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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

Page 11

by KD Jones

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  “I will still need to monitor him for the next twenty-four hours. We have implanted nanos to help with the internal damage. There should be improvement within the next few hours, but it may be days before he is a hundred percent. I suggest that you go back to your quarters, change, and get some rest. We’ll update you on his status,” Kat assured her before heading back into the treatment room.

  Chapter 14

  Kat visited Jaxon a couple of times to update her on Kyd’s condition. Jaxon was still under house arrest. Prime Commander KydEL refused to see her while he was recovering. Men could be so frustrating sometimes. Syd was on the top of the list of frustrating men. He stuck by his brother’s side. Kat had to attend the service for all those fallen in battle all alone.

  Commander TylOR spoke to the crowd. “We are here today to say farewell to our fellow warriors who gave their lives. They go to a place much better, the Goddess KatieRI’s blessed sanctuary. It is there that we will see them again.”

  Another casualty of the battle, the Morins had breached the Katieran transport ship and kidnapped some of the women from Earth. The Kiljorns and Katierans agreed to combine their efforts to try and locate the missing women. The enemy transport ship’s energy trail dropped off and it was hard to determine whether they entered a wormhole or not. Scouting ships were to be posted at the surrounding wormholes in hopes of reclaiming the women.

  Prime Leader RendEL and the Katieran High Council decided to disclose specific information to the EWG about the Morins and how much of a threat they posed to Earth. Prime Commander KydEL and Commander TylOR were working on plans to send a team to Earth to train the human military. More security measures were being taken for the next transport ships to be sent out, but for now, all transports to and from Earth would be put on hold.

  With all the disastrous things that had happened, it was wonderful to find that something beautiful arose out of it all. Kat watched from the crowd gathered in the docking bay as Jaxon stood with Prime Commander KydEL, and they exchanged their mating ceremony words. It brought tears to Kat’s eyes to see their obvious love. When the words and name changing was done, KydEL picked Jaxon up and carried her out.

  Their departure did not end the festivities. On the contrary, everyone else remained behind. After experiencing a battle like they had, everyone needed something to celebrate. There were refreshments, music, and even dancing, all in the docking bay.

  “Would you care to dance, Dr. Morris?” Commander TylOR asked Kat.

  “I would love to dance, Commander.” She smiled at the large, bald-headed man shyly. He was an extraordinary specimen of man. Big muscles, tight six-pack. His bare head was sexy as hell.

  “I will be dancing with Dr. Morris,” Prime Medic SydEL said possessively from behind them.

  “Perhaps I may have the next one,” TylOR said, nodding at the Prime Medic before walking off.

  “You can keep waiting, this one is mine,” Syd whispered as he took Kat into his arms.

  Kat rolled her eyes at the display of male egos, but she didn’t protest dancing with Syd. Her heartbeat sped up as it often did whenever she was close to him. His hands boldly roamed down her back and cupped her backside. He gave it a squeeze.

  Kat did protest then. “Syd!”

  Syd gave her a devilish smile that turned her on even more. He leaned forward and smelled her arousal. Oh, yes. She was nearly ready. He needed to get them somewhere more private and get her naked.

  “Come.” It wasn’t a request. He placed his hand on her lower back and directed her out of the docking bay. They didn’t say anything else until they reached Syd’s sleeping quarters.

  The moment the door was shut, Syd spun Kat around pressing her back against the door. He took her mouth with all the repressed passion he had been holding back. He needed inside his female badly. Her scent was stronger, more intoxicating for some reason.

  He tore Kat’s dress all the way down. She was grateful she had on her pretty pink bra and panties. Oops. Well, there went her pretty bra and panties. It aroused her even more that he wanted her this much.

  “Syd,” she moaned.

  She was desperate for him. Kat unhooked his shirt and pushed it off of his shoulders. When she reached to unhook his pants, he growled at her. She could feel herself get even wetter from the sound.

  “I love it when you growl.”

  He had to have her. He lifted her into his arms. He pressed her back into the door. Kat wrapped her legs around his waist. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  “Kat, I need inside you now.”

  “Yes, please.”

  He quickly surged upward until he filled her completely. They both moaned from the pleasure. Her inner muscles squeezed him. He pulled out of her slowly and then plunged back into her, harder and deeper.

  Kat rode him, moving her hips up and down. She used her legs around his hips to give her the leverage she needed. Her hands on his shoulders helped her keep her balance as she tried to quicken the pace.

  “Faster!” she demanded.

  Syd let go of the little remaining control that he had. He took her mouth as he leaned into her, pushing her further against the door. He ground himself into her over and over. She felt so good. Warm and tight. His in every way.

  “Yes, Syd! Oh, yes!” Kat came hard, her inner walls clamping down on him.

  “Mate!” he yelled out as his warm seed poured into her, her body soaking up everything he had to offer her.

  They stayed pressed against the door for a few seconds trying to catch their breath. “That was . . . incredible,” Kat whispered with a hoarse voice. She wiggled her back against the door. It was starting to get uncomfortable.

  “Wait, don’t . . . move!”

  The door slid open and they both fell out onto the floor of the corridor. He was still inside of her, still hard. They glanced around but the corridor was thankfully empty. He looked down at Kat to make sure that she was unhurt and found her barely containing her laughter. She gave up the effort.

  “This is funny to you?” he asked without heat to his voice. Her laughter had a musical quality to it. Very pleasant.

  Kat tried to stop laughing only to begin again even harder. Syd joined her. His rumbling laughter caused his shaft to twitch inside of her, hitting her in the right spot, deep inside. He took advantage by rotating his hips, hitting the sensitive spot over and over.

  Kat’s laughter died as she moaned from the pleasure. “That feels so good. You’re still hard?”

  “We Katierans have a fast recovery rate,” he said as he moved inside her, hitting the spot again.

  They heard footsteps coming down the corridor. “Shit,” Kat said as she pushed Syd to move. He pulled himself to his feet and quickly helped her up and back inside the room. They smiled at each other as they made their way to the bed. “A few more seconds and we would have been giving someone quite a show.”

  Chapter 15

  “No!” Kat refused.

  “Kat, I want you to remain where I know you will be protected. The safest place for you is back on Katiera. Please see reason,” Syd pleaded with her.

  “I am on this expedition to help research the issues caused by the mutated virus. I will not turn tail and run when things get a little sticky.” Kat crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly.

  “A little sticky? We had a full-on battle and many lives were lost. I won’t lose you that way!” Syd yelled back at her.

  “I go where you go, Syd. Plain and simple. You want to mate me? Then you better keep me with you. You send me back to Katiera, you are sending me back to JadEN.” Uh oh. She knew she had gone too far, throwing JadEN in his face. Syd turned beet red. He didn’t say anything else as he stormed out of their sleeping quarters.

  “Crap.” That did not go well at all. She thought they had had a breakthrough concerning her duties with the medical team. But after the Morins attacked the Katieran transport ship, Syd became even mo
re overbearing and overprotective. She lost much of the progress she had made.

  They were currently onboard the Kiljorn transport escorting the Katieran transport with the remaining women from Earth on to Katiera. Once done, Syd’s medical team would be traveling back to Kiljor to continue their research. Syd had some samples that he wanted to follow up on.

  When he told her that he wanted her to remain on Katiera while he and the other medics traveled back to Kiljor, all hell broke loose. She was right to be mad. But using JadEN was the wrong thing to do. Every time she spoke the other man’s name, Syd would tense up. She would feel the same if Syd had had a romantic fling right before he met her. She just hoped he would give her a chance to apologize.

  It took them about four hours to finally reach Katiera. Syd didn’t returned to their sleeping quarters, keeping himself busy in the Medic Wing. She gave him some space. Her heart hurt. Everything in her yelled for her to go after him and make him understand. She would never go back to JadEN. He had been a fling. They had both been lonely. He was kind and gentle, good-looking. He was the first friend she had made since leaving Earth. But he wasn’t the man that stirred her soul. He wasn’t the man that owned her heart. Syd was. He was her mate. She just hadn’t had a chance to acknowledge that to herself or to him.

  She spent the time alone in the sleeping quarters looking over her digital tablet. With the Prime Leader’s approval, Syd had downloaded all the medical research files that they had collected through the years on the mutated virus. She needed to get caught up so that she was at the same level as the other medics. She wanted to prove to Syd that she could be helpful.

  . . . Testing on Viral Agent 1023 demonstrates that it will be possible to introduce a new gene pool with success. Hopefully, this will be the answer to the problem.

  Mutated Viral Agents 1023 and 1024 were not capable of being manipulated. 1024 had some unexpected side effects.

  Viral Agent 1023 and 1024 side effects: In some patients, isolated viruses would evoke no inflammatory responses, the body apparently made no attempt to eliminate them, and they were unresponsive to the nanotechnology. Some obvious effects were those on the reproductive system, chronic fatigue syndrome, and differing effects on the nervous system. The viruses affected animal and plant life as well.

  Over the last thirty years, most of the minor side effect mutations have become stagnant. The major problem with the reproductive system remains. Also, some of the extreme side effects remain in the Katierans and Kiljorns sent to the Colony.

  Thus far all attempts to create a successful vaccine for either virus strand have failed. The colonists have refused all attempts to study them or to initiate trial vaccines.

  Extreme side effects? Kat wondered what those were. She hit the search feature on the digital tablet and typed it in the query.

  Some of the patients experienced dangerous side effects such as: extreme uncontrollable aggression due to high levels of testosterone, irritability, aggressiveness, depression leading to suicide, mood swings, increases to the senses threefold (i.e. created overly sensitive eyesight and the inability to tolerate certain smells, baldness for males and females, effects in their psyche).

  Holy shit! She could understand separating the more extreme casualties from the rest of the populace while they worked on finding a vaccine, but according to these records, the casualties were sent to an actual colony on another planet. The treatment of the colonists had been cause for many disagreements. The colonists refused any help over the years from the Katierans.

  It would really help them with their research if they could get samples from the Colony. She would have to mention this to Syd, when he started talking to her again. Man, she had really fucked up. Maybe she would finally have her chance to apologize to him after their dinner with his family. She and Syd were expected to attend a private family gathering that Cassie and Ren were hosting in celebration of Jaxon and Prime Commander KydEL’s mating. The only one that wouldn’t be there was AriELa who was still on Kiljor with Security Liaison TarAK and Lindsey Carreli.

  She thought it would be nice to spend some time on Katiera again. She planned to soak up as much sunlight as possible. The transport ship was great, but it wasn’t home to her. Well, home was anywhere that Syd was. Unfortunately, he wasn’t there at that moment.

  Syd sent a lieutenant to come and get her when it was time to head to the shuttle. Syd was sitting with his brother Kyd. There was no time to say anything to him. She sat down beside Jaxon.

  “Hey Jaxon. How’s mated life treating you?” she asked.

  Jaxon turned to give her a dreamy look without saying a word.

  “That good, huh?” Kat smiled at her wistfully.

  She wished her and Syd were in the same place. She didn’t know where she stood with him. Were they still together? Did they break up? He said she was his mate, and that was supposed to be for life. Right? She looked away from Jaxon to get her emotions under control. She was nearly in tears.

  Once they reached Katiera, Kat and Jaxon went back to their suite together. Jaxon had to pack up her stuff so that she could move into KydEL’s suite. This was going to leave only Kat and AriELa in the suite now. She was really going to miss Jaxon.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Jaxon asked her from Kat’s bedroom doorway.

  It startled Kat from her heavy thoughts. “What?”

  Jaxon walked in and sat down on Kat’s bed. “What’s going on between you and SydEL?”

  “It’s nothing . . . just . . . I really messed things up.” Kat slumped onto the bed beside Jaxon.

  “Tell me about it. Maybe I can help,” Jaxon prompted her.

  “We had a fight.”

  “That much I kind of figured out for myself. What was it about?”

  “He didn’t want me to go back with his team to Kiljor.” Kat paused before she added the worst part. “He was being so stubborn, it made me really angry. I lost my temper and . . . I told him that if he sent me back to Katiera, he was sending me back in the arms of JadEN.”

  Jaxon didn’t say anything for a while. She responded quietly, “I didn’t know about you and JadEN.”

  “It was a fleeting thing. It happened when we were on the Katieran transport ship coming here to Katiera. The affair ended before we reached Katiera. He asked to mate me but I refused. We haven’t been together since,” Kat explained.

  “Kyd says that SydEL mated you?” Jaxon stated it more like a question.

  Kat sighed, “He came inside me and called me his mate. I denied it at first because he didn’t ask me. He made the decision for me.”

  “And now? Do you want to be mated to him now?”

  “More than anything,” Kat choked out, trying not to cry.

  Jaxon patted her back comfortingly. “Well, there seems to be only one thing to do.”

  Kat sniffled. “I’m not drinking any more tequila.”

  Jaxon laughed. “Not what I had in mind.”

  “What, then?”

  “Make him so horny that he forgets what you were fighting about.”

  The next hour and half Jaxon helped Kat primp and dress in the sexiest outfit they could find. Jaxon threw on her own sexy ensemble, saying that she wanted to keep the spice alive in her mating. They walked together to Prima SandELa’s suite, where the men would be waiting for them.

  Syd was miserable. His mate had threatened to leave him for another male. A male she had a previous sexual relationship with. A male that wanted to mate her for himself. He had lost his temper and now he didn’t know how to make amends with her. He tried to talk to his brothers about his problems.

  “How do you feel about her?” Ren asked.

  “She is all I can think about. She is everything I want in life. If I lost her . . . I would be worth nothing,” Syd said miserably.

  “Sounds like you found your bond mate.” Kyd informed him. Ren nodded in agreement.

  His bond mate? The one person sent by the Gods that he was meant to mate with? “How
do I make her accept me?” he asked his brothers.

  “You do whatever it takes. Give in to her requests, at first. Bring her flowers every day. Massage her feet,” Ren suggested to Syd.

  Kyd laughed, “Next you will tell him to paint her nails with the Earth female’s nail paint and braid each other’s hair.”

  “What would you do?” Ren challenged.

  Kyd smirked, “Easy, throw her over your shoulder, take her to your bed, and don’t let her leave until she agrees to fully mate you.”

  Syd was more confused after talking with his brothers than he had been before. He decided to ignore both his brothers’ advice and find his own way. He just didn’t know what that was yet. He prayed to the Goddess KatieRI to help him.

  When Kat and Jaxon arrived at Prima SandELa’s suite, the door was open. Kat let Jaxon walk ahead of her. She was still worried about her outfit. She watched as Jaxon was swept up in the arms of her mate KydEL. He kissed her passionately, causing others to cough to get them to break it up.

  When they moved out of the way, she could see the rest of the room. Everyone was standing up. SandELa stood beside her son RendEL, who held his daughter GabrIEla in his arms. Cassie was holding their other daughter, IsabELa, and standing to the left of the room was Syd.

  Syd’s breath caught as he stared at his mate. He was immediately hard. Kat wore a tight red dress that wrapped around her body with no straps, leaving her arms and shoulders bare. Her short golden hair was smoothed back against her head, emphasizing her face and golden brown eyes. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

  Kat and Syd would have stood there the whole night staring at one another. Thank goodness SandELa broke the uncomfortable silence. “Dr. Morris, I am pleased that you could come this evening.”

  Kat turned her head to address Syd’s mother, breaking the deep stare. “Please, call me Kat. It is my honor to have been invited, thank you.”

  “Please come in and take a seat. The Evening Meal is ready.” SandELa ushered Kat to a chair at the large dining table. Everyone took a seat. Syd sat across the table from her. She could feel him looking at her.


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