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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

Page 12

by KD Jones

  She tried her best not to look at him. She even said a silent mantra. Don’t look up . . . don’t look up . . . don’t. Too late; she couldn’t resist taking a peak. He was watching her like a hawk with those dark eyes and gold shining pupils. Hypnotic eyes.

  “You look incredible, Kat.” Syd’s voice was a deep rumble.

  “Thank you, so do you.” He wore a dark blue military uniform and had his gorgeous dark hair pulled back with a tie. She wanted to let his hair down and run her hands through it. She loved his hair.

  Kat looked back down at her plate and started shoveling food into her mouth. She didn’t know what else to say. The others talked around her. She needed something to keep her attention off of SydEL. The babies started crying, giving her the distraction she sorely needed. She turned to Cassie, who was sitting to her left, struggling to calm IsabELa and feed herself at the same time.

  “I could hold her while you eat,” Kat offered.

  Cassie sighed with relief. “Thanks, Kat. Ren has got his hands full with GabriELa.” She handed the little blond-haired baby to Kat.

  “Hi, sweetie! You have gotten so big,” Kat cooed at the baby, who stopped crying to eye the new person holding her.

  “She loves you,” Cassie exclaimed with a mouth full of food.

  Kat smiled at the pretty little girl. She looked up and froze at the look that Syd had on his face. She saw a longing there she had never seen before. Was he thinking the same thing she was? Wondering what it would be like to have their own child? She gulped.

  Syd couldn’t stop himself from staring. Kat with a young in her arms totally undid him. He wanted that. A family, with Kat. His mate and his young.

  “Isn’t it fantastic?” Cassie asked.

  She turned back to look at the other woman. “Isn’t what fantastic?”

  “The pregnant couples. Ren wants us to try to get pregnant but I told him we needed to have a little time to adjust to the family we already have.” Cassie gave her mate a huge smile, “But maybe soon.”

  “I’m sorry. What pregnant couples?” Kat felt completely out of the loop.

  “Some of the other mated couples are expecting babies. Didn’t Syd tell you about it?” Cassie looked questioningly at Syd.

  Kat handed IsabELa back to her mother. She turned her full attention to an ashen-faced Syd. “You didn’t say anything about this to me.”

  “I just found out,” He squirmed in his seat.

  “JadEN told you about it while you were still on board the Kiljorn transport,” Kyd said, busting his brother. “Ouch! Why in Kitana did you kick me under the table?” he accused Jaxon.

  “Keep out of it,” Jaxon growled at him.

  Kat was hurt and angry. How could he keep something so important from her? She didn’t look at Syd as she stood. “Please excuse me, Prima, everyone. I’m suddenly not feeling well.”

  SandELa stood, too, a worried look on her face. “Of course dear. Please come and visit me anytime. With AriELa gone, I find myself very lonely.” She kissed Kat goodbye on her cheek.

  Kat walked down the hallway at a fast pace. She had to get away. She didn’t want to break into tears in front of everyone. She knew if she had stayed there any longer, she would have. She needed to go somewhere that would be a good distraction. Not back to the empty suite. Instead, she got into the lift and headed to the only place that gave her solace.

  Chapter 16

  “Kat?” JadEN asked as he looked up to find the female he loved standing in the doorway of the Medic Wing. She was a vision in the tight red dress. He gave her a warm welcoming smile.

  “I heard that you were back.”

  She gave him a small smile. “JadEN, it is good to see you again. How are you doing?” She walked further into the room.

  “Very well. We have very exciting news.” He looked like he could barely contain himself.

  “I’ve just heard. Tell me about the pregnancies.” She sat in a chair across from him.

  “There are two couples so far, all mated mixed pairs. Earth women and Katieran men. One female is three weeks pregnant and the other is two weeks. They are going to come in weekly for checkups until time for the births.” JadEN handed Kat his digital tablet with the medical records of the breeding females.

  Kat scanned the information about both women. It was amazing that Katieran technology could detect the pregnancies so early. “Looks like they are both healthy, viable pregnancies,” she said, handing the digital tablet back to him.

  Something wasn’t right. Kat was always excited about anything he showed her. She looked so sad. “Is something wrong?”

  Kat didn’t look at JadEN. She was barely holding it together. “Fine.”

  “I can smell your pain, Kat. I am your friend, always. Please tell me what the problem is.” He went down to his knees in front of her and took her hands in his.

  The invisible dam holding Kat’s tears back finally burst. She started crying uncontrollably. It was messy and wet. She even hiccupped. She found herself enfolded in two big strong arms.

  “I . . . Syd . . . and I . . .”

  “You mated?”

  Kat nodded. “We grew closer and our attraction towards one another . . . one thing led to another and he mated me without asking first. I was pissed off about it at the beginning. But then I wanted to be mated to him. Our biggest problem is that he keeps trying to prevent me from doing my job by being overprotective and by keeping things, important things, from me. We had a fight . . . it’s just a mess.”

  “You have love for him?”

  Kat nodded as she sniffled, “I love him more than anything. I just don’t know how to fix things.”

  JadEN took her into his arms again and patted her back. “You will work it out, give it time.”

  “Get your hands off of my mate!” Syd yelled from the doorway.

  Oh shit! Kat quickly pulled away from JadEN. “Syd?”

  No sooner had JadEN stood up than he was unceremoniously knocked to the floor by Syd’s punch. “You do not touch her again!”

  “What are you doing?” Kat tried to go to JadEN to help him up. Syd grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him.

  JadEN stood back up and rubbed his sore jaw. “If you have a problem with me, fine, but do not take it out on Kat. She has done nothing wrong.”

  “She is not your concern anymore. We have mated,” Syd told him angrily.

  “She told me.” JadEN tried to look around the Prime Medic to see if Kat was okay.

  “Leave us, Kat,” Syd ordered.

  “Nothing happened, Syd. I was upset and JadEN comforted me.”

  “I bet he did. If you still plan to come with me back to the Kiljorn transport ship, then you need to get repacked and rest up.” He felt guilty for using the research expedition as an excuse to get her to leave, but wanted to separate her from the other male.

  “You’re going to let me go?” Kat asked with a shaky voice.

  Syd didn’t look at her. He nodded his head. “We leave at first light. You need to go and rest. I’ll come and get you in a few hours.”

  Kat looked warily at both men. “Is this just a ploy to get me to leave? Or is this for real?”

  Syd turned to look at Kat and saw her concern. “It is for real. There are things that Medic JadEN and I need to discuss. I will come for you.” He would make a point to never let her out of his sight again.

  Kat turned to JadEN. “You will be okay if I leave? No more fighting?”

  JadEN smiled gently at Kat. “I believe the Prime Medic and I will behave ourselves.”

  Kat gave Syd a pleading look before she left the two men in the Medic Wing. She prayed they had gotten the fighting out of their systems. She never would have imagined that Syd could be violent. It scared her.

  Both men were silent until Kat left. Syd glared at the male that would dare touch his mate. “She is mine. My mate. You will keep your distance and never touch her again.”

  “Calm down, Prime Medic. I know you mated her. She
was simply upset and came to the Medic Wing because it was a place that would take her mind off things. Being a medic is who she is.”

  “You do not need to tell me who she is. I know who she is!” Syd took a step forward. He was losing his control.

  JadEN didn’t back down. “Then you know that keeping her from what she loves will only alienate you from her.”

  Syd took a deep whiff of the air but did not smell any arousal from either JadEN or Kat. But it still hurt that she would turn to JadEN for anything. First she threw JadEN in his face during their argument when they were on the Kiljorn transport, and then she ran directly to the Medic Wing when she found out that Syd had kept things from her. He would never forget the rage he felt when he first walked into the room and found Kat in JadEN’s arms.

  “She told me that you mated her without asking.” JadEN made it a statement, not a question.

  “When it comes to her, I have no control,” Syd admitted, sitting down and putting his face in both his hands.

  “She also said that she has love for you and was upset that you would not be able to work out your differences,” JadEN said grudgingly.

  Syd stared into the other male’s eyes, searching for the truth. “She loves me?”

  “Deeply, from what I could see.” JadEN sat down in his own seat.

  “We are bond mates. I become controlling and demanding. I find myself obsessed with her safety. I kept things from her and I have interfered with her role as a medic. I have made mistakes, maybe too many mistakes. What if she doesn’t forgive me?” Syd looked vulnerable.

  “She will. You must ask for her forgiveness. Give her a gift, something special. Allow her to be the medic that she trained to be. If all else fails, keep her in your bed until she forgives you,” JadEN suggested.

  Syd laughed, “Have you been speaking with my brothers? They both said almost the same thing.”

  JadEN smiled, “No, my father told me that’s what he used to do with my mother whenever they argued. Except for the medic part.”

  “How’s your chin?”

  “Probably about the same as your hand.”

  Chapter 17

  SydEL let himself into Kat’s suite. The place was in complete darkness. His eyes glowed as his vision adapted. It was so quiet. Was she here? He sniffed and felt relief that he scented her. The bedroom door was open. He looked to the bed and saw her sleeping form. He walked to the side of the bed and stared down at his female.

  She looked like a sleeping Goddess. He longed to stretch out next to her and take her in his arms. He didn’t want to scare her or possibly push her further away from him. He had a lot to make up for. Instead, he moved a chair over to the side of the bed and sat down. He knew he should get some sleep, but what he needed at that moment was to just watch her, his mate.

  Kat woke with a start. She felt someone was in the room with her. It was so dark, she couldn’t see. She reached over for the light control on the night stand. When she turned it on, she found that Syd was sleeping in a chair beside her bed. It was the last thing she expected. His head hung down so his chin was touching his chest. How long had he been here? His neck must be uncomfortable at that angle.

  “Syd?” Kat whispered.

  Syd sprung up quickly. He must have fallen asleep. Once he became oriented, he gave her a lopsided smile. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Kat reached up and tried to smooth down her bed head. “Were you here all night?” She checked to see if she had any drool on her face.

  “I came over to apologize for my behavior. You didn’t answer my knock so I let myself in. You were sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake you. But I also did not want to leave you.” He reached back to undo his hair tie. He used his fingers to comb through the tangles.

  Kat watched him run his fingers through his hair and longed to do that herself. He had such soft hair. She wanted to run her fingers all over his body. She had to think of something else and quick before he smelled her arousal.

  “Did you fight again with JadEN after I left?”

  “No, we talked.” It bugged him that she would worry over another male.

  “I’ve never seen you act that way. So . . . violent,” she shivered.

  He moved to sit beside her. He slowly reached out to cup her cheek gently. He was grateful she didn’t cringe from his touch. “When a male feels that another male is trying to take his mate, that male goes into a protective mode. Very aggressive behavior. I did not mean to scare you.”

  She leaned her face further against his warm hand. “He wasn’t trying to take me from you. He was comforting me because I was upset. That’s all.”

  “I know. But it doesn’t change how I felt seeing you in his arms. You had threatened to return to JadEN when we fought on the Kiljorn transport.” He dropped his hand to his side but did not move off the bed.

  Tears rolled down her face. “I didn’t mean it. I was angry. I would never leave you for anyone else. We are . . . mates.”

  Syd felt immense relief at the words she spoke. But he needed to repair the damage he helped create in their relationship. “You didn’t choose to be my mate. You deserve that choice. So I now have two missions to complete while we are away. One is to lead the medic research team. But the second and most important is to win you over so that you will want to be my mate.”

  “Syd,” she whispered in a voice full of emotion.

  He leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. It ended too swiftly. He stood up and started walking to the door.

  Confused and aroused, Kat sat up onto her knees. “Where are you going?”

  Syd turned his head to look back at her with a devious smile on his face. “I have to go pack. The shuttle heading up to the transport leaves in one hour. I’ll see you on landing field five.” He walked out of her room.

  What the hell? How could he just leave? She checked the time and quickly got out of bed. She would have to rush to take a shower and pack. She wasn’t sure how long they would be gone this time. She debated whether she should run by the Meal Room to grab something to eat. She wasn’t that hungry. She felt more anxious than anything.

  Syd was waiting for her outside of the shuttle. He directed a lieutenant to take her bags. Her breath caught when their eyes met.

  “Hi,” he greeted her.

  She smiled at him shyly. “Prime Medic, it’s a lovely morning.”

  They entered the shuttle and sat down together. It was just the two of them and the pilot. She looked at Syd questioningly.

  “Everyone else is already on board the transport ship. I thought this would give us a little time together so that I can bring you up to speed on the breeding females.”

  Kat looked down at the digital tablet he handed her. It was already displaying the medical records for the pregnant women from Earth. She glanced back up at Syd.

  “Let me know if you have any questions.”

  “Thank you.”

  She gave him the biggest smile. It lit up her whole face and made her even more beautiful. She turned her attention to the digital tablet. She only had about twenty minutes before they reached the transport ship.

  “Do the Colonists have the same issues with breeding?” Kat asked.

  “We do not know. The leaders of the Colony have refused to allow any medic teams to visit their planet. We could speak with Commander TylOR. He might know more.”

  “Why Commander TylOR? He’s not a medic.”

  “His father was a colonist before his death. He went to the Colony to avoid the prejudice that arose from fear of some of the extreme side effects. His mother chose to remain on Kiljor when she was breeding.”

  “Oh, so his baldness? He doesn’t shave his head, does he?”

  “His father’s line suffered from one of the more rare side effects of the viral mutation, no facial or body hair.”

  The shuttle landed on the transport ship and they waited a few minutes for the air to pressurize. She gave Syd his digital tablet back. Her hand brush
ed his and they both felt the instant sizzle of heat between them.

  “I was going to say that we should schedule an immediate meeting with the team to go over the plans. But I cannot seem to concentrate on anything else but being alone with you.” His voice rumbled with desire.

  Kat blushed and looked quickly over at the pilot. He was trying to pretend that he had not heard. “Syd,” she whispered.

  He didn’t say anything else. He took her hand in his and led her out of the shuttle. A lieutenant was waiting to show them to their sleeping quarters. The moment they were completely alone in their own room, Syd took her in his arms and kissed her with all the love he felt inside.

  They tore each other’s clothes off. They both needed to be skin to skin, heart to heart. Their lips, tongues, and hands all incited more delicious desires. Completely naked, Syd lifted Kat easily. She wrapped her legs around his waist. One quick swift move and he buried himself within her sweet body.

  “Yes!” Kat started moving her hips and riding him. He growled. Slowly, he walked them to the bed.

  With each step, his shaft moved deeper inside of her. He placed one hand and one knee on the bed. His other hand held her body against his, keeping them connected. He ground his hips, moving in and out of her. The pace picked up and they both moaned with pleasure. They reached their release together, holding each other.

  “Mate,” he growled.

  “Yes, your mate,” she whispered back.

  Chapter 18

  “So your mother was pregnant with you and stayed on Kiljor, even knowing that there was a chance that you may carry the mutated side effects?” Kat asked Commander TylOR.

  Syd had held good to his word about including her more in the research. He even arranged a private dinner in the Commander’s suite to question him about the Colony. Commander TylOR was reluctant to speak of himself or his circumstances at first.

  “Yes. The medics could not tell her while she was still breeding either way. She took the chance and kept me on Kiljor.” He sounded a bit bitter.


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