Tudors Versus Stewarts
Page 56
attempted invasion of England (1495)
capture of and execution
reinventing of himself as Richard, Duke of York
support of by James IV
support of by Margaret of Burgundy and Maximilian
Wars of the Congregation
Wars of Religion
Wars of the Roses
Warwick, Edward, Earl of (son of Duke of Clarence)
Westminster, Treaty of
Westmorland, Earl of
Wharton, Sir Thomas
Wingfield, Sir Richard
Wishart, George
Wolsey, Thomas
Woodville, Elizabeth
York, Archbishop of (Thomas Savage)
Young, John
TUDORS VERSUS STEWARTS. Copyright © 2013 by Linda Porter. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
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First published in Great Britain under the title Crown of Thistles by Macmillan, an imprint of Pan Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited
First U.S. Edition: July 2014
eISBN 9781466842724
First eBook edition: May 2014
* The Scottish pound was worth about one third of the English pound
* The site is well worth visiting, though the steep climb up to the top of Branxton Ridge might challenge the unfit, especially if it is rainy.