our guys?” she asked him.

  Syd had been speaking with one of the other medics and was turned away from the viewing screen. At Kat’s question, he looked back. Oh, Kitana. “That’s Kyd and Jaxon.” He turned to one of the lieutenants. “Get them on the comm link and find out where they are headed.”

  There were many issues with communications. The further away from the battle and the closer they came to the Luna, the more static interference there was. “Commander TylOR, we are unable to get a clear communications link with Prime Commander KydEL or with the female warrior. We have received a partial emergency call from the female.”

  The next thing Kat knew, she heard a rough static-filled version of Jaxon’s voice. “Kiljorn transport, this is Captain Malone. Prime Commander . . . ship’s been hit. Heading to . . . Luna . . .” and then the transmission just ended.

  “Commander TylOR, we need to go after them,” Syd demanded.

  “I am sorry, Prime Medic, we cannot send out a retrieval team until we have secured the battle area,” he replied, looked remorseful.

  Syd looked angry but nodded his head. Kat was glad she wasn’t in the Commander’s shoes. It must be tough to make those kinds of decisions. Syd left the operations room and Kat followed behind him. She didn’t say anything, just gave him space. He stopped by the docking bay, currently empty of warships.

  “They are both trained soldiers. I’m sure that they’ll be fine. Plus, they’re together,” she reassured him. She was surprised when he reached out and grabbed her, bringing her hard against his body. He bent down to kiss her. At first, it was a life-affirming kiss, giving in to their need to hold and comfort one another, but then it turned sexual. Kat had to fight to pull herself out of the intoxicating spell he put her in.

  “Syd, not here,” she whispered against his lips.

  He nodded his understanding. He led her over to a bench seat. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. They simply held each other while they waited for some news. Neither said a word.

  An hour later, one of the lieutenants came to relay a message. Commander TylOR had decided to wait till it was first light on the Luna. He felt it was too dangerous to attempt to travel to the Luna when it would be getting dark there soon. He promised to send for SydEL when it was time to deploy the retrieval team.

  Syd wasn’t happy about the delay, but it wasn’t his call. He felt helpless. He took Kat’s hand and walked her back to his sleeping quarters. She didn’t argue with him, which he was grateful for. Times like this put everything in perspective. There were things that Kat and he needed to work out, but for now, he just needed to hold his mate in his arms, skin to skin, heart to heart. Who knew what tomorrow would bring.

  The next morning SydEL made his way to the docking bay. He had hoped to leave before Kat woke up, but it hadn’t worked out that way.

  “Hold up, Syd, I’m coming too.”

  “No, you are not. You will remain here aboard the transport until I return.”

  “We have had this argument before. I will not remain behind, Syd.” She glared at him.

  “It’s too dangerous. I won’t allow it!” Syd yelled at Kat. The other medics tried to look away to give them privacy.

  “Well, I’m coming anyway. I have experience in emergent situations. I keep a cool head and I might be of some help. Deal with it.” Kat stood her ground. She had thought they had turned a corner in their relationship. Especially after last night. The tender way he made love to her had brought tears to her eyes. Now, he was being all ‘I’m the man, do what I say’ again. She really hated that.

  One of the Lead Kiljorn Medics stepped in. “Excuse me, Prime Medic. Doctor Morris was very helpful in preparing the triage kits that we needed for the injured during and after the battle. I will vouch for her abilities.”

  Syd actually looked like he wanted to kill the other male. He addressed Kat, “Fine, but you will have a warrior by your side at all times.”

  Kat nodded, knowing that she was being given this small concession. She may pay later for it, but she didn’t care. She had to be with him. What if they found Kyd or Jaxon seriously injured or even dead? She needed to be there to help Syd.

  They didn’t say a word to one another as they rode the shuttle down to the Luna. He was tense. Everyone’s emotions were running high. Nobody had a clue of what to expect. Especially Kat. What they found blew her mind. The two warships were sitting on top of one another. No sign of Kyd or Jaxon.

  “Did one of them land on top of the other?” Her confusion was clear.

  “Both Katierans and Kiljorns designed a way that two warships can connect and travel under the power of only one ship for situations where one warship was too badly damaged. Power is transferred to the top ship to fly and land both ships,” Commander TylOR answered.

  “I see tracks, Commander!” one of the lieutenants called out. They took the shuttle and flew as close to the mountains as they could get.

  SydEL would never forget the sight that met them, no matter how long he lived. Three Morins were dead on the ground and the female warrior Jaxon was in a fighting stance, holding a bloody dagger. Warriors jumped in front of him in case the female attacked.

  “Take it easy, Captain. It’s me, Commander TylOR.”

  “We need a medic now, Kyd’s been shot!” Jaxon went to the shrubs and moved through them.

  “Move out of my way!” Prime Medic SydEL yelled, pushing his way through the warriors trying to protect him. He bent down and moved the branches out of the way so he could see Kyd.

  “How long ago was he hit?” he asked Jaxon, who had Kyd’s head cradled in her lap.

  “Maybe twenty minutes. I tried to tie my shirt around him to slow down the blood flow, but it wouldn’t stop.” Jaxon’s adrenaline rush was catching up to her and she was headed for a crash. Her hands were shaki
ng and her face became pale.

  “Let’s get him out of here,” SydEL said. Both Jaxon and Syd lifted KydEL up enough to slide him out of the shrubbery.

  “Can’t you give him those nano things, a blood transfusion or something?” Jaxon was starting to panic.

  “The nanos can only repair internal damage and redirect the blood. They cannot replenish the blood he has already lost. He can still die from large amounts of blood loss. Unfortunately, we are not trained to perform anything as crude as a blood transfusion,” SydEL said with a worried look on his face.

  “Well, it’s a good thing that I have lots of experience with crude blood transfusions,” Kat exclaimed as she made her way over to where they were now placing Kyd.

  “The yellow stuff is blood,” Jaxon explained, realizing afterwards that it wasn’t necessary.

  “I know. Jaxon, go sit down before you fall down.” Kat watched her friend with concern.

  “Is our blood compatible with theirs? I’m AB negative. Could you transfuse my blood to Kyd?” Jaxon sat down on the ground close enough to keep her eyes on Kyd.

  “Yes, it is compatible. They have a universal blood type. But for this, I think we need Katieran blood. However, we can’t perform the transfusion here. We need to get him back on board the transport ship.”

  “Can you really do the transfusion?” Syd asked.

  Kat reminded herself not to take his question as an insult. He was worried about his brother. “I have performed many transfusions over the years. Okay?”

  The transfusion took almost two hours. The transport ship didn’t have everything Kat needed, so they had to make do whatever they could find. When Kat finally came out into the waiting area in the Medic Wing, she was weary. She smiled at Jaxon and gave her two thumbs up. Jaxon threw herself at Kat, wrapping her arms around the other woman.


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